12 research outputs found

    It is like playing with fire : A qualitative study about the exchange rates impact on international Swedish SME

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    Företag som agerar pĂ„ en internationell marknad stĂ„r inför olika risker men ocksĂ„ möjligheter vid en valutafluktuation. Företag som hanterar ett pengaflöde i nĂ„gon form av utlĂ€ndsk valuta stĂ„r inför valutaexponering nĂ€r valutakursen fluktuerar. För att minska valutarisken kan företagen anvĂ€nda sig av olika valutastrategier. Enligt tidigare studier Ă€r det vanligare bland större företag att anvĂ€nda valutastrategier medan ’small medium sized enterprises’ (SME) har bristande kunskaper inom Ă€mnet och kĂ€nner en oro för att anvĂ€nda sig av de verktyg som finns. Eftersom SME-företagen stĂ„r inför olika valutarisker som hanteras fragmentariskt Ă€mnar denna uppsats att undersöka och analysera svenska SME-företags valutarisker och hur valutaexponeringen reduceras genom valutastrategier. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte valdes en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats baserad pĂ„ företagens erfarenhet av ett Ă€mne. Semistrukturerande intervjuer har genomförts med fyra svenska SME-företag som hanterar direkt import och/eller export och dĂ€rmed pĂ„verkas av valutarisker och valutafluktuationer. Resultatet frĂ„n uppsatsen indikerar pĂ„ att svenska SME-företags valutarisker har ett signifikant samband mellan verksamhetsstruktur och valutaexponering. Resultatet visar pĂ„ att valutaexponeringen pĂ„verkas beroende pĂ„ hur företaget hanterar internationell handel vilket stödjer tidigare studier. Det har Ă€ven visat sig att svenska SME-företag anvĂ€nder sig av valutastrategier genom hedging metoder. Det kan dock konstateras att majoriteten av de analyserade SME-företagen har bristande kunskap vilket stödjer tidigare studier.Businesses that are internationally based are faced with currency risks but also possibilities. The businesses that are internationally based are faced with currency exposure due to fluctuation. To limit the currency risks businesses can utilize different currency strategies. According to previous studies, larger businesses are more likely to utilize these currency strategies, while small medium sized enterprises (SME) lack the knowledge about currency strategies and thus feel a disquiet about utilizing them. Since SME face a currency risk that is handled in a fragmented way, this paper aims to investigate and analyze Swedish SME currency risks and how they manage currency exposure through currency strategies.   The method used in this study was to implement a qualitative research method with a deductive approach based on the businesses experience of a subject. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with four Swedish SME that handle import and/or export. Thus, being affected by currency risks and currency fluctuations.  The conclusion drawn from the result of this study indicate that Swedish SME currency risks have a significant relationship between businesses structures and currency exposure. The conclusion supports previous studies that currency exposure is affected depending on how the businesses manage their export and import. The study has also shown that Swedish SME utilize currency strategies through hedging derivatives. Although the majority of the analysed SME have insufficient knowledge about these derivatives which supports previous studies

    Anabola Androgena Steroider & Identiteter

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    There is little knowledge about abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in Sweden. This paper aims to explore, from a discourse psychological angle, how persons with experience of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) construct there identities. The theory and method used as a frame for the paper is discursive psychology, depending on the focus in the paper of human beings use of language in the construction of identities. For collection of data interviews were made. The six respondents al had experience of use of AAS. The interviews illustrated how users of AAS speak about AAS, and create there identity, in relation to AAS. In the interpretation of data we used two different tools, used by discursive psychologists, interpretative repertoires and subject positions. Though the interpretative repertoires we were able to separate the ways the respondents construct there statements. Subject positions made it possible for us to interpret where the respondents did place themselves in there speech. Other perspectives, derived from literature on the subject AAS, was brought into the analysis. Other perspectives provide us with assumptions and make it possible to separate themes and discourses from the data. Two discourses where separated from data, restrictive discourse and legal discourse. The discourses contain three teams, use/abuse, physical risks and social risks. In the speech, respondents, relate to these teams in order to construct there identities. The respondents construct the speech in order to make use of AAS reasonable to them selves. The respondents construct the speech in the direction towards a liberal discourse. They construct the use of AAS as reasonable to them selves. The respondents make mostly difference between use and abuse of AAS and don’t position them selves as abusers of AAS without reservations. A crucial component in the construction of an identity as a user is the reduction of risks. The respondents reduce the risks with AAS in different ways and make an identity as a user possible. Key Words: Discourse, Discursive Psychology, AAS, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Identity

