305 research outputs found

    Imatges fotogràfiques de temàtica educativa en col·leccions i arxius públics i privats = Photographic images with educational themes in public and private collections and archives

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    El text aborda la relació entre l'evolució tècnica i implantació social de la fotografia des del seu descobriment el 1839 i l'increment del nombre d'imatges de temàtica educativa disponibles al llarg d'aquest temps. A continuació relaciona diversos recursos documentals per a la localització, en l'àmbit estatal, dels principals arxius i col·leccions en els quals es poden conservar fotografies de la matèria que ens ocupa, dedicant especial atenció als fons corresponents a les Illes Balears.This paper addresses the relationship between the technical evolution and social implementation of photography since it was invented in 1839 and the increasing number of educational images that were available throughout this period. It then lists the diverse documentary resources for the localisation of major national archives and collections that may contain photographs related to the topic under study and closely examines the collections in the Balearic Islands.El texto aborda la relación entre la evolución técnica e implantación social de la fotografía desde su descubrimiento en 1839, con el incremento del número de imágenes de temática educativa disponibles a lo largo de este tiempo. A continuación relaciona diversos recursos documentales para la localización, en el ámbito estatal, de los principales archivos y colecciones en los que pueden conservarse fotografías de la materia que nos ocupa, dedicando especial atención a los fondos correspondientes a Baleares

    From Imitation to Prediction, Data Compression vs Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing

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    In recent studies [1][13][12] Recurrent Neural Networks were used for generative processes and their surprising performance can be explained by their ability to create good predictions. In addition, data compression is also based on predictions. What the problem comes down to is whether a data compressor could be used to perform as well as recurrent neural networks in natural language processing tasks. If this is possible,then the problem comes down to determining if a compression algorithm is even more intelligent than a neural network in specific tasks related to human language. In our journey we discovered what we think is the fundamental difference between a Data Compression Algorithm and a Recurrent Neural Network

    Paleoclima : estrellas variables e historia del sol

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    Fil: Argerich, Raúl F.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Recuperación, preservación y difusión del patrimonio fotográfico

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    Actas de las Segundas Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas entre el 1 y el 3 de julio de 2003 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Dispatcher3 D4.2 - Prototype package (first release) - User manual

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    This deliverable along with deliverable D4.1. Technical documentation first release consists of the release of the first prototype of Dispatcher3. The release consists of the binaries and Docker version of the prototype (sent to the Topic Manager). The first release prototype package consists of a set on individual machine learning models which can be executed using Jupyter notebooks. It also includes the integration of the outcome of some of these individual models into a visualisation which would be part of the advice generator to provide high-level information to the end users. All models described in the Deliverable D4.1 will be available and executable in this release. Data required to run the models (with some examples) are also provided. If data are public raw sample values are provided, otherwise pre-computed features are delivered so that the models can be run on individual flight examples. The prototypes can be run using local data (provided in the release) or with data stored in cloud storage (Amazon Web Services (AWS)). This deliverable serves as a manual for the execution of the first release prototype software


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância que as universidades possuem em pesquisa e fortalecimento das políticas sociais, partindo da compreensão dos significados e das implicações na gestão universitária e na vida pessoal e profissional dos atores envolvidos. No trabalho são apresentados aspectos que dizem respeito à busca de novos parceiros fora do lócus da universidade para a realização da pesquisa e à necessidade de permanente diálogo entre os envolvidos para promover a sua descolonização e contribuir para o fortalecimento das relações sociais. Apresenta, ainda, uma discussão acerca da execução de projetos sociais por meio de ações da universidade, instituição complexa, mas capacitada para promover mudanças nas condições dos indivíduos como meio de reencontrar sua identidade e espaço para se desenvolver, resgatando a cidadania e a dignidade humana

    Effect of floods of different magnitude on the macroinvertebrate communities of Matarranya stream (Ebro river basin, NE Spain)

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    In October 2000, the Matarranya River suffered an extraordinary flood with a measured flow rate of approximately 450 m3/s in the town of Vall-de-roures and a return period of about 500 years, according to the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the consequent perturbation on the structure and composition of the macroinvertebrate community and its subsequent recovery. To this end, two sites in the headwaters of the river, about which information from previous studies was available, were chosen as sampling sites. The Parrissal station, 8 km from the source with a practically natural flow regime, and at Vall-de-roures, 18 km from the source and from which part of the flow has been deviated, to be returned in summer from the waters collected in the reservoir on the Pena River. Sampling was carried out one, five and fifteen months after the flood and the data was compared with that obtained before the perturbation, (December, 1998 and February, 1999). On the other hand, we analized the effects of smaller floods occurring in October 1984 (Parrissal) and June 1986 (Vall-de-roures). The results point to different patterns of recovery in the two sampling points after the 2000 flood, the community density recovering more rapidly in the site less affected by anthropic intervention (Parrissal), while the biological quality of the stretch studied in Vall-de-roures involved increased taxonomic richness and greater structuring of the community. The flood events of lesser magnitude did not seem to affect the community structure in Parrissal, while in Vall-deroures the abundance of the predominant groups varied.El río Matarranya padeció en octubre de 2000 una riada extraordinaria, que alcanzó un caudal aproximado de 450 m3/s en la población de Vall-de-roures, con un período de retorno estimado de 500 años según la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la incidencia de esta perturbación sobre la estructura y la composición de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados y su posterior recuperación. Con dicho fin se han muestreado dos estaciones de la cabecera del río de las que se posee información de estudios precedentes. La estación de Parrissal a 8 km de distancia del nacimiento es una estación con un régimen de caudales prácticamente natural y la estación de Vall-de-roures a 18 km del nacimiento, esta última ha sufrido la derivación de parte de su caudal, el cual le es retornado durante el periodo estival a través de los aportes del embalse del río Pena. Los muestreos se han realizado un mes, cinco y quince meses después de la riada y se han comparado con los datos obtenidos en dos muestreos previos a dicha perturbación (diciembre de 1998 y febrero de 1999). Por otra parte se han analizado los efectos de crecidas de menor magnitud ocurridas en octubre de 1984 en Parrissal y junio de 1986 en Vall-de-roures. Los resultados nos muestran pautas de recuperación de densidades distintas para las dos estaciones después de la riada de 2000, siendo más rápidas para la estación con un régimen de caudal natural y poca presión antrópica (estación de Parrissal), mientras que los efectos de la riada de mayor magnitud en la estación de Vall-de-roures han comportado una recuperación de la calidad biológica del tramo que ha supuesto un aumento de la riqueza taxonómica y una mayor estructuración de la comunidad. Las riadas de menor magnitud en cambio, parecen no afectar la estructura de la comunidad en Parrissal mientras que en Vall-de-roures se aprecia la variación de las abundancias de los grupos dominantes