537 research outputs found

    Chemical Soil Attributes Evaluated By Multivariate Techniques And Geostatistics In The Area With Agroforestry And Sugarcane In Humaita, Am, Brazil

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    Studies on the spatial behavior of soil attributes in the Amazon region are still very incipient. In this sense, the objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical attributes through multivariate techniques and geoestatistics in the area with agroforestry and sugarcane in Humaita, AM, Brazil. The study was carried out in a farm in Humaita city, Amazonas State. The studied area was divided into 70.00 m x 70.00 m meshes with a regular spacing of 10 m, totaling 64 points and then, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.2 m and 0.4-0.6 m depths. We performed chemical analyses of the attributes of soil. Then, it was applied descriptive statistics, multivariate and geostatistics. In conclusion, our findings suggest that for most of the chemical attributes was observed spatial dependence in both areas, with DSD varying from weak to moderate, with prevalence of the weak one. The multivariate analysis was efficient in the selection of chemical soil attributes that best represented the agroforestry environments and sugarcane. The results of this study will serve as a basis for further studies on these environments and other systems within the region; moreover serving as a basis for agricultural planning aiming a better environmental sustainability.326172FAPEAMSECTI-A

    How Does Reasoning (Fail to) Contribute to Moral Judgment? Dumbfounding and Disengagement

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    Recent experiments in moral psychology have been taken to imply that moral reasoning only serves to reaffirm prior moral intuitions. More specifically, Jonathan Haidt concludes from his moral dumbfounding experiments, in which people condemn other people’s behavior, that moral reasoning is biased and ineffective, as it rarely makes people change their mind. I present complementary evidence pertaining to self-directed reasoning about what to do. More specifically, Albert Bandura’s experiments concerning moral disengagement reveal that moral reasoning often does contribute effectively to the formation of moral judgments. And such reasoning need not be biased. Once this evidence is taken into account, it becomes clear that both cognition and affect can play a destructive as well as a constructive role in the formation of moral judgments

    Topological confinement in an antisymmetric potential in bilayer graphene in the presence of a magnetic field

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    We investigate the effect of an external magnetic field on the carrier states that are localized at a potential kink and a kink-antikink in bilayer graphene. These chiral states are localized at the interface between two potential regions with opposite signs

    A Stealth Supersymmetry Sampler

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    The LHC has strongly constrained models of supersymmetry with traditional missing energy signatures. We present a variety of models that realize the concept of Stealth Supersymmetry, i.e. models with R-parity in which one or more nearly-supersymmetric particles (a "stealth sector") lead to collider signatures with only a small amount of missing energy. The simplest realization involves low-scale supersymmetry breaking, with an R-odd particle decaying to its superpartner and a soft gravitino. We clarify the stealth mechanism and its differences from compressed supersymmetry and explain the requirements for stealth models with high-scale supersymmetry breaking, in which the soft invisible particle is not a gravitino. We also discuss new and distinctive classes of stealth models that couple through a baryon portal or Z' gauge interactions. Finally, we present updated limits on stealth supersymmetry in light of current LHC searches.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure

    The cubicle warrior: the marionette of the digitalized warfare

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    In the last decade we have entered the era of remote controlled military technology. The excitement about this new technology should not mask the ethical questions that it raises. A fundamental ethical question is who may be held responsible for civilian deaths. In this paper we will discuss the role of the human operator or so-called ‘cubicle warrior’, who remotely controls the military robots behind visual interfaces. We will argue that the socio-technical system conditions the cubicle warrior to dehumanize the enemy. As a result the cubicle warrior is morally disengaged from his destructive and lethal actions. This challenges what he should know to make responsible decisions (the so-called knowledge condition). Nowadays and in the near future, three factors will influence and may increase the moral disengagement even further due to the decrease of locus of control orientation: (1) photo shopping the war; (2) the moralization of technology; (3) the speed of decision-making. As a result, cubicle warriors cannot be held reasonably responsible anymore for the decisions they make

    On ethically solvent leaders : the roles of pride and moral identity in predicting leader ethical behavior.

