95 research outputs found

    Use of Water Hyacinth and Fermented Fruit Waste as BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Media on The Quality of BSF Maggot Flour

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    This study aims to assess BSF maggot flour’s quality using water hyacinth growing media and fermentedfruit waste using EM-4 and molasses. Held a total of 70 g of baby maggot was in the temple for 15 days.Eldest the feed used using fermented water hyacinth and fermented fruit waste with four treatmentsconsist of P0= 0% fermented water hyacinth+ 100% fermented fruit waste, P1= 25% fermented waterhyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste, P2= 50% fermented water hyacinth+ 50% fermented fruit waste,and 75% fermented water hyacinth+ 25% fermented fruit waste. The design of the experiment uses acompletely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that substitution of feeding 25% fermentedwater hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste influenced the yield of BSF maggot flour (P <0.05), and therewas no effect on the pH quality of Maggot BSf flour (P> 0.05). The best results’ (substitution of feeding25% fermented water hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste) has proximate content of dry matter89%, ash 11%, crude protein 35.5%, crude fat 12%, calcium 7%, nitrogen-free extract material 7%,metabolist energy 2939.64 kcal/ 100 g

    Effect of Adding Cassava Peel and Lactic Acid Bacteria as a Feed Additive to the Weight of Immune Organs of Super Native Chicken

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    This study aims to evaluate the use of cassava peels added with lactic acid bacteria on the immune organ weight of super native chickens. The material used in this study was 144 Day Old Chick (DOC) super unsex native chicken with an average body weight of 34 ± 3,14 gram. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a dose of liquid feed additive in the form of a combination of cassava peel flour and lactic acid bacteria mixed with rations. The treatments in this study included T0: basal ration, T1 (basal ration + 10% feed additive ml/kg), T2 (basal ration + 15% feed additive ml/kg) and T3 (basal ration + 20% feed additive ml/kg). The parameters observed were body weight, the relative weight of lymph, thymus, and bursa Fabricius superficial chicken stock exchange. The result showed that the combination of cassava peel and lactic acid bacteria had no significant effect (P>0.05) on body weight, the relative weight of the lymph organs, thymus, and bursa Fabricius of super native chickens. This research concludes that the combination of cassava peel and lactic acid bacteria as a feed additive can maintain chickens' health by not increasing the relative weight of the super native chicken immune organs to the level of 200 ml/kg

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit Pada Petani Swadaya Di Desa Simpang Kelayang Kecamatan Kelayang Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: 1) saluran, marjin pemasaran dan bagian dari harga yang diterima petani. 2) sambungan atau korelasi antara harga minyak sawit yang dibayarkan kepada petani Organisasi PKS. Metode survei yang digunakan dengan purposive sampling untuk petani. Sampel dari umur tanaman 7-10. dengan mengambil 10% dari populasi sehingga sampel diambil 22 216 petani. Sampel pedagang dan PKS menggunakan metode snowball sampling. Desa Simpang Kelayang Kecamatan Kelayang terdapat tengkulak yang menjadi perantara petani-pedagang-PKS. Petani harga jual ke pedagang pada bulan Februari 2015 adalah Rp. 1.326,36 / kg dan pedagang menjual ke PKS untuk Rp. 1.790,64 / kg. Margin Maret 2014- Februari 2015 adalah bulan tertinggi Januari 2015 sebesar Rp. 420,26 / Kg. Margin terendah di April 2014 sebesar Rp. 125,40 / Kg TBS pemasaran Efisiensi Dalam Februari 2015 sebesar 14,28 persen dari total marjin pemasaran dari USD 464,28 / Kg dan bagian dari petani menerima 73,03 persen. nilai korelasi harga (r) di tingkat petani dengan pedagang sebesar 0.832 Kata kunci: Marjin Pemasaran, Harga Korelasi, elastisitas, Efesiensi PemasaranThis study aims to find and know, and analyze: 1) channels, marketing margin and part of the price received by farmers. 2) connection or correlation between the price of palm oil paid to the farmer MCC Organization. This study used survey method, with purposive sampling to farmers. Samples of plant age 7-10. with a determined 10% of the population so that the sample was taken 22 216 farmers. Samples traders and MCC using snowball sampling method. Desa Simpang Kelayang District of Kelayang there is a middleman that farmer-trader-MCC. Farmer selling price to wholesalers in February 2015 is Rp. 1326.36 / kg and traders selling to the MCC for Rp. 1790.64 / kg. Margin of March 2014- February 2015 were the highest month of January 2015 amounted to Rp. 420.26 / Kg. The lowest margin in April 2014 amounted to Rp. 125.40 / Kg TBS marketing Efficiency In February 2015 amounted to 14.28 percent of total marketing margin of USD 464.28 / Kg and part of farmers received 73.03 percent. price correlation values (r) at the level of farmers with traders amounted to 0.83

