16 research outputs found

    Efeitos de uma sessão de treinamento resistido sobre os comportamentos de checagem corporal em adultos do sexo masculino

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    O objetivo foi analisar os efeitos de uma sessão de treinamento com pesos sobre a checagem corporal de adultos do sexo masculino. Participaram 50 voluntários com idade entre 18 e 30 anos. Foi realizada uma única sessão de treinamento com pesos e utilizou-se o método de treino denominado “Hipertrofia”. Os comportamentos de checagem corporal foram avaliados pelo Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ). Os sujeitos responderam o MBCQ antes (T1), logo após (T2), 24h (T3), 48h (T4) e 72h (T5) após o término da sessão de treinamento com pesos. Os achados não demonstraram diferença na subescala “comparação com outras pessoas” (p=0,32). Todavia, foram evidenciadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para as subescalas “uso de superfície reflexiva (p=0,03), “checagem por meio de pinçamento” (p=0,04) e “avaliação por outras pessoas” (p=0,02). Concluiu-se que uma única sessão de treinamento com pesos foi capaz de alterar positivamente alguns comportamentos de checagem corporal de adultos do sexo masculino.The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of a session of resistance training on body checking in male adults. Participants included 50 volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years. A single session of resistance training was performed, and we used hypertrophy as our training method. Body checking behaviors were assessed using the Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ). Participants answered the MBCQ before (T1), immediately after (T2), and 24 h (T3), 48 h (T4) and 72 h (T5) after the resistance training session. The findings showed no difference in the subscale "compared to other people" (p=0.32). However, statistically significant differences were found for the subscales “use of reflective surface” (p=0.03), "check by clamping" (p=0.04) and "evaluation by others" (p=0.02). We concluded that a single session of resistance training was able to positively change some body checking behaviors of male adults

    Comparação da resposta da percepção subjetiva do esforço e da carga total levantada nos exercícios resistidos em plataforma estável e instável

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    This study aimed to compare the perceived subjective exertion (PSE) and total load lifted in resistance exercises performed on stable platforms (SP) and unstable platforms (UP). Participants were 20 men (24.6 ± 3.4 years, 179 ± 0.1 cm, 80.6 ± 9.1 kg and 11.8 ± 3.4% fat). Each subject performed a 15 maximum repetition test in half squat exercises (soil and balance discs), pronated barbell row (soil and bosu) and biceps curl (soil and balance discs) in both conditions. PSE was measured using the OMNI-RES scale and the load lifted value (kg). To verify the normality of data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used. Possible differences related to loads and PSE on the platforms were performed by the paired t test. Significance level of p <0.05 was adopted. No significant differences between PSE values on SP and UP were respectively observed in the half squat (8.2 and 8.5 / p = 0.8), pronated barbell row (8.4 and 8.4 / p = 0.7) and biceps curl (8.6 and 8.7 / p = 1.0). Higher load values on SP and UP were respectively found in half squat (83.9kg and 70.3kg / p <0.001) and pronated barbell row exercises (53.2kg and 48.6kg / p = 0.01) on SP. However, biceps curl showed dissimilar behavior (48.2kg and 47.4kg / p = 0.5). It was concluded that UP does not promote differences in PSE responses even working with smaller load or similar load.Objetivou-se comparar a percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE) e a carga total levantada nos exercícios resistidos em plataformas estáveis (PE) e plataformas instáveis (PI). Participaram do estudo 20 homens (24,6 ± 3,4 anos, 179 ± 0,1 cm, 80,6 ± 9,1 Kg e 11,8 ± 3,4 % de gordura). Cada voluntário realizou um teste de 15 repetições máximas nos exercícios meio agachamento (solo e discos de equilíbrio), remada curvada pronada (solo e bosu) e rosca bíceps (solo e discos de equilíbrio) em ambas as condições. Foram medidas a PSE através da escala de OMNI-RES e o valor da carga levantada (kg). Para verificar a normalidade dos dados, utilizou-se o teste Shapiro-Wilk. As possíveis diferenças relacionadas às cargas e à PSE nas plataformas foram realizadas pelo teste t pareado. Adotou-se um nível de significância de p<0,05. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores da PSE em PE e PI respectivamente, no meio agachamento (8,2 e 8,5 / p=0,8), remada curvada pronada (8,4 e 8,4 / p=0,7) e rosca bíceps (8,6 e 8,7 / p=1,0). Foram encontrados maiores valores de carga em PE e PI respectivamente, nos exercícios de meio agachamento (83,9kg e 70,3kg / p<0,001) e remada curvada pronada (53,2kg e 48,6kg / p=0,01) na PE. Em contrapartida, para a rosca bíceps não ocorreu o mesmo (48,2kg e 47,4kg / p=0,5). É possível concluir que as PI não promovem diferenças nas respostas da PSE mesmo sendo trabalhadas com uma menor carga ou com uma carga semelhante

