82 research outputs found

    I Am Sure I Can Speak Up: The Role of Efficacy on Employee Voice

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    Employee voice is important to improve organizational function and effectiveness through the contribution of employees. Efficacy is defined as a belief in one's competence to cope with various pressing or challenging demands. This study aims to prove empirically the relationship between efficacy and employee voice. The study involved 163 research participants from various companies in Indonesia and those who answered online questionnaires. To measure general self-efficacy and employee voice, questionnaires were circulated via instant messaging application and several social media platforms. The participants answered some questions and fill out questionnaires. Based on a simple regression analysis, it is evident that efficacy can predict employee voice. It means that the higher the self-confidence, the higher the desire to produce voice and it is stronger in male participants. The limitation was that researchers did not control the type of work that may influence employee voice. Thus, the next researchers need to differ the working characteristics and other demographic data

    Pemburu “LIKE” : Efek Narsisme dan Kebutuhan Rekognisi pada Pengguna Instagram

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    Mendapatkan “like” merupakan bentuk apresiasi yang menggambarkan kata pujian. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan perasaan senang bagi pengguna Instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh setiap dimensi dari narsisme dan kebutuhan rekognisi terhadap setiap dimensi dari perilaku pencarian “like” pada pengguna Instagram. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala Perilaku Pencarian “Like”, skala Narq-s , dan skala kebutuhan rekognisi. Penelitian ini melibatkan 357 pengguna aktif Instagram di Surabaya melalui teknik non-probability sampling dan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan path analysis dengan pendekatan SEM (Structural Equation Model). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat signifikansi positif dimensi kebutuhan untuk diperhatikan dan mendapatkan rekognisi secara aktif dengan strategi manajemen kesan pada perilaku pencarian “like”, serta terdapat signifikansi positif dimensi mendapatkan rekognisi secara aktif dengan strategi ekspansi sosial pada perilaku pencarian “like”

    How consumer ethnocentrism can predict consumer preferences – construction and validation of SCONET scale

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    Consumer ethnocentrism is a concept defined as a consequent and conscious preference for local products over foreign, usually measured by using CETSCALE (Shimp & Sharma, 1987). Besides its popularity, this scale is criticized because of its too strong a normative and ideological character. We assume that consumer ethnocentrism also has a psychological aspect – it can be more automatic, sometimes unconscious, and also based on social identification mechanisms. To investigate these assumptions, we conducted three studies. The first one (N = 590), which was conducted in Poland, validated a new tool to measure consumer ethnocentrism: SCONET – a 6 -item scale, and its relation to brand preference (BPM). Moreover, we used Cameron’s social identification scale (Cameron, 2004). The analysis showed that social identification with one’s own group does not directly explain the choice of foreign vs. local products (BPM) but this relationship is moderated by consumer ethnocentrism (measured by SCONET). The second study, conducted in Poland on a representative nationwide sample (N = 1002), confirmed that SCONET is a single -factor scale with good statistical parameters (confirmatory factor analysis). The third study, conducted in Indonesia (N = 323), was a cross -cultural validation of the SCONET scale and explored the relationship found in study 1 in other cultures. The results confirmed the relationship between SCONET, social identity, and brand preference (BPM) that was found in Poland

    Do Students Really Use Internet Access for Learning in the Classroom?: Exploring Students’ Cyberslacking in an Indonesian University

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    University students, as ‘digital natives’, use the internet for learning in the classroom. However, the availability of internet access in the classroom becomes a challenge, because students also engage in non-academic internet access during lectures. The use of the internet during lectures for non-academic purpose is called cyberslacking. Self-regulated learning (SRL) and media multi-tasking efficacy (MME) are considered to be important factors contributing to cyberslacking. The participants in this study were students in a private university in Indonesia (N = 423). The results show that only self-regulated learning made any significant contribution to cyberslacking in the classrooms. Further research should be conducted to consider external factors, such as instructors’ contributions, classrooms circumstances and the university policy towards internet usage

    Determinant factors of partisans’ confirmation bias in social media

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    Partisans are more likely to be motivated by a desire to justify their political opinion which is called as confirmation bias. This research aimed to investigate the determinant factors of confirmation bias among college students who actively obtained political information in social media. All participants were associated with a student organization of particular political ideologies. The determinant factors of confirmation bias under investigation were critical thinking, consisting of two dimensions—i.e., critical openness and reflective skepticism; authoritarian personality; collective entitlement; and political preference. A confirmation bias scale pertaining to media reporting was specifically constructed for the purpose of this study. The measurement of critical thinking, authoritarian personality, and collective entitlement utilized existing instruments. The sample in this study was 95 students with various political ideologies. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the data. The current study results demonstrated that critical openness, collective entitlement, and authoritarian personality were predictors of confirmation bias. Meanwhile, reflective skepticism and political preference were not significant predictors. The findings could be the building blocks for developing an intervention to increase digital citizenship awareness by open-mindedness to reduce confirmation bias among social media users  

    Effect of Mindfulness Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE) to Reduce competitive state anxiety on Karate Athletes

