133 research outputs found

    Seed dormancy responses to temperature relate to Nothofagus species distribution and determine temporal patterns of germination across altitudes in Patagonia

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    507-520. Seeds integrate environmental cues that modulate their dormancy and germination. Although many mechanisms have been identified in laboratory experiments, their contribution to germination dynamics in existing communities and their involvement in defining species habitats remain elusive. . By coupling mathematical models with ecological data we investigated the contribution of seed temperature responses to the dynamics of germination of three Nothofagus species that are sharply distributed across different altitudes in the Patagonian Andes. . Seed responsiveness to temperature of the three Nothofagus species was linked to the thermal characteristics of their preferred ecological niche. In their natural distribution range, there was overlap in the timing of germination of the species, which was restricted to mid - spring. By contrast, outside their species distribution range, germination was temporally uncoupled with altitude. This phenomenon was described mathematically by the interplay between interspecific differences in seed population thermal parameters and the range in soil thermic environments across different altitudes. . The observed interspecific variations in seed responsiveness to temperature and its environmental regulation, constitute a major determinant of the dynamics of Nothofagus germination across elevations. This phenomenon likely contributes to the maintenance of patterns of species abundance across altitude by placing germinated seeds in a favorable environment for plant growth

    Resistance to anthelmintics and prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in dairy farms in Jauja, Peru.

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica mediante exámenes coprológicos en el ganado bovino del distrito de Huertas, provincia de Jauja- Junín, y evaluar la eficacia de dos fasciolicidas ampliamente utilizados en la zona: triclabendazol (TBCZ) y albendazol (ABZ). Se trabajó con 387 vacas de 30 establos durante la época de lluvias. Se colectaron muestras de heces directamente del recto y se analizaron mediante los métodos de sedimentación espontánea y de Mc Master modificado. La prevalencia de F. hepatica fue de 38.2% con cargas promedio de 16 hpg (1-197 hpg). Asimismo, 26 establos (86.7%) resultaron positivos a F. hepatica. En la evaluación de resistencia a las drogas se empleó la prueba de reducción de recuento de huevos (FECRT). Se seleccionaron 75 animales que superaron recuentos de 13 hpg y se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en dos grupos: a) TCBZ, 12 mg/kg peso vivo (n=39) y b) ABZ, 10 mg/kg peso vivo (n=33). Las drogas fueron administradas vía oral. La eficacia del TBCZ a los 7, 14, 21 y 28 días post tratamiento fue de 53.4, 53.3, 36.4 y 34.9%, respectivamente, mientras que para el ABZ fue nula en todos los casos. Se concluye que la ganadería lechera de Jauja, Junín, muestra una alta prevalencia de F. hepatica, además, de presentar resistencia del parásito al albendazol y triclabendazol.The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica through coprological analysis in dairy cattle in the district of Huertas, province of Junin, Peru and to evaluate the efficacy of two anthelmintics frequently used in the region: triclabendazol (TBCZ) and albendazol (ABZ). Faecal samples were collected from 387 cows in 30 farms. Samples were analysed by the spontaneous sedimentation test and the modified Mc Master test. The prevalence of F. hepatica was 38.2%, with a mean of 16 eggs per gram of faeces (epg) and a range of 1 to 197 epg. Furthermore, 26 farms (86.7%) were positive to F. hepatica. The faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) was used for evaluating the parasite resistance to the two anthelmintics. For this, 75 animals with more than 12 epg were selected and randomly allocated to two groups: a) TCBZ, 12 mg/kg body weight (n=39) and b) ABZ, 10 mg/kg body weight (n=33). Both drugs were orally administered. The efficacy of TBCZ on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 was 53.4, 53.3, 36.4, and 34.9% respectively, whereas ABZ was zero in all cases. It is concluded that dairy cattle in Huertas, Jauja has a high prevalence of F. hepatica and the parasite shows resistance to albendazol and triclabendazol

