University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the “Open educational resource movement” that is beginning to form on a global level in the last decade. The characteristics of the OS are investigated in the relation to e-Learning, existing and new pedagogical principles and copyright issues. Several good practices, ideas and existing initiatives are presented and the vision of the future of open educational resources is introduced.Prosto dostopni učni viri v e-izobraževanju so vir informacij prihodnosti za udeležence vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Oprta koda in odprti standardi predstavljajo temelj »Gibanja prosto dostopnih učnih virov «, ki se v zadnjem desetletju oblikuje na globalni ravni. V članku so raziskane karakteristike odprte kode v relaciji z e-izobraževanjem, obstoječimi in novimi pedagoškimi principi ter problemi avtorske zaščite. Predstavljene so dobre prakse, ideje in obstoječe iniciative ter vizija prihodnosti prosto dostopnih učnih virov