24 research outputs found

    On the open secret of language *

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    Abstract Language is not inside speaking but comes forth as a consequence of dialogue and tradition

    Conversion in Turkish : an overview

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    This paper presents an overview of possible cases of conversion in Turkish. I argue that apparent cases of conversion between nouns and adjectives are cases of syntactic transposition, and apparent cases of conversion between nouns/adjectives and verbs are end products of phonological changes in the history of the language, which resulted in pairs of lexemes that are formally identical synchronically, but not historically. This does not mean that no cases of morphological conversion can be traced in the language. I will present two cases of secondary word-class conversion from derived, inflected and uninflected words to toponyms which might be taken as instances of morphological conversion or derivation by zero-affixation

    Doing language

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    In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with diffĂ©rance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language. Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations. Edition 2 includes an introduction by Per Linell, as well as minor changes suggested by Jan Anward’s close colleagues and approved by him.Cover image: Ulrika Broman: Samtal pĂ„gĂ„r. By kind permission of the artist.</p

    NĂ„gra tankar om skrivundervisning

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    SprÄkbruk och sprÄkutveckling i skolan

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    I den hĂ€r bokens tolv kapitel, skrivna mellan 1975 och 1983, utvecklar jag en teori om skolans roll i den individuella sprĂ„kutvecklingen (begrĂ€nsad till ensprĂ„kig utveckling). Boken Ă€r disponerad pĂ„ följande sĂ€tt: Första delen, som tjĂ€nar som bakgrund till resten av boken, utgörs av mitt bidrag till BasfĂ€rdigheter i svenska. Dar presenterar jag en syn pa sprĂ„kkunnande som ar bĂ„de bredare och djupare an den traditionella ordförrad-plus-grammatik-synen. Denna syn pĂ„ sprakkunnande utgör utgĂ„ngspunkten för den teori som utvecklas i del II. Andra delen bestĂ„r av fyra sammanflĂ€tade framstĂ€llningar: av sprĂ„kliga verksamheters bestĂ„ndsdelar: deltagare, Ă€mnen och relationerna dem emellan: replikvĂ€xlingar, sprĂ„kspel och genrer; av sprĂ„kliga verksamheter som helheter: en genre, en uppsĂ€ttning replikvĂ€xlingstyper (ett turtagandemönster) och en uppsĂ€ttning sprĂ„kspel (ett bidragsmönster), bestĂ€mda av verksamhetens maktstruktur, som i sin tur ar bestĂ€md av verksamhetens sociala funktioner; av sprĂ„kutveckling som en fortlöpande utvidgning av en repertoar av roller i sprĂ„kliga verksamheter; och av undervisning som sprĂ„klig verksamhet: en verksamhet vars maktstruktur, bestĂ€md av undervisningens grundlĂ€ggande sociala funktion, textreproduktion, tillĂ„ter elever att delta och bidra pĂ„ ett antal olika nivĂ„er och dĂ€rmed tenderar att reproducera deras sprĂ„kliga förkunskaper, som ihop bildar en teori om sprĂ„klig verksamhet och sprĂ„kutveckling i allmĂ€nhet och undervisning som sprĂ„klig verksamhet och medium för sprĂ„kutveckling i synnerhet. Denna del utgör ocksĂ„ den gemensamma slutrapporten för de bĂ„da SÖ-finansierade projekten "Det talade sprakets funktion i skolan" (1975-1978) och "Kommunikativ utveckling" (1979-1981). I tredje delen, slutligen, diskuterar jag hur en undervisning som inte reproducerar elevernas sprĂ„kliga förkunskaper utan istĂ€llet bidrar till att de utvidgar sina repertoarer av sprĂ„kliga roller skulle kunna se ut. Jag har fĂ„tt uppmuntran, uppslag och konstruktiv kritik frĂ„n vĂ€ldigt mĂ„nga under den tid jag har arbetat med kapitlen i den hĂ€r boken. Ett sĂ€rskilt tack vill jag rikta till Jens Allwood, Karin Dahl, Gun KĂ€llstigen, Ulf P Lundgren, Olaug Rekdal, Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Ulf Teleman och Sven Öhman

    Doing language

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    In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with diffĂ©rance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language. Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations. Edition 2 includes an introduction by Per Linell, as well as minor changes suggested by Jan Anward’s close colleagues and approved by him.Cover image: Ulrika Broman: Samtal pĂ„gĂ„r. By kind permission of the artist.</p

    Doing language

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    In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with diffĂ©rance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language. Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations. Edition 2 includes an introduction by Per Linell, as well as minor changes suggested by Jan Anward’s close colleagues and approved by him.Cover image: Ulrika Broman: Samtal pĂ„gĂ„r. By kind permission of the artist.</p

    Doing language

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    In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with différance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language. Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations.Cover image: Ulrika Broman: Samtal pÄgÄr. By kind permission of the artist.</p