380 research outputs found

    Gli Ungulati in Italia: status, gestione e ricerca scientifica

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    Ungulates in Italy: status, management and scientific research. Ungulates in Italy have experienced in the last decade a further increase of their distribution and, possibly, consistence. This trend has been very obvious in the central and northern part of Italy, on the contrary, in south Italy the increase of ungulates populations is quite slow if any. A partial exception is Sardinia where Sardinian red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) has been reintroduced into the four provinces of the island. In this frame the relevance of the increase of ungulates for the increase of wolves (Canis lupus) in Italy must be emphasized. Ungulates management has also experienced a general development in the last decade, even if deep differences between south and central-north Italy still persist. Well conducted reintroductions have allowed to fill many gaps in the species distribution. Ungulates hunting bags size, suggest an increased importance of ungulates in the hunting activities in Italy. Selective hunting with rifles on cervids and bovids was established in wide areas of north and central Italy, mainly as consequence of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) widespread presence. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) hunting still represents a problem for ungulate management in Italy. Almost 50% of the provinces where wild boar is hunted does not collect hunting bag statistics, and only 35% of them try to roughly estimate the consistence of the populations. The traditional dogs hunting of wild boar has expanded to areas where wild boar was recently and illegally reintroduced, as south Italy and the Alps region, and this is a serious problem for the development of a more rational and correct hunting practices. New possibilities of hunting management of red deer in central Italy, and in the future of alpine ibex (Capra ibex), are to be considered. An increase of the presence of trained wildlife managers in public administrations is suggested, as a further step in the development of a proper management of ungulates and other wildlife. Scientific research on ungulates in Italy was, in the last decade, quite uneven both in the species and in the disciplines chosen. There is a clear opportunistic approach to subjects, that often has no link with the real necessities of wildlife management. The development of long term studies is suggested, together with a more efficient coordination among scientist in the choice of the research subjects. Last but not least a more efficient founding mechanisms is needed in order to avoid money waste and to promote serious research programmes

    Ecological factors affecting Alpine chamois population recruitment: remote sensing can support adaptive management

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    The analysis of ecological factors able to affect the life history traits of ungulates is important to reveal key information on population dynamics of wild herbivores. As regard to bovids, it is often crucial for juveniles and yearlings to gain quickly body size and mass, as such growths primarily increase chance to reach re- productive maturity (i.e., an increase in the survival probability). Accordingly, we modeled a set of ecological factors accounting for the variation of Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) population recruitment through three indexes: i) the ratio kids/adult females (NK/NF), ii) the ratio yearlings/adult females (NY/NF), and iii) the yearlings eviscerated body mass (YBM). These indexes were derived respectively from block count census and from hunting records in the last 45 years in different ecological contexts in the South-West Trento province. These indexes were associated to forage quality/quantity, winter harshness, and local chamois density. In detail, we considered NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) as a proxy for the quality of Alpine meadows used by chamois in spring and summer and snow cover data belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration (NASA) remote sensing dataset (TERRA-MODIS). The reproductive success of these populations was strongly influenced both by the quality of meadows during births period (May) and by the space-time pattern of growth and maturation of Alpine pastures in spring and summer periods. Even winter harshness played an important role in this process. In particular, i) the NK/NF was positively influenced by the average quality of the grazing season previous to the births period and by the maximum NDVI value recorded in May (i.e., births period); ii) the NY/NF was negatively affected by the extent of snow cover in the first winter of kids and positively related to the average quality of the pasture in the subsequent spring and summer (i.e., the feed intake period in which individuals had to recover weight loss derived from previous winter); and iii) the YBM revealed a negative trend during the study period suggesting a difficult adaptation to climate and environmental changes taking place. Contrary to our expectations, local density was not able to influence these variables. This result may suggest that local density are not exceedingly high in the study area and therefore are not able to promote density dependent phenomena. In conclusion, these results contribute to increase the knowledge of the mechanisms underlying Alpine chamois population dynamics and give insights to plan adaptive management and conservation of this species

    L'Insegnamento della Zoologia a Sassari

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    Breve panoramica sull'insegnamento della Zoologia presso l'Università degli studi di Sassari, caratterizzato da un insieme di approcci che ne garantiscono da un lato la comletezza del processo didattico e nel contempo la possibilità di sviluppare tematiche attuali ed aggiornate di questa diciplina nelle sue diverse accezioni


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    I reperti di Vertebrati presenti nel Museo del Dipartimento di Zoologia e Genetica evoluzionistica sono poco meno di mille e sono conservati sia nella forma di esemplari naturalizzati sia mediante imbalsamazione a secco, sia all'interno di contenitori con liquido fissativo. Inoltre è presente una consistente collezione di reperti ossei riferiti sia a sistemi scheletrici interi, sia a crani o altre parti dello scheletro che rivestono un'importanza per la comprensione degli adattamenti della specie cui appartengono

    Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca del Ginnasio Gian Rinaldo Carli di Capodistria

