15 research outputs found

    Struktura ponudbe e-izobraževanja v Sloveniji

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    Following the fact that human resource development has been recognized as one of the most important elements for further development of modern societies, the current demands for the development and acquisition of new knowledge, competences and skills has been constantly increasing. On the market, the number of providers offering different forms of e-learning has reaches a huge range of services, either limited to based e-courses with or without communication or tutoring to a wide range of possibilities offering the acquisition of formal education and training. In the article special attention is given to the results of research dealing with the e-learning market structure in Slovenia with the intention of gaining the widest possible range of information about the status of the elearning service provision on the Slovenian market.The findings of the research give the solid background information about the existing structure of e-programmes and courses offer on the Slovenian market, giving an appropriate and efficient basis for further research in this field. Key words: e-learning, e-learning providers, market structure, e-content, e-coursesV času, ko postaja razvoj človeških virov čedalje pomembnejši pogoj za nadaljnji razvoj sodobnih družb, se večajo potrebe po izobraževanju, usposabljanju in posodabljanju znanj. Vedno večje so tudi možnosti, ki jih na področju izobraževanja nudijo nove generacije izobraževalnih informacijskih tehnologij. Na trgu se pojavlja veliko ponudnikov različnih oblik e-izobraževanja, od ponudnikov izobraževalnih vsebin, ponudnikov e-tečajev brez ali s komunikacijo med učečimi se ter mentorji, do ponudnikov e-izobraževanja za pridobitev formalne izobrazbe.V prispevku je posebna pozornost namenjena izsledkom raziskave in opredelitvi strukture ponudbe e-izobraževanja v Sloveniji z namenom pridobiti čim širši spekter informacij o stanju e-izobraž evalne ponudbe na slovenskem trgu. Rezultati raziskave podajajo izhodiščne podatke o strukturi ponudbe e-izobraževanja na slovenskem trgu izobraževalnih programov in predstavljajo izhodišče nadaljnjega raziskovanja e-izobraževalnega trga v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: e-izobraževanje, ponudniki e-izobraževanja, struktura ponudbe, e-vsebina, e-teča

    Pregled stanja na področju e-izobraževanja v Sloveniji

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    In comparison to the other European countries and the general status of the development of information-communication technology in education and training, Slovenia has been traditionally lagging behind. In the same sense, the awareness of the importance of e-learning has not been sufficiently recognized. With this in view we can summarize that the concrete activities on the implementation level on the national level started with the present period. The article thus focuses on the presentation of the past research activities and iniciatives dealing with the e-learning market structure in Slovenia and assesment of the current e-learning situation in Slovenian companies and higher educational institutions.The framework of the National E-learning Strategy 2006-2010 is presented, where special attention is given to that part of the strategy aimed at establishing the most effective and ICT based national educational systems with the objective of increasing economic growth and the competitiveness of Slovenian society, as well as the quality of life of Slovenian citizens.Slovenija na področju uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij v izobraževanju ter v zavedanju pomembnosti e-izobraž evanja zaostaja za drugimi državami Evropske unije. Glede na raziskave, ki so bile v preteklosti pripravljene na tem področ ju znotraj različnih institucij, lahko povzamemo, da se v Sloveniji pravi razvoj in uporaba e-izobraževanja prazaprav šele pričenja. V prispevku bodo prikazani dosedanji razvoj in pomembnejše iniciative na področju e-izobraževanja, stanje uporabe e-izobraževanja v slovenskih podjetjih, visokošolskih in višješolskih institucijah ter trenutno stanje e-izobraževalne ponudbe na slovenskem trgu. Predstavljen bo osnutek Nacionalne strategije e-izobraževanja 2006-2010, katere glavna vizija je do leta 2013 vzpostaviti učinkovit in v celoti informacijsko podprt nacionalni sistem izobraževanja ter tako zagotoviti trajnostno gospodarsko rast, blaginjo in kakovost življenja vseh državljanov RS, hkrati pa postati sinonim za eno najuspešnejših družb na svetu, temelječo na znanju, stalnih inovacijah in hitrem razvoju