    Comparação do custo energético, pico do lactato sanguíneo, percepção subjetiva do esforço e atividade eletromiográfica nos exercícios resistidos em plataformas estável e instável

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    The metabolic impact on energy cost (EC) of resistance exercise (RE) is little known to date in the scientific literature. The various possibilities for organizing training, using different unstable surfaces (US), electromyographic (EMG) activity and the measurement of the anaerobic component in EC, which is often overlooked in studies on RE, can change the value of EC. This study aimed to: 1) compare the acute effect of RE on the circuit training method (CTM) in stable surfaces (SS) and US on the EC, peak blood lactate (PBL) and perceived exertion (PE); 2) compare the EMG activity and strength in 15 repetition maximum bench press and squat free PE and PI. The sample consisted of 20 healthy men (24.65 ± 3.48 years old, 1.79 ± 0.08 m, 80.61 ± 9.14 kg and 11.86 ± 3.49% fat). In the first study we proposed a circuit with seven RS on a SS and an US. We found a higher total EC on US vs. SS (p = 0.01) and total PE (p = 0.02), but the PBL was higher on the SS vs. the US (p = 0.05). We can conclude that the use of US in the CTM is a great alternative for individuals seeking greater energy demand in the RE. In the second study, it was found that the value of the load lifted in the free squat on the SS was significantly higher than on the US (p = 0.001), a difference not found in the bench press (p = 0.231). Regarding the EMG activity, no significant differences were observed in the anterior deltoid (p = 0.06), pectoralis major (p = 0.14), biceps femoris (p = 0.50) and vastuslateralis (p = 0.76) on both surfaces. The US produces a similar EMG activity in relation to SS even using a lower load.O impacto metabólico no custo energético (CE) dos exercícios resistidos (ER) é pouco conhecido na literatura científica. As diversas possibilidades de organização do treino, utilização de diferentes plataformas instáveis (PI), a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) e a medida do componente anaeróbio no CE que muitas vezes é desprezada nos estudos sobre ER, podem alterar o valor do CE. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1) comparar o efeito agudo dos ER no método de treinamento circuitado (MTC) em plataformas estáveis (PE) e PI sobre o CE, pico do lactato sanguíneo (PLS) e percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE); 2) comparar a atividade EMG e a força em 15 repetições máximas no supino reto e agachamento livre em PE e PI. A amostra foi composta de 20 homens saudáveis (24,65 ± 3,48 anos, 1,79 ± 0,08 m, 80,61 ± 9,14 Kg e 11,86 ± 3,49 % de gordura). No primeiro estudo propusemos um circuito com sete ER em PE e PI. Encontramos um CE total maior em PI vs. PE (p=0,01), assim como a PSE total (p=0,02), entretanto o PLS foi maior em PE vs. PI (p=0,05). Conclui-se que o uso das PI no MTC é uma excelente alternativa para os indivíduos que buscam uma maior demanda energética nos ER. No segundo estudo verificamos que o valor da carga levantada para o agachamento livre na PE foi significativamente superior em relação a PI (p=0,001), diferença esta não encontrada no supino reto (p=0,231). Em relação à atividade EMG, não foram observadas diferenças significativas no deltoide anterior (p=0,06), peitoral maior (p=0,14), bíceps femoral (p=0,50) e vasto lateral (p=0,76) em ambas as plataformas. As PI produzem uma similar atividade EMG em relação às PE mesmo utilizando uma menor carga.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Papel de aferências musculares ativadas pelo exercício físico para o controle cardiorrespiratório em pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica

