129 research outputs found

    A Bag-of-Tasks Scheduler Tolerant to Temporal Failures in Clouds

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    Cloud platforms have emerged as a prominent environment to execute high performance computing (HPC) applications providing on-demand resources as well as scalability. They usually offer different classes of Virtual Machines (VMs) which ensure different guarantees in terms of availability and volatility, provisioning the same resource through multiple pricing models. For instance, in Amazon EC2 cloud, the user pays per hour for on-demand VMs while spot VMs are unused instances available for lower price. Despite the monetary advantages, a spot VM can be terminated, stopped, or hibernated by EC2 at any moment. Using both hibernation-prone spot VMs (for cost sake) and on-demand VMs, we propose in this paper a static scheduling for HPC applications which are composed by independent tasks (bag-of-task) with deadline constraints. However, if a spot VM hibernates and it does not resume within a time which guarantees the application's deadline, a temporal failure takes place. Our scheduling, thus, aims at minimizing monetary costs of bag-of-tasks applications in EC2 cloud, respecting its deadline and avoiding temporal failures. To this end, our algorithm statically creates two scheduling maps: (i) the first one contains, for each task, its starting time and on which VM (i.e., an available spot or on-demand VM with the current lowest price) the task should execute; (ii) the second one contains, for each task allocated on a VM spot in the first map, its starting time and on which on-demand VM it should be executed to meet the application deadline in order to avoid temporal failures. The latter will be used whenever the hibernation period of a spot VM exceeds a time limit. Performance results from simulation with task execution traces, configuration of Amazon EC2 VM classes, and VMs market history confirms the effectiveness of our scheduling and that it tolerates temporal failures

    Sobre os efeitos do interacionismo no diagnóstico de linguagem

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    This paper discusses the influence of Cláudia de Lemos’s reflection on language and language acquisition for the circumscription of the notion of diagnosis in the field of language/speech therapy. I argue that most speech pathologists who have approached the above mentioned author’s works made such a movement in a naïve and equivocal way. In this article, I endeavor, after the critical review presented, to suggest an alternative proposal for diagnosis that emphasizes my theoretical commitment to a specific language theory which allows for the consideration of pathological/symptomatic speech

    Relatório de estágio

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por Dr. Rodrigo Mário de Oliveira Carvalho e Dr. Álvaro Manuel de Sousa CarvalhoO presente relatório integra a fase final do Mestrado em Auditoria. Procura-se apresentar a realização de um estágio curricular como assistente/júnior de auditoria, na empresa Rodrigo Carvalho & M. Gregório SROC, Lda., pelo período de seis meses. O estágio curricular teve como escopo o desenvolvimento de atividades de auditoria financeira enquanto assistente/júnior, tendo por base os objetivos integrantes do plano de estágio realizado pelo orientador da empresa acolhedora em consonância com o orientador do Instituto. Os objetivos do plano de estágio integram a aplicação teórica sendo absorvidos conceitos e técnicas que só a prática consegue transpor. Para além dos objetivos elencados no plano de estágio e, durante a vigência do mesmo, a entidade sentiu necessidade (devido à aceitação de novos clientes) de efetuar um estudo sobre as alterações ao normativo contabilístico das Entidades do Setor Não Lucrativo. Este foi um desafio proposto pela entidade acolhedora ao qual me debrucei efetuando um estudo bibliográfico do tema abarcando as alterações ao normativo bem como a sujeição à Certificação Legal de Contas e especificidades fiscais. O estágio curricular permitiu-me concluir que toda a teoria lecionada no curso de Mestrado em Auditoria é efetivamente aplicada à prática em auditoria financeira e que sem a mesma não seria possível desempenhar a função de assistente/júnior em auditoria. Por sua vez, a aplicação prática enriqueceu os meus conhecimentos teóricos e estimulou, ainda mais, a vontade de exercer a profissão. O desafio proposto sobre as Entidades do Setor não Lucrativo permitiu-me concluir que as exigências de transparências bem como o novo normativo são benéficos para todos os intervenientes. Em termos pessoais dotou-me de técnicas e métodos de pesquisa que o auditor numa atividade de auditoria financeira necessita, devido às diversas realidades e mutações legislativas e jurisprudenciais.This report is part of the final stage of my Master in Audit. I intend to present the execution of a curricular internship as an assistant auditor, in Rodrigo Carvalho & M. Gregório SROC, Lda., company, for a period of six months. The curricular internship aimed for the development of financial auditing activities in an assistant auditor capacity, based on the integrating objectives of the internship plan created by the coordinator of the welcoming company together with the Institute’s coordinator. In general, the objectives presented in the plan incorporate the theoretical approach, allowing the assimilation of concepts and techniques that only a practical method can overcome. Alongside the listed objectives in the plan, and throughout the internship, the entity felt the need (due to the acquisition of new clients) to do a study about the changes in the accounting standards of the Entities of the Non-Profit Sector. This was a challenge proposed by the welcoming entity that I embraced producing a bibliographic study of the theme, including the changes in the framework as well as the subjugation to the Legal Accounts Certificate and fiscal specificities. With this internship, I was able to conclude that all the theory learned all through my Master in Audit was effectively applied in practical terms to financial audit, and that without it I would not be able to accomplish the role of assistant auditor in auditing. On the other hand, the practical application supplemented my theoretical knowledge and stimulated, even more, my determination in practicing this profession. The proposed challenge regarding the Entities of the Non-Profit Sector allowed me to conclude that the requirements of transparency, as well as the new framework, are beneficial to all the participants. On a personal level, it endowed me with the techniques and research methods that an auditor needs in a financial auditing activity, due to the different realities and legislative and jurisprudential mutations