    Validade e confiabilidade do inventário de Mindfulness e Equanimidade

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    The purpose of this study is to report evidence of construct validity and reliability of a new self-report instrument that measures mindfulness and equanimity in a Spanish speaking population. An initial pool of 26 items was evaluated by 17 experts from Spain and Latin America and modified on the basis of their comments. The resulting list of 21 items was administered to 746 university students in Mexico and Peru. Their responses were analyzed using Unweighted Least Squares (ULS) with promin rotations. Two factors were identified, mindless and mindful, with factor loadings ranging from .36 to .65. The reliability coefficients for the first and second factors were .78, and .82 respectively. The inter-factors correlation was -.51. The results indicate clear evidence of convergent and discriminative validity.El propósito del estudio es reportar evidencias de la validez de constructo y confiabilidad de un nuevo instrumento de autorreporte para medir mindfulness y ecuanimidad en una población de habla hispana. Una lista de 26 ítems originales fue examinada por 17 expertos de España y Latinoamérica y se realizaron las modificaciones correspondientes sobre la base de sus comentarios. La lista final de 21 ítems fue administrada a una muestra de 746 estudiantes universitarios de México y Perú. Sus respuestas fueron analizadas factorialmente sobre la base del método de los mínimos cuadrados no ponderados (MCP) con rotaciones promin. Se identificaron dos factores denominados mindless y mindful con cargas factoriales que varían entre .36 y .65. Los coeficientes de confiabiliadad fueron de .78 para el primer factor y .82 para el segundo factor. La correlación interfactorial fue de -.51. Los resultados indican evidencias de validez de tipo convergente y discriminante.Le but de l’étude est de rapporter des preuves de validité et de fiabilité constructives d’un nouvel instrument d’auto-évaluation pour mesurer mindfulness et l’équanimité dans une population hispanophone. Une liste de 26 articles originaux a été examinée par 17 experts d’Espagne et d’Amérique latine, apportant les modifications correspondantes sur la base de leurs commentaires. La liste finale de 21 articles a été administrée à un échantillon de 746 étudiants universitaires du Mexique et du Pérou. Leurs réponses ont été analysées de manière factorielle sur la base de la méthode des moindres carrés non pondérés (MCP) avec des rotations promin. Deux facteurs nommés mindless et mindful ont été identifies, avec des charges de facteurs variant entre .36 et .65. Les coefficients de fiabilité étaient de .78 pour le premier facteur et de .82 pour le deuxième facteur. La corrélation interfactorielle était de -.51. Les résultats indiquent des preuves de validité d’un type convergent et discriminant.O objetivo do estudo é apresentar evidências de validade de construto e confiabilidade de um novo instrumento de autorrelato para medir mindfulness é equanimidade em língua espanhola. Uma lista de 26 itens originais foi examinada por 17 especialistas da Espanha e da América Latina. Baseados em seus comentários as modificações correspondentes foram feitas. A lista final de 21 itens foi administrada a uma amostra de 746 estudantes universitários do México e Peru. Suas respostas foram analisadas fatorialmente com base no método dos mínimos quadrados não ponderados (MCP) com rotações Promin. Dois fatores nome-ados mindless e mindful foram identificados com cargas fatoriais variando entre .36 e .65. Os coeficientes de confiabilidade foram .78 para o primeiro fator e .82 para o segundo fator. A correlação interfatorial foi de -.51. Os resultados indicam evidências de validade de tipos convergente e discriminante

    Violencia de género sobre estudiantes universitarios(as)

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    Proponemos un índice para medir violencia de género entre hombres y mujeres universitarios(as). Para construir el índice se aplica un cuestionario sobre violencia a una muestra representativa de estudiantes. Posteriormente, se organiza la información mediante un modelo ecológico y el resultado se integra en un índice vía el proceso jerárquico analítico. El índice se ejemplificó con datos de estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (UACh). En la UACh, tanto hombres como mujeres reportaron grados similares de violencia directa, aunque las mujeres señalaron más consecuencias emocionales y sociales. El índice propuesto permite: (i) identificar los factores que influyen en la reproducción de la violencia, (ii) incorporar la opinión de los expertos, (iii) obtener información de múltiples factores y percepciones que las personas tienen sobre el fenómeno. Finalmente, este índice puede adaptarse para evaluar otros fenómenos sociales

    Validez de constructo y confiabilidad del inventario de mindfulness y ecuanimidad

