734 research outputs found

    Looking into the Past: The Diversification of Amphibians in the Neotropical Savannas

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    Aim: Reveal the evolutionary processes that contributed to biotic diversification in the Cerrado savanna using amphibians as a model. Evolutionary patterns were investigated by comparing the phylogeographic and biogeographic history of biome-specific yet widely distributed amphibian species (Chiasmocleis albopunctata, Dendropsophus rubicundulus and Physalaemus nattereri). Location: Cerrado region, central South America. Methods: I sampled thousands of loci randomly distributed throughout the genomes of all three species. I applied phylogenetic, phylogeographic, demographic, and coalescent species delimitation methods to these molecular data, in combination with species distribution modeling for the past, in order to resolve questions of evolutionary history, taxonomic diversity, species boundaries, and test hypotheses that implicate climatic (stable/unstable) and geomorphological events (plateau/valley) in the formation of this diversity. Results: The C. albopuntata species group is distributed in the Bolivian and Brazilian savannas and Chaco and it is comprised of at least tree species C. albopunctata, C. mehelyi, and a composite lineage that includes: C. bicegoi, C. centralis, and C. sp. The Cerrado species C. centralis, D. rubicundulus and P. nattereri were each found to have three distinct, genetic populations widely distributed in the Neotropical savannas. No patterns of genetic differentiation related to geomorphology (plateau vs. valley populations) nor climatic stability in any of the species was observed. The demographic models indicate the presence of migration between populations, demonstrating that there are no important geographic barriers to gene flow. Conclusions: The results highlight the likely influence of the Atlantic Forest as the source for C. albopunctata species group inhabiting the dry open areas of the Neotropical savannas. The further uplift of the Brazilian shield during the Pliocene and Pleistocene was an important event for diversification of C. centralis, D. rubicundulus and P. nattereri, and the isolation by distance also promoted the differentiation among the populations of C. centralis, D. rubicundulus and P. nattereri, in combination with the climatic fluctuations during the Quaternary

    A dual-process approach to cooperative decision-making under uncertainty

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    Cooperative behaviors are typically investigated using social dilemmas inserted into scenarios with well-known characteristics. Nonetheless, in real life, group members may be uncertain about what others will decide (social uncertainty) and the characteristics of the dilemma itself (environmental uncertainty). Previous studies have shown that uncertainty reduces the willingness to cooperate. Dual-process approaches to cooperation have given rise to two different views. Some authors argue that deliberation is needed to overrule selfish motives, whereas others argue that intuition favors cooperation. In this work, our goal was to investigate the role of intuitive mental processing on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma game involving uncertainty. Our results showed that participants cooperated less with their counterparts as the number of rounds progressed, suggesting a learning process and that intuitive mental processing in the first 50 rounds appears to favor cooperation under both deterministic and stochastic conditions. These results may help clarify the literature's mixed effects regarding cognitive processing manipulation on cooperation. Developing a better understanding of these effects may improve strategies in social problems involving cooperation under uncertainty and cognitive constraints.- This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi/UM), School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020). The FCT also supported Daniela Costa through a PhD fellowship (PD/BD/143025/2018)

    Predicting COVID-19 vaccination intention: the determinants of vaccine hesitancy

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    Data is available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/TR2P3. Analysis code was written in R and Python and is available at https://nunokf.github.io/Predicting-COVID-19-Vaccination-Intention-The-Determinants-of-Vaccine-Hesitancy-/.Do people want to be vaccinated against COVID-19? Herd immunity is dependent on individuals’ willingness to be vaccinated since vaccination is not mandatory. Our main goal was to investigate people’s intention to be vaccinated and their intentions to vaccinate their children. Moreover, we were interested in understanding the role of the personal characteristics, psychological factors, and the lockdown context on that decision. Therefore, we conducted an online survey during the lockdown in Portugal (15 January 2021 until 14 March 2021). Participants completed a socio-demographic questionnaire, questions about their intentions of being vaccinated, concerns about the vaccine, a COVID-19 attitudes and beliefs scale, a COVID-19 vaccine attitudes and beliefs scale, and the Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT) Scale. Our results showed that from the 649 participants, 63% of the participants reported being very likely to have the vaccine, while 60% reported being very likely to vaccinate their children. We conducted two linear regression models, explaining 65% of the variance for personal vaccination and 56% of the variance for children vaccination. We found that the COVID-19 vaccine general beliefs and attitudes were the main determinants of vaccination intention. Additionally, our proposed artificial neural network model was able to predict with 85% accuracy vaccination intention. Thus, our results suggest that psychological factors are an essential determinant of vaccination intention. Thus, public policy decision makers may use these insights for predicting vaccine hesitancy and designing effective vaccination communication strategies.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), grant number UIDB/PSI/01662/2020