    Efeitos da escrita na clínica de linguagem

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    This paper aims at discussing some effects of writing as a therapeutic procedure in the so called Language Clinic. It is argued that its inclusion in the clinical scenario promotes changes not only in writing itself, but also in speech because it affects the listeners' listening to language. The specific nature of such an intervention is focused and the discussion carried on in this paper should provide specific and original theoretical support for clinicians and researchers in the field of speech therapy. Segments of clinical sessions will be presented and dealt with.Este artículo se propone discutir los efectos de un trabajo sistemático con la escritura en el atendimiento clínico de niños e adultos que presentan síntomas en el lenguaje. Cuestiones relativas a la naturaleza específica de las acciones que fundamentan la clínica del lenguaje &- y sus desdoblamientos &- están en el foco de la reflexión encaminada. Análisis de segmentos de los atendimientos clínicos movimientam el debate.Este artigo discute os efeitos clínicos da inclusão de uma atividade sistemática com a escrita no tratamento de crianças e de adultos cujas falas/escutas são sintomáticas. Questões relativas à natureza específica de atos que fundamentam a clínica de linguagem e seus desdobramentos teóricos estão no foco da reflexão encaminhada à luz de segmentos de sessões clínicas


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    Este texto é um recorte da nossa pesquisa de pós-doutorado e busca compreender a ação docente no ensino de arte na cultura indígena Terena para a educação infantil. Investigamos sobre a formação de professores na perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade. As condições da pesquisa nos provocaram a pensar sobre o universo infantil indígena e daí surgiram os seguintes questionamentos: como tratar da sociologia da infância e não indagar sobre como as crianças indígenas dialogam com a arte e, nesta mesma direção como os professores da educação infantil ampliam este repertório diante da desvalorização que vem ocorrendo material e imaterial das manifestações culturais e artísticas do povo indígena? Tomamos como foco principal a pessoa do professor indígena da educação infantil nas expectativas como desejo imanente de mudanças na área de suas atividades educativas, artísticas e culturais. Quanto à orientação metodológica, seguimos os passos no exercício de uma prática interdisciplinar como balizadora no caminho percorrido. Nos valemos da pesquisa qualitativa, bibliográfica, empírica que nos remete a intervenção, cujos procedimentos incluíram levantamento e revisão da literatura sobre o tema para construção de um estado da arte. Apontamos como resultados um conjunto de conhecimentos no campo teórico investigativo da educação escolar indígena na formação de professores. Na mesma direção identificamos como integrar a arte com as diversas áreas do conhecimento, incluindo a abordagem interdisciplinar no material pedagógico para a infância. Uma forma de promover o diálogo da arte com a realidade da cultura indígena para valorização da história individual e coletiva da criança indígena

    Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Portuguese Foeniculum vulgare Fruits

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from fruits of six fennel accessions collected from wild populations occurring in the centre and south of Portugal. Composition of essential oils was established by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The obtained yields of the essential oils were found to vary greatly in the range of 1.1 to 2.9% (v/w) and the chemical composition varied with the region of collection. A total of 16 compounds were identified. The main compounds were fenchone (16.9 – 34.7%), estragole (2.5 – 66.0%) and trans-anethole (7.9 – 77.7%). The percentages of these three main compounds were used to determine the relationship between the different oil samples and to group them into four different chemotypes: anethole/fenchone; anethole; estragole and anethole/estragole. Antifungal activity of essential oils was evaluated against six food spoilage fungi: Aspergillus niger, A. japonicus, A. oryzae, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizophus oryzae and R. stolonifer. Antibacterial activity was assessed against three Gram-positive strains: Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 and S. aureus ATCC 28213; and against six Gram-negative strains: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; Morganella morganii LFG 08; Proteus mirabilis LFG 04; Salmonella enteritidis LFG 05; S. entiritidis serovar typhimurium LFG 06 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 by the disc diffusion agar method; the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined using the broth macro-dilution method. The MIC values varied from 62.5 (E. coli ATCC 25922) to 2000 μg/mL (P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853)