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    Koje su, koliko ih je i u kakvom su stanju knjige iz 16. stoljeća koje se nalaze u knjižnici Gimnazije Gian Rinaldo Carli u Kopru? To su samo neka od pitanja na koja odgovaramo u ovom prilogu. Osim što se donosi precizan kataloški i fizički opis navedenih knjiga, provodi se i njihova analiza da bi se odredio povijesni i, što je još važnije, pedagoški profil. Ovaj se prilog dakle sastoji od tri dijela. Prvi dio donosi povijesni okvir knjižnice i knjiga pohranjenih u njoj, drugi se dio sastoji od analize knjiga iz 16. stoljeća prisutnih u knjižnici, a treći nudi njihov kataloški i fizički opis. Analiza se ponajprije usredotočuje na one sveske koji su obilježeni oznakom pri- padnosti, bilješkom koja označava njihovu pripadnost Collegiu/Gimnaziji ili privat- nim osobama koje su na razne načine bile vezane za instituciju i od kojih su knjige prešle knjižnici. Polazeći od tipologije knjiga koje se nalaze u knjižnici, zaključci koji su doneseni za njih primijenjeni su i na ostale te se potvrđuje da je većina imala didaktičku funkciju jer se uglavnom radi o klasičnim djelima, od filozofije do povi- jesti, retorike, politike, književnosti i obrazovnih tekstova. Ukratko, predstavljaju temeljnu jezgru iz koje će nastati knjižnica Gimnazije Gian Rinaldo Carli u Kopru.What are they, how many are there, and in what condition are the sixteenth century books found in the Library of the Gian Rinaldo Carli High School in Koper? These are some of the questions answered in this article. In addition to providing a detailed catalogued and physical description of the aforementioned books, I also analysed them in order to determine their historical, and even more importantly, their pedagogical profile. Therefore, this article consists of three parts. Firstly I pre- sent a historical outline of the library and books deposited in it, then I analyse the sixteenth century books found in the library, and finally, I provide their catalogued and physical description. The analysis focuses on the volumes which are marked by affiliation, the marking which determines that they belong to the Collegium/High School or to the private individuals who were in some way connected with the insti- tution, or from whose hands the books were passed on to the library. Beginning with the typology of the books found in the library, I apply the results to other volumes in the collection and thus confirm that most of them had didactic purpose because these are mostly classic works, from philosophy to history, rhetoric, politics, literature, and educational texts. In short, they represent the core from which the Library of the Gian Rinaldo Carli High School in Koper was created.Quali, quante e in che condizioni sono le cinquecentine che si trovano nella Biblioteca del Ginnasio Gian Rinaldo Carli di Capodistria? Queste sono solo alcune delle domande alle quali diamo una risposta esauriente in questo saggio. Oltre però a dare una puntigliosa descrizione catalografica e fisica dei suddetti libri, andiamo anche ad analizzarli per poterli poi inquadrare sotto il profilo storico e, cosa ancor più importante, sotto quello pedagogico. Tre sono quindi le parti di questo saggio. La prima offre un quadro storico della biblioteca e dei libri in essa contenuti, la seconda è costituita dall’analisi delle cinquecentine presenti e la terza invece dà una descrizione catalografica e fisica di queste ultime. L’analisi si concentra soprat- tutto sui quei volumi che presentano una nota di possesso, nota che li identifica come appartenenti al Collegio/Ginnasio o a privati che sono stati, in un modo o nell’altro, collegati con tale istituzione e dai quali i libri sono poi passati alla biblioteca. Vista la tipologia di libri presenti le conclusioni prese per tali libri sono state estese anche ai rimanenti libri ed è stato ribadito che la maggior parte di questi aveva una sua funzione didattica in quanto si tratta di opere per lo più classiche, spazianti dalla filosofia alla storia, alla retorica, alla politica, alla letteratura, a testi di erudizione. In sintesi, rappresentano quel nucleo fondamentale, dal quale poi andrà a formarsi la Biblioteca del Ginnasio Gian Rinaldo Carli di Capodistria

    A design framework for Smart Cultural Objects

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    none3openMarco, Gaiani; Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio; Berta, MartiniMarco, Gaiani; Fabrizio Ivan, Apollonio; Martini, Bert


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    The paper presents some experiments carried out as part of the virtual reconstruction of buildings just documented by partial sketches, or partially built, or no more existing, with the aim (a) to emphasize the use of a semantic construction of the digital model, not only as a means to modeling a building but as a cognitive system, (b) to show conceptual similarity between the treaties and BIM, (c) to propose new and more robust solutions to the 3D modeling from 2D drawings for CH artifacts, able to allow the verification of the assumptions used during the reconstruction pipeline, (d) to make use of interactive technical reference, typically real-time photorealistic rendering, for the visualization of three-dimensional model and of variants snapshots, managed by an iconic for illustrating the method of comparison and guided reading of model's characters of the steps taken

    Fuentes de color mejoradas para el modelado tridimensional de artefactos arqueológicos de tamaño medio localizados in situ.

