703 research outputs found

    188Re-SSS/Lipiodol: Development of a Potential Treatment for HCC from Bench to Bedside

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the 5th most common tumour worldwide and has a dark prognosis. For nonoperable cases, metabolic radiotherapy with Lipiodol labelled with β-emitters is a promising therapeutic option. The Comprehensive Cancer Centre Eugène Marquis and the National Graduate School of Chemistry of Rennes (ENSCR) have jointly developed a stable and efficient labelling of Lipiodol with rhenium-188 (Eβmax = 2.1 MeV) for the treatment of HCC. The major “milestones” of this development, from the first syntheses to the recent first injection in man, are described

    Avaliação antropométrica, pressórica e hematológica de população vegetariana

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    Objective: Evaluate the anthropometric indices, blood pressure levels and hematological analysis results vegetarian population of the municipality of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.Method: This descriptive and quantitative cross-sectional study has a sample size of 65 vegetarians.Results: The results of this study showed that 61.6% of the sample was of normal weight, 69.2% had a waist circumference within normal parameters, 92.3% had normal blood pressure levels and 26.2% were classified as anemic. More than 60% of the vegetarians in this study evidenced normal plasma calcium and cholesterol levels (total and LDL). Normal levels were also observed in relation to triglycerides (81.4%), glucose (96.9%), total proteins (93.9%) and albumin (100%). Conclusion: The conclusion of the study states that a diverse vegetarian diet can provide health benefits for humansObjetivo: Evaluar los índices antropométricos, los niveles de presión arterial y resultados de análisis hematológicos de la población vegetariana del municipio de Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo, de corte transversal, con muestra compuesta por 65 personas vegetarianas. Resultados: Se identificó 61,6% de eutróficos, 69,2% con circunferencia abdominal dentro de los parámetros normales, 92,3% presentaron niveles de presión arterial normales y 26,2% fueron clasificados como anémicos. Más del 60% de los vegetarianos presentaron niveles plasmáticos de colesterol (Total y LDL) y calcio dentro de los parámetros normales. Lo mismo se observó en relación a los triglicéridos (81,4%), glicemia (96,9%), proteínas totales (93,9%) y albúmina (100%). Conclusión: Se concluye que la alimentación vegetariana diversificada puede proporcionar beneficios a la salud del ser humano.Objetivo: Avaliar os índices antropométricos, valores pressóricos e resultados de análise hematológica de população vegetariana do município de Ji-Paraná, em Rondônia/Brasil. Método: Trata-se de estudo descritivo e quantitativo, de corte transversal, com amostra composta por 65 vegetarianos. Resultados: Identificaram-se 61,6% de eutróficos, 69,2% com circunferência abdominal dentro dos parâmetros normais, 92,3% apresentaram níveis pressóricos normais e 26,2% foram classificados como anêmicos. Mais de 60% dos vegetarianos tinham níveis plasmáticos de colesterol (Total e LDL) e cálcio dentro dos parâmetros normais. O mesmo se observou em relação a triglicérides (81,4%), glicemia (96,9%), proteínas totais (93,9%) e albumina (100%). Conclusão: A alimentação vegetariana diversificada pode proporcionar benefícios à saúde do ser humano

