172 research outputs found


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    Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Pyrenean granites

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    In this paper, we report on a compilation of more than 2200 sites (more than 10,000 individual measurements) where anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was studied in granites from the Variscan Pyrenees. The standardization and homogenization of this information has allowed us to produce three Main Maps that synthesize all the information related with the AMS of the Pyrenean granites. We also describe the problems found during the construction of the database (variable geo-positioning, different published information, etc.). The information derived from 21 granite bodies, the database, and the synthesis maps (magnetic susceptibility, Km, and the orientation of the magnetic foliation, plane perpendicular to k3, and of the magnetic lineation, k1) allow us to see for the first time a complete image of this important kinematic and petrographic indicator

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    Prólogo a ciencia penal y criminología

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    Publicaciones de José Luis L. Aranguren en el IVAC-KREI.[ES] Se transcribe el prólogo que realizó José Luis L. Aranguren al libro Ciencia penal y Criminología, de Antonio Beristain, en el que se resalta no sólo el contenido penal del mismo sino las cuestiones criminológicas que trata: el terrorismo, la cárcel, la policía, el problema ético del Derecho penal, etcétera. Del mismo modo, se subraya la importante reflexión realizada sobre el modelo de sociedad en el que entramos.[EU] José Luis L. arangurenek Antonio Beristainen Ciencia penal y Criminologia liburuari idatzitako hitzaurrea transkribitzen da. Hitzaurre honetan nabarmentzen dira bai eduki penalak bai liburuan tratatzen diren gai kriminologikoak: terrorismoa, espetxeak, polizia, Zuzenbide penalaren arazo etikoa, etaabar. Era berean, sartzen ari garen gizarte-ereduari buruz egindako garrantzizko gogoeta azpimarratzen da.[FR] On transcrit le préface que José Luis L. Aranguren fit du livre Ciencia penal y Criminología de Antonio Beristain, dans lequel on met en valeur non seulement le conteny pénal de ce livre, mais aussi les questions criminologiques qu´on y traite: le terrorisme, la prison, la police, le problème éthique du Droit pénal. Ainsi, on souligne l´importante réflexion menée sur le modèle de société dans laquelle nous habitons.[EN] The preface that José Luis L. Aranguren wrote for the book of Antonio Beristain Ciencia penal y Criminología is transcribed, in which not only its criminal content, but the criminological questions that he treats are pointed out: terrorism, prison, police, the ethical problem of criminal law... In the same way, it is underlined an important reflection about the social model where we live