    Pengawasan Tempat Karaoke oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Pekanbaru

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    In an affort to curb the place of entertainment, the government of pekanbaru city make local regulation, number 03 of 2002 about general entertainment, one of which is karaoke place. the suvervisor of karaoke aims to curb the place of karaoke so that in the implementation of this business operations do not make a disadvantage, a danger, and disturbance to the society and surrounding environment. Based on the experience of research in field, most place of karaoke do not comply with local regulation that made by government of pekanbaru city. The purpose of this research is to know how the surveillance of karaoke place by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru and to know the factors that affect surveillance karaoke place in pekanbaru city. This research conducted in Pekanbaru city with using qualitative descriptivr method, with collect data through observation and interviews. this research done by using theory of Manullang, which set the standards, make an assesment snd take correctivr action. This research conducted in Pekanbaru city with using qualitative descriptivr method, with collect data through observation and interviews. this research done by using theory of Manullang, which set the standards, make an assesment snd take correctivr action. The result ot this research conclution, supevision by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru still not implemented effectively, this is proven by the many of karaoke place that still dilo not comply with the rules that made by government of Pekanbaru city. this happend because of government do not serious in supervission, do not maximal in implementation the rules. and sosialitation for the own karaoke busines in Pekanbaru do not maximal. The result ot this research conclution, supevision by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru still not implemented effectively, this is proven by the many of karaoke place that still dilo not comply with the rules that made by government of Pekanbaru city. this happend because of government do not serious in supervission, do not maximal in implementation the rules. and sosialitation for the own karaoke busines in Pekanbaru do not maximal. Keyword : Supervision, Entertainment, Management Keyword : Supervision, Entertainment, Managemen

    SA-7 Os Humerus Amputation in Cat with Osteomyelitis

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    Osteomyelitis is bone inflammation caused by infectious agent such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses [1]. Infectious agent attacks part of the bone such as cortical bone, periosteum, and myeloid cavity. Osteomyelitis cases may happen through two causes: hematogenous infection or infection right to the bone after trauma [2]. Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., and Escerichia coli are bacteria most often cause bone infection [3]. Around 50% of osteomyelitis cases are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus [1]. Treatment for osteomyelitis cases depends on the severity of the case. If it is still mild, veterinarians may only give antibiotic to curb infection. However, on more severe osteomyelitis cases (usually on chronic osteomyelitis), other than antibiotic treatment, debridement or amputation surgery may be performed [4].                Amputation is a surgical procedure performed to separate a part or entire body part or extremities [5]. This procedure is a last option when problems on one part of the body cannot be treated by any other procedure. Several example cases that put amputation as a treatment option are bad blood circulation which cause no blood to sustain the tissues and thus causing tissue death; severe injury (from accidents); tumor/cancer; congenital or acquired defects that cannot be treated; and serious infection that cannot be treated by any other treatment [6]

    Subtitusi Tepung Ketan Dengan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Pada Pembuatan Engkak Ketan

