148 research outputs found

    Distributed splitting of constraint satisfaction problems

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    Constraint propagation aims to reduce a constraint satisfaction problem into an equivalent but simpler one. However, constraint propagation must be interleaved with a splitting mechanism in order to compose a complete solver. In~cite{monfroy:sac2000 a framework for constraint propagation based on a control-driven coordination model was presented. In this paper we extend this framework in order to integrate a distributed splitting mechanism. This technique has three main advantages: 1),in a single distributed and generic framework, propagation and splitting can be interleaved in order to realize complete distributed solvers, 2), by changing only one agent, we can perform different kinds of search, and 3), splitting of variables can be dynamically triggered before the fixed point of a propagation is reached

    Preference and Similarity-based Behavioral Discovery of Services

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    We extend Constraint Automata by replacing boolean constraints with semiring-based soft constraints. The obtained general formal tool can be used to represent preference-based and similarity-based queries, which allow a user more freedom in choosing the behavior of the service to finally use, among all possible choices. A user states his preferences through a “soft” query, and obtains results that satisfy this query with different levels of preference. The soft requirements may involve a parameter data of the service operations, or the (names of the) operations themselves. Moreover, we introduce a first implementation of the search procedure by using declarative (Soft) Constraint Programming

    A component-based parallel constraint solver

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    As a case study that illustrates our view on coordination and component-based software engineering, we present the design and implementation of a parallel constraint solver. The parallel solver coordinates autonomous instances of a sequential constraint solver, which is used as a software component. The component solvers achieve load balancing of tree search through a time-out mechanism. Experiments show that the purely exogenous mode of coordination employed here yields a viable parallel solver that effectively reduces turn-around time for constraint solving on a broad range of hardware platforms

    More examples in Manifold

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    A coinductive calculus of component connectors

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    Reo is a recently introduced channel-based coordination model, wherein complex coordinators, called connectors, are compositionally built out of simpler ones. Using a more liberal notion of a channel, Reo generalises existing dataflow networks. In this paper, we present a simple and transparent semantical model for Reo, in which connectors are relations on timed data streams. Timed data streams constitute a characteristic of our model and consist of twin pairs of separate data and time streams. Furthermore, coinduction is our main reasoning principle and we use it to prove properties such as connector equivalence

    Coordination of distributed/parallel multiple-grid domain decomposition

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    A workable approach for the solution of many (numerical and non-numerical) problems is domain decomposition. If a problem can be divided into a number of sub-problems that can be solved in a distributed/parallel fashion, the overall performance can significantly improve. In this paper, we discuss one of our experiments using the new coordination language MANIFOLD to solve an instance of the classical optimization problem by domain decomposition. We demonstrate the applicability of MANIFOLD in expressing the solutions to domain decomposition problems in a generic way and its utility in producing executable code that can carry out such solutions in both distributed and parallel environments. The multiple-grid domain decomposition method used in this paper is based on adaptive partitioning of the domain and results in highly irregular grids as shown in the examples. The implementation of the distributed/parallel approach presented in this paper looks very promising and its coordinator modules are generally applicable

    PrDK: Protocol programming with automata

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    We present PrDK: a development kit for programming protocols. PrDK is based on syntactic separation of process code, presumably written in an existing general-purpose language, and protocol code, written in a domain-specific language with explicit, high-level elements of syntax for programming protocols. PrDK supports two complementary syntaxes (one graphical, one textual) with a common automata-theoretic semantics. As a tool for construction of systems, PrDK consists of syntax editors, a translator, a parser, an interpreter, and a compiler into Java. Performance in the NAS Parallel Benchmarks is promising

    Can High Throughput Atone for High Latency in Compiler-Generated Protocol Code? (Technical Report)

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    High-level concurrency constructs and abstractions have several well-known software engineering advantages when it comes to programming concurrency protocols among threads in multicore applications. To also explore their complementary performance advantages, in ongoing work, we are developing compilation technology for a high-level coordination language, Reo, based on this language's formal automaton semantics. By now, as shown in our previous work, our tools are capable of generating code that can compete with carefully hand-crafted code, at least for some protocols. An important prerequisite to further advance this promising technology, now, is to gain a better understanding of how the significantly different compilation approaches that we developed so far, which vary in the amount of parallelism in their generated code, compare against each other. For instance, to better and more reliably tune our compilers, we must learn under which circumstances parallel protocol code, with high throughput but also high latency, outperforms sequential protocol code, with low latency but also low throughput. In this paper, we report on an extensive performance comparison between these approaches for a substantial number of protocols, expressed in Reo. Because we have always formulated our compilation technology in terms of a general kind of communicating automaton (i.e., constraint automata), our findings apply not only to Reo but, in principle, to any language whose semantics can be defined in terms of such automata

    Global Consensus through Local Synchronization (Technical Report)

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    Coordination languages have emerged for the specification and implementation of interaction protocols among concurrent entities. Currently, we are developing a code generator for one such a language, based on the formalism of constraint automata (CA). As part of the compilation process, our tool computes the CA-specific synchronous product of a number of CA, each of which models a constituent of the protocol to generate code for. This ensures that implementations of those CA at run-time reach a consensus about their global behavior in every step. However, using the existing product operator on CA can be practically problematic. In this paper, we provide a solution by defining a new, local product operator on CA that avoids those problems. We then identify a sufficiently large class of CA for which using our new product instead of the existing one is semantics-preserving. Finally, we describe how to apply this result to code generation and also sketch how to use the same theory for projecting choreographies
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