1,910 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of Two Combination Pitot Pressure Probes

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    Experimental tests have been completed which recorded the ability of two combination steady state and high response time varying Pitot probe designs to accurately measure steady stagnation pressure at a single location in a flow field. Tests were conducted of double-barreled and coannular Prati probes in a 3.5 in. diameter free jet probe calibration facility from Mach 0.1 to 0.9. Geometric symmetry and pitch (-40 deg to 40 deg) and yaw (0 deg to 40 deg) angle actuation were used to fully evaluate the probes. These tests revealed that the double-barreled configuration induced error in its steady state measurement at zero incidence that increased consistently with jet Mach number to 1.1 percent at Mach 0.9. For all Mach numbers, the double-barreled probe nulled at a pitch angle of approximately 7.0 deg and provided inconsistent measurements when yawed. The double-barreled probe provided adequate measurements via both its steady state and high response tubes (within +/- 0.15 percent accuracy) over unacceptable ranges of biased pitch and inconsistent yaw angles which varied with Mach number. By comparison, the coannular probe provided accurate measurements (at zero incidence) for all jet Mach numbers as well as over a flow angularity range which varied from +/- 26.0 deg at Mach 0.3 deg to +/- 14.0 deg at Mach 0.9. Based on these results, the Prati probe is established as the preferred design. Further experimental tests are recommended to document the frequency response characteristics of the Prati probe

    Data Analysis Techniques for Fan Performance in Highly-Distorted Flows from Boundary Layer Ingesting Inlets

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    The design of a unique distortion-tolerant fan for a high-bypass ratio boundary-layer ingesting propulsion system has been completed and a rig constructed and tested in the NASA Glenn 8x6 wind tunnel. Processing the data from the experiment presented some interesting challenges because of the complexity of the experimental setup and the flow through the test rig. The experiment was run in three phases, each of which employed a unique complement of inlet throat and fan face instrumentation to avoid the blockage that would have resulted from simultaneously installing all of the rakes. The measurement from the individual test points were subsequently combined to compute the overall stage performance. A CFD model of the experiment was used to gain understanding of the flow field and to test some of the techniques proposed for interpolating and extrapolating the measurements into regions where measurements were not made. This capability became extremely useful when it was discovered that there was an unexpected total temperature distortion in the tunnel. The CFD model was modified by inserting a total temperature profile at the upstream boundary that mimicked the measured distortion where measurements were available and that CFD solution was used to investigate methods to infer the complete total temperature field at the fan face

    Simulation of an Optional Strategy in the Prisoner's Dilemma in Spatial and Non-spatial Environments

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    This paper presents research comparing the effects of different environments on the outcome of an extended Prisoner's Dilemma, in which agents have the option to abstain from playing the game. We consider three different pure strategies: cooperation, defection and abstinence. We adopt an evolutionary game theoretic approach and consider two different environments: the first which imposes no spatial constraints and the second in which agents are placed on a lattice grid. We analyse the performance of the three strategies as we vary the loner's payoff in both structured and unstructured environments. Furthermore we also present the results of simulations which identify scenarios in which cooperative clusters of agents emerge and persist in both environments.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavio

    The evolution of representation in simple cognitive networks

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    Representations are internal models of the environment that can provide guidance to a behaving agent, even in the absence of sensory information. It is not clear how representations are developed and whether or not they are necessary or even essential for intelligent behavior. We argue here that the ability to represent relevant features of the environment is the expected consequence of an adaptive process, give a formal definition of representation based on information theory, and quantify it with a measure R. To measure how R changes over time, we evolve two types of networks---an artificial neural network and a network of hidden Markov gates---to solve a categorization task using a genetic algorithm. We find that the capacity to represent increases during evolutionary adaptation, and that agents form representations of their environment during their lifetime. This ability allows the agents to act on sensorial inputs in the context of their acquired representations and enables complex and context-dependent behavior. We examine which concepts (features of the environment) our networks are representing, how the representations are logically encoded in the networks, and how they form as an agent behaves to solve a task. We conclude that R should be able to quantify the representations within any cognitive system, and should be predictive of an agent's long-term adaptive success.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, one Tabl

    Development of a Flow Field for Testing a Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Propulsor

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    In order to test embedded-propulsor technology, modifications were required of the 8x6 Supersonic Wind tunnel at NASA Glenn Research Center. The extent of the modifications required that a new tunnel calibration be completed to generate a new calibration dataset and operational procedures for the tunnel, as well as to map the boundary layer on the raised floor. This report describes the propulsor inflow that was to be simulated, documents the tunnel modifications that were required, and conveys the results of the calibration test that was completed to measure the resulting flow properties

