47 research outputs found

    Host Selection of the giant willow aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus)

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    The giant willow aphid [Tuberolachnus salignus (Gmelin)] has recently become noteworthy as a potential pest species due to the increased uptake of willow, its host-plant, for use in growing biomass for energy production. In this paper we describe host selection studies of T. salignus on short rotation coppice (SRC) willow varieties in laboratory bioassays and field experiments. In laboratory olfactometry tests, T. salignus was significantly attracted to certain SRC willow varieties, but not to others. Field trials during 2007 and 2008 showed that T. salignus infestation levels varied significantly on different SRC willow varieties and that levels are highest on the varieties to which they are most strongly attracted in the laboratory bioassays

    Identifying aphid resistance in the ancestral wheat Triticum monococcum under field conditions.

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    Wheat is an economically, socially, and nutritionally important crop, however, aphid infestation can often reduce wheat yield through feeding and virus transmission. Through field phenotyping, we investigated aphid resistance in ancestral wheat Triticum monococcum (L.). Aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), Sitobion avenae (F.) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.)) populations and natural enemy presence (parasitised mummified aphids, ladybird adults and larvae and lacewing eggs and larvae) on two naturally susceptible wheat varieties, Triticum aestivum (L.) var. Solstice and T. monococcum MDR037, and three potentially resistant genotypes T. monococcum MDR657, MDR045 and MDR049 were monitored across three years of field trials. Triticum monococcum MDR045 and MDR049 had smaller aphid populations, whereas MDR657 showed no resistance. Overall, natural enemy presence was positively correlated with aphid populations; however, MDR049 had similar natural enemy presence to MDR037 which is susceptible to aphid infestation. It is hypothesised that alongside reducing aphid population growth, MDR049 also confers indirect resistance by attracting natural enemies. The observed resistance to aphids in MDR045 and MDR049 has strong potential for introgression into commercial wheat varieties, which could have an important role in Integrated Pest Management strategies to reduce aphid populations and virus transmission

    Characterisation of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) behaviour and aphid host preference in relation to partially resistant and susceptible wheat landraces

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    The bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L) is a major pest of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) and can cause up to 30% yield losses. Heritable plant resistance to aphids is both an economically and ecologically sound method for managing aphids. Here we report how the behaviour and performance of R. padi differs on two resistant, one susceptible wheat landrace and a susceptible elite wheat variety. Feeding behavior differed among the genotypes, with aphids on resistant lines spending longer in the pathway phase and less time phloem feeding. These behaviours suggest that both inter and intra-cellular factors encountered during pathway and phloem feeding phases could be linked to the observed aphid resistance. Locomotion and antennal positioning choice tests also revealed a clear preference for susceptible lines. Although feeding studies revealed differences in the time to first probe indicating that the resistance factors might also be located in the peripheral layers of the plant tissue, scanning electron microscopy revealed no difference in trichrome length and density on the surface of leaves. Aphids are phloem feeders and limiting the nutrient uptake by the aphids may negatively affect their growth and development as shown here in lower weight and survival of nymphs on resistant genotypes and decreased reproductive potential, with lowest mean numbers of nymphs produced by aphids on W064 (54.8) compared to Solstice (71.9). The results indicate that resistant lines markedly alter the behaviour, reproduction and development potential of R. padi and possess both antixenosis and antibiosis type of resistance

    The role of carbon capture, utilization, and storage for economic pathways that limit global warming to below 1.5°C

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    The 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, for the first time, stated that CO2 removal will be necessary to meet our climate goals. However, there is a cost to accomplish CO2 removal or mitigation that varies by source. Accordingly, a sensible strategy to prevent climate change begins by mitigating emission sources requiring the least energy and capital investment per ton of CO2, such as new emitters and long-term stationary sources. The production of CO2-derived products should also start by favoring processes that bring to market high-value products with sufficient margin to tolerate a higher cost of goods

    Triticum monococcum lines with distinct metabolic phenotypes and phloem-based partial resistance to the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi

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    Crop protection is an integral part of establishing food security, by protecting the yield potential of crops. Cereal aphids cause yield losses by direct damage and transmission of viruses. Some wild relatives of wheat show resistance to aphids but the mechanisms remain unresolved. In order to elucidate the location of the partial resistance to the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, in diploid wheat lines of Triticum monococcum, we conducted aphid performance studies using developmental bioassays and electrical penetration graphs, as well as metabolic profiling of partially resistant and susceptible lines. This demonstrated that the partial resistance is related to a delayed effect on the reproduction and development of R. padi. The observed partial resistance is phloem based and is shown by an increase in number of probes before the first phloem ingestion, a higher number and duration of salivation events without subsequent phloem feeding and a shorter time spent phloem feeding on plants with reduced susceptibility. Clear metabolic phenotypes separate partially resistant and susceptible lines, with the former having lower levels of the majority of primary metabolites, including total carbohydrates. A number of compounds were identified as being at different levels in the susceptible and partially resistant lines, with asparagine, octopamine and glycine betaine elevated in less susceptible lines without aphid infestation. In addition, two of those, asparagine and octopamine, as well as threonine, glutamine, succinate, trehalose, glycerol, guanosine and choline increased in response to infestation, accumulating in plant tissue localised close to aphid feeding after 24 h. There was no clear evidence of systemic plant response to aphid infestation

