512 research outputs found

    Evaluación in vitro del efecto de carbohidrasas sobre la bioaccesibilidad de las proteínas en harinas de altramuz (Lupinus spp.)

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    Debido al costo elevado y fluctuaciones en la disponibilidad de la harina de pescado, las proteínas vegetales se han constituido como la alternativa más viable para su sustitución en la elaboración de piensos acuícolas.Las leguminosas están consideradas como la principal proteína vegetal por su elevado contenido de proteína de buena calidad,sin embargo su calidad nutricional es afectada por la presencia de factores antinutricionales, entre los que destaca los inhibidores de proteasas

    Comparative analisys of colombian public quality management model with the chilean case.

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    La Gestión de la Calidad es una herramienta versátil de aplicación en diversa tipología de organizaciones. Sin embargo, intentar abordarla desde el ámbito de lo público, implica hacer un análisis detallado de su complejidad respecto al entorno del Estado, su estructura, la interacción con las partes interesadas, además de su finalidad de satisfacción a un cliente, que se aleja del concepto tradicional empresarial, porque el cliente de la Administración Pública no se rige bajo lógicas de productividad ni rentabilidad económica, sino social: lograr el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida del ciudadano sujeto de derechos, promoviendo un crecimiento y desarrollo económico convergente, regulando adicionalmente el mercado en un contexto de globalización. Para lograr esto, se debe armonizar ambos modelos de gestión en sistemas integrados que alineen los procesos de la estructura del Estado, hacia una cultura de mejoramiento continuo que conlleve a la satisfacción de las necesidades del ciudadano. Este reto se ha abordado en Colombia, desde inicios de los años 90’s con la implementación del New Public Management, tendencia que adoptó tanto lenguaje como prácticas empresariales, que aterrizaron nuevas herramientas de gestión en los aparatos estatales para su optimización. Sin embargo, la tarea por perfeccionar estos modelos de gestión de calidad públicos es continua: abordar casos exitosos como el del Estado Chileno es una premisa para proponer, recomendar oportunidades de mejora y buenas prácticas de gestión pública de calidad.The Quality Management system is a versatile tool for application in a different type of organizations. However, attempting to approach it from the public sphere implies a detailed analysis, because of its complexity at the state level, complex structure, interaction with stakeholders, and its goal of satisfying a client. It moved away from the traditional business concept due to the client in the Public Administration is not conceived by logics of productivity and economic profitability, but social. To achieve the improvement in the quality of life, promoting growth, and economic development convergent, it is necessary to regulate the market in a context of globalization. Both management models must be harmonized in an integrated system aligned to the processes of the State structure towards a culture of continuous improvement and satisfaction of the needs of the citizen. The task of refining the public quality management models is a continuous process, and addressing successful cases such as Chilean State is a premise to propose and recommend opportunities for improvement and good quality public management practices

    Quantum phase transitions of atom-molecule Bose mixtures in a double-well potential

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    The ground state and spectral properties of Bose gases in double-well potentials are studied in two different scenarios: i) an interacting atomic Bose gas, and ii) a mixture of an atomic gas interacting with diatomic molecules. A ground state second-order quantum phase transition (QPT) is observed in both scenarios. For large attractive values of the atom-atom interaction, the ground-state is degenerate. For repulsive and small attractive interaction, the ground-state is not degenerate and is well approximated by a boson coherent state. Both systems depict an excited state quantum phase transition (ESQPT). For the mixed atom-molecule system the critical point of the ESQPT displays a discontinuity in the first derivative of the density of states.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures. RevTex 4.1 (version to appear in Phys. Rev. E

    The Binational English & Spanish Telecommunications Network

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    BESTNET was established in the early 1980\u27s, as an effort to link universities on both sides of the U.S.- Mexico border through microwave, satellite and cable television technologies. In the late 1980\u27s BESTNET focused primarily on the development of asynchronous computer mediated learning and teaching in an internationally networked virtual environment. For the past six years (1990\u27s) BESTNET has strengthened its binational ties and continued its high tech focus through the development of active or vibrant model technology which is assisting in the creation of an on-line binational university setting that is borderless (albeit, seamless to the user). Today, this type of design and linkage for curriculum, learning, teaching, research and performing collaborative scholarly work is called a global virtual university . The design center for BESTNET is the vibrant global model based on METIS software. While the binational (U.S.-Mexico) design of BESTNET continues to flourish, new technologies are being continually assimilated into this highly adaptive project. Specifically, as we are able to combine the interests of a multitude of globally located campuses. We are also working towards a virtual project for higher education. Our operating, developmental premise has always been to redefine faculty, staff and student roles towards this purpose. BESTNET was created with the assistance of the founder of ARPANET a direct precursor to the Internet (even before the Internet was popularized) as a scholar\u27s collaborative network, with the explicit charge of exploring alternative approaches to the structures, substance, and processes which have traditionally defined the scholarly work of institutions of higher education. We have continually demonstrated courage in tackling difficult, but essential, issues of technological renewal. We are committed to developing educational programs which are especially responsive to both regional and global needs, student-centered, interdisciplinary in scope, and technologically innovative in nature. The tremendous success of the BESTNET paradigm is that we are not only renewing, we are also brandnewing an ambitious global and virtual educational model that will yield improved educational outcomes (in both low- and high-tech) settings, within the financial resources of most academic institutions. We have especially developed positive outcomes in Africa, Latin America, the United States and Europe. Because we barter and share collectively our on line resources, we avoid the exchange of funds, academic credits and the multitude of bureaucracies that are associated with traditional institutional exchanges. In short, we create a virtual learning environment for the world evolving student to experience like never before. While other projects are undergoing transformation from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, BESTNET is successfully aligning to the global needs of the Cyber-Age, by design

    A beyond mean field study of Bose gases in a double-well potential with a Feshbach resonance

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    The Bose-Hubbard model coupled to a Feshbach resonance is studied. Quantum phase transitions are analyzed within a beyond mean field framework in order to get finite size corrections to the simple mean field approach. Analytical results for the ground state energy and the first few energy gaps are presented

    China’s South–South Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Since the formation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, China’s political leaders have given priority to securing the country’s sovereignty, national unification, and territorial integrity. This has involved pursuing foreign relations that contribute to an international environment that is conducive to the country’s peaceful development as a prosperous socialist society. In pursuing these strategic goals, the Chinese government and state-owned corporations seek to establish economic and political relations with the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries that are based on the principles and practices of South–South cooperation (SSC). This essay focuses on the extent to which China’s relations with these countries contribute to their mutual benefit, promote their common development, and support the formation of a new multipolar world order based on peace, mutuality, equity, environmental sustainability, and international cooperation

    Connection between decoherence and excited state quantum phase transitions

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    In this work we explore the relationship between an excited state quantum phase transition (ESQPT) and the phenomenon of quantum decoherence. For this purpose, we study how the decoherence is affected by the presence of a continuous ESQPT in the environment. This one is modeled as a two level boson system described by a Lipkin Hamiltonian. We will show that the decoherence of the system is maximal when the environment undergoes a continuous ESQPT