146 research outputs found
Türkmenistan'ın fiziki coğrafyası ve doğal koruma bölgeleri
06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.491,200 km²'lik alana sahip olan Türkmenistan Orta Asya'da yer alan Türk ülkelerinden biridir. Ülkenin yer şekilleri oldukça sade bir görünüm arz eder. Güneydoğusunda Koyten Dağı, güneyinde Kopet Dağı, Karabil ve Bathız platosu, güneybatısındaki Balkan Dağları dışında kalan kısımları düz bir görünüme sahiptir. Alp Himalaya sıradağlarının bir kolu olan bu dağ sistemleri aşınmış çıplak yüzeyleri ile dikkat çekmektedir. Koyten Dağı(3139m) yapısında bulunan kayaçların parçalanmaya karşı dirençli olmasından dolayı ülkenin en yüksek noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu dağlık bölgelerde fay hatları da yer almaktadır. Neojen de oluşmaya başlayan Karakum Çölü ülkenin %80'lik büyük bir bölümünü kapsamaktadır. Türkmenistan'ın en önemli akarsuyu olan Amuderya (Ceyhun) nehrinin güneydeki dağlardan getirmiş olduğu malzemeleri biriktirmesi ve akarsuyunun yönünü değiştirmesi sonrasında ortaya çıkan yağış azlığı ve buharlaşmanın şiddetine bağlı olarak nemden mahrum kalmasıyla ülkede kurak bölge topografyaları oluşmaya başlamıştır. Günümüzde, kurak bölge topografyalarının hâkim olduğu Karakum çölünde barkanlar, playa ripplemarklar, kumul sırtları pediment ovaları gibi rölyef dikkat çeker. Türkmenistan'da çöl iklimi görülmektedir. Gece ve gündüz sıcaklık farkının fazla olduğu görülür. Çöl sahasında Temmuz ayında gün ortası sıcaklıkları 40–45°C aralığındadır. Kış aylarında sıcaklık değerlerinin -15° C civarında ölçüldüğü çöl sahasında ısının bazen -30°C'ye düştüğü görülür. Türkmenistan su yönünden çok fakir bir ülkedir. Amuderya (Ceyhun), Murgap, Tecen, Etrek ve Karakum kanalı gibi önemli akarsuları dışında geri kalan akarsularının çoğu mevsimliktir. Birçok doğal şartların etkisi sonrasında ülkede farklı toprak türleri oluşmuştur. Türkmenistan'ı toprak özellikleri bakımından dağlık ve düzlük sahaların toprakları olarak ikiye ayırmak mümkündür. Dağlık ve düz bölgelerdeki toprak örtülerinin dağılımı bitki örtüsünü de etkilemektedir. Birçok bitki türünün bulunduğu ülke topraklarında bitki grupları, dağ vejetasyonu, çöl vejetasyonu, vaha vejetasyonu ve akarsu vejetasyonu olmak üzere 4 bölgeye ayrılmaktadır. Ülke de coğrafik olaylara bağlı olarak birçok doğal güzellikler bulunmaktadır. Bunların korunması için özel doğal koruma bölgeleri oluşturulmuştur. IUCN gibi birçok uluslararası kuruluşları tarafınca korunan bu alanlarda birçok canlı tür bulunmaktadır. Ülke de Repetek, Kopet Dağ, Koyten Dağ, Bathız, Sünt – Hasardağ, Hazar, Amuderya ve Kaplankır olmak üzere sekiz tane Doğal Koruma Bölgesi bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Orta Asya coğrafyasında önemli bir konuma sahip olan Türkmenistan Cumhuriyetinin Fiziki Coğrafya ve doğal koruma bölgelerinin genel özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu nedenle Türkmenistan'ın jeolojik özellikleri, jeomorfolojik özellikleri, iklim özellikleri, hidrografik özellikleri, toprak özellikleri, doğal bitki örtüsü ve doğal koruma bölgeleri şeklinde ele alınmıştır. Anahtar Kelime: Türkmenistan, jeomorfoloji, kurak bölge topografyası, doğal koruma bölgesi.With its area of 491,200 km² Turkmenistan is one of the Turkish countries situated in the Central Asia. The country's landforms are quite simple. All of the parts outside of Koyten Mountains in the Southeast, Kopet Mountains in the south, Karabil and Bathyz plateaus in the southwest have a flat landform appearance. Considered to be one of the branches of Alp Himalayan Mountains, these mountain systems are remarkable with their worn bare surfaces. By being resistant enough against the rocks, Koyten Mountain form the highest point with the height of 3139 meters. At the same time fault lines are located on these mountain areas. Began to nascent Neogene, Karakum desert covers a large portion of 80% area of the country. By being Turkmenistan's most important stream, the Amu Darya (Jeyhun) river after collecting the materials from the southern mountains and by being deprived of moisture due to lack of rain and great violence of evaporation as a result of changing the direction of the river made the formation and improvement of topography of arid regions within the country. As a result of this, the formation of the arid region's topography in Turkmenistan has been accelerated even more. Dominating to topography of arid region the Karakum desert is remarkable with its relief like barchans, dunes like ridges playa, ripple marks and alluvial plain. Arid climate is seen in Turkmenistan. Temperature differences between day and night is high. Mid-day temperature in July is 40-45 ° C in desert fields. The temperature is sometime observed to decrease at -30 ° C in the desert area in winter months while it was measuredaround -15° C in average. Turkmenistan is a very water-poor country. Most of the rivers, except for the significant ones such as Amu Darya (Ceyhun), Murghap, Tejen, Atrek Qaraqum Canal, are seasonal rivers. Different soil types were developed in the country due to the impact of the many natural conditions. With respect to the soil properties, it is possible to divide Turkmenistan in two; the soil of highlands and plane areas. The distribution of soil covers in mountainous and plain regions affects also the vegetation cover. Plant groups in the territories of the country, where many plant species exist, are divided into 4 zones including mountain vegetation, desert vegetation, oasis vegetation and river vegetation. There are many natural beauties in the country depending on the geographical formations. Special natural reserve zones were created for their protection. There are many species in these areas which are protected by many international organizations such as IUCN. There are eight natural reserve sites in the country, these are Repetek, the Kopetdag, Koytendag, Badkhyz, Syunt - Hasardag, Caspian, Amu Darya and Kaplankyr. