415 research outputs found

    Concepts for Reusing Composite Materials from Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades in Affordable Housing

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    The very rapid growth in wind energy technology in the last 15 years has led to a rapid growth in the amount of non-biodegradable, thermosetting fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials used in wind turbine blades. This paper discusses conceptual architectural and structural options for recycling these blades by reusing parts of wind turbine blades in new or retrofitted housing projects. It focuses on large-sized FRP pieces that can be salvaged from the turbine blades and can potentially be useful in infrastructure projects where harsh environmental conditions (water and high humidity) exist. Since reuse design should be for specific regional locations and architectural characteristics the designs presented in this paper are for the coastal regions of the Yucatan province in Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico where low-quality masonry block informal housing is vulnerable to severe hurricanes and flooding. To demonstrate the concept a prototype 100 m long wind blade model developed by Sandia National Laboratories is used to show how a wind blade can be broken down into parts, thus making it possible to envision architectural applications for the different wind blade segments for housing applications

    Effect of finishing diet on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Mos cockerel

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    Aim of study: To evaluate the effect of different diets on carcass characteristics and meat quality from Mos free-ranged cockerel.Area of study: Galicia (NW Spain).Material and methods: Cockerels (n=75) were allocated to 3 groups (n=25) according to finishing diets: commercial fodder (CF), 50% wheat and 50% corn (WH) and 33% wheat and 66% corn (CR). Meat quality was assessed in terms of physicochemical, and nutritional features.Main results: The highest live and carcass weight were obtained in CF group. Meat from CF and CR groups were similar in moisture, protein and cholesterol content in drumstick cut, meanwhile in breast piece there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in intramuscular fat (IMF), ash, and lightness (L*). On the other hand, finishing diet affected L* and redness (a*) values, showing the highest L* values in meat samples from CF treatment (49.94 for drumstick) (p<0.01), whereas a* was superior in WH samples (11.30 and 4.61, for drumstick and breast, respectively) (p<0.001). Meat shear force test was not affected (p>0.05) by diets. Finally, the finishing feed affected (p<0.05) the fatty acid and amino acid profile in both cuts (drumstick and breast).Research highlights: Present study allowed to characterize for the first time Mos cockerels fed with different diets. Some carcass features obtained were higher than previous studies with other Mos categories, and some autochthonous and industrial breeds. Meat from cockerels was characterized by a high protein percentage and lower IMF

    Dynamics of a Two-Dimensional Discrete-Time SIS Model

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    24 pages, 1 article*Dynamics of a Two-Dimensional Discrete-Time SIS Model* (Barrera, Jaime H.; Cintron-Arias, Ariel; Davidenko, Nicolas; Denogean, Lisa; Franco-Gonzalez, Saul R.) 24 page

    Fauna de flebotomĂ­neos (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) em terra firme e planĂ­cie fluvial na ĂĄrea de influĂȘncia do gasoduto Coari-Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil

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    The object of this work was to make a preliminary survey of the entomofauna sandflies in the areas under the influence of the Coari-Manaus (AM) gas pipeline. The collections were made from 4 to 8 August 2003, in five of the seven municipal districts under the influence of the gas pipeline, using light traps of the type CDC. We captured 205 individuals, distributed in 25 species, belonging to eight subgenera (151 - 73.7%) and four groups (54 - 26.3%). The Lutzomyia umbratilis was the most numerous species found (43 - 21.0%). The species Lutzomyia preclara, collected in the municipal districts of Caapiranga and Manacupuru, was registered for the first time in the state of Amazonas, and the second time in Brasil.Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento preliminar da entomofauna de flebotomĂ­neos nas ĂĄreas de influĂȘncia do gasoduto Coari-Manaus (AM). As coletas foram realizadas no perĂ­odo de 4 a 8 de agosto (2003), em cinco dos sete municĂ­pios da ĂĄrea de influĂȘncia do gasoduto, utilizando-se de armadilhas de luz do tipo CDC. Foram capturados 205 indivĂ­duos, distribuĂ­dos em 25 espĂ©cies, pertencentes a oito subgĂȘneros (151 - 73,7%) e quatro grupos (54 - 26,3%). A espĂ©cie Lutzomyia umbratilis foi a mais numerosa encontrando-se 21,0% (43) do total coletado. Nestas coletas foi registrada pela primeira vez no Amazonas e segunda no Brasil a espĂ©cie Lutzomyia preclara, coletada nos municĂ­pios de Caapiranga e Manacapuru

    "Validity of a scale of Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic (MED-LAT-COVID-19)"

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    "Introduction: The pandemic has caused fear, especially due to the daily disseminated news; however, there is not an instrument to measure this fear in multiple realities. Objective: To validate a scale for Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic. Methodology: This is an instrumental study. The survey was based on an instrument which was pre-validated in Peru and submitted to 15 experts in almost 10 countries. Subsequently, thousands of people were surveyed in 13 Latin American countries, whose answers were used for descriptive statistics for validation. Results: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) generated two re-specifications, where four items were eliminated from the original scale. With these changes, the global goodness of fit (absolute and incremental) were satisfactory (CFI ÂŒ 0.978; TLI ÂŒ 0.964; GFI ÂŒ 0.976; AGFI ÂŒ 0.949; RMSEA ÂŒ 0.075 and RMR ÂŒ 0.029). The first factor measures the media exaggeration (three questions); the second, the fear transmitted by the media (three questions); and the third, the fear transmitted by others different from the media (two questions). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was higher than 0.70 for the scale and its factors. Conclusion: The MED-LAT-COVID-19 scale reported a good adjustment. It has eight items in three factors, which could be measured in an isolated way, or along with other tests that assess mental health in the current pandemic context.

