66 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of implementing learning hours on student learning outcomes in the subject of aqidah morals class x ma an-nur Bululawang, the design of this study used quantitative research. Data collection techniques in this study used two unpaired sample t-test analysis and processing This data uses the SPSS version 23.0 computer program with a significance level of 5%. The results of the data obtained with an average or mean in the morning class is 86.56. Meanwhile for the afternoon class the average or Mean is 80.88. And the results of the t-test analysis in this study obtained the results of Sig.(2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, this indicates that there is a significant influence of learning hours on student learning outcomes in the subject of akidah class x-ma annur bululawang.

    Pelatihan Merancang dan Mengembangkan Mulitimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif untuk Guru di SD Negeri Bajangan Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Media pembelajaran merupakan komponen utama dari kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. Salah satu format media pembelajaran yang sering digunakan adalah berformat multimedia. Multimedia pembelajaran telah banyak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di kelas. Keefektifannya dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa juga terbukti di berbagai literatur-literatur penelitian. Akan tetapi, masih banyak di berbagai sekolah yang belum mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis multimedia tersebut. Alasannya karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dalam mengembangkannya, tidak tersedianya sarana untuk menerapkannya, dan tidak adanya pelatihan-pelatihan yang khusus untuk melatih pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan merancang dan mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif untuk guru di SD Negeri Bajangan Kabupaten Pasuruan. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh sebelas orang guru. Hasil akhir dari pelatihan adalah multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh guru. Pada akhir kegiatan, pengabdi memberikan kuesioner untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan para guru selama mengikuti kegiatan. Secara keseluruhan, guru merasa puas terhadap kegiatan pelatihan yang diadakan


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penerapan model pembelajaran guided  inquiry untuk melatih soft skill siswa pada proses pembelajaran praktikum. Keberhasilan  pembelajaran ini dinilai dari: 1) soft skill siswa selama proses pembelajaran; 2) ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa (pengetahuan dan psikomotor) ditinjau secara individual maupun klasikal; dan 3) respon siswa tentang soft skill siswa setelah pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran guided  inquiry. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan “One Group Pretest Postest Design” dimana sebelum pembelajaran, siswa diberi pre-test dan pada akhir putaran pembelajaran siswa diberi post-test. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah; 1) lembar observasi soft skill siswa; 2) soal yang berupa soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, uraian serta pernyataan dalam bentuk pilihan ganda untuk mengetahui ketuntasan produk, proses dan soft skill siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran guided  inquiry dan 3) lembar angket yang digunakan untuk mengetahui respon siswa. Hasil penelitian setelah pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran guided inquiry menunjukkan bahwa: 1) soft skill siswa yang meliputi kemampuan berkomunikasi, keterampilan berpikir dan menyelesaikan masalah, serta kerja dalam tim meningkat dari pertemuan 1 ke pertemuan 2. 2) ketuntasan belajar siswa (psikomotor) secara individual telah dicapai oleh 24 siswa dan ketuntasan klasikal sudah mencapai 80% melebihi batas ketuntasan minimal (≥ 76%) dan ketuntasan belajar siswa (pengetahuan) mengalami peningkatan setelah proses pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran guided inquiry. 3) respon siswa terhadap peningkatan soft skill setelah penerapan pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran guided inquiry mendapatkan respon yang positif (≥ 61%).   Kata kunci: Pembelajaran guided  inquiry, Power Supply, soft skill.   Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the successful implementation of guided inquiry learning model to train students in soft skills of  the process laboratory of stringing power supply. This study assessed the success of: 1) soft skills of students during the learning process, 2) thoroughness of student learning outcomes (psikomotor and kognitif) be reviewed individually and classical, and 3) student responses on the soft skills of students after learning guided inquiry learning model.This study uses the design of "One Group Pretest Postest Design" in which prior learning, students are given pre-test and the final round of learning students are given the post-test. The data collection technique uses are ; 1) observation sheets  soft skills of students; 2) about the form of multiple choice questions, a description and a statement in the form of multiple choice to determine the thoroughness of products, processes and soft skills of students before and after learning through guided inquiry learning model and 3) questionnaire sheet that is used to study the response of the students.The results after learning through guided inquiry learning model suggests that: 1) the soft skills of students which include communication skills, thinking skills and problem solving, and working in teams increased from one meeting to the meeting 2. 2) completeness of student learning (Psikomotor) the individual has been achieved by 24 students and a classical completeness has reached 80% over the brick s thoroughness minimal (≥ 76%) and completeness of student learning (kognitif) have increased after the process of learning through guided inquiry learning model. 3) response soft skills of students to increase after the application of learning through an guided inquiry learning model of getting a positive response (≥ 61%). Key words: guided inquiry learning  model, power supply, soft skill

    Pengembangan Media PowerPoint Berdasarkan Teori Kognitif untuk Mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    The development of information and communication technology gives a big impact on the joints of education. This is clearly seen in the use of computer technology in learning. By using computer technology, a teacher can utilize multimedia-based learning. The term that refers to the use of computer technology for learning is called E-learning. The use of E-learning that is commonly used in classrooms is the use of PowerPoint presentations. However, to be able to utilize these media effectively in learning must be based on an appropriate learning theory. One of them is the application of the principles of cognitive learning theory in the design of Powerpoint media. Some of these principles include applying multimedia principles, applying the principle of contiguity, applying the principle of modality, and applying the principle of coherence. Kata kunci: pengembangan media powerpoint, teori kognitif, mahasiswa pendidikan agama islam