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    [EN] The paper describes a color enhanced processing system - applied as case study on an artifact of the Pompeii archaeological area - developed in order to enhance different techniques for reality-based 3D models construction and visualization of archaeological artifacts. This processing allows rendering reflectance properties with perceptual fidelity on a consumer display and presents two main improvements over existing techniques: a. the color definition of the archaeological artifacts; b. the comparison between the range-based and photogrammetry-based pipelines to understand the limits of use and suitability to specific objects.[ES] El documento describe un sistema mejorado de procesamiento de color, aplicado como caso de estudio sobre un artefacto de la zona arqueológica de Pompeya. Este sistema se ha desarrollado con la finalidad de mejorar las diferentes técnicas para la construcción de modelos 3D basados sobre datos de la realidad y para la visualización de artefactos arqueológicos. Este proceso permite visualizar las propiedades de reflectancia con fidelidad perceptible en una pantalla de usuario y presenta dos mejoras principales respecto a las técnicas existentes:a. la definición del color de los artefactos arqueológicos;b. la comparación entre los flujos de trabajo basados en range-based-modeling y en fotogrametría, para entender los límites de uso y la adecuación a los objetos específicos.Apollonio, FI.; Ballabeni, M.; Gaiani, M. (2014). Color enhanced pipelines for reality-based 3D modeling of on site medium sized archeological artifacts. Virtual Archaeology Review. 5(10):59-76. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2014.4218OJS5976510AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN (2014), http://www.agisoft.ru.ALLEN P., FEINER S., et al. 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    A estrutura do design para Objetos Culturais Inteligentes

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    Nowadays cities, as well as Cultural Heritage, are facing new challenges due to the public financial straits and the increasing need to deliver innovative service to manage a wide heritage. Great expectations are in put the Smart City paradigm relying on the capability of the city to realize and scale up intangible infrastructures based on new typologies of partnerships for the development of services. The paper presents a design framework aimed to transform Cultural Items in Smart Cultural Objects (SCO), meant as sources and recipients of advanced information applied on ‘Widespread Built Cultural Heritage’. The aim has been not just to enhance the artifacts with their own quality, but their unique social, communal, anthropological and urban-infrastructural meaning. The ability to manage efficiently heterogeneous data and the levels of global connectivity, as well as the real-time interaction, perception, localization, communication, and identification, made possible by cloud computing and Internet of Things, to allow the changeover from Cultural Objects to SCO. The framework, here exposed, aims to provide an extensive and robust theoretical support to design and to manage the processes of Cultural Objects and Cultural bins, implementing a methodological system and an advanced environment based on ICT technologies for recording, storage, processing, access and presentation of Cultural Heritage (CH) data in a Smart Management environment. The framework has been applied in two projects for a prototypical case study of widespread urban CH.Keywords: cultural heritage, human smart city, co-design, internet of things, heritage management and communication.Atualmente, cidades, bem como o patrimônio cultural, estão enfrentando novos desafios devido às dificuldades financeiras públicas e à crescente necessidade de oferecer um serviço inovador para gerenciar uma grande herança. Grandes expectativas utilizam o modelo Smart City contando com a capacidade de a cidade realizar e ampliar as infraestruturas intangíveis baseadas em novas tipologias de parcerias para o desenvolvimento de serviços. O artigo apresenta uma estrutura de projeto com o objetivo de transformar os itens culturais em Objetos Culturais Inteligentes (OCIs), destinado a fontes e destinatários da informação avançada aplicada sobre “Património Cultural construída generalizada”. O objetivo é não apenas melhorar os artefatos com a sua própria qualidade, mas também o seu significado social, comunal, antropológico e urbano-de infraestrutura única. A capacidade de gerenciar de forma eficiente dados heterogêneos e os níveis de conectividade global, bem como a interação em tempo real, percepção, localização, comunicação e identificação, possibilitadas pela computação em nuvem e Internet das Coisas, permite a passagem de bens culturais para OCIs. A estrutura, aqui exposta, visa proporcionar um extenso e robusto suporte teórico para projetar e gerenciar os processos de bens culturais e caixas Culturais, implementando um sistema metodológico e um ambiente avançado com base em TIC para gravação, armazenamento, tratamento, acesso e apresentação do Patrimônio Cultural (PC) de dados em um ambiente de Gestão Inteligente. A estrutura foi aplicada em dois projetos para um estudo de caso prototípico de PC urbano generalizado.Palavras-chave: patrimônio cultural, Smart City humanizada, co-design, internet das coisas, gestão de patrimônio e comunicação

    Barking in roe deer (<i>Capreolus capreolus</i>): seasonal trends and possibile functions

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    We studied barking behaviour of roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, in an area when wolves actively prey on this species, to determine the possible functions of this signal. Our data showed that males barked more frequently than females and that males barked more often during the territorial period than outside it. Undisturbed deer that barked spontaneously, before the arrival of the observer, were significantly more likely to be male than female, while both males and females showed the same likelihood to bark in response to the presence of a human observer. When barking occurs as a result of disturbance, it may act as a "pursuit-deterrent signal" rather than to warn conspecifics of potential danger. We suggest that counterbarking also acts as a pursuit-deterrent call, since audibility is reinforced by duetting, and signals to the predator that it has been detected by the pair