84 research outputs found

    Elastomeric impression as a diagnostic method of cavitation in proximal dentin caries in primary molars

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    The purpose of this study was to validate the elastomeric impression after temporary tooth separation as a method of cavitation detection in proximal caries lesions in primary molars with outer half dentin radiolucency. Fifty-one children (4-10 years old), presenting radiolucency in the outer half of the dentin at the proximal surfaces of primary molars and proximal anatomic contact with the adjacent tooth (without restoration/cavitated caries lesion) were enrolled in the study. Temporary tooth separation was performed with an orthodontic rubber ring placed around the contact point during 2-3 days. Thereafter, impression of the proximal surfaces was made. The elastomeric impressions were classified as "non-cavitated" or "cavitated" surfaces. Visual inspection after tooth separation was considered as the gold standard. Examiner reliability of visual inspection after tooth separation was determined (kappa 0.92). Impression examination was repeated every 5 participants to evaluate the reproducibility of the method. The frequency of cavitated lesions was 65%, and 67% of those were inactive. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 0.88% (95%CI 0.73-0.95), 0.89% (95%CI 0.67-0.97), 0.94% (95%CI 0.79-0.98) and 0.80% (95%CI 0.58-0.92), respectively. Impression examination showed total agreement regarding cavitation. The evaluation of elastomeric impression after tooth separation is a useful clinical resource in cavitation detection for clinicians and researchers when visual inspection is doubtful

    Consenso do simpósio promovido pela Associação Gaúcha de Odontopediatria sobre riscos e benefícios de dentifrícios fluoretados na primeira infância

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    This Consensus reports the conclusions from the Symposium promoted by the Associação Gaúcha de Odontopediatria (AGOPED) conducted in September 2012 with the title Fluoride Dentifrices in Primary Childhood: Risks and Benefits. The conclusions of the Symposium were as follows: based on the best available scientific evidence about strategies to control dental caries, it is recommended that a fluoride dentifrice of at least 1100 ppm of fluoride be used two times a day as an adjuvant for tooth cleaning by all children; during the phase in which children are not able to self-care, the use of fluoride dentifrice is a parents’ responsibility warranting greater safety about dental fluorosis; it is also recommended that only a small amount of dentifrice (pea size) should be used for children under 2 years of age.A Associação Gaúcha de Odontopediatria (AGOPED), entidade que tem por finalidade, entre outras, promover o intercâmbio cultural, técnico e científico com entidades congêneres, pondo em prática medidas concretas para atingir seus objetivos, realizou nos dias 09 e 10 de setembro últimos, um Simpósio intitulado “Dentifrícios Fluoretados na 1a Infância: Riscos e Benefícios”. O objetivo deste Simpósio foi discutir com base na melhor evidência científica disponível os riscos e benfícios da utilização dos dentifrícios fluoretados na primeira infância. As principais conclusões do simpósio foram: 1. Com base na melhor evidência científica disponível sobre estratégias para o controle de cárie dentária, se recomenda que um creme dental fluoretado de no mínimo 1100 ppm de flúor seja utilizado 2x/dia como coadjuvante da limpeza dos dentes de todas as crianças; 2. Enquanto a criança não tiver condições de se autocuidar, o uso de dentifrício fluoretado é de responsabildade dos pais ou cuidadores, garantindo assim maior segurança quanto à fluorose dentária; 3. Também se recomenda que seja usada apenas uma lambuzadela ("grão de arroz cru") de dentifrício fluoretado quando da limpeza dos dentes de crianças menores de 2 anos de idade

    Differential impacts of caries classification in children and adults : a comparison of ICDAS and DMF-T

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    The aim of this study was to describe and compare findings regarding the prevalence and severity of dental caries when using ICDAS and DMFT/dmft in an epidemiological study with children and their mothers. This cross-sectional study evaluated 150 preschoolers and their mothers. Data were collected with ICDAS and then transformed into DMFT/dmft. ICDAS scores related to caries were analyzed according to three different cut-off-points: CP1 (0-healthy/1-6-caries), CP2 (0-1-healthy/2-6-caries) and CP3 (0-2-healthy/3-6- caries), representing the D/d of DMFT/dmft. ICDAS codes regarding restorations, except sealants, were considered the F/f and the code 97 as the M/m of DMFT/dmft index. Prevalence of caries and its severity with ICDAS were 92%, 84% and 31.3% in children and 97.3%, 96.6% and 80% in adults according to CP1/CP2/CP3, respectively. Admitting CP3 as the standard for data transformation of ICDAS in DMFT/dmft, it was observed that DMFT/dmft index would underestimate 60% of non-cavitated lesions in children and 16.6% in adults. The DMFT/dmft underestimated the presence of disease to disregard non-cavitated lesions for the pediatric population evaluated. The choice of which is the best index for epidemiological surveys will depend on the purpose of the research and the target population: if it is to estimate the needs of the population to determine clinical care in children and adults, the DMFT/dmft may be sufficient. However, if the objective is to have a more comprehensive diagnosis of caries at the population level in order to develop preventive strategies, to halt and reverse the disease, the detection of non-cavitated-lesions becomes important, mainly in young children

