141 research outputs found
Predacious activity of Arthrobotrys spp isolates on infective Cooperia punctata larvae
Experimentos laboratoriais foram realizados para investigar a capacidade de isolados de fungos predadores das espécies Arthrobotrys musiformis (isolado 3), A. conoides (isolado A) e A. robusta (isolados B e E) de predar e matar larvas infectantes de Cooperia punctata. Dois grupos foram formados para o teste de cada isolado: grupo 1, fungos e larvas infectantes e grupo 2, larvas infectantes (controle). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) entre a atividade predatória do isolado E de A. robusta, quando comparado com todos os outros isolados de Arthrobotrys spp (isolados A, B e 3). Nenhuma diferença estatística (p>;0,05) foi encontrada entre o isolado E e o grupo controle. Isto pode indicar uma variação existente dentro de uma mesma espécie de fungo ou gênero quanto à predação de larvas infectantes de C. punctata.Laboratory experiments were performed in order to investigate the capacity of isolates from the predacious fungi Arthrobotrys musiformis (isolate 3), A. conoides (isolate A) and A. robusta (isolates B and E) to trap and kill infective Cooperia punctata larvae. Two groups were formed for each isolate: group 1, fungi and infective larvae and group 2, infective larvae (control). There were statistical differences (p<0.05) between the predacious activity of one isolate of A. robusta (isolate E) when compared with the other isolates of Arthrobotrys spp (isolates A, B and 3). No statistical difference (p>;0.05) was found between the isolate E and the control. This indicates that there can be an existing variability within a fungus species or genus concerning the predation of infective C. punctata larvae
Controle estratégico experimental do carrapato de bovinos Boophilus microplus (CANESTRINI, 1887) (Acarina: ixodidae) em bezerros do município de Viçosa, Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Na microrregião de Viçosa-MG, foi testado um controle estratégico experimental do carrapato de bovinos Boophilus microplus em bezerros 3/4 Holandês x Zebu pela administração do Amitraz, de outubro de 1990 a fevereiro de 1991, em cinco banhos intervalados de 28 dias. O controle estratégico apresentou efeito redutor sobre o número de formas adultas de Boophilus microplus nos animais tratados, mas não foi suficiente para impedir que estes níveis se elevassem após o início de condições meteorológicas satisfatórias para o desenvolvimento de carrapato na primavera de 1991.The experimental strategic control of the cattle-tick Boophilus microplus on calves (3/4 Holstein x 1/4 Zebu) from Viçosa was studied by the application of Amitraz, in five spraying done at 28 days intervals from October, 1990 to February, 1991. The stablishment of the strategic control system lead to a reduction in adult tick infestation of the animals, but it did not control the increase of the tick number on these animals when meteorological conditions for development of the ticks were satisfactory in the Spring of 1991
Atividade predatória de isolados de Arthrobotrys spp sobre larvas infectantes de Cooperia punctata
Experimentos laboratoriais foram realizados para investigar a capacidade de isolados de fungos predadores das espécies Arthrobotrys musiformis (isolado 3), A. conoides (isolado A) e A. robusta (isolados B e E) de predar e matar larvas infectantes de Cooperia punctata. Dois grupos foram formados para o teste de cada isolado: grupo 1, fungos e larvas infectantes e grupo 2, larvas infectantes (controle). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p;0,05) foi encontrada entre o isolado E e o grupo controle. Isto pode indicar uma variação existente dentro de uma mesma espécie de fungo ou gênero quanto à predação de larvas infectantes de C. punctata.Laboratory experiments were performed in order to investigate the capacity of isolates from the predacious fungi Arthrobotrys musiformis (isolate 3), A. conoides (isolate A) and A. robusta (isolates B and E) to trap and kill infective Cooperia punctata larvae. Two groups were formed for each isolate: group 1, fungi and infective larvae and group 2, infective larvae (control). There were statistical differences (p<0.05) between the predacious activity of one isolate of A. robusta (isolate E) when compared with the other isolates of Arthrobotrys spp