    Prosto dostopni izobraževalni viri v e-izobraževanju

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    Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the "Open educational resource movement" that is beginning to form on a global level in the last decade. The characteristics of the OS are investigated in the relation to e-Learning, existing and new pedagogical principles and copyright issues. Several good practices, ideas and existing initiatives are presented and the vision of the future of open educational resources is introduced.Prosto dostopni učni viri v e-izobraževanju so vir informacij prihodnosti za udeležence vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Oprta koda in odprti standardi predstavljajo temelj »Gibanja prosto dostopnih učnih virov «, ki se v zadnjem desetletju oblikuje na globalni ravni. V članku so raziskane karakteristike odprte kode v relaciji z e-izobraževanjem, obstoječimi in novimi pedagoškimi principi ter problemi avtorske zaščite. Predstavljene so dobre prakse, ideje in obstoječe iniciative ter vizija prihodnosti prosto dostopnih učnih virov

    Prosto dostopni izobraževalni viri v e-izobraževanju

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    Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the “Open educational resource movement” that is beginning to form on a global level in the last decade. The characteristics of the OS are investigated in the relation to e-Learning, existing and new pedagogical principles and copyright issues. Several good practices, ideas and existing initiatives are presented and the vision of the future of open educational resources is introduced.Prosto dostopni učni viri v e-izobraževanju so vir informacij prihodnosti za udeležence vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Oprta koda in odprti standardi predstavljajo temelj »Gibanja prosto dostopnih učnih virov «, ki se v zadnjem desetletju oblikuje na globalni ravni. V članku so raziskane karakteristike odprte kode v relaciji z e-izobraževanjem, obstoječimi in novimi pedagoškimi principi ter problemi avtorske zaščite. Predstavljene so dobre prakse, ideje in obstoječe iniciative ter vizija prihodnosti prosto dostopnih učnih virov

    Application of Multi-Attribute Decision Making Approach to Learning Management Systems Evaluation

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    Abstract—The article presents an approach to the development of multi-attribute decision making model that is based on DEX, an expert system shell for multi-attribute decision support. We demonstrate the applicability and flexibility of the approach presenting application of DEX in e-learning: assessment and evaluation of Learning Management Systems (LMS) where several conflicting objectives, like environmental, social and economic impacts, must be simultaneously taken into account. Decision analysis methodology can be of major assistance in tackling this kind of problem and has become the basis for developing and implementing better and better decision support models to try to overcome the increasing difficulties involved in complex decision making problems. With the multi-attribute decision making model, we illustrate its usefulness by showing its main features and its application to the above intervention problem. Index Terms—multi-attribute decision making, hierarchical models, function decomposition, e-learning, learning management system I

    Tehnološko podprto izobraževanje – uporabnost in primernost sistemov za upravljanje e-izobraževanja

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    In accordance with the fact that human resource development has been recognized as one of the most important elements for further development of modern societies, the current demands for new knowledge and skills has being constantly increased. Parallel to the wide range of possibilities offered by new generations of educational technologies, a number of Learning Managament Systems (LMS) to support the e-learning have been developed and available at the market. Nevertheless customers are often faced with the dilemma how to choose the optimum technological environment for the implementation of education process for a definite target group. The proposed prototype of the multi-attribute decision making model for assessments the usability and applicability of Learning Management Systems is based on the theoretical and practical expertise related to the quality assurance of these systems and to the high consciousness of the necessity to use information and telecommunication technology in educational process. Key words: e-learning, Learning Management System, usability and applicability, decision modelsV času, ko postaja razvoj človeških virov čedalje pomembnejši za nadaljnji razvoj sodobnih družb, se večajo potrebe po izobraž evanju, usposabljanju in posodabljanju znanj. Vedno večje so tudi možnosti, ki jih na področju izobraževanja nudijo nove generacije izobraževalnih informacijskih tehnologij. Danes se na trgu pojavljajo številni sistemi za upravljanje e-izobraževanja (ang. Learning Management Systems), ki združujejo širok nabor funkcionalnosti, kar za izvajalce in financerje e-izobraževanja večkrat pomeni dilemo, kako izbrati najboljše in najbolj primerno tehnološko okolje za izvedbo izobraževalnega procesa za določeno ciljno skupino. Predlagani prototip večparametrskega odločitvenega modela za ugotavljanje kakovosti in primernosti sistemov za upravljanje e-izobraževanja se naslanja na teoretična in praktična spoznanja v zvezi s kakovostjo teh sistemov in na zavest o nujnosti uporabe informacijske tehnologije tudi v izobraževalnem procesu. Ključne besede: e-izobraževanje, sistem za upravljanje e-izobraževanja, uporabnost in primernost, sistemi za pomoč pri odloč anj