110 research outputs found

    Quantum communication without alignment using multiple-qubit single-photon states

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    We propose a scheme for encoding logical qubits in a subspace protected against collective rotations around the propagation axis using the polarization and transverse spatial degrees of freedom of single photons. This encoding allows for quantum key distribution without the need of a shared reference frame. We present methods to generate entangled states of two logical qubits using present day down-conversion sources and linear optics, and show that the application of these entangled logical states to quantum information schemes allows for alignment-free tests of Bell's inequalities, quantum dense coding and quantum teleportation

    Reliable quantum certification for photonic quantum technologies

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    A major roadblock for large-scale photonic quantum technologies is the lack of practical reliable certification tools. We introduce an experimentally friendly - yet mathematically rigorous - certification test for experimental preparations of arbitrary m-mode pure Gaussian states, pure non-Gaussian states generated by linear-optical circuits with n-boson Fock-basis states as inputs, and states of these two classes subsequently post-selected with local measurements on ancillary modes. The protocol is efficient in m and the inverse post-selection success probability for all Gaussian states and all mentioned non-Gaussian states with constant n. We follow the mindset of an untrusted prover, who prepares the state, and a skeptic certifier, with classical computing and single-mode homodyne-detection capabilities only. No assumptions are made on the type of noise or capabilities of the prover. Our technique exploits an extremality-based fidelity bound whose estimation relies on non-Gaussian state nullifiers, which we introduce on the way as a byproduct result. The certification of many-mode photonic networks, as those used for photonic quantum simulations, boson samplers, and quantum metrology, is now within reach.Comment: 8 pages + 20 pages appendix, 2 figures, results generalized to scenarios with post-selection, presentation improve

    High-fidelity ion-trap quantum computing with hyperfine clock states

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    We propose the implementation of a geometric-phase gate on magnetic-field-insensitive qubits with σ^z\hat{\sigma}^z-dependent forces for trapped ion quantum computing. The force is exerted by two laser beams in a Raman configuration. Qubit-state dependency is achieved by a small frequency detuning from the virtually-excited state. Ion species with excited states of long radiative lifetimes are used to reduce the chance of a spontaneous photon emission to less than 10−8^{-8} per gate-run. This eliminates the main source of gate infidelity of previous implementations. With this scheme it seems possible to reach the fault tolerant threshold.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Scaling laws for the decay of multiqubit entanglement

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    We investigate the decay of entanglement of generalized N-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states interacting with independent reservoirs. Scaling laws for the decay of entanglement and for its finite-time extinction (sudden death) are derived for different types of reservoirs. The latter is found to increase with the number of particles. However, entanglement becomes arbitrarily small, and therefore useless as a resource, much before it completely disappears, around a time which is inversely proportional to the number of particles. We also show that the decay of multi-particle GHZ states can generate bound entangled states.Comment: Minor mistakes correcte

    Fidelity Witnesses for Fermionic Quantum Simulations

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    The experimental interest and developments in quantum spin-1/2 chains has increased uninterruptedly over the past decade. In many instances, the target quantum simulation belongs to the broader class of noninteracting fermionic models, constituting an important benchmark. In spite of this class being analytically efficiently tractable, no direct certification tool has yet been reported for it. In fact, in experiments, certification has almost exclusively relied on notions of quantum state tomography scaling very unfavorably with the system size. Here, we develop experimentally friendly fidelity witnesses for all pure fermionic Gaussian target states. Their expectation value yields a tight lower bound to the fidelity and can be measured efficiently. We derive witnesses in full generality in the Majorana-fermion representation and apply them to experimentally relevant spin-1/2 chains. Among others, we show how to efficiently certify strongly out-of-equilibrium dynamics in critical Ising chains. At the heart of the measurement scheme is a variant of importance sampling specially tailored to overlaps between covariance matrices. The method is shown to be robust against finite experimental-state infidelities

    Almost all quantum states have nonclassical correlations

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    Quantum discord quantifies non-classical correlations in a quantum system including those not captured by entanglement. Thus, only states with zero discord exhibit strictly classical correlations. We prove that these states are negligible in the whole Hilbert space: typically a state picked out at random has positive discord; and, given a state with zero discord, a generic arbitrarily small perturbation drives it to a positive-discord state. These results hold for any Hilbert-space dimension, and have direct implications on quantum computation and on the foundations of the theory of open systems. In addition, we provide a simple necessary criterion for zero quantum discord. Finally, we show that, for almost all positive-discord states, an arbitrary Markovian evolution cannot lead to a sudden, permanent vanishing of discord
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