10 research outputs found

    Using novel methods to track British and Irish Ice Sheet dynamics since the Late Pleistocene, along the west Porcupine Bank, NE Atlantic

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    Extensive research has been undertaken to elucidate the glacial history of the British Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) in the NE Atlantic. BRITICE-CHRONO has compiled terrestrial and marine based evidence, to provide an empirical reconstruction of ice sheet expansion and retreat during the Late Pleistocene. Across the Irish margin, particular focus has been given to seafloor sediments which contain ice-rafted debris (IRD). However, there are few publications on IRD from areas proximal to the maximum extent of the BIIS, which would offer further insights on the behaviour of the ice sheet during (de)glacial events. Previous exploratory surveys of the west Porcupine Bank (wPB) visually identified IRD on the seafloor and these present a new study site to investigate the extent of the BIIS and the course of its icebergs. Moreover, there are uncertainties about the effects of icebergs on the marine life and cold-water corals occupying the nearby Porcupine Bank Canyon. Assessing a sediment core containing an IRD analogue for the wPB would thus, have a dual purpose. In the past however, coring missions of the wPB using traditional coring methods (i.e. piston and gravity cores) were unsuccessful. Here, we utilized a novel ROV-mounted vibrocoring procedure to capture a 0.75 m IRD-bearing sediment core from the wPB. Then further novel analytical methods (computed tomography-based IRD-detection) were used to quantify IRD every 0.02 cm to provide the highest resolution record of BIIS related IRD to date. From this, several fluxes of IRD deposition onto the wPB between 31.6 and 9 ka BP were revealed and corroborated by other published records from across the NE Atlantic. It was shown that the wPB IRD fluxes occur simultaneously with other parts of the margin. The IRD signal also shows that iceberg calving occurred on the wPB during the Younger Dryas. Grain-size analysis of the core allowed for a reconstruction and interpretation of the palaeoenvironmental conditions during these IRD flux events and shows that BIIS-derived glaciers had a major impact on hydrodynamic conditions in the wPB. Subsequently, intensive scouring led to a major hiatus in the core during 27.3â 17.2 ka BP. These results are a useful addition to BIIS literature on this part of the shelf. Furthermore, it shows that bottom currents were influenced by (de)glacial events, an important finding when considering the presence of nearby current-dependant benthos

    Environmental forcing by submarine canyons: Evidence between two closely situated cold-water coral mounds (Porcupine Bank Canyon and Western Porcupine Bank, NE Atlantic)

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    Within the Porcupine Bank Canyon (NE Atlantic), cold-water coral (CWC) mounds are mostly found clustered along the canyon lip, with individual disconnected mounds occurring nearby on the western Porcupine Bank. Remotely operated vehicle-mounted vibrocoring was utilized to acquire cores from both of these sites. This study is the first to employ this novel method when aiming to precisely sample two closely situated areas. Radiometric ages constrain the records from the early to mid-Holocene (9.1 to 5.6 ka BP). The cores were then subjected to 3D segmented computer tomography to capture mound formation stages. The cores were then further examined using stable isotopes and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, to constrain the paleoenvironmental variation that influenced CWC mound formation of each site. In total, mound aggradation rate in the Porcupine Bank Canyon and western Porcupine Bank was comparable to other Holocene CWC mounds situated off western Ireland. Results derived from multiproxy analysis, show that regional climatic shifts define the environmental conditions that allow positive coral mound formation. In addition, the aggradation rate of coral mounds is higher adjacent to the Porcupine Bank Canyon than on the western Porcupine Bank. Benthic foraminifera assemblages and planktic foraminiferal δ13C reveal that higher quality organic matter is more readily available closer to the canyon lip. As such, we hypothesize that coral mound formation in the region is likely controlled by an interplay between enhanced shelf currents and the existence of the Eastern North Atlantic Water-Mediterranean Outflow Water-Transition Zone. The geomorphology of the canyon promotes upwelling of these water masses that are enriched in particles, including food and sediment supply. The higher availability of these particles support the development and succession of ecological hotspots along the canyon lip and adjacent areas of the seafloor. These observations provide a glimpse into the role that submarine canyons play in influencing macro and micro benthic fauna distributions and highlights the importance of their conservation

    Monitoring changes in submarine canyon coral habitats - Leg 1 (MoCha_SCan)

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    This survey focused on the maiden deployment of a number of novel, ROV-adapted lander systems in the Porcupine Bank Canyon (PBC) coral habitats, NE Atlantic. Cold water corals (CWCs) flourish on the Irish-Atlantic margin between 600 and 100 m water depth, where they form a number of structural habitat types (coral reefs, mounds and gardens). Recent research shows that deep water habitats, including CWC habitats on the Irish margin, may be impacted by recent environmental change. The main objectives of this survey are: a) to deploy 8 new lander systems within a range of coral habitats throughout the PBC; b) to complete mapping coverage within the PBC; c) to sample the coral, sediment and ambient watermass around the lander sites and; d) to sample particulate organic matter around key coral habitats. Data recorded via landers from each habitat will allow to determine the controls on habitat variability. Furthermore, this data can be used as a baseline to which later deployments at this site will be used to compare against. Completed canyon coverage will feed into a number of multiscale mapping projects including the H2020 project â Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space & Timeâ (iATLANTIC) and the SFI-, GSI- and MI-funded â Mapping, Modelling and Monitoring Key Processes and Controls on Cold Water Coral Habitats in Submarine Canyonsâ (MMMonKey_Pro) programme. Video data will be used to characterise key coral habitat within the canyon and subsequesntly, HD DEMâ s will be generated as a central dataset for the multiscale projects listed above