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the general characteristics of physical geography and natural reserves of the Republic of Turkmenistan which has an important position in Central Asia. Therefore, geological characteristics of Turkmenistan are discussed through addressing its geomorphology characteristics, climate characteristics, hydrographic characteristics, soil properties, natural vegetation and natural reserves. Keywords: Turkmenistan, geomorphology, topography of arid region, nature reserv
Trilateral Arms Control? Perspectives from Washington, Moscow, and Beijing
With the end of the INF Treaty in 2019, trilateral arms control - meaning arms control between the United States, Russia, and China - has gained center stage. Only shortly after the U.S. withdrawal, U.S. President Trump declared that he wants a new nuclear pact to be signed by both Russia and China. Other U.S. administration officials have set the goal of including China in a future follow-on framework to the New START agreement, which expires in February 2021. Then again, could trilateral arms control be possible at all? What would be necessary conditions? Why should Washington, Moscow, and Beijing engage in an uncertain endeavor that promises to significantly affect their strategic relationships? The authors of this study address those and other questions
Elite opinion and foreign policy in post-communist Russia
Russian elite opinion on matters of foreign policy may be classified as ‘Liberal Westerniser’, ‘Pragmatic Nationalist’ and ‘Fundamentalist Nationalist’, terms that reflect longstanding debates about the country’s relationship with the outside world. An analysis of press
statements and election manifestoes together with a programme of elite interviews between 2004 and 2006 suggests a clustering of opinion on a series of strategic issues. Liberal Westernisers seek the closest possible relationship with Europe, and favour eventual membership of the EU and NATO. Pragmatic Nationalists are more inclined to favour practical co-operation, and do not assume an identity of values or interests with the Western countries. Fundamentalist Nationalists place more emphasis on the other former Soviet republics, and on Asia as much as Europe, and see the West as a threat to Russian values as well as to its state interests. Each of these positions,
in turn, draws on an identifiable set of domestic constituencies: Liberal Westernisers on the promarket political parties, Pragmatic Nationalists on the presidential administration and defence and security ministries, and Fundamentalist Nationalists on the Orthodox Church and Communists
Environment protection of natural resources on the planet
Meeting: World Commission on Environment and Development, Public Hearing, 8, 11 Dec. 1986, Moskva, SUText in RussianRelated to DAP 87-4249 under which IDRC supported the WCED to acquire and duplicate original papers, submissions, tapes and transcripts, became the depository of all original archival materials and received the right to microfiche the collection for broader disseminatio
La política exterior de los Estados Unidos en los umbrales de los años 80.
El retorno de la política exterior norteamericana al trillado camino de la “guerra fría” significa muchos peligros para la paz y la seguridad internacionales. La nueva política de los Estados Unidos se traducirá en una agudización de los problemas globales, como son los relativos a los recursos naturales y energéticos, a los alimentos, al medio ambiente, etc
Development of Hybrid Honeynet for Malware Analysis
The goal this project was to develop a system that would be capable of supplying application layer context of one host for the network layer traces collected by a second independent host. The aim of the resulted system, based on the principle of decoys, would be to analyze potentially malicious traffic without a threat to production services.
The practical part of this work involved building a scalable setup to verify the feasibility of the chosen methods. The study concentrated primarily on the Linux Slapper worm and used a sample of the worm’s exploit code to develop a mechanism for attracting a worm and creating a signature suitable for the worm identification by an IDS system. The key outcomes of the project included establishing the honeynet environment for inspecting malicious traffic flows and examining the worm functionality. The work also reflected on the body of knowledge presently available by studying the different solutions in the field of malware analysis.
The developed system has no production value, but provides an outlook into functioning and interfaces between various technologies that usually operate independently. Further study could include examination of low-level components and assumptions made by software developers and malware authors. Additional work on formalizing the properties and modelling worm interaction could also assist in improving the understanding of malicious code
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