    Vers la synthèse totale du FR225654 inhibiteur de la gluconéogenèse

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    Le diabète de type 2 est aujourd hui une maladie de plus en plus répandu. En ce sens il est nécessaire de mettre au point de nouveau composé permettant d inhiber la gluconéogenèse. C est pourquoi nous nous sommes intéressé à la synthèse du FR225654 1, décaline présentant une activité hypoglycémiante in vivo après administration par voie orale et inhibiteur de la néoglucogenèse in vitro (IC50 = 1,1.10-7 M). Ce composé, isolé en 2005 du champignon Phoma sp N00144 et jamais encore synthétisé à ce jour, possède un mécanisme d action inconnu. La nécessité d une synthèse par voie chimique convergente et flexible, permettant l accès à des analogues, est donc évidente. La stratégie consistait à préparer une trans-décaline par le biais d une réaction de Diels-Alder intramoléculaire à partir d un triène précurseur. La combinaison de ces travaux a constitué une avancée importante dans le cadre de la synthèse du FR225654, un hypoglycémiant potentiel. La mise au point d une synthèse convergente du précurseur de la réaction de Diels-Alder permettra notamment d effectuer par la suite des modifications aisées en vue de la préparation d une vaste gamme d analogues simplifiés. A ce jour, le produit de cyclo-addition a été isolé et caractérisé, validant ainsi l étape clé de la stratégie de synthèse. Ainsi, l accès rapide au FR225654 est rendu possible et la synthèse d analogues est maintenant envisageable. Les produits synthétisés feront l objet d une évaluation biologique, l objectif ultime étant d accéder à de nouveaux médicaments pour le traitement du diabète de type 2.Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a growing worldwide health concern that is expected to afflict over 366 million people by 2030. FR225654 is a novel gluconeogenesis (GNG) inhibitor recently isolated from the culture broth of Phoma sp.. This compound selectively inhibits GNG of primary rat hepatocytes and shows highly hypoglycemic effects in several in vivo mouse models (80% decrease of glycemia). However, to date, the mechanism of action and molecular target remain unknown. From a structural point of view, FR225654 exhibits a highly oxygenated trans-decalin ring substituted by a b-keto-enol moiety and a side-chain bearing a conjugated carboxylic acid and a trisubstituted olefin. Project specific objectives were to design an efficient total synthesis which could also permit a straightforward access to diverse analogues. This feature would constitute a crucial step for the further understanding of Structure Activity Relationship of FR225654. The work consists in synthesizing separately a side chain and a trans-decalin core by means of an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction from a precursor. To date, synthesis of the precursor has been achieved in 13 steps as well as the side chain. The Intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction has also been validated in order to accomplish the first total synthesis of FR225654.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocPARIS-BIUM-Bib. électronique (751069903) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Different coordination modes for disulfoxides towards diorganotin(IV) dichlorides. X-ray crystal structures of 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) and adducts [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] and [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2]

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    The reactions of meso-1,2-bis(phenylsulfinyl)ethane (meso-bpse) with Ph2SnCl2, 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiane trans-1-trans-3-dioxide (pdtd) with n-Bu2SnCl2 and 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) with Ph2SnCl2, in 1:1 molar ratio, yielded [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] and [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 or n), respectively. All adducts were studied by IR, Mössbauer and 119Sn NMR spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The X-ray crystal structure of [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] revealed the occurrence of infinite chains in which the tin(IV) atoms appear in a distorted octahedral geometry with Cl atoms in cis and Ph groups in trans positions. The X-ray crystal structure of [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revealed discrete centrosymmetric dimeric species in which the tin(IV) atoms possess a distorted octahedral geometry with bridging disulfoxides in cis and n-butyl moieties in trans positions. The spectroscopic data indicated that the adduct containing the rac,cis-cbpse ligand can be dimeric or polymeric. The X-ray structural analysis of the free rac-,cis-cbpse sulfoxide revealed that the crystals belong to the C2/c space group.As reações de meso-1,2-bis(fenilsulfinil)etano (meso-bpse) com Ph2SnCl2, de 2-fenil-1,3-ditiona trans-1-trans-dióxido (pdtd) com n-Bu2SnCl2 e de 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) com Ph2SnCl2, na proporção molar 1:1, levaram à formação de [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] e [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 ou n), respectivamente. Na investigação das propriedades estruturais dos produtos foram empregadas as espectroscopias de absorção no infravermelho, Mössbauer e RMN de 119Sn, além de análise elementar e difratometria de raios X em monocristal. O estudo de [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] por difratometria de raios X revelou a ocorrência de um encadeamento infinito no qual os átomos de tin(IV) apresentam uma geometria octaédrica distorcida com os átomos de Cl em posições cis e os grupos Ph em trans. A estrutura cristalina de [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revelou a presença de espécies diméricas centrossimétricas nas quais os átomos de tin(IV) possuem geometria octaédrica distorcida com dissulfóxidos em ponte ocupando posições cis e grupos n-butila ocupando posições trans. Os dados espectroscópicos indicaram que o produto contendo o ligante rac,cis-cbpse pode ser dimérico ou polimérico. O estudo por difratometria de raios X do sulfóxido rac-,cis-cbpse livre revelou que os cristais pertencem ao grupo espacial C2/c.CNPqFAPESPFINE

