7 research outputs found

    The Effect of Self-Learning, Entrepreneurship Competence and Entrepreneurship Orientation on Micro Business Performance in the Special Province of Yogyakarta

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    This research aims to empirically study the effect of self-learning, entrepreneurship competence, and entrepreneurship orientation on micro business performance in the special province of Yogyakarta. The research design used a quantitative approach through research instrument. The unit of analysis was 1,767 business units.  The population of this microenterprise is individual; the number of samples in this study is 165. The data were gathered through face to face distribution by the researcher. Random sampling technique was used to collect the respondents of this study. The result of this study showed that all exogenous variables; self-learning, entrepreneurial competence, and entrepreneurial orientation have positive and significant effects on entrepreneurial behavior. All of these findings are proven by probability value < 0.05. The most significant influence is entrepreneurial orientation (0.504), and the second is entrepreneurial competency (0.466), and the lowest is self-learning (0.057). That is, the three exogenous variables can directly enhance entrepreneurial behavior. All exogenous variables, namely self-learning, entrepreneurial competence, and entrepreneurial orientation, do not affect the performance of micro-enterprises. All of these findings are proven by probability value < 0.05. That is, the three exogenous variables cannot directly improve the performance of micro-businesses. Since entrepreneurial behavior has a positive and significant direct effect on micro-business performance, all exogenous variables can indirectly improve micro-business performance through efforts to increase entrepreneurial action, which acts as a variable intervening. Keywords: self-learning, entrepreneurship competence, entrepreneurship orientation, micro business performance. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-10-15 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Inspiration For Carving Gorga Adop-Adop In Technology-Based Pop Batik On Ready-To-Wear Clothing

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    Technology-based pop batik is a popular style of contemporary batik with part of the production process using technology without leaving the rules of batik. Technology is the lifestyle of today's younger generation, which causes the traditional batik handicraft industry not to become a job opportunity that is in demand by the younger generation. Batik craftsmen are now living with the elderly, and it is complicated to regenerate in the field of batik crafts. There needs to be an adjustment between the development of the era and traditional culture so that the younger generation is interested in developing batik. The adjustment step that can be done is to process batik based on technology without leaving the rules of batik itself. This research uses the approach of textile design creation methods, aesthetic practices and semiotics. This research discusses how the implementation of Adop-Adop Gorga carving is an inspiration for technology-based pop batik motifs. Research shows that the technology-based batik process can be a solution to the complex problem of regeneration of traditional batik craftsmen and Adop-Adop Gorga carving as inspiration for pop batik motifs with a technology-based batik process is a uniqueness that distinguishes it from other contemporary batik motifs

    Inspiration For Carving Gorga Adop-Adop In Technology-Based Pop Batik On Ready-To-Wear Clothing

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    Technology-based pop batik is a popular style of contemporary batik with part of the production process using technology without leaving the rules of batik. Technology is the lifestyle of today's younger generation, which causes the traditional batik handicraft industry not to become a job opportunity that is in demand by the younger generation. Batik craftsmen are now living with the elderly, and it is complicated to regenerate in the field of batik crafts. There needs to be an adjustment between the development of the era and traditional culture so that the younger generation is interested in developing batik. The adjustment step that can be done is to process batik based on technology without leaving the rules of batik itself. This research uses the approach of textile design creation methods, aesthetic practices and semiotics. This research discusses how the implementation of Adop-Adop Gorga carving is an inspiration for technology-based pop batik motifs. Research shows that the technology-based batik process can be a solution to the complex problem of regeneration of traditional batik craftsmen and Adop-Adop Gorga carving as inspiration for pop batik motifs with a technology-based batik process is a uniqueness that distinguishes it from other contemporary batik motifs

    Penerapan Teknologi Mesin Klowong Batik Dalam Pembuatan atik Bergaya Pop Pada Busana Ready to Wear Dengan Inspirasi Motif Gorga Adop-Adop