    Development of a Rotating Rake Array for Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Fan-Stage Measurements

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    The recent Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Inlet/Distortion Tolerant Fan wind tunnel experiment at NASA Glenn Research Center's 8-foot by 6-foot supersonic wind tunnel examined the performance of a novel inlet and fan stage that was designed to ingest the vehicle boundary layer in order to take advantage of a predicted overall propulsive efficiency benefit. A key piece of the experiment's instrumentation was a pair of rotating rake arrays located upstream and downstream of the fan stage. This paper examines the development of these rake arrays. Pre-test numerical solutions were sampled to determine placement and spacing for rake pressure and temperature probes. The effects of probe spacing and survey density on the repeatability of survey measurements was examined. These data were then used to estimate measurement uncertainty for the adiabatic efficiency

    CFD Models of a Serpentine Inlet, Fan, and Nozzle

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    Several computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes were used to analyze the Versatile Integrated Inlet Propulsion Aerodynamics Rig (VIIPAR) located at NASA Glenn Research Center. The rig consists of a serpentine inlet, a rake assembly, inlet guide vanes, a 12-in. diameter tip-turbine driven fan stage, exit rakes or probes, and an exhaust nozzle with a translating centerbody. The analyses were done to develop computational capabilities for modeling inlet/fan interaction and to help interpret experimental data. Three-dimensional Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) calculations of the fan stage were used to predict the operating line of the stage, the effects of leakage from the turbine stream, and the effects of inlet guide vane (IGV) setting angle. Coupled axisymmetric calculations of a bellmouth, fan, and nozzle were used to develop techniques for coupling codes together and to investigate possible effects of the nozzle on the fan. RANS calculations of the serpentine inlet were coupled to Euler calculations of the fan to investigate the complete inlet/fan system. Computed wall static pressures along the inlet centerline agreed reasonably well with experimental data but computed total pressures at the aerodynamic interface plane (AIP) showed significant differences from the data. Inlet distortion was shown to reduce the fan corrected flow and pressure ratio, and was not completely eliminated by passage through the fa

    Robustness of Equations Under Operational Extensions

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    Sound behavioral equations on open terms may become unsound after conservative extensions of the underlying operational semantics. Providing criteria under which such equations are preserved is extremely useful; in particular, it can avoid the need to repeat proofs when extending the specified language. This paper investigates preservation of sound equations for several notions of bisimilarity on open terms: closed-instance (ci-)bisimilarity and formal-hypothesis (fh-)bisimilarity, both due to Robert de Simone, and hypothesis-preserving (hp-)bisimilarity, due to Arend Rensink. For both fh-bisimilarity and hp-bisimilarity, we prove that arbitrary sound equations on open terms are preserved by all disjoint extensions which do not add labels. We also define slight variations of fh- and hp-bisimilarity such that all sound equations are preserved by arbitrary disjoint extensions. Finally, we give two sets of syntactic criteria (on equations, resp. operational extensions) and prove each of them to be sufficient for preserving ci-bisimilarity.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS'10, arXiv:1011.601

    Performance Calculations for a Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Fan Stage from Sparse Measurements

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    A test of the Boundary Layer Ingesting-Inlet / Distortion-Tolerant Fan was completed in NASA Glenn's 8-Foot by 6-Foot supersonic wind tunnel. Inlet and fan performance were measured by surveys using a set of rotating rake arrays upstream and downstream of the fan stage. Surveys were conducted along the 100 percent speed line and a constant exit corrected flow line passing through the aerodynamic design point. These surveys represented only a small fraction of the data collected during the test. For other operating points, data was recorded as snapshots without rotating the rakes which resulted in a sparser set of recorded data. This paper will discuss analysis of these additional, lower measurement density data points to expand our coverage of the fan map. Several techniques will be used to supplement the snapshot data at test conditions where survey data also exists. The supplemented snapshot data will be compared with survey results to assess the quality of the approach. Effective methods will be used to analyze the data set for which only snapshots exist

    Moderate dietary sodium restriction added to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition compared with dual blockade in lowering proteinuria and blood pressure: randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To compare the effects on proteinuria and blood pressure of addition of dietary sodium restriction or angiotensin receptor blockade at maximum dose, or their combination, in patients with non-diabetic nephropathy receiving background treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition at maximum dose