    Environmental changes and radioactive tracers

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    É tudo o mesmo ou nem por isso: as relações entre presentismo, workaholism e comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e os seus efeitos no bem-estar do trabalhador

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    Classificação adotada na unidade orgânica: 3600 Psicologia Industrial e Organizacional, 3660 Comportamento OrganizacionalEsta dissertação teve como objetivo perceber se o presentismo, o workaholism e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional são conceitos que se sobrepõem tendo em conta que existem semelhanças entre estes. Para confirmar a sua sobreposição ou distinção, estudou-se, também, os efeitos que estas variáveis têm no bem-estar no trabalho. Neste estudo participaram 403 indivíduos profissionalmente ativos, provenientes de vários setores de atividade. Foram realizadas várias análises de componentes principais e análises de correlações para testar a nossa questão de investigação e foram realizadas regressões lineares múltiplas para testar os efeitos das três variáveis no bem-estar no trabalho. Os resultados demonstraram que os ganhos de produtividade associados ao presentismo, o workaholism e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional são constructos distintos e as hipóteses deste estudo foram parcialmente confirmadas. Verificou-se que o presentismo e o workaholism afetam negativamente o bem-estar no trabalho enquanto que os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional afetam positivamente o bem-estar no trabalho.This thesis aimed do understand if presenteeism, workaholism and organizational citizenship behaviors are concepts that overlap given that there are similarities between them. To confirm its overlap or distinction, we also investigated the effects these variables have on well-being at work. This study involved 403 professionally active individuals from various sectors of activity. We did several principal component analysis and correlation analysis to test our research question and multiple linear regressions were conducted to test the effects of the three variables on well-being at work. The results showed that the productivity gains associated with presenteeism, workaholism and organizational citizenship behaviors are distinct constructs and hypotheses of this study were partially confirmed. It was found that presenteeism and workaholism negatively affect the well-being at work while organizational citizenship behaviors positively affect well-being at work