    WGIN Stakeholders' Newsletter [April 2019]

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    Rapid solubility and mineral storage of CO2 in basalt

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    The long-term security of geologic carbon storage is critical to its success and public acceptance. Much of the security risk associated with geological carbon storage stems from its buoyancy. Gaseous and supercritical CO2 are less dense than formation waters, providing a driving force for it to escape back to the surface. This buoyancy can be eliminated by the dissolution of CO2 into water prior to, or during its injection into the subsurface. The dissolution makes it possible to inject into fractured rocks and further enhance mineral storage of CO2 especially if injected into silicate rocks rich in divalent metal cations such as basalts and ultra-mafic rocks. We have demonstrated the dissolution of CO2 into water during its injection into basalt leading to its geologic solubility storage in less than five minutes and potential geologic mineral storage within few years after injection [1–3]. The storage potential of CO2 within basaltic rocks is enormous. All the carbon released from burning of all fossil fuel on Earth, 5000 GtC, can theoretically be stored in basaltic rocks [4]

    The effect of geographical scale of sampling on DNA barcoding.

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    Eight years after DNA barcoding was formally proposed on a large scale, CO1 sequences are rapidly accumulating from around the world. While studies to date have mostly targeted local or regional species assemblages, the recent launch of the global iBOL project (International Barcode of Life), highlights the need to understand the effects of geographical scale on Barcoding's goals. Sampling has been central in the debate on DNA Barcoding, but the effect of the geographical scale of sampling has not yet been thoroughly and explicitly tested with empirical data. Here, we present a CO1 data set of aquatic predaceous diving beetles of the tribe Agabini, sampled throughout Europe, and use it to investigate how the geographic scale of sampling affects 1) the estimated intraspecific variation of species, 2) the genetic distance to the most closely related heterospecific, 3) the ratio of intraspecific and interspecific variation, 4) the frequency of taxonomically recognized species found to be monophyletic, and 5) query identification performance based on 6 different species assignment methods. Intraspecific variation was significantly correlated with the geographical scale of sampling (R-square = 0.7), and more than half of the species with 10 or more sampled individuals (N = 29) showed higher intraspecific variation than 1% sequence divergence. In contrast, the distance to the closest heterospecific showed a significant decrease with increasing geographical scale of sampling. The average genetic distance dropped from > 7% for samples within 1 km, to 6000 km apart. Over a third of the species were not monophyletic, and the proportion increased through locally, nationally, regionally, and continentally restricted subsets of the data. The success of identifying queries decreased with increasing spatial scale of sampling; liberal methods declined from 100% to around 90%, whereas strict methods dropped to below 50% at continental scales. The proportion of query identifications considered uncertain (more than one species < 1% distance from query) escalated from zero at local, to 50% at continental scale. Finally, by resampling the most widely sampled species we show that even if samples are collected to maximize the geographical coverage, up to 70 individuals are required to sample 95% of intraspecific variation. The results show that the geographical scale of sampling has a critical impact on the global application of DNA barcoding. Scale-effects result from the relative importance of different processes determining the composition of regional species assemblages (dispersal and ecological assembly) and global clades (demography, speciation, and extinction). The incorporation of geographical information, where available, will be required to obtain identification rates at global scales equivalent to those in regional barcoding studies. Our result hence provides an impetus for both smarter barcoding tools and sprouting national barcoding initiatives-smaller geographical scales deliver higher accuracy

    Aspects of insect chemical ecology: exploitation of reception and detection as tools for deception of pests and beneficial insects

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    Empirical exploitation of insect reception and detection at the peripheral neurosensory level has been extremely valuable for identifying pheromones and other semiochemicals, mainly by electroantennogram or single cell preparations coupled with capillary gas chromatography. Differential sensitivity to semiochemicals at the single-cell level has allowed the identification of some of the most active semiochemicals relating to host location and, more importantly, to the avoidance of nonhosts. However, in terms of molecular recognition, there is still a considerable gap in understanding the detection of particular molecules and their discrimination from closely-related chemical structures. New approaches will be needed to understand the processes of molecular recognition more precisely. Nevertheless, from electrophysiological studies to the most advanced molecular techniques, it has been possible to identify semiochemicals for the deception of pests in their quest to find plant and animal hosts, as well as mates. Even the deception of insects antagonistic to pests, particularly parasitoids, can now be exploited for managing pests in more sustainable systems. Successes in exploiting insect semiochemicals in the interests of better agriculture and animal husbandry are exemplified, and potential new ways of learning more about reception and detection for deception are discussed. This takes the subject beyond the management of pest and beneficial insects to wider commercial and social opportunities