1,073 research outputs found

    Not all pipelines are created equal. Pipelines have different characteristics, and would therefore show different levels of integrity and fail differently. The failure mode and cause of a given pipeline depends on several factors including the design, operating and environmental parameters. A new tool was developed to evaluate pipeline integrity and assess its potential failure mode, patterns, and rate based on the critical pipeline parameters. These parameters include the pipeline material of construction, wall thickness, operating pressure, service material, backfill medium/material, age, coating, pipeline size and other relevant parameters. The new tool was developed using pipeline data collected from the European Union, UK, and USA for pipeline failures over four decades. Failure models and patterns were analyzed, and over 60,000 failure modes/pattern combination were identified. The tool predicts the failure mode and patterns in terms of failure rate distribution by size of leak and its causes. It also shows the relative Pipeline Risk Index, defined as the pipeline’s potential failure rate relative to average pipeline population in the industry within similar pipeline categories. Ignition probabilities for pipeline failures were also analyzed and are predicted by this tool for each pipeline leak depending on the leak characteristics.

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    PresentationNot all pipelines are created equal. Pipelines have different characteristics, and would therefore show different levels of integrity and fail differently. The failure mode and cause of a given pipeline depends on several factors including the design, operating and environmental parameters. A new tool was developed to evaluate pipeline integrity and assess its potential failure mode, patterns, and rate based on the critical pipeline parameters. These parameters include the pipeline material of construction, wall thickness, operating pressure, service material, backfill medium/material, age, coating, pipeline size and other relevant parameters. The new tool was developed using pipeline data collected from the European Union, UK, and USA for pipeline failures over four decades. Failure models and patterns were analyzed, and over 60,000 failure modes/pattern combination were identified. The tool predicts the failure mode and patterns in terms of failure rate distribution by size of leak and its causes. It also shows the relative Pipeline Risk Index, defined as the pipeline’s potential failure rate relative to average pipeline population in the industry within similar pipeline categories. Ignition probabilities for pipeline failures were also analyzed and are predicted by this tool for each pipeline leak depending on the leak characteristics


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    On the issue of the boundary disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency, which is caused by the Law of Establishment of their respective regions and the extension of Lebong Regency region which resulted in the development of territory by Lebong Regency against some areas of North Bengkulu Regency. The objectives of the research are (1) to know the cause of conflict / disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency, (2) to explain the alternative of settlement of border disputes between Lebong Regency and North Bengkulu Regency according to the laws and regulations. The type of research used in this study is normative, because the material discussed prioritizes review in terms of legislation related to the Settlement of Boundary Disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency Based on Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government. The result of the research shows that 1) Alternative of settlement of boundary disputes between Lebong Regency and North Bengkulu Regency according to the laws and regulations, namely legal settlement and non-legal settlement.Keywords: dispute, prohibition, alternativ


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    On the issue of the boundary dispute between North Bengkulu Regency of Lebong, caused by an Act of Establishment of each area and the expansion area of Lebong resulting in a boundary dispute this. Objective: (1) determine the cause of the dispute as the border between North Bengkulu Regency of Lebong, (2) can explain Barriers boundary dispute between Lebong. This type of research used in this study is normative, because the material covered prioritize a review of the terms of the legislation relating to the Settlement Boundary between Lebong regency in Bengkulu Utara Based on Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government (replaced by Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government). Research results show that 1) Cause Boundary disputes between Lebong regency in Bengkulu Utara, described: first, the Regional Establishment Act and second, Extension Lebong regency. 2). Barriers to Settlement of disputes boundary between North Bengkulu regency of Bengkulu Lebong is the Governor's letter No. 140/021 / A / B.1. The letter, declare that the governor of Bengkulu support Formation of the District Padang Bano. The letter has been at odds with the numbers 2 Minutes of Agreement of the Region Emphasis Team, dated June 20, 2008. Keywords :  disputes / conflicts, procurement, obstacle

    Arah Baru Pengembangan Studi ‘Ulûmul Qur`ân : Rekonstruksi Atas Teori Makkî dan Madanî