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    The popular media has repeatedly pointed to pride as one of the key factors motivating leaders to behave unethically. However, given the devastating consequences that leader unethical behavior may have, a more scientific account of the role of pride is warranted. The present study differentiates between authentic and hubristic pride and assesses its impact on leader ethical behavior, while taking into consideration the extent to which leaders find it important to their self-concept to be a moral person. In two experiments we found that with higher levels of moral identity, authentically proud leaders are more likely to engage in ethical behavior than hubristically proud leaders, and that this effect is mediated by leaders’ motivation to act selflessly. A field survey among organizational leaders corroborated that moral identity may bring the positive effect of authentic pride and the negative effect of hubristic pride on leader ethical behavior to the forefront

    Electroweak Higgs boson production in the standard model effective field theory beyond leading order in QCD

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    We study the impact of dimension-six operators of the standard model effective field theory relevant for vector-boson fusion and associated Higgs boson production at the LHC. We present predictions at the next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD that include matching to parton showers and that rely on fully automated simulations. We show the importance of the subsequent reduction of the theoretical uncertainties in improving the possible discrimination between effective field theory and standard model results, and we demonstrate that the range of the Wilson coefficient values allowed by a global fit to LEP and LHC Run I data can be further constrained by LHC Run II future results

    Immunodominant Antigens of Leishmania chagasi Associated with Protection against Human Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    One of the most striking features of infection by Leishmania chagasi is that infection leads to a spectrum of clinical outcomes ranging from asymptomatic infection to active disease. The existence of asymptomatic infected people has served as an incentive to believe that an effective vaccine is possible, but unfortunately no successful immunological characterization of such cases was obtained. Patients recovered from visceral leishmaniasis show a similar immunological profile to asymptomatic infected individuals and both exhibit a strong cell-mediated immune response against Leishmania antigens and are resistant to disease. Since the past decade several approaches were undertaken to try to shed light on the immunological profile associated with such “resistance” to infections, notwithstanding antigenic recognition profile associated to resistance to infection was not successfully explored. In the present manuscript we describe a specific IgG recognizing pattern associated with resistant individuals (asymptomatic infected people and recovery patients to visceral leishmaniasis). These data highlight the possibility of using specific proteins in serological tests for the identification of asymptomatic infected individuals

    Focused Examination of the Intestinal lamina Propria Yields Greater Molecular Insight into Mechanisms Underlying SIV Induced Immune Dysfunction

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    Background: The Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is critical to AIDS pathogenesis as it is the primary site for viral transmission and a major site of viral replication and CD4 + T cell destruction. Consequently GI disease, a major complication of HIV/SIV infection can facilitate translocation of lumenal bacterial products causing localized/systemic immune activation leading to AIDS progression. Methodology/Principal Findings: To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying GI disease we analyzed global gene expression profiles sequentially in the intestine of the same animals prior to and at 21 and 90d post SIV infection (PI). More importantly we maximized information gathering by examining distinct mucosal components (intraepithelial lymphocytes, lamina propria leukocytes [LPL], epithelium and fibrovascular stroma) separately. The use of sequential intestinal resections combined with focused examination of distinct mucosal compartments represents novel approaches not previously attempted. Here we report data pertaining to the LPL. A significant increase (61.7-fold) in immune defense/inflammation, cell adhesion/migration, cell signaling, transcription and cell division/differentiation genes were observed at 21 and 90d PI. Genes associated with the JAK-STAT pathway (IL21, IL12R, STAT5A, IL10, SOCS1) and T-cell activation (NFATc1, CDK6, Gelsolin, Moesin) were notably upregulated at 21d PI. Markedly downregulated genes at 21d PI included IL17D/IL27 and IL28B/IFNc3 (anti-HIV/viral), activation induced cytidine deaminase (B-cell function) an