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    Moral decadence is a problem in society, especially for students in this modern era.Students need a strong understanding and a continuous process in instilling PAI values. The focus of this research: 1) How is the process of internalizing PAI values to students through the flagship program at Mts Almaarif 02 Singosari? 2) What are the PAI values that are internalized to students through the flagship program at Mts Almaarif 02 Singosari? 3) What are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in efforts to internalize PAI values to students through the flagship program at Mts Almaarif 02 Singosari?. The research method uses qualitative case studies, with interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Analyzed by data condensation, data presentation, data withdrawal or verification of conclusions. Checking the validity of the data with the testcredibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The end result: 1) The process of internalizing PAI values to students through the flagship program of MTs Almaarif 02 Singosari, contains 3 things, namely the strategy stage, the value internalization stage, and the method of internalizing PAI values. 2) PAI values that are internalized include the values of faith, worship, and morals. 3) Supporting factors, namely the comfort of the situation and condition of the place, as well as the completeness of the facilities. The inhibiting factor is the disgraceful behavior of students and guardians of students who do not pay attention to their children in worship or other matters

    Konsep Mahar Dalam Pandangan Mayarakat Kota Subulussalam (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Simpang Kiri)

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    Dowry is a mandatory gift from a prospective husband to a prospective wife as a form of application of syar'i orders. The determination of the dowry in Islam is not determined by the amount and form. However, this is different from the practice carried out by the people of Tangga Besi Village, Simpang Kiri District, Subulussalam City, which determines the amount of dowry. The purpose of this study is to find out the dowry in community marriages and the reasons for youth to marry or not in Tangga Besi Village, Simpang Kiri District, Subulussam City. The subjects in the study were 16 people, namely the head of the local KUA, religious leaders, traditional leaders, village heads and the community, 5 youths, and 6 women and one parent. To answer these problems using the type of research field research (field), with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the determination of the dowry in the marriage of the Simpang Kiri District, Subulussalam City had a negative influence, where men and women were hampered in getting married, on average some men and women over the age of 35 years and over were newly married. With the increasing number of dowries, the number of marriages is decreasing, some men prefer not to marry. Those who determine the dowry in marriage are carried out by the family/parents and themselves. Determination of the amount of dowry in terms of descent, beauty, level of education and living at the bride's house, these are factors that stand out from the high dowry in Simpang Kiri District, Subulussalam City. The reasons for youth to marry and not marry in (1) are caused by the fact that young people are still overseas, (2) because there is no permanent job yet. (3) caused by the high amount of dowry


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world, including Indonesia, for the last 2 years or so. Covid-19 has had many impacts, especially on educational institutions. In educational institutions, the learning process carried out during this pandemic period experienced many problems. This makes the Ministry of Education and Culture make a firm policy relating to the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent wider transmission. This paper examines educational policies during the Covid-19 pandemic related to the implementation of E-Learning-based learning, where learning that was previously carried out face-to-face (offline) is replaced with online. The E-Learning-based learning process is a solution for implementing education during the pandemic which is still not optimal as a whole. Many still need to be considered in its implementation both in terms of teachers, students, and also learning tools. In terms of teachers still need to improve the quality of teachers in the creativity used during online learning and the use of information technology. During this covid 19 period, PAI teachers at SMK Negeri 4 Malang made new innovations and creativity in online learning by utilizing learning media (technology). Teachers are able to use online learning media, such as using WhatsApp media, Youtube media, Google Classroom media, Google Internet media, Google Meet media, Zoom media, and Power Point


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    The acceleration in educational technology encourages teachers to use media inlearning that is considered appropriate. There are many choices of learning ideas thatcan be applied with the help of technology, one of the uses of technology results ineducation is the use of interactive videos in the learning process. The use of media isable to provide an increase in student motivation in learning. In this thesis research,the author uses a qualitative approach because this study aims to describe the resultsof data processing in the form of words and general descriptions that occur in the field.Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the researchers concludethat the use of interactive videos in motivation and learning outcomes during thecovid19 pandemic in the PAI and Budi Pekerti learning process for class X SMA Negeri2 Malang. The characteristics of the right video on students' motivation and learningoutcomes are interactive video learning media that are easy for students and alsoteachers. In this regard, the results of using interactive videos can increase studentmotivation and learning outcome

    Konstruksi Seksualitas Perempuan di Majalah Men’s Health

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    This study explores the construction of female sexuality in MEN’S HEALTH Magazine. MEN’S HEALTH is a magazine which contains information about fitness, health, intimacy, career and fashion. MEN’S HEALTH in Indonesian edition is a franchise of Indonesian Edition which is licensed by the United States’ MEN’S HEALTH. The purpose of this study is to study the construction of female sexuality in the media. This study also aims to examine the imbalance of power between men and women which is built by the media. By using critical discourse analysis, this research shows that woman’s sexuality is under men’s domination, and it is exploited by capital. There are several points in the conclusion which are women as commodity and women as ones who were defeated. According to MEN’S HEALTH, good women are asexual and it exploits sexuality as an object. MEN’S HEALTH degrades women’s bodies and states that women are subordinate to men. Keywords: Sexuality, Intimacy, Gender, Critical Discourse Analysis, Ideolog
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