    Impact of Early Childhood Caries and Maternal Behaviors on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of early childhood caries, maternal behaviors and associated factors on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of preschool children. Material and Methods: This cross- sectional study was conducted with 163 preschool children aged 3-4 old from Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Mothers completed the Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) and answered questions about sociodemographic and maternal behaviors characteristics. The severity of dental caries was assessed by ICDAS criteria for evaluated early childhood caries (ECC). A Poisson regression model was used to investigate the association of ECC and associated factors on OHRQoL. Results: A total of 91.4% of preschooler children was ECC (ICDAS ≥ 1). Mean ECOHIS function domain and parental anxiety domain scores were significantly higher in children with dental caries (p<0.05). The adjusted Poisson regression model showed that household income, maternal education, mother’s job status and breastfeeding time was significantly associated with ECOHIS scores. Regarding oral conditions, child caries experience was associated with worsening child and family quality of life (RR 2.21; 95% IC: 1.43-3.41). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that ECC, socioeconomic and maternal behaviors characteristics influence children’s OHRQoL

    Anatomic and functional aspects of the tongue after frenectomy in twin : clinical cases report

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    Objetivo: Relatar dois casos clínicos de alteração de frê-nulo lingual em gemelares, com 10 anos de idade, ambas do sexo feminino, avaliadas nos aspectos anatômicos e funcionais da língua antes e 15 dias após a frenectomia. Relato de casos: Inicialmente, o odontopediatra realizou a anamnese com a mãe. Em seguida, as participantes foram submetidas à avaliação clínica odontológica e, pos-teriormente, foi realizada a avaliação fonoaudiológica do frênulo lingual. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua, que foi aplicado antes e 15 dias após a frenectomia. As duas participantes apresentaram melhor desempenho em provas anatômicas após o procedimento cirúrgico. Entretanto, algumas alterações, principalmente ao elevar a língua, continuaram sendo observadas em uma das pacientes 15 dias após a frenectomia. Ademais, as duas participantes passaram a executar a maioria dos movi-mentos de língua com maior precisão. No que se refere à fala, somente a participante que apresentava um maior número de alterações fonéticas anteriores, permaneceu com algumas alterações na fala decorridos 15 dias da cirurgia. Discussão: Algumas dificuldades envolvendo mobilidade da língua e alterações na fala podem persistir após a realização da cirurgia, indicando a necessidade de intervenção fonoaudiológica específica. Conclusão:Ambos os casos apresentaram melhora no desempenho tanto nas provas anatômicas quanto funcionais após a frenectomia.Aim: to report two clinical cases of alteration of the lingual frenulum in twins, aged 10 years, both female, evaluated in the anatomical and functional aspects of the tongue before and 15 days after the frenectomy. Case reports: Initially, the paediatric dentistry performed the anamnesis with the mother. Then, the participants were submitted to a dental clinical evaluation and, sub-sequently, the speech language pathologist evaluation of the lingual frenulum was performed. The speech language pathologist assessment was performed using the Tongue Frenulum Evaluation Protocol, which was applied before and 15 days after the frenectomy. Both participants performed better in anatomical tests after the surgical procedure. However, some changes, especially when elevating the tongue, continued to be observed in one of the patients 15 days after the frenectomy. In addition, the two participants started to perform most of the tongue movements with greater precision. About speech, only the participant who had a greater number of previous phonetic changes, remained with some speech disorders after 15 days of surgery. Discussion: Some di-fficulties involving mobility of the tongue and changes in speech may persist after surgery, indicating the need for specific speech therapy intervention. Conclusion:Both cases showed improvement in performance both in anatomical and functional tests after frenectomy

    Reduction in erosive tooth wear using stannous fluoride-containing dentifrices : a meta-analysis

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    Dentifrices containing different active agents may be helpful to allow rehardening and to increase the resistance of the eroded surface to further acids or mechanical impacts. This study aimed to compare the effects of conventional (sodium fluoride [NaF]) and stannous fluoride (SnF2)-containing dentifrices on reducing erosive tooth wear (ETW). The PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, LILACS, BBO, EMBASE, TRIP electronic databases, and grey literature were searched until January 2021 to retrieve relevant in vitro and in situ studies related to research question. There were no restrictions on publication year or language. Two authors independently selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias. ETW data were pooled to calculate and compare both dentifrices (overall analysis) and in vitro and in situ studies separately (subgroup analysis). Statistical analyses were performed using RevMan5.3 with a random effects model. Of 820 potentially eligible studies, 101 were selected for full-text analysis, and 8 were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. There was a significant difference between SnF2-containing dentifrices and NaF dentifrices only for in vitro studies (p=0.04), showing a higher effect of the SnF2-containing dentifrices against the erosion/abrasion (effect size: -6.80 95%CI: -13.42; -0.19). Most in vitro and in situ studies had high and low risk of bias, respectively. In vitro literature suggests that the ETW reduction is greater when using SnF2-containing dentifrices instead NaF-containing dentifrices. However, the evidence level is insufficient for definitive conclusions. Clinical trials are necessary for a better understanding of the effect of these compounds on ETW