    Genômica, evolução e caracterização funcional de genes de baculovírus

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2015.Orientador estrangeiro: Dr. Rollie J. ClemBaculovirus são vírus de DNA dupla-fita circular capazes de infectar oralmente o estágio larval de insetos. Atualmente, são usados para o controle biológico de insetos praga e como vetores de expressão de proteínas heterólogas. Pouco é sabido das bases moleculares da interação do vírus com o hospedeiro e de sua evolução. Os fatores limitantes estão associados ao número de genomas sequenciados bem como a restrição do cultivo in vitro de várias espécies virais. De fato, a base para o início de quaisquer estudos moleculares mais detalhados de novas espécies de baculovírus ou de isolados certamente se inicia com o sequenciamento do genoma completo e com o estudo de genes encontrados. Dessa forma, neste trabalho, vários genomas de baculovírus isolados no Brasil foram sequenciados e descritos. Sequenciamos e descrevemos baculovírus isolados do mandarová-da-mandicoca, da broca da cana-de-açúcar, do bicho da seda, da lagarta polífaga Helicoverpa armigera, do mandarová-do-mate entre outros. Concomitante à descrição do genoma, caracterizamos estruturalmente algumas espécies, avaliamos a taxa de mortalidade em situações controladas de infecção, bem como caracterizamos alguns genes que permitiram um entendimento evolutivo mais amplo das espécies descritas e de sua interação com o hospedeiro. Descrevemos o primeiro inibidor de serino protease de baculovírus capaz de bloquear a imunidade inata do inseto hospedeiro e causar proteção ao patógeno. Encontramos o primeiro betabaculovírus com uma proteína de fusão de envelope de alphabaculovírus, a gp64 e caracterizamos sua funcionalidade. Além disso, mostramos pela primeira vez o papel de genes envolvidos no metabolismo de nucleotídeo e sua capacidade de alterar o desempenho viral. Em conclusão, baculovírus apresentam plasticidade genômica com aquisições proeminentes de genes de vários organismos como outros vírus de insetos, bactérias e plantas. Além disso, perdas de genes ancestrais e duplicação são eventos recorrentes. Tanto a genômica quanto o estudo molecular básico de baculovírus tem contribuído para a compreensão de doenças associadas a humanos como câncer e doenças virais cujo agente etiológico apresenta genoma com DNA dupla-fita ou que infectam primariamente o intestino médio de insetos, como herpesvírus e arboviroses, respectivamente.Baculoviruses are circular double-stranded DNA viruses that are orally infectious to larval stages of insects. Nowadays, they are used as biological control agents of agricultural and forest pests and as vector for heterologous protein expression. The understanding of both the molecular basis and the evolution of the virus/host interaction is scarce due to the few numbers of sequenced genomes and the restriction in cultivating several virus species in vitro. In fact, the beginning of any molecular study of new baculovirus species or isolates certainly pervades the whole genome sequencing. Therefore, in this work, several genomes of baculoviruses isolated in Brazil were sequenced and described. We sequenced and described baculoviruses isolated from subject cadavers of the cassava hornworm (Erinnyis ello), the sugar cane borer (Diatraea saccharalis), the silkworm (Bombyx mori), the bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), and the mate hornworm (Perigonia lusca). Together with the genome description, we characterized structurally some species, evaluated the mortality in controlled infections, and characterized as well some genes to better understand the novel species and their interaction with the host. We described the first baculoviral serine protease inhibitor capable of blocking the insect immunity response and causing pathogen protection. We found the first betabaculovirus harboring an alphabaculovirus envelope fusion protein, a gp64 and we characterized its functionality. Furthermore, we have shown for the first time a role of genes related to nucleotide metabolism and it ability of altering the virus fitness. In conclusion, baculoviruses present genomic plasticity with great and recurrent acquisition of genes from several organisms including other insect viruses, bacteria, and plant. Moreover, ancestral gene losses and duplication are common events in baculovirus evolution. Both genomics and molecular biology of baculovirus have contributed to the comprehension of human-associated diseases such as cancer and viral whereas the etiologic agent presents dsDNA genome or infects primarily the insect midgut like herpexviruses and arboviruses, respectively

    Cytotoxicity analysis of three Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp. israelensis d-Endotoxins towards insect and mammalian cells

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    Three members of the d-endotoxin group of toxins expressed by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, Cyt2Ba, Cry4Aa and Cry11A, were individually expressed in recombinant acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis strains for in vitro evaluation of their toxic activities against insect and mammalian cell lines. Both Cry4Aa and Cry11A toxins, activated with either trypsin or Spodoptera frugiperda gastric juice (GJ), resulted in different cleavage patterns for the activated toxins as seen by SDS-PAGE. The GJ-processed proteins were not cytotoxic to insect cell cultures. On the other hand, the combination of the trypsinactivated Cry4Aa and Cry11A toxins yielded the highest levels of cytotoxicity to all insect cells tested. The combination of activated Cyt2Ba and Cry11A also showed higher toxic activity than that of toxins activated individually. When activated Cry4Aa, Cry11A and Cyt2Ba were used simultaneously in the same assay a decrease in toxic activity was observed in all insect cells tested. No toxic effect was observed for the trypsin-activated Cry toxins in mammalian cells, but activated Cyt2Ba was toxic to human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) when tested at 20 mg/mL

