204 research outputs found


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    Efficiency in manufacturing sector is one of the major challenge due to it has great impact on environment. Machining process is a vital part in manufacturing sector in term of product creation. In most of the cases, large amount of energy and resource consumed by machining process and it leads environment pollution. For the sustainable goals, it is important to reduce energy consumption in this process. At the same time, it is required to achieve product specifications objective. In addition, machining process extended beyond the regular practice. Natural material could have open the door for future product development. Bovine horn is one of the promising material that is environment friendly and sustainable. Therefore, in this study, a multi-objective optimization process has been employed in order to reduce energy consumption and surface roughness for bovine horns using Taguchi and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Face milling process has been performed for the data collection. There were 3 cutting parameters has been take into account for the optimization. The cutting parameters are depth of cut, spindle speed and feed rate. Firstly, the energy consumption data has been taken by using direct method with a watt meter. After that, the machined bovine horn part has been used for measuring surface roughness using surface tester. The results indicates the influence of cutting parameters in energy consumption and surface roughness. For the energy consumption spindle speed has the significant influence. For the surface roughness, mixed condition found that influence in the process. The optimum value of machining parameters were obtained by feed rate 155 mm/min., Spindle speed 1400 rpm and 2 mm for the depth of cut. In addition, a 3-25-2-2 ANN architecture provided the highest accuracy that was 95%. The output of this research can be utilized for further development of bovine horns industrial applications. Keywords: Bovine horns, Natural Material, Artificial Neural Networks, Industrial Applications, Green Manufacturing

    A document analysis of the visibility of sustainability in TVE teacher education programme: the case of a Malaysian HEI

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    There has been a global call for institutions of learning to engage in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) by leading world organisations. Although scholars advocate for an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability, the research literature shows that majority of sustainability issues are addressed through fields such as environmental and developmental education. There has also been a call for the integration of Sustainable Development (SD) in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes by various scholars and bodies such as the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The issue, however, is that Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) programmes are not yet embracing this call to integrate ESD into their programmes. Hence, it is imperative to reiterate the intersection between TVE and SD and how the former can contribute significantly to the SD agenda. Therefore, by completing a qualitative documentary analysis of a TVE programme, using a Malaysian Higher Education Institution (HEI) as a case study, this paper discusses the visibility of sustainability in TVE programmes as well as explores the overarching goal of ESD and why it is especially crucial for TVE. Findings reveal that the concept of sustainability is only barely reflected in the TVE teacher training curriculum. Recommendations for practice change and further research are presented and discussed

    Length-weight relationship, growth pattern and condition factor of four indigenous cypriniform Schizothorax species from Vishav Stream of Kashmir Himalaya, India

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    The indigenous Schizothorax spp. in the valley of Kashmir are facing constant threats and decline in their overall population. The current aim was to analyse the comparative length-weight relationship (LWRs) and condition factor (K) of 350 specimens belonging to four Schizothorax spp. (S. plagiostomus, S. esocinus, S. labiatus and S. curvifrons) from the Vishav Stream of Kashmir Himalaya, India. The fish specimens were sampled for a period of one year from April 2018 to March 2019. The results revealed that the growth coefficient ‘b’ in all the four Schizothorax spp. was found very close to 3, indicating an isometric growth pattern. No significant difference in the ‘b’ values of four Schizothorax spp. was found when compared with the isometric value (t-test: p > 0.05). The mean value of the ‘K’ for S. plagiostomus, S. esocinus, S. curvifrons and for S. labiatus were 0.81 ± 0.07, 0.80 ± 0.08, 0.85 ± 0.08 and 0.88 ± 0.12 respectively. The mean condition factor did not vary across four species (ANOVA: p > 0.05). The present findings could serve as baseline information for the management, stock assessment and future studies of indigenous capture fishery resources of the Vishav Stream and other similar habitats

