208 research outputs found

    Komputerisasi Barang Inventaris pada Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Dumai

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    Setiap instansi/lembaga baik pemerintah maupun swasta pasti memiliki barang inventaris. Barang inventaris adalah daftar yang memuat semua barang milik kantor yang dipakai untuk melaksanakan tugas. Sebuah instansi tidak akan terlepas dari persoalan inventaris, begitu juga dengan kantor lingkungan hidup kota Dumai yangmempunyai barang inventaris cukup banyak untuk di inventarisasikan. Dari hasil observasi yang penulis lakukan terdapat beberapa permasalahan antara lain pengolahan data inventaris dilakukan secara manual, yakni belum menggunakan database sebagai penyimpanan data, membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam mengolah data karena data inventaris yang terdaftar tersebut dientrikan ke komputer memakai microsoft excel tanpa menggunakan database.Sebagai solusinya penerapan sistem komputerisasi inventaris barang yang berbasis database perlu dilakukan sehingga penata-USAhaan inventaris barang milik/kekayaan negara dapat berjalan secara optimal.Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ini adalah model Waterfall. Output yang dihasilkan berupa laporan-laporan yang lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat bagi semua yang berkepentingan terutama pimpinan untuk pertanggungjawaban dan pengambilan keputusan

    Effect of Oxidation Level on the Interfacial Water at the Graphene Oxide-Water Interface: From Spectroscopic Signatures to Hydrogen-Bonding Environment

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    The interfacial region of the graphene oxide (GO)-water system is nonhomogenous due to the presence of two distinct domains: an oxygen-rich surface and a graphene-like region. The experimental vibrational sum-frequency generation (vSFG) spectra are distinctly different for the fully oxidized GO-water interface as compared to the reduced GO-water case. Computational investigations using ab initio molecular dynamics were performed to determine the molecular origins of the different spectroscopic features. The simulations were first validated by comparing the simulated vSFG spectra to those from the experiment, and the contributions to the spectra from different hydrogen bonding environments and interfacial water orientations were determined as a function of the oxidation level of the GO sheet. The ab initio simulations also revealed the reactive nature of the GO-water interface

    Microbial desalination cell with sulfonated sodium (poly(ether ether ketone) as cation exchange membranes for enhancing power generation and salt reduction

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    © 2018 Microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a bioelectrochemical system capable of oxidizing organics, generating electricity, while reducing the salinity content of brine streams. As it is designed, anion and cation exchange membranes play an important role on the selective removal of ions from the desalination chamber. In this work, sulfonated sodium (Na+) poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) cation exchange membranes (CEM) were tested in combination with quaternary ammonium chloride poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene oxide) (QAPPO) anion exchange membrane (AEM). Non-patterned and patterned (varying topographical features) CEMs were investigated and assessed in this work. The results were contrasted against a commercially available CEM. This work used real seawater from the Pacific Ocean in the desalination chamber. The results displayed a high desalination rate and power generation for all the membranes, with a maximum of 78.6 ± 2.0% in salinity reduction and 235 ± 7 mW m−2 in power generation for the MDCs with the SPEEK CEM. Desalination rate and power generation achieved are higher with synthesized SPEEK membranes when compared with an available commercial CEM. An optimized combination of these types of membranes substantially improves the performances of MDC, making the system more suitable for real applications

    Investigation of patterned and non-patterned poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene) oxide based anion exchange membranes for enhanced desalination and power generation in a microbial desalination cell

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    © 2017 The Authors Quaternary ammonium poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene oxide) (QAPPO) anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with topographically patterned surfaces were assessed in a microbial desalination cell (MDC) system. The MDC results with these QAPPO AEMs were benchmarked against a commercially available AEM. The MDC with the non-patterned QAPPO AEM (Q1) displayed the best desalination rate (a reduction of salinity by 53 ± 2.7%) and power generation (189 ± 5 mW m− 2) when compared against the commercially available AEM and the patterned AEMs. The enhanced performance with the Q1 AEM was attributed to its higher ionic conductivity and smaller thickness leading to a reduced area specific resistance. It is important to note that Real Pacific Ocean seawater and activated sludge were used into the desalination chamber and anode chamber respectively for the MDC – which mimicked realistic conditions. Although the non-patterned QAPPO AEM displayed better performance over the patterned QAPPO AEMs, it was observed that the anodic overpotential was smaller when the MDCs featured QAPPO AEMs with larger lateral feature sizes. The results from this study have important implications for the continuous improvements necessary for developing cheaper and better performing membranes in order to optimize the MDC

    Evaluación antropométrica del crecimiento extrauterino al alta hospitalaria

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    Como conclusión podemos decir que gran parte de estos pacientes presentan un crecimientopor debajo del ideal al salir del hospital; para evitar este déficit nutricional se recomienda iniciaruna nutrición temprana agresiva desde el primer día de vida de manera que se logre un soportenutricional con la cantidad y calidad de nutrientes que permitan un ritmo de crecimiento ycomposición similar al feto de referencia de la misma edad gestacional corregida