    It is like playing with fire : A qualitative study about the exchange rates impact on international Swedish SME

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    Företag som agerar pĂ„ en internationell marknad stĂ„r inför olika risker men ocksĂ„ möjligheter vid en valutafluktuation. Företag som hanterar ett pengaflöde i nĂ„gon form av utlĂ€ndsk valuta stĂ„r inför valutaexponering nĂ€r valutakursen fluktuerar. För att minska valutarisken kan företagen anvĂ€nda sig av olika valutastrategier. Enligt tidigare studier Ă€r det vanligare bland större företag att anvĂ€nda valutastrategier medan ’small medium sized enterprises’ (SME) har bristande kunskaper inom Ă€mnet och kĂ€nner en oro för att anvĂ€nda sig av de verktyg som finns. Eftersom SME-företagen stĂ„r inför olika valutarisker som hanteras fragmentariskt Ă€mnar denna uppsats att undersöka och analysera svenska SME-företags valutarisker och hur valutaexponeringen reduceras genom valutastrategier. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte valdes en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats baserad pĂ„ företagens erfarenhet av ett Ă€mne. Semistrukturerande intervjuer har genomförts med fyra svenska SME-företag som hanterar direkt import och/eller export och dĂ€rmed pĂ„verkas av valutarisker och valutafluktuationer. Resultatet frĂ„n uppsatsen indikerar pĂ„ att svenska SME-företags valutarisker har ett signifikant samband mellan verksamhetsstruktur och valutaexponering. Resultatet visar pĂ„ att valutaexponeringen pĂ„verkas beroende pĂ„ hur företaget hanterar internationell handel vilket stödjer tidigare studier. Det har Ă€ven visat sig att svenska SME-företag anvĂ€nder sig av valutastrategier genom hedging metoder. Det kan dock konstateras att majoriteten av de analyserade SME-företagen har bristande kunskap vilket stödjer tidigare studier.Businesses that are internationally based are faced with currency risks but also possibilities. The businesses that are internationally based are faced with currency exposure due to fluctuation. To limit the currency risks businesses can utilize different currency strategies. According to previous studies, larger businesses are more likely to utilize these currency strategies, while small medium sized enterprises (SME) lack the knowledge about currency strategies and thus feel a disquiet about utilizing them. Since SME face a currency risk that is handled in a fragmented way, this paper aims to investigate and analyze Swedish SME currency risks and how they manage currency exposure through currency strategies.   The method used in this study was to implement a qualitative research method with a deductive approach based on the businesses experience of a subject. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with four Swedish SME that handle import and/or export. Thus, being affected by currency risks and currency fluctuations.  The conclusion drawn from the result of this study indicate that Swedish SME currency risks have a significant relationship between businesses structures and currency exposure. The conclusion supports previous studies that currency exposure is affected depending on how the businesses manage their export and import. The study has also shown that Swedish SME utilize currency strategies through hedging derivatives. Although the majority of the analysed SME have insufficient knowledge about these derivatives which supports previous studies

    VarumĂ€rkesplattform – ett hjĂ€lpsamt verktyg?