    Extrapancreatic actions of incretin-based therapies on bone in diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is correlated with modifications in bone microarchitectural and mechanical strength, leading to increased bone fragility. The incretin hormones, with a classical effect to increase insulin secretion following food ingestion, are now postulated to have important direct effects on bone. As such, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) has dual actions on bone cells; enhancing bone�forming activity of osteoblasts and suppressing bone resorption by osteoclasts. The sister incretin of GIP, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), is also suspected to directly influence bone health in a beneficial manner, although mechanism are less clear at present. The physiological actions of incretins are attenuated by dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP-4) activity and it is speculated that introduction of DPP-4 inhibitor may also positively affect quality of the skeleton. As such, this thesis evaluates the potential beneficial effects of a DPP-4 resistant GIP analogue, namely [D-Ala2 ]GIP, on osteoblastic-derived, SaOS-2 cells, and also preliminary in vivo studies on the impact of genetic deficiencies of GIPRs and GLP-1Rs on bone mineral density and content. Further studies characterised the beneficial effects of incretin-based therapies on metabolic control, bone microstructure and bone mechanical integrity in animal models of pharmacologically-, genetically- and environmentally-induced diabetes. GIP and related stable analogue increased bone-forming biomarkers in SaOS-2 cells and importantly, [D-Ala2 ]GIP was shown to be more potent than native GIP. Knockout mouse studies revealed that both GIPR and GLP-1R signaling are important for optimum bone mass. All diabetic mouse models displayed reduced bone mass, altered bone micromorphology and impairment of bone mechanical strength, similar to the human situation, confirming their appropriateness. The incretin-based therapeutics, [D-Ala2 ]GIP and Liraglutide, in streptozotocin-diabetic significantly increased bone matrix properties, indicating recovery of bone strength at the tissue level. The beneficial effects of administration of [D-Ala2 ]GIP�oxyntomodulin on bone health in db/db mice were more prominent as the Oxm analogue did not only improve bone strength at tissue level, but also at whole-bone level. These modifications were independent of metabolic status. Twice-daily Exendin-4 therapy improved glycaemic control and increased work required to resist bone fracture in high-fat fed mice. It was also established that Sitagliptin had neutral effects on bone microstructure and mechanical strength in high-fat mice. In summary, these data demonstrate the negative impact of diabetes mellitus on normal skeleton development and bone quality. Moreover, this thesis highlights the growing potential of incretin-based therapies for ameliorating bone defects and improving the increased fragility fracture risk associated with diabete

    Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Wawasan Kebangsaan bagi Calon Jamaah Haji

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    The enthusiasm of Indonesian society to fulfill the worship of hajj is the reason for the long queue of quota of pilgrimage. Therefore, strong commitment is needed for Hajj pilgrims in improving services to pilgrims Hajj. One form of service is the assistance in the form of guidance of pilgrims held by Hajj pilgrims in their respective areas. Hajj pilgrimage during this only focus on the hajj manasik only. In the history of Islam in Indonesia shows that Haj is one of the effective path in the process of disseminating knowledge and understanding of Islam to Indonesia. The method used in this activity is by using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. The result of this activity is that pilgrims are in need of this kind of provision to fortify them from radical Islamic ideology especially those that lead to the movement to establish an Islamic caliphate. All elements must play an active role in counteracting this movement that is by strengthening the values of national insight for prospective pilgrims jama'ah. Hajj Guidance Group (KBIH) should be able to play a role in overcoming this problem. Antusias memasyarakat Indonesia untuk menunaikan ibadah hajimenjadi alasan panjangnya antrean kuota ibadah haji. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan komitmen yang kuat bagi penyelenggara haji dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kepada jamaah haji. Salah satu bentuk pelayanan tersebut adalah pendampingan dalam bentuk bimbingan manasik haji yang diselenggarkan oleh penyelenggara haji di daerah masing-masing. Pendampingan jamaah haji selama ini hanya fokus terhadap manasik haji saja. Dalam catatan sejarah Islam di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa haji merupakan salah satu jalur yang efektif dalam proses penyebaran keilmuan dan paham Islam ke Indonesia.Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah bahwa calon jamaah haji sangat memerlukan pembekalan semacam ini untuk membentengi mereka dari ideologi islam radikal lebih-lebih yang mengarah pada gerakan mendirikan khilafah islamiyah. Semua elemen harus berperan aktif dalam menangkal gerakan ini yaitu dengan menguatkan nilai-nilai wawasan kebangsaan bagi calon  jama’ah haji. Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) harus mampu berperan dalam mengatasi masalah ini

    Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Wawasan Kebangsaan bagi Calon Jamaah Haji

