654 research outputs found

    The role and status of English in Turkish higher education

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    Kachru’s (1992) Eccentric Circles framework has been very influential in understanding and explaining trends in the unprecedented spread of English around the world. However, so far the research within the World Englishes paradigm has focused mostly on Inner and Outer Circle countries and their English varieties (Seidlhofer, 2009), rather than Expanding Circle countries. While Expanding Circle countries in Asia (e.g. Chang, 2006) or parts of the European Union (e.g. Coleman, 2006) have been gaining increasing attention in recent years, Expanding Circle countries like Turkey have not been examined to the same degree. Notable exceptions include Doğançay-Aktuna (1998), Büyükkantarcı (2004), and Selvi (2011), which we summarize below. As in many Expanding Circle countries, the spread of English has not been equally distributed in all domains of life in Turkey. For example, little is known in the field regarding English in the higher education context compared with other domains, such as language policy, business, or media, both in Turkey and in other Expanding Circle countries. We address this issue through this study

    Türk işaret dilinde sınıflandırıcılar üzerine bir çalışma

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    Bu çalışma Türk İşaret Dili’nde (TİD) sabit ve hareketli olayların anlatımında sınıflandırıcı kullanımını araştırmıştır. Beklendiği gibi, sonuçlar göstermektedir ki TİD sınıflandırıcıları nesnelerin içsel özellikleri ile yer ve hareketlerini birden fazla anlambirim halinde belirtmek amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca belli bir TİD sınıflandırıcısı bir nesne kümesini gösterebilirken, belli bir nesne de bir TİD sınıflandırıcı kümesiyle gösterilebilmektedir. Çalışma TİD sınıflandırıcıları ile Amerikan İşaret Dili (ASL) ve Hırvat İşaret Dili (HZJ) sınıflandırıcılarını karşılaştırmıştır. Sonuçlar bu üç dilde de sınıflandırıcıların işlevlerinin benzer olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak bu üç dilde belli bir sınıflandırıcının göndergelerinin aynı olmayabileceği ve belli bir göndergenin aynı sınıflandırıcı ile gösterilemeyeceği gözlemlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla, sınıflandırıcılar ikonik olmakla birlikte, sınıflandırıcıların belli bir işaret dilinin kendine ait dilbilgisinin parçası olduğu savı önerilmektedir.This study investigated the use of classifiers in Turkish Sign Language (TİD) while describing static and motion events. As expected, the results showed that TİD uses classifiers to mark objects’ intrinsic features as well as their location and motion polymorphemically. The results indicated that a particular TİD classifier can be used to mark a set of objects and a particular object can be marked with a set of TİD classifiers. The study also compared TİD classifiers with American Sign Language (ASL) and Croatian Sign Language (HZJ) classifiers. The results showed the functions of classifiers are similar in these three sign languages. However, referential properties of a particular classifier may not be the same and a particular referent may not be coded by the same classifier in these languages. This study suggested that even though classifiers seem to be iconic, they are part of the grammar of the given sign language

    Expressing manner, location, and orientation in manner-only motion events in Turkish sign language

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    Arık, Engin (Dogus Author)The path and manner of objects in motion events have been studied in many languages. Previous research has focused on whether both path and manner are expressed in the main verb and whether manner can be omitted due to saliency, narrative style, or available linguistic constructions of a particular language. However, it is unknown to what extent language users express manner when it is salient and marked. Aiming to fill this gap, the present study asked how Turkish Sign Language (TİD) signers express location, orientation, and manner in a basic motion event including manner but not path. Eight TİD signers participated in an experiment and described what they saw in 34 brief videos to an addressee. Results showed a significant difference between expressions of location, orientation, and manner or leaving them ambiguous. While TİD signers encoded manners of motion obligatorily, they gave the locations of the objects more than their orientations. Thus, when manner is salient, it must be encoded regardless of language family or modality

    Space, time, and iconicity in turkish sign language (TID)

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    Much evidence points to the conclusion that temporal concepts are drawn primarily from the conceptualization of space. Sign languages provide a particularly suitable area for observing such arelationship since they employ a three-dimensional signing space as a major building block for articulation. This paper addresses spatial and temporal language in Turkish Sign Language (TID),which has a full-fledged grammar and a natural language used by the deaf community in Turkey. It investigates descriptions of static and dynamic spatial situations and expressions of time. Results showed mismatches between the axial information in the stimuli and the use of left-right and front-back axes in the signing space. Furthermore, results also showed that the temporal language did not always correlate with the deictic use of the front-back axis. Thus, these findings suggest that temporal language may only partially be derived from spatial language

    Help Request of Some Publishing Houses and Authors from CHP Between 1938-1951 Summarl

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    CHP's taking place in Turkish political history by the declaration of the republic is the beginnig of the "single party'' stage lasting for almost 30 years. A party's reigning for such a long time resulted in viewing the state as the party and the party as the state. Has been so the citzens started apply CHP to find solutions for any problems. CHP's opening "Halkevi" for education and organisation country wide caused total book purchase for the libraries set up there. Therefore, some publishing houses and authors applied the party for their financial problems between 1938-1951 and requested help from CHP for state's purchasing the boks they had published. However, particularly publishing house owners couldn't have a positive response for their application, some other authors couldn't have a help to solve their problems though all their efforts

    Further analysis of stability of uncertain neural networks with multiple time delays

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    This paper studies the robust stability of uncertain neural networks with multiple time delays with respect to the class of nondecreasing activation functions. By using the Lyapunov functional and homeomorphism mapping theorems, we derive a new delay-independent sufficient condition the existence, uniqueness, and global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point for delayed neural networks with uncertain network parameters. The condition obtained for the robust stability establishes a matrix-norm relationship between the network parameters of the neural system, and therefore it can easily be verified. We also present some constructive numerical examples to compare the proposed result with results in the previously published corresponding literature. These comparative examples show that our new condition can be considered as an alternative result to the previous corresponding literature results as it defines a new set of network parameters ensuring the robust stability of delayed neural networks.Publisher's Versio

    Thoughts on Art Of Novel in Ahmet Midhat Efendi' s Novels

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    Ahmet Midhat, kaleme aldığı hikaye ve romanlarla Türk Edebiyatına büyük katkılar sağlamıştır. Ancak, böyle bir hizmetle yetinmemiş ve roman sanatı üzerine teorik bilgiler ihtiva eden çalışmalar da yapmıştır. Ayrıca, neşrettiği bazı romanlarda zaman zaman konu ve olaylardan uzaklaşarak, roman sanatı ve yazarlığı hakkında da görüşlerini dile getirmiştir. Bu incelemede, yazarın romanları ele alınarak, müellifin roman anlayışı, yine kendi romanlarındaki ifadelerine göre irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ahmet Midhat contributed to Turkish literature greatly with his short stories and novels. He has also written works regarding the theoretical aspects of novel. He sametimes expressed his views on novel art and authorship by making digressions with in the novels. In this article, we tried to summarize Ahmet Midhats understanding of story writing based on his novels


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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 120-Saraylarİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033