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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of substitution of glutinous rice flour with seaweed for proximate, physic, sensory and microbiology. The research was conducted in March and April 2014 in Laboratory of Fisheries Technology and Laboratory of Bioprocess, Chemical Engineering Department, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya. This research used non factorial complete randomized design with four treatments and repeated twice. Glutinous rice flour was substituted with different concentration of seaweed A1 (12.5%), A2 (25%), A3 (37.5%), A4 (50%). The parameters observed were proximate analysis (water content), texture analysis, sensory (colour, texture and taste) and microbiology test. The results showed that substitution of glutinous rice flour with seaweed was not significant on hardness and water content. Based on analysis, the composition of the value obtained around 23.83-29.83% water content and 184.6-349.34 gf hardness analysis. Hedonic test was significant on colour and taste but not significant on texture. Microbiology test showed that engkak ketan is safe for eat on H

    Analisis Jaringan Kerja Dan Penentuan Jalur Kritis Dengan Critical Path Methode-cpm (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Rumah Graha Taman Pelangi Type Milano Pada PT Karyadeka Alam Lestari Semarang)

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    Dalam suatu kegiatan produksi di suatu Perusahaan mungkin saja terjadi penyimpangan dari apa yang diharapkan atau yang direncanakan. Demikian pula yang dilakukan oleh PT Karyadeka Alam Lestari (PT KAL) Semarang. Semua kegiatan produksi harus diarahkan untuk menjamin terdapatnya kontinuitas dan koordinasi kegiatan atau aktivitas dalam USAha pengolahan dan penyelesaian hasil produksi atau produk sesuai dengan bentuk, kuantitas, kualitas dan waktu yang diinginkan, serta dalam batas biaya-biaya yang direncanakan. Penjadwalan proyek tersebut sangat diperlukan oleh pengelola proyek untuk membuat rencana anggaran biaya agar tidak terlalu banyak pengeluaran yang dibutuhkan dan kurun waktu penyelesaian proyek dapat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana sehingga tidak terjadi kemoloran Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan total waktu proses pembangunan rumah Graha Taman Pelangi Type Milano jika dilakukan secara berurutan adalah 227 hari. Proses pengerjaan proyek belum optimal karena dari hasil output QS menunjukkan total waktu perencanaan pengerjaan proyek pembangunan rumah selama 151 hari. Total biaya penyelesaian proyek berdasakan waktu Earliest Start Time (ES) adalah Rp 3.806.000-Rp 3.820.000. Sedangkan jumlah biaya yang harus dikeluarkan berdasarkan Latest Allowable Start Time (LS) berkisar antara Rp 3.771.000- Rp 3.785.00

    Analisis Kebijakan Pemerintah Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Rob (Studi Kasus Kota Tegal)

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    Topographically, Tegal city located in low-lying areas in the northern coastal areas of Java Sea. This topographic conditions that led to the city of Tegal has the potential vulnerability of disaster caused by sea water is quite high. The city is faced with the question every year tidal flood. According to Law No. 32 of 2009 in the protection and management of environmental, district / city government duty and authority to determine level of district / city. Tegals city government has a duty to establish appropriate policies in order to rob the response. Development paradigm has gradually shifted its efforts on increasing public participation in various phases of development activities. Principles of the implementation of the program is to put the public other than as objects of development is also a subject or perpetrator of development that is expected to continue / expand the development program and can solve their own problems, especially in improving the quality of settlement environment. Of it is to know how public participation in the prevention rob tegal city.In this study the researchers used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed methods design). Mixed methods design is a procedure to collect data, analyze and "mixing" both qualitative and quantitative methods in a single research study to understand the problem. This research will use models aim sampling (purposive sampling). Understanding of purposive sampling is carefully selected samples were deemed worthy or representatatif in providing information on research problems.Implementation strategies used by the Government in response to rob Tegal is by involving all relevant agencies and elements rob problem, namely by engaging on education, the local, non-governmental organizations, communities and society tokok affected rob. The involvement of all elements and elements that comprise the city of Tegal; stages of planning, organizing, implementation and evaluation. Prior to the establishment of management policies rob, to the community, especially people who were targeted socialized programs in advance of planned steps to be performed Tegal City Government to the areas affected by flooding, in addition to the community in hopes to have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding, as well can actively participate in the later stages implmentasi.In general, the respondents\u27 participation in the management process is classified as long rob upper middle. Community actively participate in the planning, establishment and implementation of government policies by Rob Tegal. It is also due to the efforts of community engagement undertaken by the City of Tegal
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