17 research outputs found

    A multi-dating approach to age-modelling long continental records: The 135 ka El Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (NE Spain)

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    We present the multidisciplinary dating approach - including radiocarbon, Uranium/Thorium series (U/Th), paleomagnetism, single-grain Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) and tephrochronology - used for the development of an age model for the Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (VIL) for the last ca. 135 ka. We describe the protocols used for each technique and discuss the positive and negative results, as well as their implications for interpreting the VIL sequence and for dating similar terrestrial records. In spite of the negative results of some techniques, particularly due to the absence of adequate sample material or inaccurate analytical precision, the multi-technique strategy employed here is essential to maximize the chances of obtaining robust age models in terrestrial sequences. The final Bayesian age model for VIL sequence includes 16 AMS 14C ages, 9 OSL ages and 5 previously published IRSL ages, and the accuracy and resolution of the model are improved by incorporating information related to changes in accumulation rate, as revealed by detailed sedimentological analyses. The main paleohydrological and vegetation changes in the sequence are coherent with global Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 1 transitions since the penultimate Termination, although some regional idiosyncrasies are evident, such as higher moisture variability than expected, an abrupt inception of the last glacial cycle and a resilient response of vegetation in Mediterranean continental Iberia in both Terminations

    Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and childhood autistic traits in four European population-based cohort studies : the ESCAPE project

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    Background: Prenatal exposure to air pollutants has been suggested as a possible etiologic factor for the occurrence of autism spectrum disorder. Objectives: We aimed to assess whether prenatal air pollution exposure is associated with childhood autistic traits in the general population. Methods: Ours was a collaborative study of four European population-based birth/child cohorts— CATSS (Sweden), Generation R (the Netherlands), GASPII (Italy), and INMA (Spain). Nitrogen oxides (NO2, NOx) and particulate matter (PM) with diameters of ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5), ≤ 10 μm (PM10), and between 2.5 and 10 μm (PMcoarse), and PM2.5 absorbance were estimated for birth addresses by land-use regression models based on monitoring campaigns performed between 2008 and 2011. Levels were extrapolated back in time to exact pregnancy periods. We quantitatively assessed autistic traits when the child was between 4 and 10 years of age. Children were classified with autistic traits within the borderline/clinical range and within the clinical range using validated cut-offs. Adjusted cohort-specific effect estimates were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Results: A total of 8,079 children were included. Prenatal air pollution exposure was not associated with autistic traits within the borderline/clinical range (odds ratio = 0.94; 95% CI: 0.81, 1.10 per each 10‑μg/m3 increase in NO2 pregnancy levels). Similar results were observed in the different cohorts, for the other pollutants, and in assessments of children with autistic traits within the clinical range or children with autistic traits as a quantitative score. Conclusions: Prenatal exposure to NO2 and PM was not associated with autistic traits in children from 4 to 10 years of age in four European population-based birth/child cohort studies.NonePublishe

    Patrimonio Geológico y Ecoturismo

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    El desarrollo incontrolado de ciertas actividades relacionadas con la oferta ecoturística dentro de los Parques Naturales puede acarrear serios peligros para la conservación del Patrimonio Geológico. Un ejemplo claro lo constituye El Cerro del Hierro, lugar calificado actualmente como Paraje Natural Excepcional, dentro del Parque Natural Sierra Norte de Sevilla. Su riqueza geomorfológica (paisaje kárstico singular), mineralógica y paleontológica (importantes yacimientos del Cámbrico inferior) está amenazada gravemente por el expolio sistemático de fósiles y minerales, así como por la destrucción paulatina del paisaje a consecuencia de actividades relacionadas con el «ocio activo»Uncontroled activities related with the ecotourism in the Natural Parks may constitute an important danger in order to the conservation of their Geologic Patrimony. An example is the zone so called Cerro del Hierro, qualified at present, as Exceptional Natural Place, and located into the Parque Natural Sierra Norte de Sevilla. Systematic spoliation of fossils (Lower Cambrian) and minerals and the progressive destruction of the karstic landscape by activities carried-in at the open air, are the main menace

    Primeras jornadas Iperinas: presentación de nuevas líneas de investigación del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC)