    Multi-FedLS: a Framework for Cross-Silo Federated Learning Applications on Multi-Cloud Environments

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed Machine Learning (ML) technique that can benefit from cloud environments while preserving data privacy. We propose Multi-FedLS, a framework that manages multi-cloud resources, reducing execution time and financial costs of Cross-Silo Federated Learning applications by using preemptible VMs, cheaper than on-demand ones but that can be revoked at any time. Our framework encloses four modules: Pre-Scheduling, Initial Mapping, Fault Tolerance, and Dynamic Scheduler. This paper extends our previous work \cite{brum2022sbac} by formally describing the Multi-FedLS resource manager framework and its modules. Experiments were conducted with three Cross-Silo FL applications on CloudLab and a proof-of-concept confirms that Multi-FedLS can be executed on a multi-cloud composed by AWS and GCP, two commercial cloud providers. Results show that the problem of executing Cross-Silo FL applications in multi-cloud environments with preemptible VMs can be efficiently resolved using a mathematical formulation, fault tolerance techniques, and a simple heuristic to choose a new VM in case of revocation.Comment: In review by Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computin

    Evaluating Execution Times and Costs of a Federated Learning Application on different Cloud Providers

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    National audienceFederated Learning (FL) is a new area of distributed Machine Learning (ML) that emerged to deal with data privacy concerns. In FL, each client has access to a local private dataset. At every round, a client trains the model with its local dataset and sends the weights to a central server. The latter aggregates all client weights and then sends the final weights back to the clients. This approach is attractive in many domains as it allows multiple institutions to collaborate on an ML task without sharing their data. However, most ML models used in FL have millions of weights exchanged in each message. The messages sent between a client and the server can achieve gigabytes of size and are exchanged several times in the whole FL execution. This work presents a preliminary analysis of execution times and costs of a FL application in a multi-cloud scenario. Experiments were conducted considering executions on the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Provider, and also in both cloud providers at the same time

    Epidemiology and regional differences of diabetic retinopathy in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of diabetic retinopathy among patients cared for in a screening program in Pernambuco, Brazil, comparing regional differences between urban and rural zones. METHODS: The charts of 2,223 diabetic patients (1,568 females and 655 males; mean age 59.3 ± 12.0 years; mean duration of diabetes 8.1 ± 6.3 years) that took part in a screening program for diabetic retinopathy at Altino Ventura Foundation from June 2004 to June 2005 were reviewed for the presence of the disease. Patients were divided into two groups: group I, patients living in Recife and the metropolitan area; group II, patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state. RESULTS: In group I, 477 (24.2%) patients had diabetic retinophathy, while in group II, 89 (39.4%) patients (p<0.0001). The frequency of proliferative diabetic retinophathy, macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment was higher in group II patients (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state have a higher incidence of diabetic retinophathy and the advanced forms than patients living in Recife and the metropolitan area when examined in a screening program for diabetic retinopathy at the Altino Ventura Foundation. Telemedicine and descentralization actions are recommended for improvement of screening quality in patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os dados de freqüência e estadiamento da retinopatia diabética em Pernambuco, Brasil, comparando a região metropolitana com cidades do interior do estado. MÉTODOS: Os prontuários de 2.223 pacientes diabéticos (1.568 mulheres e 655 homens; idade média de 58,4 ± 12,0 anos; duração média do diabetes de 8,1 ± 6,3 anos), que fizeram parte de um programa de triagem para retinopatia diabética na Fundação Altino Ventura entre os meses de junho de 2004 e junho de 2005, foram revistos quanto à presença de retinopatia. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos quanto à origem: grupo I, pacientes residentes em Recife e região metropolitana; grupo II, pacientes residentes no interior do estado de Pernambuco. RESULTADOS: No grupo I, 477 (24,2%) pacientes apresentavam retinopatia diabética ao passo que no grupo II, 89 (39,4%) pacientes (p<0,0001). A freqüência de retinopatia diabética proliferativa, edema macular, hemorragia vítrea e descolamento tracional de retina foi maior entre os pacientes do grupo II com significância estatística (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes oriundos do interior do estado de Pernambuco apresentam maior prevalência de retinopatia diabética bem como de formas avançadas da doença em relação aos pacientes da região metropolitana quando atendidos na Campanha de Diabetes. Medidas de implantação de telemedicina ou descentralização das unidades são sugeridas para melhorar a qualidade da triagem de diabéticos residentes no interior do estado.Fundação Altino VenturaHospital de Olhos de PernambucoFundação Altino Ventura Projeto para Prevenção da Cegueira por Retinopatia DiabéticaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de OftalmologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de OftalmologiaSciEL