Pregled stanja na področju e-izobraževanja v Sloveniji


In comparison to the other European countries and the general status of the development of information-communication technology in education and training, Slovenia has been traditionally lagging behind. In the same sense, the awareness of the importance of e-learning has not been sufficiently recognized. With this in view we can summarize that the concrete activities on the implementation level on the national level started with the present period. The article thus focuses on the presentation of the past research activities and iniciatives dealing with the e-learning market structure in Slovenia and assesment of the current e-learning situation in Slovenian companies and higher educational institutions.The framework of the National E-learning Strategy 2006-2010 is presented, where special attention is given to that part of the strategy aimed at establishing the most effective and ICT based national educational systems with the objective of increasing economic growth and the competitiveness of Slovenian society, as well as the quality of life of Slovenian citizens.Slovenija na področju uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij v izobraževanju ter v zavedanju pomembnosti e-izobraž evanja zaostaja za drugimi državami Evropske unije. Glede na raziskave, ki so bile v preteklosti pripravljene na tem področ ju znotraj različnih institucij, lahko povzamemo, da se v Sloveniji pravi razvoj in uporaba e-izobraževanja prazaprav šele pričenja. V prispevku bodo prikazani dosedanji razvoj in pomembnejše iniciative na področju e-izobraževanja, stanje uporabe e-izobraževanja v slovenskih podjetjih, visokošolskih in višješolskih institucijah ter trenutno stanje e-izobraževalne ponudbe na slovenskem trgu. Predstavljen bo osnutek Nacionalne strategije e-izobraževanja 2006-2010, katere glavna vizija je do leta 2013 vzpostaviti učinkovit in v celoti informacijsko podprt nacionalni sistem izobraževanja ter tako zagotoviti trajnostno gospodarsko rast, blaginjo in kakovost življenja vseh državljanov RS, hkrati pa postati sinonim za eno najuspešnejših družb na svetu, temelječo na znanju, stalnih inovacijah in hitrem razvoju

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