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    16 páginas, 2 figuras[ES] En diciembre de 2012, se celebraron las primeras Jornadas IPErinas, reunión que permitió compartir al personal del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC), muchos de los trabajos de investigación que actualmente se están llevando a cabo por los distintos grupos del centro. Estas Jornadas surgieron de la necesidad de compartir y difundir los principales objetivos y resultados más relevantes de nuevas líneas de investigación desarrolladas actualmente en el centro, como parte fundamental de la comunicación científica y transferencia de conocimiento a la sociedad. Bajo estas líneas, se presenta una reseña de la las primeras Jornadas IPErinas, a través de un breve resumen de las charlas presentadas.[EN] In December 2012, the first Jornadas IPErinas took place at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC). The aim of this meeting was to show many of the new research topics that nowadays are being developed in the Institute. This workshop grew out of the need to disseminate the main new research lines developed at the center, as a fundamental part of scientific communication and knowledge transfer to society. In this paper, we briefly review the topics presented in the first meeting Jornadas IPErinas, summarizing the oral contributions.Peer reviewe

    Strong continentality and effective moisture drove unforeseen vegetation dynamics since the last interglacial at inland Mediterranean areas: The Villarquemado sequence in NE Iberia

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    Few continental palaeoenvironmental sedimentary sequences from Southern Europe are long enough to span the last interglacial period (Marine Isotopic Stage-MIS 5), the last glacial cycle (MIS 4 to 2) and the Holocene. El Cañizar de Villarquemado (North-Eastern Iberian Peninsula) is an exceptional sedimentary lacustrine sequence spanning the last ca. 135,000 years of environmental change in an area of inland Iberia characterized by Mediterranean climate with strong continentality. We present a multiproxy study which combines palynological, sedimentological and geochemical analyses framed by an independent, robust chronology. Hydrological and climate evolutions were reconstructed by sedimentological and geochemical proxies. Development of wetlands and shallow carbonate lakes support relatively humid conditions during MIS 6, till the onset of MIS 4, and during the Holocene. Palaeohydrological conditions were drier during MIS 5 (dominance of peat environments) than during the Holocene (more frequent carbonate-producing lakes). Sedimentological evidence indicates extremely arid conditions during MIS 3 with greater activity of alluvial fans prograding into the basin. Sedimentary facies variability highlights a large environmental and hydrological variability during MIS 2 and a rapid humidity response to the onset of the Holocene. Compared to classic Mediterranean sites, we found novel pollen assemblages for the end of MIS 6 and MIS 5 indicating that the vegetation cover was essentially represented by sustained high proportions of continentality-adapted taxa dominated by Juniperus during the relatively humid conditions since MIS 6 till the onset of MIS 4. Higher evapotranspiration in inland Iberia would have increased during periods of higher seasonal insolation maxima, impeding soil development and the usual mesophyte expansion during interglacials observed in other Mediterranean areas. Four main periods of forest development occurred in Villarquemado during MIS 5e, MIS 5c, MIS 5a and the Holocene; secondary peaks occurred also during MIS 3. During colder but still relatively humid MIS 4, junipers and Mediterranean taxa disappear but some mesophytes and cold-tolerant species persisted and Pinus became the dominant tree up to modern times. Pollen assemblages and geochemical data variability suggest a dominant control of seasonality and the impact of North Atlantic dynamics both during MIS 5 (cold events C18-C24) and full glacial conditions (HE and D-O interstadials). At millennial scales, steppe herbaceous assemblages dominated during the extremely arid conditions of MIS 3 and pines and steppe taxa during glacial period MIS 2. Villarquemado sequence demonstrates that the resilient behaviour of conifers in continental areas of inland Southern European regions is key to understand the glacial–interglacial vegetation evolution and to evaluate scenarios for potential impacts of global change

    Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last glacial cycle in the continental Iberia: The Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (Teruel) | Reconstrucción paleoambiental del último ciclo glacial-interglacial en la iberia continental: La secuencia del Cañizar de Villarquemado (Teruel)