    A Bacterial Biosensor for Oxidative Stress Using the Constitutively Expressed Redox-Sensitive Protein roGFP2

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    A highly specific, high throughput-amenable bacterial biosensor for chemically induced cellular oxidation was developed using constitutively expressed redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein roGFP2 in E. coli (E. coli-roGFP2). Disulfide formation between two key cysteine residues of roGFP2 was assessed using a double-wavelength ratiometric approach. This study demonstrates that only a few minutes were required to detect oxidation using E. coli-roGFP2, in contrast to conventional bacterial oxidative stress sensors. Cellular oxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide, menadione, sodium selenite, zinc pyrithione, triphenyltin and naphthalene became detectable after 10 seconds and reached the maxima between 80 to 210 seconds, contrary to Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and sodium arsenite, which induced the oxidation maximum immediately. The lowest observable effect concentrations (in ppm) were determined as 1.0 × 10−7 (arsenite), 1.0 × 10−4 (naphthalene), 1.0 × 10−4 (Cu2+), 3.8 × 10−4 (H2O2), 1.0 × 10−3 (Cd2+), 1.0 × 10−3 (Zn2+), 1.0 × 10−2 (menadione), 1.0 (triphenyltin), 1.56 (zinc pyrithione), 3.1 (selenite) and 6.3 (Pb2+), respectively. Heavy metal-induced oxidation showed unclear response patterns, whereas concentration-dependent sigmoid curves were observed for other compounds. In vivo GSH content and in vitro roGFP2 oxidation assays together with E. coli-roGFP2 results suggest that roGFP2 is sensitive to redox potential change and thiol modification induced by environmental stressors. Based on redox-sensitive technology, E. coli-roGFP2 provides a fast comprehensive detection system for toxicants that induce cellular oxidation

    Species diversity and flagellate infections in the sand fly fauna near Porto Grande, State of AmapĂĄ, Brazil (Diptera: Psychodidae. Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae)

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    Forty-six species of Lutzomyia and one species of Brumptomyia were identified among 20,008 sand flies collected in central AmapĂĄ. L. squamiventris maripaensis, L. infraspinosa, L. umbratilis and L. ubiquitalis accounted for 66% of the specimens caught in light traps, and L. umbratilis was the commonest of the 16 species found on tree bases. Seven species of Lutzomyia including L. umbratilis were collected in a plantation of Caribbean pine. Sixty out of 511 female sand flies dissected were positive for flagellates. Among the sand flies from which Leishmania was isolated, promastigotes were observed in the salivary glands and foregut of 13 out of 21 females scored as having very heavy infections in the remainder of the gut, reinforcing the idea that salivary gland invasion may be part of the normal life cycle of Leishmania in nature. Salivary gland infections were detected in specimens of L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and L. spathotrichia. Parasites isolated from L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and also from one specimen of L. dendrophyla containing the remains of a bloodmeal, were compatible with Le. guyanensis by morphology and behaviour in hamsters

    Bycatch of franciscana dolphins Pontoporia blainvillei and the dynamic of artisanal fisheries in the species' southernmost area of distribution

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    Na Argentina, a toninha Ă© um dos cetĂĄceos mais vulnerĂĄveis devido Ă s capturas por rede de pesca artesanal. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar as capturas acidentais no sul da provĂ­ncia de Buenos Aires, atravĂ©s de entrevistas aos capitĂŁes de barcos de pesca artesanal, entre os anos 2006-2009. As capturas foram reportadas para redes de emalhe e de camarĂŁo; com as mais altas frequĂȘncias entre outubro e fevereiro, a 5 km da costa e 10-20 m de profundidade. A mortalidade acidental mĂ©dia anual estimada foi de 107 golfinhos (IC 95% = 87-129), 92 em redes de emalhe (IC 95% = 73-112) e 15 em redes de camarĂŁo (IC 95% = 8-25), com uma captura de 0,029 golfinhos/km de rede de emalhe (IC 95% = 0,023-0,036) e 0,024/rede de camarĂŁo (IC 95% = 0,012-0,035). As flutuaçÔes anuais responderam principalmente Ă s diferenças nos dias de pesca. Considerando o Ășltimo levantamento estimativo feito para o norte costeiro da provĂ­ncia, estima-se uma mortalidade entre 360-539 golfinhos/ano em toda a provĂ­ncia de Buenos Aires. Esses valores correspondem de 2,5-3,7% da abundĂąncia populacional da Argentina; o que traria como consequĂȘncia um declĂ­nio populacional da espĂ©cie, tornando-se fundamental encontrar alternativas de pesca para a ĂĄrea.In Argentina, the franciscana dolphin is one of the most vulnerable cetaceans regularly entangled in coastal artisanal fishery nets. The aim of this paper is to estimate the species' incidental mortality on the Southern coast of Buenos Aires province through interviews with the captains of artisanal fishing vessels, in the period 2006-2009. Franciscana bycatch was reported for gillnets and shrimper gear all year round but it occurred more frequently between October and February, at 5 km offshore and 10-20 m depth. The estimated mean annual incidental mortality was 107 dolphins (CI 95% = 87-129), 92 caught in gillnets (CI 95% = 73-112) and 15 in shrimpers' gear (CI 95% = 8-25) with a capture per unit effort of 0.029 dolphins per km of gillnet (CI 95% = 0.023-0.036) and 0.022 per shrimpe r's net (CI 95% = 0.012-0.035). Annual fluctuations were due to differences in the number of gillnetting fishing days. If mortality estimates for the Northern coast are also taken into account, values attain a maximum of 360-539 dolphins bycaught in the entire Buenos Aires province, representing 2.5-3.7% of the species' abundance in Argentina. This will inevitably lead to the decline of franciscana dolphin populations in the near future unless alternative fishing grounds are identified and alternative gearadopted