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    Teknologi menjadi life style generasi muda saat ini yang menyebabkan industri kerajinan batik tradisional tidak menjadi lapangan pekerjaan yang diminati generasi muda. Pengrajin batik pun kini tinggal para lanjut usia, dan masih sangat sulit dilakukan regenerasi pada bidang kerajinan batik. Perlu adanya penyesuaian antara perkembangan zaman dan budaya tradisional agar generasi muda tertarik untuk mengembangkan batik. Langkah penyesuaian yang dapat dilakukan adalah memproses batik dengan berbasis teknologi tanpa meninggalkan dasar dalam membatik itu sendiri. Salah satu teknologi yang dikembangkan pada Industri batik saat ini adalah mesin klowong batik. Batik pop berbasis teknologi adalah batik kontemporer bergaya popular dengan sebagian proses teknik produksi menggunakan teknologi mesin klowong batik tanpa meninggalkan kaidah dasar membatik. Peneliti tertarik mengangkat Gorga Adop-adop sebagai inspirasi atas karya tugas akhir ini karena Gorga Adop-adop tidak hanya memiliki makna filosofi yang tinggi tetapi ornamen Gorga Adop-adop merupakan salah satu keindahan organ tubuh wanita yang memiliki tugas sangat mulia yaitu memberi kehidupan pada penerusnya. Gorga Adop-adop melambangkan bentuk payudara wanita muda yang sangat menarik, erotis dan menampilkan keindahan seni yang tinggi dari sang pencipta sehingga erotisme dan keindahan seni Gorga Adop-adop akan lebih mudah mengimajinasi jiwa seni anak muda untuk mengembangkan karya dengan inspirasi seni Gorga Adop-adop pada desain motif batik bergaya muda. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan estetika, semiotika, dan ornamen serta metode penciptaan perancangan tekstil, penciptaan ini membahas bagaimana implementasi ukiran Gorga Adop-adop menjadi inspirasi motif batik bergaya pop berbasis teknologi mesin klowong batik. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses batik berbasis teknologi mesin klowong batik dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan sulitnya regenerasi pengrajin batik tradisional dan ukiran Gorga Adop-adop sebagai inspirasi motif batik bergaya pop dengan proses batik berbasis teknologi merupakan keunikan yang menjadi pembeda dengan motif batik kontemporer lainnya pada busana ready to wear


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    Semakin pesatnya perkembangan suatu wilayah maka akan diikuti pula dengan meningkatnya volume lalu lintas yang terjadi di kota Pangkalpinang. Hal lain yang mempengaruhi kemacetan lalu lintas disebabkan pula dengan adanya parkir dibadan jalan dan adanya pedangang kaki lima yang berjualan dibadan jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengukur kinerja lalu lintas pada ruas jalan akibat adanya pusat perbelanjaan dikawasan Pasar Pagi Kota Pangkalpinang dan untuk Mengetahui dampak lalu lintas kendaraan yang menuju kawasan Pasar Pagi Kota Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengacu pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI), 1997. Kondisi kinerja lalu lintas yang terjadi akibat adanya pusat perbelanjaan  dikawasan pasar Pagi Kota Pangkalpinang dengan nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) 0,11, FV = 38,42 km/jam yang pada kondisi dilapangan kecepatan (V) yang ditempuh untuk mobil 23,67 km/jam dan motor 29,93 km/jam dan kapasitas (C) = 4095,6 smp/jam. Analisis dampak lalu lintas yang terjadi akibat adanya Pasar Pagi ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu kendaraan yang parkir dibadan jalan yang hampir memakai setengah badan jalan, pejalan kaki, pedagang kaki lima yang berjuaalan dibadan jalan dan korelasi antara kendaraan yang masuk dan keluar Pasar Pagi dengan tingkat pelayanan jalan, dimana termasuk dalam tingkat pelayanan A

    The Effect of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance

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    Employee performance can be used as a means to gain a competitive advantage if employee performance is superior to that of competing company employees. One of the companies experiencing problems with employee performance is the Wates Post office, which is located in the Wates sub-district, Kulon Progo district. There are indications that the performance of the Wates Post office employees is still not in line with the company's expectations. The low performance of these employees is partly influenced by work motivation and discipline. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of work motivation on employee performance and to examine the effect of work discipline on employee performance. The population in this study were 70 employees of the Wates Post office, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province. The data collection technique used a questionnaire, while the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed that work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance and work discipline also has a significant effect on employee performance