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    [EN] El Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (North-eastern Iberian Peninsula) stands as an exceptional palaeoenvironmental record for the last 130 000 years. The preliminary multidisciplinary study carried out so far include pollen and sedimentological analyses, comprising geochemical, X ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical, organic and inorganic content (TOC/TIC) analyses. The chronological model has been established combining AMS 14C on the first 20 m of sediment and OSL methods on the remaining 54 m to the bottom. The sedimentary sequence is essentially formed by alternating facies of peatbogs and wetlands with those of distal alluvial fan deposits and others of carbonate lake. The results currently obtained support relatively humid conditions at El Cañizar de Villarquemado during a likely MIS6-MIS5 period, as errors linked to the age model prevent us to guarantee precisely the period boundaries. Despite indications of humidity, the regional vegetation variations during the MIS6-MIS5 period, essentially represented by Juniperus, were constrained by the intense continentality of the area, resulting in unexpected pollen assemblages for an interglacial period as the Eemian. The most arid phase of the sequence is registered during the MIS3, as shown by the available sedimentological and palynological results, while the MIS2 presents greater local and regional variability as proved by the sedimentary facies and aquatics and the other pollen spectra, respectively. The Holocene presents an abrupt onset regarding palaeohydrology while terrestrial vegetation, dominated by pine instead than Juniperus as in the sequence's bottom, show a resilient response as these are well adapted communities to extreme continentality. The later development of both, evergreen and marcescent Quercus, together with the presence of pine woodland, indicate very different climatic conditions between the MIS5 and MIS1 interglacial periods. © Universidad de La Rioja.[ES] La secuencia de El Cañizar de Villarquemado (NE Península Ibérica) constituye un registro excepcional que cubre los últimos ca. 130 000 años de historia ambiental. Los análisis multidisciplinares que se han realizado hasta el momento incluyen un análisis palinológico preliminar y otros indicadores sedimentológicos, como susceptibilidad magnética, análisis geoquímicos de fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF), mineralogía y contenido en carbono orgánico e inorgánico (TOC/TIC). El modelo cronológico se ha realizado combinando dataciones AMS 14C en los 20 m superiores de sedimento y OSL (Luminiscencia Óptica Estimulada) en los 54 m restantes. La secuencia sedimentaria está esencialmente formada por la alternancia de fases con mayor desarrollo de humedales y turberas, con otras de depósitos distales de abanicos aluviales y episodios de lago carbonatado. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento confirman que el registro del Cañizar de Villarquemado responde a unas condiciones relativamente húmedas durante un probable MIS6-MIS5, con variaciones en la vegetación regional (esencialmente dominada por Juniperus) que aparecen siempre muy determinadas por la continentalidad de la zona, y que resultan atípicas para lo esperable durante un episodio interglacial como el Eemiense. De todos modos, los márgenes de error adscritos al modelo de edad impiden ciertas precisiones y aseveraciones al respecto. Durante el MIS3 se registra el periodo más árido de toda la secuencia, como confirman los resultados sedimentológicos y los polínicos de algunos intervalos ya disponibles. Sin embargo el MIS2 presenta una gran variabilidad tanto a nivel local, como indican las distintas asociaciones de facies y la vegetación acuática, como a nivel regional, como se deduce de la cubierta vegetal general. El comienzo del Holoceno se registra de manera muy abrupta en cuanto a cambios paleohidrológicos, pero mostrando de nuevo cierta resiliencia de la vegetación, dominada esta vez por pinos y no por Juniperus como en la base de la secuencia, y muy adaptada a las condiciones de extrema continentalidad. El posterior desarrollo de quercíneas junto con la presencia de pinos, apunta situaciones climáticas muy diferentes entre un posible MIS5 y el MIS1.Este trabajo ha sido financiado gracias a los proyectos nacionales DINAMO (CGL2009-07992), DINAMO2 (CGL2012-33063), LIMNOCLIBER (REN2003- 09130-C02-02), LIMNOCAL (CGL2006-13327-C04-01), GRACCIE-CONSOLIDER (CSD2007-00067), CGL2012-38358 y CGL2009-06988/BOS, y al proyecto regional del Gobierno de Aragón-DGA P196/2005. Varios autores (Moreno, Gil-Romera, García-Prieto y Aranbarri) agradecen la financiación recibida de los programas Ramón y Cajal, Juan de la Cierva, Formación de Personal Investigador-FPI y Gobierno Vasco, respectivamente. Además, este trabajo no hubiera sido posible sin la ayuda de la Fundación de la Laguna del Cañizar y su director, José Carlos Rubio, y sin la colaboración de Aida Adsuar, Beatriz Bueno y Raquel López en el procedimiento analítico llevado a cabo en el laboratorio del IPE-CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Reconstrucción paleoambiental del último ciclo glacial-interglacial en la Iberia continental: la secuencia del Cañizar de Villarquemado (Teruel)