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    Examensarbetets titel: VarumĂ€rkesplattform – ett hjĂ€lpsamt verktyg? Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivĂ„ i Marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoĂ€ng Författare: Rebecca AndrĂ©n, Lisa Appelqvist och Emma SkĂ€remo Handledare: Johan Anselmsson Fem nyckelord: VarumĂ€rkesplattform, VarumĂ€rkesstrategi, VarumĂ€rke, ByrĂ„er, Plattform Syfte: Studiens syfte Ă€r att explorativt och beskrivande undersöka hur konsulter arbetar med varumĂ€rkesplattformar samt att skapa förstĂ„else kring processen bakom hur en varumĂ€rkesplattform vĂ€xer fram. För att uppnĂ„ syftet mĂ„ste inledningsvis varumĂ€rkesplattformens bestĂ„ndsdelar och struktur undersökas. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en tvĂ€rsnittsdesign och induktiv ansats Teoretiska perspektiv: TvĂ„ teoretiska ramverk Ă€r framtagna och sammanstĂ€llda för att skapa bred förstĂ„else i Ă€mnet och en grund för analys. Det första teoretiska ramverket berör Ă€mnesomrĂ„det varumĂ€rkesplattformar och Ă€r baserat pĂ„ ett flertal relevanta författares idĂ©er. Det andra teoretiska ramverket berör plattformar i helhet. Empiri: Det empiriska materialet berör byrĂ„ers arbete med varumĂ€rkesplattformar och Ă€r inhĂ€mtat genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med byrĂ„erna. Resultat: Genom en analys av det teoretiska ramverket samt det insamlade empiriska materialet har studien visat att byrĂ„er mĂ„ste lĂ€gga stort fokus pĂ„ arbetet som berör processen kring varumĂ€rkesplattformar. Utan detta tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt kan inte varumĂ€rkesplattformen uppnĂ„ sin fulla potential som ett hjĂ€lpsamt verktyg för varumĂ€rkesstrategi. Studien har Ă€ven identifierat problematik vid överlĂ€mning av en varumĂ€rkesplattform, samt att enkelhet och tydlighet Ă€r avgörande för en effektiv varumĂ€rkesplattformTitle: VarumĂ€rkesplattform – Ett hjĂ€lpsamt verktyg? Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Rebecca AndrĂ©n, Lisa Appelqvist and Emma SkĂ€remo Advisor/s: Johan Anselmsson Key words: Brand Platform, Brand Strategy, Brand, Agencies, Platform Purpose: The purpose of this study is to make an exploratory and descriptive research of how consultants work with brand platforms and to create an understanding of how the brand platform is developed. To reach the purpose, a deeper research of the brand platforms components is needed. Methodology: Qualitative research strategy in a cross-sectional study with an inductive approach Theoretical perspectives: Two theoretical frameworks have been developed and compiled to create broad understanding of the subject and a basis for analysis. The first theoretical framework concerns the subject area brand platforms and is based on a number of relevant authors' ideas. The second theoretical framework concerns platforms as a whole. Empirical foundation: The empirical material concerns the agencies' work with brand platforms and is obtained through five semistructured interviews with the agencies. Conclusions: Through an analysis of the theoretical framework and the collected empirical material, the study has shown that agencies need to put a great effort to the work that concerns the process around brand platforms. Without this approach, the brand platform cannot reach its full potential as a helpful brand strategy tool. The study has also identified problems when handing over a brand platform between different parties, and that simplicity and clarity are crucial for an effective brand platform

    Exploring nurses' experiences of a tailored intervention to increase MMR vaccine acceptance in a Somali community in Stockholm, Sweden : a qualitative interview study

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore nurses' experiences of a tailored intervention that supported them with knowledge and tools to use during encounters and dialogue with parents with low vaccine acceptance. DESIGN: A qualitative study with in-depth interviews conducted in 2017. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. SETTING: This study was part of a multicomponent intervention targeting Somali parents and the nurses at child health centres in the Rinkeby and Tensta neighbourhoods of Stockholm. An area with documented low measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage. Previous research has revealed that Somali parents in the community delayed MMR vaccination due to fear of autism despite lack of scientific evidence. The interventions were implemented in 2015-2017. PARTICIPANTS: Eleven nurses employed at the child health centres involved in the intervention participated in interviews. The tailored intervention targeting nurses included a series of seminars, a narrative film and an information card with key messages for distribution to parents. RESULTS: The qualitative analysis revealed an overarching theme: perception of improved communication with parents. Two underlying themes were identified: (1) feeling more confident to address parents' MMR vaccine concerns and (2) diverse tools as useful support to dispel myth and reduce language barriers. CONCLUSION: From the nurses' perspective, the tailored intervention was useful to improve communication with parents having vaccine concerns. Nurses have a crucial role in vaccine uptake and acceptance. Interventions aiming to strengthen their communication with parents are therefore essential, especially in areas with lower vaccine acceptance