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    The enthusiasm of Indonesian society to fulfill the worship of hajj is the reason for the long queue of quota of pilgrimage. Therefore, strong commitment is needed for Hajj pilgrims in improving services to pilgrims Hajj. One form of service is the assistance in the form of guidance of pilgrims held by Hajj pilgrims in their respective areas. Hajj pilgrimage during this only focus on the hajj manasik only. In the history of Islam in Indonesia shows that Haj is one of the effective path in the process of disseminating knowledge and understanding of Islam to Indonesia. The method used in this activity is by using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. The result of this activity is that pilgrims are in need of this kind of provision to fortify them from radical Islamic ideology especially those that lead to the movement to establish an Islamic caliphate. All elements must play an active role in counteracting this movement that is by strengthening the values of national insight for prospective pilgrims jama'ah. Hajj Guidance Group (KBIH) should be able to play a role in overcoming this problem. Antusias memasyarakat Indonesia untuk menunaikan ibadah hajimenjadi alasan panjangnya antrean kuota ibadah haji. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan komitmen yang kuat bagi penyelenggara haji dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kepada jamaah haji. Salah satu bentuk pelayanan tersebut adalah pendampingan dalam bentuk bimbingan manasik haji yang diselenggarkan oleh penyelenggara haji di daerah masing-masing. Pendampingan jamaah haji selama ini hanya fokus terhadap manasik haji saja. Dalam catatan sejarah Islam di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa haji merupakan salah satu jalur yang efektif dalam proses penyebaran keilmuan dan paham Islam ke Indonesia.Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah bahwa calon jamaah haji sangat memerlukan pembekalan semacam ini untuk membentengi mereka dari ideologi islam radikal lebih-lebih yang mengarah pada gerakan mendirikan khilafah islamiyah. Semua elemen harus berperan aktif dalam menangkal gerakan ini yaitu dengan menguatkan nilai-nilai wawasan kebangsaan bagi calon  jama’ah haji. Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) harus mampu berperan dalam mengatasi masalah ini

    Kidney and Kidney-tumor Segmentation Using Cascaded V-Nets

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    Kidney cancer is the seventh most common cancer worldwide, accounting for an estimated 140,000 global deaths annually. Kidney segmentation in volumetric medical images plays an important role in clinical diagnosis, radiotherapy planning, interventional guidance and patient follow-ups however, to our knowledge, there is no automatic kidneytumor segmentation method present in the literature. In this paper, we address the challenge of simultaneous semantic segmentation of kidney and tumor by adopting a cascaded V-Net framework. The first V-Net in our pipeline produces a region of interest around the probable location of the kidney and tumor, which facilitates the removal of the unwanted region in the CT volume. The second sets of V-Nets are trained separately for the kidney and tumor, which produces the kidney and tumor masks respectively. The final segmentation is achieved by combining the kidney and tumor mask together. Our method is trained and validated on 190 and 20 patients scans, respectively, accesses from 2019 Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge database. We achieved a validation accuracy in terms of the Sørensen Dice coefficient of about 97%

    Ranking in Distributed Uncertain Database Environments

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    Distributed data processing is a major field in nowadays applications. Many applications collect and process data from distributed nodes to gain overall results. Large amount of data transfer and network delay made data processing in a centralized manner a hard operation representing an important problem. A very common way to solve this problem is ranking queries. Ranking or top-k queries concentrate only on the highest ranked tuples according to user's interest. Another issue in most nowadays applications is data uncertainty. Many techniques were introduced for modeling, managing, and processing uncertain databases. Although these techniques were efficient, they didn't deal with distributed data uncertainty. This paper deals with both data uncertainty and distribution based on ranking queries. A novel framework is proposed for ranking distributed uncertain data. The framework has a suite of novel algorithms for ranking data and monitoring updates. These algorithms help in reducing the communication rounds used and amount of data transmitted while achieving efficient and effective ranking. Experimental results show that the proposed framework has a great impact in reducing communication cost compared to other techniques.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i4.592

    The Trembling Hand Approach to Automata in Iterated Games

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    We consider two state automata playing infinitely iterated two players, two strategies game, where each move can be mis-implemented (or mis-perceived) with a small error probability, and compute the payoff matrix by means of a perturbation approach. Keywords: Alternating Prisoner's Dilemma, Perturbed Payoff, Repeated Games, Simultaneous Prisoner's Dilemma