46 research outputs found


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    Drawing on social exchange theory, this study explores the relationship between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and proactive work behavior. We also examined whether perceived organizational support (POS) mediated the effects of HPWS on supervisor ratings of followers’ proactive behavior. The results from structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analyses showed that HPWS were positively related to proactive behavior. The results also suggest that POS mediated the relationship between HPWS and proactive behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed


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    Drawing on social exchange theory, this study explores the relationship between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and proactive work behavior. We also examined whether perceived organizational support (POS) mediated the effects of HPWS on supervisor ratings of followers’ proactive behavior. The results from structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analyses showed that HPWS were positively related to proactive behavior. The results also suggest that POS mediated the relationship between HPWS and proactive behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Impacts of ICT Integration in the Higher Education Classrooms: Bangladesh Perspective

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    For the last few years, ICT integration in education has been the topic of discussion for researchers. Very few researches have been conducted on ICT integration in the context of higher education, especially in Bangladesh. The purpose of this study is to explore the ICT integration in higher education teaching - learning in Bangladesh. This study is qualitative in design. Data were collected from students and teachers in the University of Dhaka through semi-structured interview schedule, focused group discussion and classroom observation schedule. The major findings of this study reveal that ICT is not integrated effectively in higher education teaching-learning. Furthermore, several obstacles have been identified that impede the effective integration of ICT. The obstacles are teachers’ lack of knowledge and skills, teachers’ lack of time to take preparations for class, lack of adequate equipment and access to internet and inadequate technical support. It is asserted that proper teachers’ training about integrating ICT in education will be able to change the scenario to a great extent. This study has, therefore, implications for policy developers, teachers and students of various departments. Keywords: ICT, Pedagogy, Social Interaction, Technology, Teaching – learning

    Exploring Inclusion in Secondary Schools: A Study on Dhaka City

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    This paper presents findings of a mixed methods research which is mainly exploratory research by nature. The primary data have been collected from 180 students and 60 teachers by questionnaires, classroom observation and FGD. To analysis the data a descriptive triangulation approach is used. The Major purpose of this study is to present the practice of inclusive education on inclusive schooling in Dhaka city and other vulnerability discourses that elevated utmost challenges for survival of students with Disabilities (PWDs), disadvantage, gender discrimination during study time. The study findings explore multiple factors poses a threat to inclusion, as Bangladesh is considered one of the most growing concern countries in the world about inclusion. The study reveals that there is gender equity and empty gender discrimination in Dhaka city but still there is unpleasant proportion between student and teacher ratio. Although the lack of enough facilities, schools are welcoming different categories of students in their classroom while teachers are not always prepared to support students for ensuring quality education together with special need child. Though the different initiatives have been taken to train the teachers, which is a must for achieving goals but there is a lack of trained teachers in school to nurture the special need children whereas unified curriculum has been used with ICT teaching-learning materials. Making creative question is one of the most highly encouraging reforms in our country and whenever students take it positively but teachers either have a little idea or dislike the process. In this circumstances it is expected that the findings would influence policies for ensuring inclusive intervention of preparedness and rehabilitation.

    Legislature and Governance A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and Japan

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    This study shades light on the legislative structure and practices of Japan and that of Bangladesh with a view to comparing the state of governance of these two countries. This study has been conducted based on purely qualitative approach with content analysis. As per myriad of study legislative practices of Japan is successful to discharge good governance as the economic growth of Japan is termed as miracle. This study find that the legislative practices of Japan incorporated all the values of governance through its provision of two-house diet where lower house preserve substantial power over upper house, floor crossing, responsiveness of the legislatures, and strong role of parliamentary committees. After comparing the legislative practices of Japan with that of Bangladesh, this study basically found distinctions in structure and practiced value. The parliamentarian of Japan can vote against party decision to preserve the national interest while this is restricted in Bangladesh by the constitution. Japanese parliamentarian even prime minister often stepped down from the government confessing their faults. In Bangladesh we can’t even think of it. Although every parliament in Bangladesh forms myriad of committees to oversight the work of ministers but visible and vibrant role of these committees is rare in both in giving policy input and in discharging oversight activities. Bangladesh, a democratic state wants to uphold the principles of good governance, may imitate some legislative principles both from structure and values of Japanese style of legislature.Keywords: legislature; governance; good governance; Japan; Banglades

    An effective hotel recommendation system through processing heterogeneous data

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    Recommendation systems have recently gained a lot of popularity in various industries such as entertainment and tourism. They can act as filters of information by providing relevant suggestions to the users through processing heterogeneous data from different networks. Many travelers and tourists routinely rely on textual reviews, numerical ratings, and points of interest to select hotels in cities worldwide. To attract more customers, online hotel booking systems typically rank their hotels based on the recommendations from their customers. In this paper, we present a framework that can rank hotels by analyzing hotels’ customer reviews and nearby amenities. In addition, a framework is presented that combines the scores generated from user reviews and surrounding facilities. We perform experiments using datasets from online hotel booking platforms such as TripAdvisor and Booking to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed framework. We first store the keywords extracted from reviews and assign weights to each considered unigram and bigram keywords and, then, we give a numerical score to each considered keyword. Finally, our proposed system aggregates the scores generated from the reviews and surrounding environments from different categories of the facilities. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed recommendation framework