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    El propósito del estudio es reportar evidencias de la validez de constructo y confiabilidad de un nuevo instrumento de autorreporte para medir mindfulness y ecuanimidad en una población de habla hispana. Una lista de 26 ítems originales fue examinada por 17 expertos de España y Latinoamérica y se realizaron las modificaciones correspondientes sobre la base de sus comentarios. La lista final de 21 ítems fue administrada a una muestra de 746 estudiantes universitarios de México y Perú. Sus respuestas fueron analizadas factorialmente sobre la base del método de los mínimos cuadrados no ponderados (MCP) con rotaciones promin. Se identificaron dos factores denominados mindless y mindful con cargas factoriales que varían entre .36 y .65. Los coeficientes de confiabiliadad fueron de .78 para el primer factor y .82 para el segundo factor. La correlación interfactorial fue de -.51. Los resultados indican evidencias de validez de tipo convergente y discriminante.The purpose of this study is to report evidence of construct validity and reliability of a new self-report instrument that measures mindfulness and equanimity in a Spanish speaking population. An initial pool of 26 items was evaluated by 17 experts from Spain and Latin America and modified on the basis of their comments. The resulting list of 21 items was administered to 746 university students in Mexico and Peru. Their responses were analyzed using Unweighted Least Squares (ULS) with promin rotations. Two factors were identified, mindless and mindful, with factor loadings ranging from.36 to.65. The reliability coefficients for the first and second factors were.78, and.82 respectively. The inter-factors correlation was -.51. The results indicate clear evidence of convergent and discriminative validity

    Ambulatory health service users' experience of waiting time and expenditure and factors associated with the perception of low quality of care in Mexico

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A principal reason for low use of public health care services is the perception of inferior quality of care. Studying health service user (HSU) experiences with their care and their perception of health service quality is critical to understanding health service utilization. The aim of this study was to define reference points for some aspects of health care quality and to analyze which HSU experiences resulted in perceptions of overall low quality of care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from the National Health Survey 2006 were used to compare the experiences of HSUs with their ambulatory care at Ministry of Health and affiliated institutions (MOH), social security institutions (SSI) and private institutions (PrivI). Reference points of quality of care related to waiting time and expenditure were defined for each of the three types of institutions by analyzing HSU experiences rated as 'acceptable'. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify the principal factors associated with the general perception of low quality of care.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 11,959 HSUs were included in the analysis, of whom 37.6% (n = 4,500) HSUs received care at MOH facilities; 31.2% (n = 3,730) used SSI and 31.2% (n = 3,729) PrivI. An estimated travel and waiting time of 10 minutes respectively was rated as acceptable by HSUs from all institutions. The differences between the waiting time rated as acceptable and the actual waiting time were the largest for SSI (30 min) in comparison to MoH (20 min) and PrivI (5 min) users. The principal factors associated with an overall perception of low quality of care are type of institution (OR 4.36; 95% CI 2.95-6.44), waiting time (OR 3.20; 95% CI 2.35-4.35), improvement of health after consultation (OR 2.93; CI 2.29-3.76) and consultation length of less than 20 minutes (2.03; 95% CI 1.60-2.57).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reference points derived by the HSUs' own ratings are useful in identifying where quality improvements are required. Prioritizing the reduction of waiting times and improving health status improvement after consultation would increase overall quality of care ratings.</p

    Carbapenem-resistant Citrobacter spp. isolated in Spain from 2013 to 2015 produced a variety of carbapenemases including VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, NDM-1 and VIM-2

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    Objectives: There is little information about carbapenemase-producing (CP) Citrobacter spp.We studied the molecular epidemiology and microbiological features of CP Citrobacter spp. isolates collected in Spain (2013-15). Methods: In total, 119 isolates suspected of being CP by the EUCAST screening cut-off values were analysed. Carbapenemases and ESBLs were characterized using PCR and sequencing. The genetic relationship among Citrobacter freundii isolates was studied by PFGE. Results: Of the 119 isolates, 63 (52.9%) produced carbapenemases, of which 37 (58.7%) produced VIM-1, 20 (31.7%) produced OXA-48, 12 (19%) produced KPC-2, 2 (3.2%) produced NDM-1 and 1 (1.6%) produced VIM- 2; 9 C. freundii isolates co-produced VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Fourteen isolates (22.2%) also carried ESBLs: 8 CTX-M-9 plus SHV-12, 2 CTX-M-9, 2 SHV-12 and 2 CTX-M-15. Fifty-seven isolates (90.5%) were C. freundii, 4 (6.3%) were Citrobacter koseri, 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter amalonaticus and 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter braakii. By EUCAST breakpoints, eight (12.7%) of the CP isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested. In the 53 CP C. freundii analysed by PFGE, a total of 44 different band patterns were observed. Four PFGE clusters were identified: cluster 1 included eight isolates co-producing VIM-1 and OXA-48; blaVIM-1 was carried in a class 1 integron (intI-blaVIM-1 - aacA4-dfrB1-aadA1-catB2-qacE¿1/sul1) and blaOXA-48 was carried in a Tn1999.2 transposon. Conclusions: We observed the clonal and polyclonal spread of CP Citrobacter spp. across several Spanish geographical areas. Four species of Citrobacter spp. produced up to five carbapenemase types, including coproduction of VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Some CP Citrobacter spp. isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested, a finding with potential clinical implications

