2,741 research outputs found

    The design and fabrication of microstrip omnidirectional array antennas for aerospace applications

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    A microstrip antenna design concept was developed that will provide quasi-omnidirectional radiation pattern characteristics about cylindrical and conical aerospace structures. L-band and S-band antenna arrays were designed, fabricated, and, in some cases, flight tested for rocket, satellite, and aircraft drone applications. Each type of array design is discussed along with a thermal cover design that was required for the sounding rocket applications

    Shock-tube measurements of the vibration- vibration energy exchange probability for the CO-N2 system

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    Measuring vibration-vibration energy exchange probability in nitrogen-carbon dioxide-argon mixtures in shock tube

    Vibrational relaxation measurements of carbon monoxide in a shock-tube expansion wave

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    Infrared measurement on vibrational relaxation rate of carbon monoxide in argon shock tube wav

    Why is timing of bird migration advancing when individuals are not?

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    Recent advances in spring arrival dates have been reported in many migratory species but the mechanism driving these advances is unknown. As population declines are most widely reported in species that are not advancing migration, there is an urgent need to identify the mechanisms facilitating and constraining these advances. Individual plasticity in timing of migration in response to changing climatic conditions is commonly proposed to drive these advances but plasticity in individual migratory timings is rarely observed. For a shorebird population that has significantly advanced migration in recent decades, we show that individual arrival dates are highly consistent between years, but that the arrival dates of new recruits to the population are significantly earlier now than in previous years. Several mechanisms could drive advances in recruit arrival, none of which require individual plasticity or rapid evolution of migration timings. In particular, advances in nest-laying dates could result in advanced recruit arrival, if benefits of early hatching facilitate early subsequent spring migration. This mechanism could also explain why arrival dates of short-distance migrants, which generally return to breeding sites earlier and have greater scope for advance laying, are advancing more rapidly than long-distance migrants


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    Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation

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    We present an in depth study on the evolution of galaxy properties in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr. We are using the largest multi-wavelength sample to-date, comprised 1770 groups (containing 7417 galaxies), in the redshift range of 0.01<z<0.23. To derive the physical properties of the galaxies we rely on ultraviolet (UV)-to-infrared spectral energy distribution modeling, using CIGALE. Our results suggest that during the 3 Gyr period covered by our sample, the star formation activity of galaxies in our groups has been substantially reduced (3-10 times). Moreover, their star formation histories as well as their UV-optical and mid-infrared colors are significantly different from those of field and cluster galaxies, indicating that compact group galaxies spend more time transitioning through the green valley. The morphological transformation from late-type spirals into early-type galaxies occurs in the mid-infrared transition zone rather than in the UV-optical green valley. We find evidence of shocks in the emission line ratios and gas velocity dispersions of the late-type galaxies located below the star forming main sequence. Our results suggest that in addition to gas stripping, turbulence and shocks might play an important role in suppressing the star formation in compact group galaxies.Comment: (Accepted for publication in MNRAS, date of submission November 18, 2015

    IRAC Observations of M81

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    IRAC images of M81 show three distinct morphological constituents: a smooth distribution of evolved stars with bulge, disk, and spiral arm components; a clumpy distribution of dust emission tracing the spiral arms; and a pointlike nuclear source. The bulge stellar colors are consistent with M-type giants, and the disk colors are consistent with a slightly younger population. The dust emission generally follows the blue and ultraviolet emission, but there are large areas that have dust emission without ultraviolet and smaller areas with ultraviolet but little dust emission. The former are presumably caused by extinction, and the latter may be due to cavities in the gas and dust created by supernova explosions. The nucleus appears fainter at 8 um than expected from ground-based 10 um observations made four years ago.Comment: ApJS in press (Spitzer special issue); 15 pages, 3 figures. Changes: unused references removed, numbers and labels in Table 1 change

    Deep Herschel view of obscured star formation in the Bullet cluster

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    We use deep, five band (100–500 μm) data from the Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) to fully constrain the obscured star formation rate, SFR_(FIR), of galaxies in the Bullet cluster (z = 0.296), and a smaller background system (z = 0.35) in the same field. Herschel detects 23 Bullet cluster members with a total SFRFIR = 144±14 M_☉ yr^(-1). On average, the background system contains brighter far-infrared (FIR) galaxies, with ~50% higher SFRFIR (21 galaxies; 207 ± 9 M_☉ yr^(-1)). SFRs extrapolated from 24 μm flux via recent templates (SFR_(24 µm)) agree well with SFRFIR for ~60% of the cluster galaxies. In the remaining ~40%, SFR24 µm underestimates SFR_(FIR) due to a significant excess in observed S_(100)/S_(24) (rest frame S_(75)/S_(18)) compared to templates of the same FIR luminosity