569 research outputs found

    Multidecadal warming of Antarctic waters

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    Decadal trends in the properties of seawater adjacent to Antarctica are poorly known, and the mechanisms responsible for such changes are uncertain. Antarctic ice sheet mass loss is largely driven by ice shelf basal melt, which is influenced by ocean-ice interactions and has been correlated with Antarctic Continental Shelf Bottom Water (ASBW) temperature. We document the spatial distribution of long-term large-scale trends in temperature, salinity, and core depth over the Antarctic continental shelf and slope. Warming at the seabed in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas is linked to increased heat content and to a shoaling of the mid-depth temperature maximum over the continental slope, allowing warmer, saltier water greater access to the shelf in recent years. Regions of ASBW warming are those exhibiting increased ice shelf melt

    Impact of satellite gravity missions on glaciology and Antarctic Earth sciences

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    Satellite gravity missions in the 21st Century are expected to be beneficial to multi-disciplinary scientific objectives. Especially, the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its follow-on missions will provide not only data for precise gravity mapping but also time series of global gravity field coefficients at intervals of about 15 days to two months. These data are precise enough to reveal the temporal variations of the gravity fields due to mass redistribution in and on the Earth. From the viewpoint of Earth sciences in the Antarctic region, the data are expected to contribute to studies of ice sheet mass balance and postglacial rebound as well as other geodetic and geophysical problems. These issues have been mainly investigated based on the degree variance analyses of the gravity field so far. In this paper, we briefly review the gravity mission data from the viewpoint of along track geoid height variations which are more direct results of the mass variations, and then discuss some of the issues related to in-situ observations

    The Role of Autophagy in Maintaining Pregnancy

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    Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process in eukaryotes by which cytoplasmic cargo sequestered inside double-membrane vesicles is delivered to the lysosome for degradation. In early pregnancy, trophoblasts and the fetus experience hypoxic and low-nutrient conditions; nevertheless, extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) invade the uterine myometrium up to one-third of its depth and migrate along the lumina of spiral arterioles, replacing the maternal endothelial lining. An enhancement of autophagy induced by physiological hypoxia takes part in the invasion and vascular remodeling in EVTs. On the other hand, soluble endoglin, which increased in sera in preeclamptic cases, suppresses EVT-invasion or -vascular remodeling by inhibiting autophagy In vitro. In addition, a substance selectively degraded by autophagy, p62/SQSTM1, accumulates in EVT cells in preeclamptic placental biopsy samples showing impaired autophagy in vivo. Thus, alternation of autophagy could affect fates of mothers and babies. Recently increasing evidence of modulating autophagy has accumulated during pregnancy. In this chapter, we introduce the role of autophagy in embryogenesis, implantation, and maintaining pregnancy

    A force acting on an oblate spheroid with discontinuous surface temperature in a slightly rarefied gas

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    An oblate spheroid, the respective hemispheroids of which are kept at different uniform temperatures, placed in a rarefied gas at rest is considered. The explicit formula for the force acting on the spheroid (radiometric force) is obtained for small Knudsen numbers. This is a model of a vane of the Crookes radiometer. The analysis is performed for a general axisymmetric distribution of the surface temperature of the spheroid, allowing abrupt changes. Although the generalized slip flow theory, established by Sone (Rarefied Gas Dynamics, vol. 1, 1969, pp. 243–253), is available for general rarefied gas flows at small Knudsen numbers, it cannot be applied to the present problem because of the abrupt temperature changes. However, if it is combined with the symmetry relations for the linearized Boltzmann equation developed recently by Takata (J. Stat. Phys., vol. 136, 2009, pp. 751–784), one can bypass the difficulty. To be more specific, the force acting on the spheroid in the present problem can be generated from the solution of the adjoint problem to which the generalized slip flow theory can be applied, i.e. the problem in which the same spheroid with a uniform surface temperature is placed in a uniform flow of a rarefied gas. The analysis of the present paper follows this strategy

    Ten years\u27 progress of Syowa Station, Antarctica, as a global geodesy network site