    Delineation of intracavitary electrograms for the automatic quantification of decrement-evoked potentials in the coronary sinus with deep-learning techniques

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    Cardiac arrhythmias cause depolarization waves to conduct unevenly on the myocardial surface, potentially delaying local components with respect to a previous beat when stimulated at faster frequencies. Despite the diagnostic value of localizing the distinct local electrocardiogram (EGM) components for identifying regions with decrement-evoked potentials (DEEPs), current software solutions do not perform automatic signal quantification. Electrophysiologists must manually measure distances on the EGM signals to assess the existence of DEEPs during pacing or extra-stimuli protocols. In this work, we present a deep learning (DL)-based algorithm to identify decrement in atrial components (measured in the coronary sinus) with respect to their ventricular counterparts from EGM signals, for disambiguating between accessory pathways (APs) and atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardias (AVRTs). Several U-Net and W-Net neural networks with different configurations were trained on a private dataset of signals from the coronary sinus (312 EGM recordings from 77 patients who underwent AP or AVRT ablation). A second, separate dataset was annotated for clinical validation, with clinical labels associated to EGM fragments in which decremental conduction was elucidated. To alleviate data scarcity, a synthetic data augmentation method was developed for generating EGM recordings. Moreover, two novel loss functions were developed to minimize false negatives and delineation errors. Finally, the addition of self-attention mechanisms and their effect on model performance was explored. The best performing model was a W-Net model with 6 levels, optimized solely with the Dice loss. The model obtained precisions of 91.28%, 77.78% and of 100.0%, and recalls of 94.86%, 95.25% and 100.0% for localizing local field, far field activations, and extra-stimuli, respectively. The clinical validation model demonstrated good overall agreement with respect to the evaluation of decremental properties. When compared to the criteria of electrophysiologists, the automatic exclusion step reached a sensitivity of 87.06% and a specificity of 97.03%. Out of the non-excluded signals, a sensitivity of 96.77% and a specificity of 95.24% was obtained for classifying them into decremental and non-decremental potentials. Current results show great promise while being, to the best of our knowledge, the first tool in the literature allowing the delineation of all local components present in an EGM recording. This is of capital importance at advancing processing for cardiac electrophysiological procedures and reducing intervention times, as many diagnosis procedures are performed by comparing segments or late potentials in subsequent cardiac cycles

    Three endo-β-mannanase genes expressed in the micropylar endosperm and in the radicle influence germination of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds

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    Mannans are hemicellulosic polysaccharides in the plant primary cell wall (CW). Mature seeds, specially their endosperm cells, have CWs rich in mannan-based polymers that confer a strong mechanical resistance for the radicle protrusion upon germination. The rupture of the seed coat and endosperm are two sequential events during the germination of Arabidopsis thaliana. Endo-β-mannanases (MAN; EC. are hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze cleavage of β1 → 4 bonds in the mannan-polymer. In the genome of Arabidopsis, the endo-β-mannanase (MAN) family is represented by eight members. The expression of these eight MAN genes has been systematically explored in different organs of this plant and only four of them (AtMAN7, AtMAN6, AtMAN2 and AtMAN5) are expressed in the germinating seeds. Moreover, in situ hybridization analysis shows that their transcript accumulation is restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle and this expression disappears soon after radicle emergence. T-DNA insertion mutants in these genes (K.O. MAN7, K.O. MAN6, K.O. MAN5), except that corresponding to AtMAN2 (K.O. MAN2), germinate later than the wild type (Wt). K.O. MAN6 is the most affected in the germination time course with a t 50 almost double than that of the Wt. These data suggest that AtMAN7, AtMAN5 and specially AtMAN6 are important for the germination of A. thaliana seeds by facilitating the hydrolysis of the mannan-rich endosperm cell walls