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    El Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (North-eastern Iberian Peninsula) stands as an exceptional palaeoenvironmental record for the last 130 000 years. The preliminary multidisciplinary study carried out so far include pollen and sedimentological analyses, comprising geochemical, X ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical, organic and inorganic content (TOC/TIC) analyses. The chronological model has been established combining AMS 14C on the first 20 m of sediment and OSL methods on the remaining 54 m to the bottom. The sedimentary sequence is essentially formed by alternating facies of peatbogs and wetlands with those of distal alluvial fan deposits and others of carbonate lake. The results currently obtained support relatively humid conditions at El Cañizar de Villarquemado during a likely MIS6-MIS5 period, as errors linked to the age model prevent us to guarantee precisely the period boundaries. Despite indications of humidity, the regional vegetation variations during the MIS6-MIS5 period, essentially represented by Juniperus, were constrained by the intense continentality of the area, resulting in unexpected pollen assemblages for an interglacial period as the Eemian. The most arid phase of the sequence is registered during the MIS3, as shown by the available sedimentological and palynological results, while the MIS2 presents greater local and regional variability as proved by the sedimentary facies and aquatics and the other pollen spectra, respectively. The Holocene presents an abrupt onset regarding palaeohydrology while terrestrial vegetation, dominated by pine instead than Juniperus as in the sequence�s bottom, show a resilient response as these are well adapted communities to extreme continentality. The later development of both, evergreen and marcescent Quercus, together with the presence of pine woodland, indicate very different climatic conditions between the MIS5 and MIS1 interglacial periods.La secuencia de El Cañizar de Villarquemado (NE Península Ibérica) constituye un registro excepcional que cubre los últimos ca. 130 000 años de historia ambiental. Los análisis multidisciplinares que se han realizado hasta el momento incluyen un análisis palinológico preliminar y otros indicadores sedimentológicos, como susceptibilidad magnética, análisis geoquímicos de fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF), mineralogía y contenido en carbono orgánico e inorgánico (TOC/TIC). El modelo cronológico se ha realizado combinando dataciones AMS 14C en los 20 m superiores de sedimento y OSL (Luminiscencia Óptica Estimulada) en los 54 m restantes. La secuencia sedimentaria está esencialmente formada por la alternancia de fases con mayor desarrollo de humedales y turberas, con otras de depósitos distales de abanicos aluviales y episodios de lago carbonatado. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento confirman que el registro del Cañizar de Villarquemado responde a unas condiciones relativamente húmedas durante un probable MIS6-MIS5, con variaciones en la vegetación regional (esencialmente dominada por Juniperus) que aparecen siempre muy determinadas por la continentalidad de la zona, y que resultan atípicas para lo esperable durante un episodio interglacial como el Eemiense. De todos modos, los márgenes de error adscritos al modelo de edad impiden ciertas precisiones y aseveraciones al respecto. Durante el MIS3 se registra el periodo más árido de toda la secuencia, como confirman los resultados sedimentológicos y los polínicos de algunos intervalos ya disponibles. Sin embargo el MIS2 presenta una gran variabilidad tanto a nivel local, como indican las distintas asociaciones de facies y la vegetación acuática, como a nivel regional, como se deduce de la cubierta vegetal general. El comienzo del Holoceno se registra de manera muy abrupta en cuanto a cambios paleohidrológicos, pero mostrando de nuevo cierta resiliencia de la vegetación, dominada esta vez por pinos y no por Juniperus como en la base de la secuencia, y muy adaptada a las condiciones de extrema continentalidad. El posterior desarrollo de quercíneas junto con la presencia de pinos, apunta situaciones climáticas muy diferentes entre un posible MIS5 y el MIS1