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    Competitive state anxiety influences cognitive, emotional, and athlete behaviour while they have to perform perfectly in a competition. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of Mindfulness Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE) training on competitive state anxiety of karate athletes in Surabaya. The research method used is quantitative with an experimental design. The sample in this study was 28 Karate athletes from Dojo Shiroite and INKAI in Surabaya. Those samples were selected using quota sampling. The intervention provided was an MSPE intervention adapted from Mindfulness Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE). The data collection method was carried out using a competitive state anxiety scale adapted from The Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory – 2 with 17 items. The data were analyzed by paired t-test with SPSS 26. The result showed a significant decrease in the average competitive state anxiety by 9.25 points. This condition is supported by the decrease in cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety dimension by 7.76 and 3.86 points. The decrease was also followed by an increase in the self-confidence dimension by 8.21 points. The findings in this study show the importance of continuous mental mindfulness training to improve athlete performance by overcoming competitive state anxiety. This research can also be a reference for practitioners and researchers. MSPE training can be developed as an effort to improve or solve problems related to an athlete's condition.Kecemasan keadaan kompetitif mempengaruhi perilaku kognitif, emosional, dan atlet sementara mereka harus tampil sempurna dalam sebuah kompetisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan Mindfulness Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE) terhadap kecemasan negara kompetitif atlet karate di Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 28 atlet Karate dari Dojo Shiroite dan INKAI di Surabaya. Sampel-sampel itu dipilih menggunakan pengambilan sampel kuota. Intervensi yang diberikan adalah intervensi MSPE yang diadaptasi dari Mindfulness Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE). Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala kecemasan negara kompetitif yang diadaptasi dari The Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory – 2 dengan 17 item. Data dianalisis dengan paired t-test dengan SPSS 26. Hasilnya menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam kecemasan keadaan kompetitif rata-rata sebesar 9,25 poin. Kondisi ini didukung oleh penurunan dimensi kecemasan kognitif dan kecemasan somatik sebesar 7,76 dan 3,86 poin. Penurunan tersebut juga diikuti dengan peningkatan dimensi kepercayaan diri sebesar 8,21 poin. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya pelatihan kesadaran mental berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kinerja atlet dengan mengatasi kecemasan negara yang kompetitif. Penelitian ini juga dapat menjadi acuan bagi para praktisi dan peneliti. Pelatihan MSPE dapat dikembangkan sebagai upaya untuk memperbaiki atau memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan kondisi atlet

    Skala Cyberslacking Pada Mahasiswa

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    Cyberslacking in the educational context is defined as using internet in the classrooms for non-academic purpose during lectures. One of student cyberslacking scale was developed by Akbulut, Dursun, Dönmez, & Sahin through researches towards Turkey undergraduate students. This scale consists of items to measure non-academic internet access activities during lectures. Those activities are sharing, shopping, real time updating, accessing online content and gaming/ gambling. This study aims to adopt the Cyberslacking Scale of Akbulut dkk. in the context of undergraduate Indonesian students. Subjects for adopting this scale are 46 male and 156 female undergraduate university students (N=202) with age range between 18-23 years. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to analyze this scale. The results showed that dimension of sharing, shopping, real time updating, accesing online content, and gaming/gambling dimension are positively represented cyberslacking construct. Thus the cyberslacking scale can be used in Indonesian educational contex


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    AbstractUniversity students use internet in daily life ranging from learning, socializing and recreation purposes. Cyberslacking in the campus relates to the topic of non-academic media multitasking among university students. Media multitasking defines as connecting to more than one media simultaneously and cyberslacking is activities with media multitasking in the context of non-academic internet access during lectures. This present study will review some researches on cyberslacking and non-academic media multitasking in the context of university students. The review findings conclude that cyberslacking is also media multitasking in the context of non-academic internet access during lectures. Media multitasking could be distinguished between learning related activities and unlearning related activities and cyberslacking is regarded as unlearning related activities. Students who do cyberslacking mostly engage in social networking sites during media multitasking behaviors. Some studies discuss the impact of cyberslacking and non-media multitasking to academic performance. Other studies also mentioned about self regulation and self efficacy as important variables that relate to cyberslacking and non-academic media multitasking. Further researches on cyberslacking should be considered building theoretical model of cyberslacking in the educational setting as well as the development of measurement tools for academic cyberslacking behaviors. Keywords : cyberslacking, non-academic media multitasking, university students

    Determinant factors of partisans’ confirmation bias in social media

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    Partisans are more likely to be motivated by a desire to justify their political opinion which is called as confirmation bias. This research aimed to investigate the determinant factors of confirmation bias among college students who actively obtained political information in social media. All participants were associated with a student organization of particular political ideologies. The determinant factors of confirmation bias under investigation were critical thinking, consisting of two dimensions—i.e., critical openness and reflective skepticism; authoritarian personality; collective entitlement; and political preference. A confirmation bias scale pertaining to media reporting was specifically constructed for the purpose of this study. The measurement of critical thinking, authoritarian personality, and collective entitlement utilized existing instruments. The sample in this study was 95 students with various political ideologies. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the data. The current study results demonstrated that critical openness, collective entitlement, and authoritarian personality were predictors of confirmation bias. Meanwhile, reflective skepticism and political preference were not significant predictors. The findings could be the building blocks for developing an intervention to increase digital citizenship awareness by open-mindedness to reduce confirmation bias among social media users