8 research outputs found

    High Density Waves of the Bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Propagating Swarms Result in Efficient Colonization of Surfaces

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    AbstractThis work describes a new, to our knowledge, strategy of efficient colonization and community development where bacteria substantially alter their physical environment. Many bacteria move in groups, in a mode described as swarming, to colonize surfaces and form biofilms to survive external stresses, including exposure to antibiotics. One such bacterium is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for both acute and persistent infections in susceptible individuals, as exampled by those for burn victims and people with cystic fibrosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa often, but not always, forms branched tendril patterns during swarming; this phenomena occurs only when bacteria produce rhamnolipid, which is regulated by population-dependent signaling called quorum sensing. The experimental results of this work show that P. aeruginosa cells propagate as high density waves that move symmetrically as rings within swarms toward the extending tendrils. Biologically justified cell-based multiscale model simulations suggest a mechanism of wave propagation as well as a branched tendril formation at the edge of the population that depends upon competition between the changing viscosity of the bacterial liquid suspension and the liquid film boundary expansion caused by Marangoni forces. Therefore, P. aeruginosa efficiently colonizes surfaces by controlling the physical forces responsible for expansion of thin liquid film and by propagating toward the tendril tips. The model predictions of wave speed and swarm expansion rate as well as cell alignment in tendrils were confirmed experimentally. The study results suggest that P. aeruginosa responds to environmental cues on a very short timescale by actively exploiting local physical phenomena to develop communities and efficiently colonize new surfaces

    Type IV pili interactions promote intercellular association and moderate swarming of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous bacterium that survives in many environments, including as an acute and chronic pathogen in humans. Substantial evidence shows that P. aeruginosa behavior is affected by its motility, and appendages known as flagella and type IV pili (TFP) are known to confer such motility. The role these appendages play when not facilitating motility or attachment, however, is unclear. Here we discern a passive intercellular role of TFP during flagellar-mediated swarming of P. aeruginosa that does not require TFP extension or retraction. We studied swarming at the cellular level using a combination of laboratory experiments and computational simulations to explain the resultant patterns of cells imaged from in vitro swarms. Namely, we used a computational model to simulate swarming and to probe for individual cell behavior that cannot currently be otherwise measured. Our simulations showed that TFP of swarming P. aeruginosa should be distributed all over the cell and that TFP−TFP interactions between cells should be a dominant mechanism that promotes cell−cell interaction, limits lone cell movement, and slows swarm expansion. This predicted physical mechanism involving TFP was confirmed in vitro using pairwise mixtures of strains with and without TFP where cells without TFP separate from cells with TFP. While TFP slow swarm expansion, we show in vitro that TFP help alter collective motion to avoid toxic compounds such as the antibiotic carbenicillin. Thus, TFP physically affect P. aeruginosa swarming by actively promoting cell-cell association and directional collective motion within motile groups to aid their survival.National Institutes of HealthIndiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institut

    Preparation, imaging, and quantification of bacterial surface motility assays.

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    Publication fees for this article were partially sponsored by Bruker Corporation.International audienceBacterial surface motility, such as swarming, is commonly examined in the laboratory using plate assays that necessitate specific concentrations of agar and sometimes inclusion of specific nutrients in the growth medium. The preparation of such explicit media and surface growth conditions serves to provide the favorable conditions that allow not just bacterial growth but coordinated motility of bacteria over these surfaces within thin liquid films. Reproducibility of swarm plate and other surface motility plate assays can be a major challenge. Especially for more "temperate swarmers" that exhibit motility only within agar ranges of 0.4%-0.8% (wt/vol), minor changes in protocol or laboratory environment can greatly influence swarm assay results. "Wettability", or water content at the liquid-solid-air interface of these plate assays, is often a key variable to be controlled. An additional challenge in assessing swarming is how to quantify observed differences between any two (or more) experiments. Here we detail a versatile two-phase protocol to prepare and image swarm assays. We include guidelines to circumvent the challenges commonly associated with swarm assay media preparation and quantification of data from these assays. We specifically demonstrate our method using bacteria that express fluorescent or bioluminescent genetic reporters like green fluorescent protein (GFP), luciferase (lux operon), or cellular stains to enable time-lapse optical imaging. We further demonstrate the ability of our method to track competing swarming species in the same experiment


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    Many bacteria use motility described as swarming to colonize surfaces and form biofilm. Swarming motility has been shown important to biofilm formation Accompanying P. aeruginosa swarming, branched tendril patterns are often, but not always, observed (see In this paper we combine experiments with multiscale modeling to investigate a novel phenomenon of bacterial surface translocation where the development of branched tendril patterns is controlled by bacterial population and self-production of RL. To capture this biological phenomenon, we ran simulations using a multi-scale model of P. aeruginosa swarmin