(isolates A, B and 3). No statistical difference (p>0.05) was found between the isolate E and the control. This indicates that there can be an existing variability within a fungus species or genus concerning the predation of infective C. punctata larvae
Curso natural da eliminação de ovos de Eurytrema sp LOSS, 1907 nas fezes de bezerros
Treze bezerros 3/4 holandês x 1/4 zebu, nascidos em diferentes estações do ano de 1989 e criados intensivamente, foram transferidos para pastagens de capim gordura (Melinis minutiflora) entre 7 meses e 1 ano de idade, no final do período chuvoso (março de 1990), a fim de ser acompanhado o curso natural da eliminação de ovos de Eurytrema sp por grama de fezes (OPG). De 15 em 15 dias, foram feitas as colheitas de fezes para obter as contagens de OPG durante 18 meses. Os primeiros animais que apresentaram exames positivos (a partir de agosto de 1990) foram os que tiveram as maiores contagens de OPG durante o período experimental. Os demais apresentaram os primeiros exames positivos em diferentes ocasiões e as contagens de OPG destes foram baixas e oscilantes. Três animais apresentaram exames negativos. Provavelmente, a maioria dos bovinos criados em regime de pastejo desta região deverão apresentar infecção parasitária por Eurytrema sp em alguma fase de suas vidas.Thirteen worm free crossbred calves (3/4 Holstein x 1/4 Zebu) aging from 7 to 12 months were put in a pasture of Melinis minutiflora at the end of the rainy season (March, 1990). Starting from August, 1990, during 18 months, at every 15 days, a faecal sample from each calf was collected for Eurytrema egg counts. The first animals which eggs were found in their faeces were also the ones which reached the highest faecal egg counts. The remaining calves presented lower EPG counts and in three of them negative counts were obtained from time to time
Effect of the Enzymatic Fungal Extract of Pochonia chlamydosporia on the Viability of Fasciola hepatica eggs
Hepatic fasciolosis has been implicated as one of the most important parasitic diseases affecting the sanity of cattle and sheep, reflecting in significant economic losses besides being an important anthropozoonotic disease. The eggs of Fasciola hepatica are eliminated with the feces of these hosts, and under the influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors may remain in the environment for months until they find favorable conditions for embryogenesis. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the viability of Fasciola hepatica eggs exposed for 60 minutes at different concentrations of the enzymatic extract of Pochonia chlamydosporia (Pc-10). Subsequently, they were sedimented and placed on 24-well plates containing the extract of P. chlamydosporia (Pc-10) at concentrations of 500 μL (10%), 400 μL (8%), 300 μL (5%), 200 μL (2%), 100 μL (1%) and distilled water (control group). The experiment was carried out in triplicate, using a total of 900 eggs. After the experimental exposure to the enzyme extract of the fungus (Pc-10), 98% of the eggs exposed to the enzymatic solution demonstrated significant ultrastructural alterations in their respective teguments, when observed in scanning electron microscopy and transmission. The ultrastructure showed a collapse of the internal walls of the egg, interfering in the opening of the operculum. The use of the enzymatic extract of P. chlamydosporia (Pc-10) compromised both the external tegument, breaking it and pasting it, as well as vital structures of the embryonic activity of the F. hepatica eggs
Učinci različitih temperatura i mineralnih soli na pelete Monacrosporium thaumasium - gljivice koja napada obliće.