    A dual-process approach to prosocial behavior under COVID-19 uncertainty

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    Uncertainty has been shown to reduce the willingness to cooperate in various social dilemmas and negatively affect prosocial behavior. However, some studies showed that uncertainty does not always decrease prosocial behavior, depending on the type of uncertainty. More specifically, recent research has shown that prosocial behavior tends to increase under impact uncertainty-uncertainty about the consequences for others if they become infected. In addition, researchers have argued that intuition favors prosocial behavior while deliberation leads to selfish behavior. Our study explored how intuitive (time pressure) or deliberate mental processing, under outcome, or impact uncertainty affect prosocial behavior in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our sample consists of 496 participants, and we used a 4 (COVID-19 scenario: Control vs. Impact Uncertainty vs. Worst-Case vs. Indirect Transmission) by 2 (decision time: time delay vs. time pressure) between-subjects design. Results suggest that participants are more inclined to stay at home (prosocial intention) when forced to make their decisions intuitively rather than deliberately. Additionally, we found that uncertainty does not always decrease prosocial behavior. It seems that uncertainty does not affect the prosocial intention in a scenario with a real infectious disease. These findings suggest that the distinction between outcome and impact uncertainty may be due to the realism of experimental stimuli interventions.- This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi/UM), School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020). The FCT also supported Daniela Costa through a PhD fellowship (PD/BD/143025/2018)

    Understanding the curriculum the light of training guiding health in Brazil

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    Objective To analyze Pedagogical Projects Courses (PPCs) from the healthcare field in light of the National Curriculum Standards (NCS) policies on healthcare training. Method Exploratory descriptive study of qualitative approach, in which were carried out analyzes of PPPs of Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Dentistry of a federal university in the Midwest region of Brazil. As technical analysis of documentary sources, adopted the content analysis in the thematic mode. Results The analysis of PPC showed the general aspects of PPC as the course features the historical percursso and construction, professional skills and competences required for professional performance and the guiding principles of formation characterized by technical, professional practice, articulation theory/ practice, interdisciplinarity and ethical / social training. Conclusions PPC presented is consistent with the proposals set out in DCN and carry training policies in health in Brazil, providing adequate training for health professionals, the demands of the population and the National Health System.Objectivo Analisar os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos (PPC) da área da saúde à luz das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e das políticas indutoras de formação em saúde do Brasil. Método Pesquisa descritiva exploratória de abordagem qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas análises dos PPC dos cursos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina, Nutrição e Odontologia de uma instituição federal de ensino superior da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Como técnica de análises das fontes documentais, adotou-se a análise de conteúdo, na modalidade temática. Resultados As análises dos PPC evidenciaram os aspectos gerais dos PPC como as características do curso, o percursso histórico e sua construção, habilidades e competências profissionais requeridas para o desempenho profissional e os princípios norteadores da formação caracterizados pela técnica, prática profissional, articulação teoria/prática, interdisciplinaridade e formação ética/social. Conclusão Os PPC apresentaram-se condizentes com as propostas previstas nas DCN e com as políticas indutoras de formação em saúde do Brasil, proporcionando a formação adequada para os profissionais de saúde, as demandas da população e do Sistema Único de Saúde.Objectivo Analizar Proyectos Pedagógicos de Curso (PPC) de la salud a la luz de las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales (DCN) y la inducción de la formación de las políticas de salud en Brasil. Método Estudio descriptivo exploratorio de abordaje cualitativo, en el cual se llevaron a cabo análisis de las PPC de Enfermería, Farmacia, Medicina, Nutrición y Odontología de la Universidad Federal de la región del Medio Oeste de Brasil. Como el análisis técnico de las fuentes documentales, adoptado el análisis de contenido en la modalidad temática. Resultados El análisis de PPC mostraron los aspectos generales de la PPC como el curso cuenta con el percursso histórico y la construcción, las habilidades y las competencias profesionales requeridas para el desempeño profesional y los principios rectores de la formación se caracteriza por técnica, práctica profesional, la teoría de la articulación / práctica, la interdisciplinariedad y la formación ética / social. Conclusión PPC presentada es consistente con las propuestas que figuran en el DCN y llevar a las políticas de formación en materia de salud en Brasil, proporcionando una formación adecuada para los profesionales de la salud, las demandas de la población y el Sistema Único de Salud