    Parental views and the key role of nurses for high vaccine acceptance in Sweden – a focus group study

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    Abstract Background In Sweden, vaccine uptake is exceptionally high due to an efficient child immunization program. More than 97% of Swedish children were vaccinated at child health care centers (CHCs) according to the schedule at 2 years of age in 2021. From the age of 6 years, vaccinations are given within the school health care. Maintaining high vaccination coverage over time is one of the central motives to explore and understand drivers for vaccine acceptance. The current study aimed to assess parental vaccine acceptance concerning the national immunization program and explore factors contributing to the high vaccine acceptance in Sweden. Methods Parents of children aged 1–2 years and 8–12 years were recruited through purposive sampling and asked to participate in focus groups held in three cities in Sweden, in February and March 2019. In total, 47 parents participated in two focus groups per city, one session for parents of younger (1–2 years) and older (8–12 years) children respectively. The focus group discussions were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results Parents of children aged 1–2 years expressed the themes; strong compliance to and protection of the value of vaccinations; parents feel safe with an attentive relationship with their nurse; the spectrum of communication needs is essential to meet. For parents to children aged 8–12 years, the themes expressed were; vaccinate to do good for the individual and society; a foundation of trust is built at CHCs for decisions later on; decisions for vaccination become more complex as children get older; communication changes as children get older and need to be explicit and tailored to the situation. Conclusion Both individual and societal perspectives were shown to influence the vaccination decision for childhood immunizations, as manifested in parental reflections and experiences. As nurses have a key role, it is important to provide them with continued support and tools to facilitate their support for parents in making informed decisions. Continuous work for supporting driving factors for vaccination over time is needed to maintain high vaccine acceptance in Sweden

    Design and implementation of tailored intervention to increase vaccine acceptance in a Somali community in Stockholm, Sweden - based on the Tailoring Immunization Programmes approach

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    Objectives: Sweden has had a high and stable vaccination coverage for measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine (>96%) through the national immunization program (NIP), but coverage rates highlight local pockets of lower vaccination coverage. This project addressed low MMR vaccine acceptance among parents in a Somali community, in Stockholm. The objective of the intervention was to increase vaccine confidence and MMR-vaccine uptake and also to inform practices addressing vaccine acceptance. Study design: This paper describes the design and implementation of a multi-component intervention based on the Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP) approach, developed by the WHO European Regional Office. Methods: The theoretical underpinning of TIP is the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation Model (COM-B model) and Behaviour Change Wheel framework (BCW), adapted for vaccination. The COM-model was used to identify barriers and drivers to vaccination and intervention types. The TIP-phases described in this paper are: pre-TIP (planning), three succeeding TIP phases (situational analysis, formative research, intervention design) and the post-TIP phase (implementation). Results: The situation analysis and formative research revealed that parents feared the MMR vaccine due to autism or that their child would stop talking following vaccination, despite lack of scientific evidence for an association between autism and MMR vaccines. Barriers were linked to their associated COM-B factors and mapped to appropriate intervention types for two target groups: Somali parents and nurses at the Child Health Centres (CHC). Selected intervention types targeting parents were education, persuasion and modelling whereas education and training were selected for CHC nurses. The intervention activities included community engagement for parents, while the activities for nurses focused on improving encounters and dialogue with parents having low vaccine acceptance. Following the intervention design the activities were developed, pilot tested and implemented. Conclusion: This study confirm that the TIP approach is valuable for guiding a stepwise working process for a thorough understanding of barriers and drivers for MMR vaccination among parents in this Somali community. It facilitated the design of a theory and evidence-informed intervention targeting parents and nurses