21 research outputs found

    Analogic and Symbolic Comparison of Numerosity in Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants

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    The main purpose of our study was to understand whether, and in what ways, verbal and non-verbal numerical knowledge were integrated in a group of CI preschoolchildren. Our aim was two-fold. First, we wanted to investigate whether the numerical knowledge of the 4–5-year-old CI preschoolers in this study was comparable to that of their hearing peers. A second aim was to understand whether early nonverbal and verbal numerical skills were integrated in their numerical knowledge before the start of formal mathematical instruction.The study confirmed that, despite their early auditory deprivation and initial difficulty in accessing verbal language, CI children may perform well in numerical tasks that require visuo-spatial analysis (i.e. analogical comparison tasks).One of the most interesting results of the present study is that the CI children in this study performed as well as HC in digit comparisons. It is also interesting that verbal counting did not differ in the two groups. Our results seem to suggest the opposite: the encoding of the numerical semantic representation seems to be relatively good for the CI children in our study. It is the integration between this ability and their verbal counting skills to be not yet complete at this age. Counting helps the child compare digits when his/her ability to access the corresponding magnitude representation is not yet perfectly efficient. This apparently happened in the control group, but not in the CI group. What happens in the hearing child, who soon appears to integrate verbal and non-verbal numerical skills in a coherent cognitive numerical system, seemed not to happen easily in the CI children in this study. In the near future, researchers and educators might be able to explain how this happens or how it can be stimulated

    Mathematical level raising through collaborative investigations with the computer

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    Toxicity and behavioural effects of ocfentanil and 2-furanylfentanyl in zebrafish larvae and mice

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    The introduction of the so-called New Psychoactive Substances represents a problem of global concern due to several factors, including multiplicity of structures, poorly known activity, short half-life in the market, lack of pure standards etc. Among these problems, of the highest relevance is also the lack of information about metabolism , adverse effects, which must be faced using simple and low-cost animal models. On these grounds, the present work has been carried out on 5 days post fertilization zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae in comparison with adult mice (Mus musculus). Ocfentanil and 2-furanylfentanyl were administered at different concentrations to zebrafish larvae (1, 10 mu M) and mice (0.1, 1, 6, 15 mg/kg). The behavioural assay showed a decrease in basal locomotor activity in zebrafish, whereas in mice this effect was evident only after the me-chanical stimulus. Larva extracts and mice urine were analysed by using liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry to identify the metabolic pathways of the fentanyl analogs. For 2-furanylfentanyl, the most common biotransformations observed were hydroxylation, hydration and oxidation in zebrafish larvae, whereas mice produced mainly the dihydrodiol metabolite. Hydroxylation was the major route of metabolism for ocfentanil in zebrafish larvae, while in mice the O-demethylated derivative was the main metabolite. In addition, a study was conducted to evaluate morphological effects of the two drugs on zebrafish larvae. Malformations were noticeable only at the highest concentration of 2-furanylfentanyl, whereas no significant damage was observed with ocfentanil. In conclusion, the two animal models show similarities in behavioral response and in metabolism, considering the different biological investigated

    Additional file 1: of Can healthcare utilization data reliably capture cases of chronic respiratory diseases? a cross-sectional investigation in Italy

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    Table S1. ICD-9 CM, ATC and exemption codes used in the reference algorithm and comparison algorithms applied to capture COPD and asthma cases among the beneficiaries of the Regional Health Service. Lombardy, Italy. (DOCX 15 kb

    Comparison of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and the “date rape” drug GHB: behavioral toxicology in the mouse model

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    N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and Îł-hydroxybutyrate acid (GHB) are synthetic solvents detected in the recreational drug market. GHB has sedative/hypnotic properties and is used for criminal purposes to compromise reaction ability and commit drug-facilitated sexual assaults and other crimes. NMP is a strong solubilizing solvent that has been used alone or mixed with GHB in case of abuse and robberies. The aim of this experimental study is to compare the acute pharmaco-toxicological effects of NMP and GHB on neurological signs (myoclonia, convulsions), sensorimotor (visual, acoustic, and overall tactile) responses, righting reflex, thermoregulation, and motor activity (bar, drag, and accelerod test) in CD-1 male mice. Moreover, since cardiorespiratory depression is one of the main adverse effects related to GHB intake, we investigated the effect of NMP and GHB on cardiorespiratory changes (heart rate, breath rate, oxygen saturation, and pulse distension) in mice. The present study demonstrates that NMP inhibited sensorimotor and motor responses and induced cardiorespiratory depression, with a lower potency and efficacy compared to GHB. These results suggest that NMP can hardly be used alone as a substance to perpetrate sexual assault or robberies

    Behavioral and Pharmacokinetics Studies of N-Methyl-2-Aminoindane (NM2AI) in Mice: An Aminoindane Briefly Used in the Illicit Drug Market

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    : Drug forums are considered as the main platform sources that have contributed to the increase in NPS popularity, especially for those not yet known to law enforcement and therefore not yet illegal. An example is the new synthetic stimulant NM2AI, which has a very short history of human use and abuse. Little is known regarding this compound, but some information from internet forums and the scientific literature indicates NM2AI as a structural derivate of MDAI, which is known for its entactogenic activity. Indeed, the purpose of this study is to evaluate, for the first time, the in vivo acute effect induced by the intraperitoneal injection of NM2AI (1-10-30-100 mg/kg) in mice. We demonstrate the sensory (by visual placing and object tests) and physiological (core temperature measurement) function variations, nociceptor (by tail pinch test) and strength (grip test) alterations, and sensorimotor (time on rod and mobility) decrease. Moreover, we verify the mild hallucinogenic effect of NM2AI (by startle/prepulse inhibition test). Lastly, we perform a pharmacokinetic study on mice blood samples, highlighting that the main active metabolite of NM2AI is 2-aminoindane (2AI). Taken together, our data confirm the suspected entactogenic activity of NM2AI; however, these in vivo effects appear atypical and less intense with respect to those induced by the classic stimulants, in surprising analogy with what is reported by networked users