    Opening minds to Lean management in Nuclear Medicine

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    Nuclear Medicine (NM) is in constant technological evolution, challenging often professionals to be up to most recent standards and practices. In this sense, teaching NM should not be limited on the transmission of technical and scientific knowledge but also on opening minds to, for example, different management philosophies. Therefore, Nuclear Medicine students should be capable to change behaviours/practices and be concerned to search continuous improvement. To reach this standard, NM Department at our institution decided to implement the application of Lean Philosophy (management culture/philosophy focused on reducing various types of waste) in NM, in a process involving students, teachers and alumni.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementação da metodologia 5S numa empresa do setor mobiliário

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    As empresas são cada vez mais confrontadas com fatores competitivos e exigentes por parte dos clientes. Estes exigem qualidade de alto nível, grande variedade de produtos e prazos de entrega cada vez mais apertados. Por forma a assegurarem a sua competitividade e sustentabilidade, as organizações vêm-se com a necessidade de adotar novas estratégias para conseguirem manter-se relevantes no mercado. O trabalho desenvolvido, realizado em contexto empresarial na empresa IKEA Industry Portugal, S.A., teve como objetivo principal a implementação da metodologia 5S criando standards para os postos de trabalho numa área piloto, a secção de pintura, composta por duas linhas, linha 1 e linha 2. Sendo a metodologia 5S uma das ferramentas da produção Lean, visa a triagem, organização e limpeza do posto de trabalho, mas acima de tudo, a autodisciplina e a criação de hábitos diários relativamente a esta temática. Após um estudo do tema, fez-se um diagnóstico da situação atual da fábrica relativamente aos 5S, desde o histórico de auditorias, à documentação utilizada para o efeito. Foram então feitas diversas sugestões de melhoria como a revisão de toda a documentação e de todos os materiais e suportes existentes na linha, a eliminação de tudo o que seja obsoleto ou lixo, a reorganização do layout e da disposição dos elementos nas linhas, a criação de um armário 5S, a limpeza completa da área e ainda a criação dos standards para cada posto de trabalho. Após a implementação de todas as sugestões de melhoria, foram verificadas reduções de tempo na procura de material e ferramentas, espaços mais eficientemente utilizados, melhoria visual do aspeto da área, maior disponibilidade por parte dos colaboradores, conservação da limpeza e da organização do posto de trabalho, eliminação de algumas causas de acidentes e um melhor ambiente de trabalho. Houve ainda um aumento na auditoria interna de 5S de 41% para 75% na linha 1 e de 50% para 73% na linha 2.Companies are increasingly faced with competing and demanding customer factors. They require high quality, a wide range of products and increasingly tight deadlines. In order to ensure their competitiveness and sustainability, organizations have come up with the need to adopt new strategies to be able to remain relevant in the market. The work developed in a business context in IKEA Industry Portugal, S.A., had as main objective the implementation of the 5S methodology creating standards for the jobs in a pilot area, the lacquering section, composed of two lines, line 1 and line 2. Being the 5S methodology one of the tools of Lean production, it aims at sorting, organizing and cleaning the workstation, but above all, self-discipline and the creation of daily habits in this area. After a study of the topic, a diagnosis was made of the factory’s current situation regarding the 5S, from the audits history to the documentation used for this purpose. Several suggestions for improvement were provided, such as a review of all documentation and all existing materials and media on the production line, the elimination of everything that is obsolete or junk, the reorganization of the layout and the positioning of the elements in the lines, creation of a 5S cabinet, the complete cleaning of the area and the creation of the standards for each workstation. After the implementation of all improvement suggestions, time reductions were observed in the search for materials and tools, more efficiently used spaces, visual improvement of the area’s appearance, greater availability by employees, preservation of cleaning and the organization of the workstation, elimination of some causes of accidents and a better working environment. There was also an increase in the 5S audit from 41% to 75% in line 1 and from 50% to 73% in line 2