Experiments were performed to determine whether the nematode -trapping fungus Monacrosporium thaumasium is able to survive encapsulation in sodium alginate and the effects of different temperatures and mineral salt. Pellets of sodium alginate were treated with paraffin, mineral salt or without these elements. They were placed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks at 4 °C, room temperature, 25 °C, 30 °C and 35 °C. Over a 16-week period, once a week one pellet was placed in the center of an 8.5 cm Petri dish containing 20 ml of 2% Potato Dextrose agar, and radial growth was monitored for nine days. The best treatment (P<0.01) involved fungal pellets without paraffin, at 4 °C, and which remained viable for up to 16 weeks of storage. Pellets without paraffin induced higher growth than pellets with paraffin at room temperature, as well as pellets without mineral salt in all temperatures (P<0.01). This formulation of the fungus proved to be a powerful tool for use as biological control of nematodes and will be limited by storage conditions.Pokusi su provedeni da se utvrdi da li Monacrosporium thaumasium, gljivica koja napada obliće može preživjeti svoju inkapsulaciju u natrijevom alginatu pri različitim temperaturama i uz mineralne soli. Pelete natrijevog alginata bile su podvrgnute različitim temperaturama, i to bez prethodne obrade, ili nakon obrade parafinom ili mineralnom soli. U Erlenmajerovim posudicama od 250 ml držane su na 4 °C, na sobnoj tempereaturi, na 25 °C, 30 °C i 35 °C. Tijekom 16 tjedana, jednom tjedno je po jedna peleta stavljana u sredinu Petrijeve posudice s 20 ml 2% agara od krumpirove dekstroze, te je promatran njen radijalni rast tijekom 9 dana. Najbolji rast (P<0.01) pokazale su gljivične pelete bez obrade parafinom i držane na 4 °C, koje su sačuvale sposobnost rasta do 16 tjedana pohranjivanja. Pelete bez parafina su i na sobnoj temperaturi pokazivale bolji rast od onih obra|enih parafinom, kao što su bolje rasle i pelete bez mineralne soli na svim temperaturama (P<0.01). Ovakva primjena gljivica se pokazala kao moćno sredstvo biološke kontrole nametničkih oblića, ali je njegova uporaba ograničena uvjetima pohranjivanja
Biological control of gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in semiarid climate by Monacrosporium thaumasium
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do fungo nematófago Monacrosporium thaumasium, no controle de larvas infectantes de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos em campo, no Semi-Árido cearense. Uma área de 20 ha, com pasto recém-formado, livre de vermes, foi dividida em quatro piquetes de 5 ha. Em cada piquete, foi formado um grupo constituído por nove caprinos, onde cada animal recebeu os seguintes tratamentos, durante os meses de abril a junho de 2002: grupo 1, 10 g de péletes por via oral, semanalmente; grupo 2, 10 g de péletes por via oral, quinzenalmente; grupo 3, 0,5 mL de moxidectin por 25 kg de peso vivo; grupo 4, controle, não tratado. Mensalmente, dois caprinos traçadores foram colocados junto ao rebanho por 30 dias, e após esse período, foram sacrificados e necropsiados. O grupo de animais que recebeu o tratamento com o fungo uma vez por semana apresentou redução no número de ovos por grama de fezes, menor carga parasitária e maior ganho de peso, em relação aos animais dos demais grupos. O fungo M. thaumasium é eficiente no controle de larvas infectantes nas pastagens e pode ser utilizado no controle e profilaxia de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos, no Semi-Árido cearense.The present study aimed to evaluate the viability of the nematophagous fungus Monacrosporium thaumasium in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes larvae of goats in the field, in semiarid climate in Ceará State, Brazil. An area of 20 ha, free of worms, was divided into four paddocks of 5 ha. In each paddock, one group consisting of nine goats was formed and received the following treatment, individually, from April to June 2002: group 1, each animal received, orally, 10 g of pellets, weekly; group 2, the animals received 10 g of pellets, each 15 days; group 3, the animals received 0.5 mL moxidectin per 25 kg of live weight; group 4, control, not treated. Monthly, two tracer goats were introduced into the flock per 30 days. After this period, they were sacrificed and submitted to necropsy. The group of animals that received fungi treatments weekly showed reduction in the number of eggs per gram of feces, smaller parasitic load and larger weight in relation to animals of the other groups. The fungi M. thaumasium was efficient to control infective larvae in the pasture, and can be used in the control and prophylaxis of gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in semiarid climate, in Ceará State
Effectiveness of Cratylia argentea as an animal feed supplement in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep
Gastrointestinal nematodes are considered one of the most important sanitary problems affecting ruminants globally; whether parasitizing alone or acting with other pathogens, they are responsible for severe economic losses related to animal husbandry. Endoparasites in small ruminants are usually controlled with anti-helminthic drugs. However, certain strains of endoparasites are resistant to such drugs. Supplementation of the diet with protein-rich foods is one strategy for reducing the negative impact of gastrointestinal parasites. Cratylia argentea has anthelmintic properties and other characteristics that favor its use as an animal feed supplement. In the present study, we subdivided crossbred lambs into homogeneous groups and fed them C. argentea (G1), C. argentea plus Brachiaria spp. (G2), or Brachiaria spp. (G3) only. The animals in group G1 had a lower average number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) at Day 42 (p 0.05), indicating the absence of anemia and normal globular volume. This reinforces the importance of the measurement of EPG; this is a quantitative method and does not depend on the subjective interpretation of the results
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