1,958 research outputs found

    Flemish general dental practitioners' knowledge of dental radiology

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    The aim of this study was to assess general dental practitioners' knowledge of dental radiography and radiation protection in order to alert the Belgian authorities and dental professional societies. Prior to attending a postgraduate course on intraoral radiology, general dental practitioners in Flanders, Belgium, were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding the radiological equipment and the techniques they used for intraoral radiography. The availability and type of dental panoramic equipment were also assessed. A total of 374 questionnaires were available for this study. 15% of the attendants used radiographic equipment that was more than 27 years old and 43% reported equipment that operated with a clockwork timer. 32% and 75% respectively had no idea what the kV or mA settings were on their intraoral equipment. 5% were unaware which cone geometry or geometric technique (paralleling or bisecting angle technique) they were using. 81% claimed to be using a short cone technique. 47% did not know what collimation meant, whereas 40% stated that they were using circular collimation. 38% used digital intraoral image detectors (63% were photostimulable storage phosphorplate (PSPP)), but 16% were not sure about the type of sensor they were using (PSPP or solid-state sensors). 61% also had dental panoramic equipment available, 25% of which was digital (10% charge coupled device (CCD) and 15% PSPP). These results clearly indicate the need for continued education on this subject. The latter is an important signal to Belgian authorities and dental professional societies

    Lessons Learned on Gender Equality

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    The purpose of this evaluation study is twofold: Firstly, to compile lessons learned from Danida evaluations, evaluation studies and other evaluation publications, and secondly, to distil a set of recommendations relevant to the roll-out of The Right to a Better Life (2012), more particularly the planned update of Danida's strategy, Gender Equality in Danish Development Cooperation (2004). The evaluation study was carried out between June and September 2013. The methodology is based on a desk review of Danida evaluation publications carried out between 2004 and 2013, and comprises three interconnected phases:1. Screening of a long list of 104 evaluation publications2. Analysis of 26 shortlisted evaluations3. Reporting findings and recommendatio

    El aprendizaje servicio en la Universitat de Barcelona

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    Esta comunicación presenta los cinco núcleos que actualmente existen de aprendizaje servicio en la Universitat de Barcelona, a partir del trabajo de promoción y detección que está realizando el grupo ApS (UB): Derecho, Educación, Filología, Saludy Economía. Además de exponer la variedad de experiencias que se están llevando acabo, también se apuntan algunos retos a nivel formativo, organizativo e investigadorpara la extensión e institucionalización del ApS en la universidad

    American Philosophical Society Finding Aid for JAX Oral History

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    In 1929, the geneticist C. C. Little founded the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, a major center for the study of mammalian genetics, cancer, and related areas in basic biomedical research. An independent institution, the Lab has maintained a consistent scientific reputation both as a supplier of inbred strains of mice for genetic and biomedical research and for the scientific achievements of its researchers. Conducted by Susan Mehrtens in 1986, the Oral History Collection includes transcripts of extensive interviews with fifty scientists, administrators, and staff members of the Jackson Laboratory. At greater or lesser length depending on the subject, the interviews provide a detailed picture of the operations and administration at the laboratory, the culture of research, the sometimes contentious staff relations, and the research itself

    Synchrony and Elementary Operations on Coupled Cell Networks

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    Given a finite graph (network), let every node (cell) represent an individual dynamics given by a system of ordinary differential equations, and every arrow (edge) encode the dynamical influence of the tail node on the head node. We have then defined a coupled cell system that is associated with the given network structure. Subspaces that are defined by equalities of cell coordinates and left invariant under every coupled cell system respecting the network structure are called synchrony subspaces. They are completely determined by the network structure and form a complete lattice under set inclusions. We analyze the transition of the lattice of synchrony subspaces of a network that is caused by structural changes in the network topology, such as deletion and addition of cells or edges, and rewirings of edges. We give sufficient, and in some cases both sufficient and necessary, conditions under which lattice elements persist or disappear

    Dominance biases in the perception and memory for the faces of powerholders, with consequences for social inferences

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    A great deal of research has shown that dominant-looking faces are afforded power. In this research, we tested the reverse link. As such, we examined whether knowledge of a target's power would lead to a dominance bias in face perception. Five studies were conducted by applying face morphing techniques to both controlled facial stimuli and faces of powerholders in the real world. Results showed that faces of powerholders were misrecollected (Studies 1A and 1B) and misperceived (Studies 3A and 3B) as more dominant-looking than their powerless counterparts. In addition, their faces were misrecollected as more prototypically dominant in physical appearance than they actually were (Studies 1A, 1B, and 2). Furthermore, enhanced facial dominance affected social inferences, with evaluations such as competence and attractiveness being sensitive to the gender of the target person (Study 3B). Implications for research on power and face perception are discussed