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    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have exercise intolerance, which is characterized by ventilatory limitation and dyspnea, as well as by skeletal muscle dysfunction. Given that the cardiorespiratory responses to exercise are partly determined by reflexes triggered by activation of type III (mechanoreflex) and IV (metaboreflex) afferents in skeletal muscles, it is plausible that the muscle dysfunction in COPD is accompanied by altered muscle reflexes, which, however, is still unclear. The purposes this study were: i) to investigate the isolated contribution of the mechanoreflex and muscle metaboreflex activated by physical exercise to the cardiorespiratory control in patients with COPD and control subjects and ii) to investigate differences between the cellular antioxidants of muscle fibers related to the activation of muscle afferents in COPD patients and control subjects. The mechanoreflex was activated by flexion and unilateral passive knee extension using an isokinetic dynamometer in 28 patients and 14 controls. The metaborreflex was activated by circulatory occlusion after constant load exercise on a cycle ergometry in 10 patients and 9 controls. A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was performed for molecular analyses. COPD patients had a higher mean respiratory flow response (ratio between tidal volume and inspiratory time) when both reflexes were activated. In addition, patients showed greater responses of minute ventilation and pattern of ventilatory response to activation of muscle mechanoreflex. COPD patients presented higher oxidative stress in the skeletal striated muscles. In contrast, COPD patients are less responsive to dyspnea during activation of the muscle metaboreflex. No significant differences were found for the cardiovascular variables. Given this context, it appears that patients with COPD are more responsive to the activation of mechanical and metabolic muscle afferents compared to the control group to the regulation of ventilation.Pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) apresentam intolerância ao exercício físico, que é caracterizada por limitação ventilatória e dispneia, assim como por disfunção de músculos esqueléticos. Visto que as respostas cardiorrespiratórias ao exercício são, em parte, determinadas por reflexos deflagrados pela ativação de fibras aferentes tipo III (mecanorreflexo) e IV (metaborreflexo) em músculos esqueléticos, é plausível que a disfunção muscular na DPOC seja acompanhada por alteração em reflexos musculares, o que, no entanto, ainda não é bem conhecido. Os objetivos desta tese foram: i) investigar a contribuição isolada do mecanorreflexo e metaborreflexo muscular ativada pelo exercício físico para o controle cardiorrespiratório em pacientes com DPOC e sujeitos controles e ii) investigar alterações dos antioxidantes celulares de fibras musculares relacionadas com a ativação de aferências musculares em pacientes com DPOC e sujeitos controles. O mecanorreflexo foi ativado por flexão e extensão passiva unilateral de joelho através do dinamômetro isocinético em 28 pacientes e 14 controles. O metaborreflexo foi ativado por oclusão circulatória pós exercício de carga constante em cicloergômetro em 10 pacientes e 9 controles. Foi realizado uma biopsia muscular no vasto lateral para análises celulares. Pacientes com DPOC apresentaram maior resposta de fluxo respiratório médio (razão entre volume corrente e tempo inspiratório) quando foi realizado a ativação de ambos os reflexos. Além disso, pacientes apresentaram maiores respostas de ventilação minuto e padrão de resposta ventilatória frente a ativação do mecanorreflexo muscular. Pacientes com DPOC apresentaram maior estresse oxidativo nos músculos estriados esqueléticos. Em contrapartida, pacientes com DPOC são menos responsivos à dispneia durante a ativação do metaborreflexo muscular. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as variáveis cardiovasculares. Diante desse contexto, parece que pacientes com DPOC são mais responsivos à ativação de aferências musculares mecânicas e metabólicas em relação ao grupo controle para o controle da ventilação.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2020

    Structural analysis of the digestive gland of the queen conch strombus gigas linnaeus, 1758 and its intracellular parasites

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    International audienceThis study describes the structure of the digestive gland of Strombus gigas in individuals from Guadeloupe and discusses the function of its cell types and their relationship with intracellular Apicomplexa-like parasites. Three cellular types were found in the epithelium of the blind-ending tubules of the digestive gland according to histological and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations; these were: digestive cells, pyramidal crypt cells and vacuolated cells. Columnar digestive cells were characterized by large Alcian blue-positive granules, which have not been previously described in digestive cells of other caenogastropods. Such granules contain large quantities of proteoglycans that are exported to the stomach through the physiological destruction of the digestive cells, which undergo a holocrine secretion. Their cytoplasm appears vacuolar due to lipid extraction by solvents used for tissue preparation. Vacuolated cells also appear to be lipid-storage cells. Small triangular-shaped crypt cells, on the other hand, appear to be metabolically active as suggested by a strong positive in situ hybridization of eukaryotic ribosomes, which was confirmed by their large content of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum compared to the other cell types. These observations suggest that crypt cells may be immature cells that are involved in the replacement of eliminated digestive cells. However, their spherocrystal inclusions indicate that they may be excretory cells or calcium cells. Large brown inclusions were frequently observed in vacuolated cells; these were identified as parasitic protozoans and were present in the digestive gland of all sampled specimens. These protozoans have previously been described from a queen conch population in the San Andres Archipelago (Colombia). Several life cycle stages of the parasite were identified by scanning electron microscopy and TEM; trophozoites were characterized by their conoid-like structure, sporocysts by their thick walls, and gamonts by their thin walls. These observations suggest that this parasite completes its entire life cycle within the same host and type of tissue. Although previous investigations place this parasite within the Apicomplexa group, further investigations are necessary in order to confirm the identification of the parasite