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    Progress of geodesy programs at Syowa Station since our former review in 1933 is summarized.As for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI),Global Positioning System (GPS),and Doppler Orbitography Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellites(DORIS),Syowa Station isa participating station in an international network and hasobtained an International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)dome number.Time series of about /years show change of position by plate motion. Detection of vertical motion by glacial isostatic adjustment is still under investigation. More than 20000 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) scenes have been received from the European Remote Sensing satellite-1 and -2 (ERS-1/-2) and the Japan Earth Resources satellite-1 (JERS-1) by the Syowa 11-m multipurpose antenna. Several case studies by interferometric SAR analyses have shown characteristic features of the ice grounding zones,ice dynamics and Digital Elevation Model (DEM)estimates.As for absolute gravimeter (AG) measurements, Syowa Station is registered as the International Absolute Gravity Basestation Network (IAGBN)0417 point. Observa tionswith an FG5 gravimeter were made for two summer seasons 5 years apart, and they showed consistent results within 2μGal difference. The superconducting gravimeter (SG) observations with a TT70 (#016 ) produced many scientific results in the two streamlines of tidal bands and normal mode bands.Especially, the first evidence of incessant excitation of the Earth \u27s free oscillations (background free oscillations)is noted as an important contribution from the Syowa SG observations.The Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite will bring an important advance for the study of ice-water-air mass circulation and its interaction with the solid-earth.The local potential fields calibrated by connecting to the station observatory data should give appropriate ground-truth information for the regional-scale satellite data,which reflects the continuing important role of Syow

    A cyclonic eddy train and poleward heat transport in the Australian-Antarctic Basin

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions: [OM] Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, Thu. 5 Dec. / 2F Auditorium , National Institute of Polar Researc

    Oceanographic Data in Lutzow-Holm Bay from July 1998 to December 1998 (JARE-39)

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    Rarefied gas flows through a curved channel: Application of a diffusion-type equation

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    Rarefied gas flows through a curved two-dimensional channel, caused by a pressure or a temperature gradient, are investigated numerically by using a macroscopic equation of convection-diffusion type. The equation, which was derived systematically from the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook model of the Boltzmann equation and diffuse-reflection boundary condition in a previous paper [K. Aoki et al., “A diffusion model for rarefied flows in curved channels, ” Multiscale Model. Simul. 6, 1281 (2008)], is valid irrespective of the degree of gas rarefaction when the channel width is much shorter than the scale of variations of physical quantities and curvature along the channel. Attention is also paid to a variant of the Knudsen compressor that can produce a pressure raise by the effect of the change of channel curvature and periodic temperature distributions without any help of moving parts. In the process of analysis, the macroscopic equation is (partially) extended to the case of the ellipsoidal-statistical model of the Boltzmann equation

    Temperature, pressure, and concentration jumps for a binary mixture of vapors on a plane condensed phase: Numerical analysis of the linearized Boltzmann equation

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    The half-space problem of the temperature, pressure, and concentration jumps for a binary mixture of vapors is investigated on the basis of the linearized Boltzmann equation for hard-sphere molecules with the complete condensation condition. First, the problem is shown to be reduced to three elemental ones: the problem of the jumps caused by the net evaporation or condensation, that caused by the gradient of temperature, and that caused by the gradient of concentration. Then, the latter two are investigated numerically in the present contribution because the first problem has already been studied [Yasuda, Takata, and Aoki, Phys. Fluids 17, 047105 (2005)]. The numerical method is a finite-difference one, in which the complicated collision integrals are computed by the extension of the method proposed by Sone, Ohwada, and Aoki [Phys. Fluids A 1, 363 (1989)] to the case of a gas mixture. As a result, the behavior of the mixture is clarified not only at the level of the macroscopic quantities but also at the level of the velocity distribution function. In addition, accurate formulas of the temperature, pressure, and concentration jumps are constructed for arbitrary values of the concentration of the background reference state by the use of the Chebyshev polynomial approximation. The solution of the corresponding problem of a vapor-gas mixture and that of the temperature-jump problem on a simple solid wall are also obtained as special cases of the present problem

    Parabolic temperature profile and second-order temperature jump of a slightly rarefied gas in an unsteady two-surface problem

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    The behavior of a slightly rarefied monatomic gas between two parallel plates whose temperature grows slowly and linearly in time is investigated on the basis of the kinetic theory of gases. This problem is shown to be equivalent to a boundary-value problem of the steady linearized Boltzmann equation describing a rarefied gas subject to constant volumetric heating. The latter has been recently studied by Radtke, Hadjiconstantinou, Takata, and Aoki (RHTA) as a means of extracting the second-order temperature jump coefficient. This correspondence between the two problems gives a natural interpretation to the volumetric heating source and explains why the second-order temperature jump observed by RHTA is not covered by the general theory of slip flow for steady problems. A systematic asymptotic analysis of the time-dependent problem for small Knudsen numbers is carried out and the complete fluid-dynamic description, as well as the related half-space problems that determine the structure of the Knudsen layer and the coefficients of temperature jump, are obtained. Finally, a numerical solution is presented for both the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook model and hard-sphere molecules. The jump coefficient is also calculated by the use of a symmetry relation; excellent agreement is found with the result of the numerical computation. The asymptotic solution and associated second-order jump coefficient obtained in the present paper agree well with the results by RHTA that are obtained by a low variance stochastic method