    Direito político da população negra no Brasil : a intencionalidade na negação do direito ao voto dos analfabetos

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política (IPOL), 2018.O trabalho pretende analisar o direito ao voto no Brasil, apontando a máxima de que a exclusão do direito ao voto dos analfabetos também é uma questão de cor, no qual o analfabetismo foi um dos subterfúgios utilizados pelas elites políticas como a finalidade de negar a cidadania à população negra. Ademais, o medo foi transfigurado em leis e medidas constitucionais como forma de exercer o controle social da população negra. Por fim, com a análise dos discursos da Constituinte em 1988, objetiva-se apontar que embora os analfabetos tenham adquirido direito ao voto, a negação de cidadania da população negra foi mais uma vez negligenciada nos discursos políticos como forma de manutenção do establishment.This work intends to analyze the right to vote in Brazil, presenting the exclusion of the right to vote from illiterates that is also a matter of color, which illiteracy was one of the subterfuges used by political elites as the purpose of denying citizenship to the black population. In addition, the fear was transfigured into constitutional laws and measures as a way of exercising social control over the black population. Finally, with the analysis of the Constitutional discourses in 1988, it is pointed out that although the illiterate have acquired the right to vote, the citizenship denying of the black population was once again neglected in political discourses as a way of maintaining the establishment

    Imagens de aprendizes de ALE em livros didáticos e o disciplinamento dos saberes

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a construção de imagens discursivas de aprendizes em sumários e em atividades contidas em livros didáticos de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira (ALE), e de que modo essas construções antecipam que tipo de inserção esse aprendiz teria de/poderia ocupar nessa comunidade de produção/circulação de textos na língua alvo. Nesse sentido, o quadro teórico se constrói a partir da articulação entre a perspectiva polifônica da linguagem (BAKHTIN 2011), a noção de práticas discursivas (FOUCAULT 2004; MAINGUENEAU 2008) e o disciplinamento de saberes (FOUCAULT 2002), considerando a relevância de tal articulação para uma crítica à Linguística Aplicada a partir de Rocha e Daher (2015). Por meio das análises de livros didáticos de ALE, observamos a construção de imagens de aprendiz que parece retirá-lo das situações de interação, considerando-o mero espectador, que se ocupará de repetir sentenças e estruturas determinadas por uma simulação artificial de situações comunicativas, mais do que permitir a ele espaços de interação e de inserção nessas situações. Além disso, os materiais comunicam uma imagem de aprendiz-consumidor-turista, interessado em aprender a língua para fazer viagens, realidade essa distante da brasileira.The aim of this article is to analyse the construction of learners’ discoursive images by mapping the summaries presented in textbooks of German as a Foreign Language (ALE). Therefore, we aim to investigate how these constructions anticipate the kind of insertion that this learner would have / could occupy in this community of production / circulation of texts in the target language. Seen in these terms, the theoretical framework is constructed from the articulation between the polyphonic perspective of language (BAKHTIN, 2011), the notion of discursive practices (FOUCAULT, 2004, MAINGUENEAU, 2008), the disciplining of knowledge (FOUCAULT, 2002) and the relevance of such articulation for a critique of Applied Linguistics from Rocha and Daher (2015). Through the analysis of German as a foreign language textbooks, we observe the construction of a learner image that seems to draw him/her out of situations of interaction, considering him/her as a spectator, who will be responsible for repeating sentences and structures determined by an artificial simulation of communicative situations, rather than allowing him/her spaces of interaction and insertion in these situations. In addition, the materials communicate an image of a learner-consumer-tourist, interested in learning German to make trips, a reality that is distant from the majority of Brazilian learners


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    O presente artigo busca analisar experiências sociais de trabalhadoras domésticas, debatendo possíveis continuidades das relações de servidão provenientes do sistema escravocrata no Brasil, assim como táticas de sobrevivência e resistência articuladas pelas criadas/empregadas domésticas, dentro e fora do recinto privado. Para tanto, tomamos como centrais as categorias de classe e gênero, com o objetivo de entender suas histórias de vida, os atributos sociais que lhes eram designados com base no sexo biológico e os discursos que foram construídos em torno da ideia de mulher pobre e trabalhadora. Metodologicamente realizamos o cruzamento de diversos tipos de fontes, tais como processos criminais e fontes hemerográficas, vislumbrando perceber os discursos que se formavam pela imprensa