    Occurrence of Sporozoa-like microorganisms in the digestive gland of various species of Strombidae

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    The article discusses research on the presence of sporozoa-like microorganisms in the digestive gland of various species of Strombidae. One research by Gros, Frenkiel and Aldana Aranda described the digestive gland of Strombus gigas Linnaeus as having an assemblage of tubules and ducts. Another study found the occurrence of intracellular microorganisms believed to be the various life cycle stages of Apicomplexa

    Comparação da resposta da percepção subjetiva do esforço e da carga total levantada nos exercícios resistidos em plataforma estável e instável

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    This study aimed to compare the perceived subjective exertion (PSE) and total load lifted in resistance exercises performed on stable platforms (SP) and unstable platforms (UP). Participants were 20 men (24.6 ± 3.4 years, 179 ± 0.1 cm, 80.6 ± 9.1 kg and 11.8 ± 3.4% fat). Each subject performed a 15 maximum repetition test in half squat exercises (soil and balance discs), pronated barbell row (soil and bosu) and biceps curl (soil and balance discs) in both conditions. PSE was measured using the OMNI-RES scale and the load lifted value (kg). To verify the normality of data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used. Possible differences related to loads and PSE on the platforms were performed by the paired t test. Significance level of p <0.05 was adopted. No significant differences between PSE values on SP and UP were respectively observed in the half squat (8.2 and 8.5 / p = 0.8), pronated barbell row (8.4 and 8.4 / p = 0.7) and biceps curl (8.6 and 8.7 / p = 1.0). Higher load values on SP and UP were respectively found in half squat (83.9kg and 70.3kg / p <0.001) and pronated barbell row exercises (53.2kg and 48.6kg / p = 0.01) on SP. However, biceps curl showed dissimilar behavior (48.2kg and 47.4kg / p = 0.5). It was concluded that UP does not promote differences in PSE responses even working with smaller load or similar loa

    Electromyographic activity and 15RM load during resistance exercises on stable and unstable surfaces.

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    The purpose of this study was to compare electromyographic (EMG) activity and a 15-maximum repetition (15RM) load in bench press (BP) and free squat (FS) on a stable surface (SS) and an unstable surface (US). Nineteen healthy men (age 24.65 ? 3.48 yrs) volunteered for five testing sessions. The load value for the FS on the SS was higher than on the US (83.9 ? 18.67 kg vs. 70.3 ? 10.07 kg, P=0.001). No significant difference was observed between BP on either surface to load value (66 ? 10.15 kg vs. 64.2 ? 8.63 kg, P=0.231). For EMG, no significant differences were observed in the anterior deltoid (0.52 ? 0.13 vs. 0.65 ? 0.42, P=0.06), pectoralis major (0.40 ? 0.44 vs. 0.30 ? 0.21, P=0.14), biceps femoris (0.09 ? 0.08 vs. 0.08 ? 0.06, P=0.50), or vastus lateralis (0.34 ? 0.21 vs. 0.34 ? 0.22, P=0.76) between conditions. Thus, the findings indicate that an US produces similar muscle activation as a SS produce using lower loads

    Ventilatory Response Arising from the Interaction between the Peripheral Chemoreflex and the Muscle Mechanoreflex in Healthy Humans

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    FAPESPCAPESFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Div Pulm Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Div Translat Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Brasilia, Dept Phys Educ, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Div Exercise Physiol, Sao Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Div Pulm Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Div Translat Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Div Exercise Physiol, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESPCAPESWeb of Scienc