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    Al-Qur`an merupakan wahyu sekaligus mu'jizat terakhir yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada Rasulullah Saw. Pasca mangkatnya Rasulullah Saw. , untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan keagamaan yang ada dibutuhkan suatu bentuk ijtihad yang kemudian melahirkan Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur`an (‘Ulûm Al-Qur`ân), dimana salah satu cabang dari ilmu tersebut adalah ilmu Makkî dan Madanî. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan seputar pengertian dari makkî dan madanî, perkembangan makkî dan madanî, signifikansi dan arti penting teori makkî dan madanî dalam konteks penafsiran Al-Qur`an. Pengertian dari Makkî dan Madanî telah disepakati oleh sebagian besar sarjanawan Islam dimana Makkî didefinisikan sebagai ayat dan surat Al-Qur`an yang diturunkan sebelum Rasulullah Saw. berhijrah ke kota Madinah, walaupun turunnya diluar di kota Mekah; sedangkan Madanî adalah ayat dan surat Al-Qur`an yang diturunkan setelah Rasulullah Saw. berhijrah ke kota Madinah, walaupun di kota Mekah. Metode yang telah disepakati oleh sarjanawan-sarjanawan Islam dalam mengetahui dan menentukan mana ayat dan surat Al-Qur`an yang Makkî dan mana yang Madanî adalah metode sima'i-naqli dan metode ijtihad (qiyasi-aqli). Teori Makkî dan Madanî ini sangat signifikan bagi seorang mufassir dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur`an. Salah satu solusi sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam memecahkan persoalan seputar makkî dan madanî, adalah sintesa antara kriteria-kriteria yang ada, yang mencakup sintesa antara kriteria gaya bahasa (panjang pendek dan fashilah), kriteria kandungan isi (tema) dan kriteria gerak antara teksdan realitas (yang kemudian dikenal dengan asbab al-nuzul)

    The vulnerability and resiliency of childhood

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    Life is full of stressors, which have to be confronted efficiently to grow up. However, reaction to stressors is personalized, complex and coordinated. Vulnerable persons adjust poorly to stressors and express inappropriate responses, while resilient persons practice adaptive physiological and psychological responses. Promotion of resiliency is an intricated issue, which demands strategies at both macro and micro-level. Microlevel strategies are focused on the community, family and individual level, while macrolevel strategies formulate the principles. Nevertheless, prediction of vulnerability and resiliency is really a challenge, as different persons facing same stressors react differently. Some are growing as resilient and others as vulnerable. We aimed to discuss resiliency, vulnerability, importance in relation to health outcome, promotion of resiliency and controversies of vulnerability and resiliency

    Sexual violence and suicide in Bangladesh

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    Abstract: Aside from being located as an autonomous region, it is also located as an administrative area; therefore, in addition to regulating the autonomous region, the Governor as the regional head also acts as the central representative in the regions. However, as the head of the region, the Governor is also responsible for regulating his autonomous region and also responsible to the people who elect him. The research objective is to discuss the constitutionality of the Governor's position as the representative of the central government in the region based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The type of research used in this Studi is normative. The results showed that the Governor in carrying out his government in accordance with the mandate of the constitution performed its duties as regional head based on autonomy and assistance tasks. Based on the conclusions that can be drawn about whether the task is interpreted and the authority of the Governor is based on the principle of Deconcentration, the Position of the Governor is the Central Representative in the region and is an expansion of government in the administration of government.Keywords : Governor; Autonomy; Governmen

    Evaluasi Aplikasi SMS Gateway Berbasis Web pada Amik Akmi Baturaja Menggunakan Metode USAbility Testing

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    AKMI Baturaja is an educational institution that implements a web based SMS Gateway Application. The application is used to promote, inform the admission of new students of AKMI Baturaja campus. The application can send messages to prospective new students whose phone numbers are obtained from various schools visited by new admissions committee. The application provides the ease of providing information, messages related to promotion and information about AKMI Baturaja simultaneously with fast timing so that the PMB does not experience difficulties in sending messages one by one to all new student candidate phone numbers. This evaluation is conducted to analyze whether the application has acceptability based on USAbility criteria to measure correlation level between Learnability, efficiency, memorability, error, and statisfaction. This research was conducted by giving questionnaires to 50 Respondents. The results of this study is expected to be an input for the development of these applications in the future. Keywords: SMS Gateway, Usability, AKMI Baturaj