    A comparative study of lesions caused by different parasitic stages of Boophilus Microplus (Canestrini) in the skins of naturally infested taurine and zebuine hosts. The correlation of tick resistence with mast cell counts in the host's skin

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    Biópsias de pele lesada por larvas, ninfas e fêmeas engurgitadas de Boophilus microplus foram colhidas de cinco Bos taurus da raça Holandesa e de cinco Bos indicus da raça Gir, adquiridos na mesma propriedade, com aproximadamente 23 meses de idade, e colocados em convivência no mesmo pasto durante 90 dias que precederam este ensaio. O grau de susceptibilidade ao ácaro foi estimado previamente, sendo os zebuínos cerca de 15 vezes mais resistentes que os taurinos. As biópsias foram colhidas de modo que o parasito ficasse localizado no centro do fragmento de pele. Essas peças foram fixadas em formalina a 10% durante 24 h e processadas pelos métodos usuais em histologia seguindo-se a coloração pela técnica da Hematoxilin-Eosin ou do “tricrômico” de Masson. Não foram constatadas diferenças morfológicas que pudessem ser relacionadas aos diferentes graus de resistência ao parasito entre os taurinos e zebuinos. Biópsias foram colhidas de zonas não lesadas, na região da virilha dos cinco taurinos e dos cinco zebuínos, fixadas em subacetato de chumbo a 1% em solução de etanol 50%, contendo 1% de ácido acético, por 24 h. A seguir os fragmentos foram processados pelas técnicas usuais em histologia e corados pelo método do azul de toluidina 0,1%. Os mastócitos foram contados comparativamente em 80 campos microscópicos, em aumento de 100 vezes. Os resultados mostram que os zebuínos tem mais que o dobro do número de mastócitos dérmicos quando comparado com o encontrado nos taurinos. Esses resultados sugerem que os mastócitos dérmicos possam, pelo menos em parte, participar dos mecanismos de resistência dos bovinos ao Boophilus microplus.Biopsies of skin injuries caused by larvae, nymphs, unengorged and engorged females of Boophilus microplus were collected from five Bos taurus and five Bos indicus steers, which had been bom on the same ranch, aged about 23 months and had been grazing together in the same pasture during the preceding 90 days. Their susceptibilities to the tick had been previously estimated, being the taurine animals around fifteen times as susceptible as the zebuine ones. The biopsies were made in such a manner that the mouth pieces were in the center of the skin fragments. These were immersed for 24 hours in 10% formalin, then processed through usual histopathological techniques and stained either by the haematoxilin-eosin or by Masson’s “trichromic” procedures. No morphological differences were found capable of explaining the higher tick susceptibility observed for the taurine hosts as compared to the zebuine’s. Biopsies from non parasitized skin from the groin region of five B. taurus and five B. indicus steers were fixed in 1% lead subacetate, plus 50% ethanol, plus 1% acetic acid, for 24 hours, which they were histologically processed and stained in 0.1 % toluidin blue. The mast cells were comparatively counted in 80 microscope fields per sample with 100 diameters of magnification and the counts averaged more than twice as high in the zebuine than in the taurine host’s skins. These results strongly suggest that mast cells participate as important elements in the bovine host’s resistance to the cattle tick


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    Vue aérienne avec, au premier plan, le quartier de Villeneuve, au second, la ville de Fréjus et, en arrière plan, le massif de l’Estérel (Cl. Ville de Fréjus / M. Heller©). 1. Localisation et origine du projet Le quartier de Villeneuve se trouve à l’est de la ville de Fréjus et s’étend au-delà de la butte Saint‑Antoine jusqu’au quartier de Villepey. Il est aujourd’hui distant d’environ 1,5 km du bord de mer et se compose essentiellement d’espaces résidentiels bordés au sud par une zone comme..