    Evidence of rational market valuations for home energy efficiency

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    According to this study, residential real estate markets assign to energy-efficient homes an incremental value that reflects the discounted value of annual fuel savings. The capitalization rate used by homeowners was expected to be 4%-10%, reflecting the range of after-tax mortgage interest rates during the 1990s and resulting in an incremental home value of 10toaround10 to around 25 for every $1 reduction in annual fuel bills. Regression analysis of American Housing Survey data confirms this hypothesis for national and metropolitan area samples, attached and detached housing, and detached housing subsamples using a specific fuel type as the main heating fuel

    Environmental forcing by submarine canyons: evidence between two closely situated cold-water coral mounds (Porcupine Bank Canyon and Western Porcupine Bank, NE Atlantic)

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    Within the Porcupine Bank Canyon (NE Atlantic), cold-water coral (CWC) mounds are mostly found clustered along the canyon lip, with individual disconnected mounds occurring nearby on the western Porcupine Bank. Remotely operated vehicle-mounted vibrocoring was utilized to acquire cores from both of these sites. This study is the first to employ this novel method when aiming to precisely sample two closely situated areas. Radiometric ages constrain the records from the early to mid-Holocene (9.1 to 5.6 ka BP). The cores were then subjected to 3D segmented computer tomography to capture mound formation stages. The cores were then further examined using stable isotopes and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, to constrain the paleoenvironmental variation that influenced CWC mound formation of each site. In total, mound aggradation rate in the Porcupine Bank Canyon and western Porcupine Bank was comparable to other Holocene CWC mounds situated off western Ireland. Results derived from multiproxy analysis, show that regional climatic shifts define the environmental conditions that allow positive coral mound formation. In addition, the aggradation rate of coral mounds is higher adjacent to the Porcupine Bank Canyon than on the western Porcupine Bank. Benthic foraminifera assemblages and planktic foraminiferal d13C reveal that higher quality organic matter is more readily available closer to the canyon lip. As such, we hypothesize that coral mound formation in the region is likely controlled by an interplay between enhanced shelf currents and the existence of the Eastern North Atlantic Water-Mediterranean Outflow Water-Transition Zone. The geomorphology of the canyon promotes upwelling of these water masses that are enriched in particles, including food and sediment supply. The higher availability of these particles support the development and succession of ecological hotspots along the canyon lip and adjacent areas of the seafloor. These observations provide a glimpse into the role that submarine canyons play in influencing macro and micro benthic fauna distributions and highlights the importance of their conservation

    Bacteria and Their Antibiotic Resistance Profiles in Ambient Air in Accra, Ghana, February 2020: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in ambient air. There is no published information about the presence and resistance profiles of bacteria in ambient air in Ghana. We evaluated the presence and antibiotic resistance profiles of selected bacterial, environmental and meteorological characteristics and airborne bacterial counts in 12 active air quality monitoring sites (seven roadside, two industrial and three residential) in Accra in February 2020. Roadside sites had the highest median temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and PM10 concentrations, and median airborne bacterial counts in roadside sites (115,000 CFU/m3) were higher compared with industrial (35,150 CFU/m3) and residential sites (1210 CFU/m3). Bacillus species were isolated in all samples and none were antibiotic resistant. There were, however, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas species, non-hemolytic Streptococci, Coliforms and Staphylococci species, of which six (50%) showed mono-resistance or multidrug resistance to four antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone). There was a positive correlation between PM10 concentrations and airborne bacterial counts (rs = 0.72), but no correlations were found between PM10 concentrations and the pathogenic bacteria nor their antibiotic resistance. We call for the expansion of surveillance of ambient air to other cities of Ghana to obtain nationally representative information

    Association between health and safety perceptions of COVID‐19 vaccine and its uptake in Ghana

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    Abstract Background Attitudes towards vaccines have affected COVID‐19 vaccination programs in many countries. This study sought to evaluate the effects of general perceptions on the safety and health concerns and the confidence in COVID‐19 vaccines on its uptake in Ghana. Methods A cross‐sectional online survey was conducted between January and March 2021. The outcome variables for this study were “Taking mandatory COVID‐19 vaccine” and “Taking voluntary COVID‐19 vaccine”. The data were subjected to both descriptive (frequency, percentages, and chi‐square tests) and inferential (complementary log‐log logistic regression) analyses. Results Out of 620 Ghanians who participated in the survey, about 80% of the participants believed that vaccines were good for one’s health and 73% had confidence on COVID‐19 vaccine safety; although 81% of the respondents were particularly concerned about the source of the vaccine. 79% and 71% of respondents indicated their willingness for mandatory and voluntary COVID‐19 vaccination, respectively. In all operationalized regression models, Ghanaians who believed that vaccines are healthy (OR = 1.998, Cl = 1.345–2.968; OR = 1.652, Cl = 1.050–2.601) and those who had confidence in a COVID‐19 vaccine safety (OR = 4.405, Cl = 3.136–6.188; OR = 8.340, Cl = 5.471–12.713) were more likely to take a mandatory or voluntary COVID‐19 vaccine compared to those who thought and believed otherwise. Individual preferences and/or intentions towards COVID‐19 vaccine uptake and uptake route (i.e., mandatory, voluntary) were influenced by multifaceted determinants: biosocial (age, marital status, education), socio‐cultural (religion, source of vaccine as a concern), and location (geographical zone) factors. Conclusion To consolidate and possibly increase vaccine uptake in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic in Ghana, health education and promotion programs should aim at creating awareness on the benefits of vaccine uptake while addressing the health and safety concerns on the potential side effects through evidence‐based community messaging from credible sources. It is important to show specific commitment to transparency and reliable information to build public trust by decision‐makers

    Natural Gas

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