82 research outputs found

    Community Empowerment in Tourism in Lake Lengkong of Panjalu, Ciamis, West Java

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    Empowerment programs in the community will be prosperous and fulfill their life needs. The development of Lake (Situ) Lengkong Panjalu tourist object that along with the development of this tourist object has had an impact on social changes in the Panjalu Village community, especially in terms of social and economic. This change is based on the empowerment program in the tourism sector planned by the Panjalu Village government. The findings in the study show that the people of Panjalu Village before the existence of one of the empowerment programs, namely efforts to improve the welfare of the village community in the field of tourism, the community's economy has not improved. It tends to be below standard because it relies on the agricultural sector, including farming and fishing. However, after a community empowerment program and making the Lake a tourist attraction, the community's economy increased because it did not rely only on the agricultural sector; the people of Panjalu Village began to prosper and reduced unemployment then their lifestyle changed. Along with the development of human civilization, there have been changes in human life. As well as the village's asset income increases as tourists continue to visit Lake Lengkong Panjalu

    Kolaborasi Pegiat Literasi Lintas Bidang sebagai Upaya Memperkuat Eksistensi Perpustakaan

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    Tujuan penelitian kali ini yaitu untuk mengetahui strategi kolaborasi di Perpustakaan Hayu Maca Cimahi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan wawancara, studi kepustakaan, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Model penelitian ini menggunakan model Collaborations as a Continuum yang dikenalkan oleh Weiber dan Erway pada tahun 2009 yang mana tahapan kontinum dapat dijadikan alat untuk mengevaluasi kolaborasi dan secara sadar kerjasama akan bergerak ke arah aktivitas yang tepat untuk ke jenjang. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang yang diwawancara, ketiganya merupakan pengurus dan mitra Perpustakaan Hayu Maca. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perumusan kolaborasi dilakukan dengan mitra untuk sama-sama menetapkan pembagian tugas ataupun menunggu arahan dari mitra. Sebelum menjalankan kontak awal dengan mitra, biasanya Hayu Maca melakukan Feasibility Study untuk menentukan apakah calon mitra yang akan bekerjasama bisa memiliki komitmen dalam melanjutkan program yang nantinya akan menjadi pertimbangan apakah program kolaborasi akan dilanjutkan atau tidak. Perpustakaan Hayu Maca juga menerapkan beberapa standar yang ditetapkan kepada para calon mitra yang akan melaksanakan kolaborasi. Standar tersebut tidak jauh dari visi dan misi Perpustakaan Hayu Maca dan setelah melaksanakan program kolaborasi selalu dilakukan evaluasi tiga tahap


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    The title of this research is the effectiveness of the implementation of mobile library (Mobile Library) in providing community reading materials (Survey on the Library in Cianjur district of West Java Province). The Regional Library research conclusions are very concerned about all the activities to develop library. The concern is related to the problem of the policy given the Regional Library for the development of library. Now the form of the policy implemented during this is give the budget each year for the implementation of mobile library, policy in the mobile library facilities and infrastructure, mobile library facilities, collection is used.Judul penelitian ini adalah efektifitas penyelenggaraan perpustakaan keliling (Mobile Library) dalam menyediakan bahan bacaan masyarakat (Survey Pada Perpustakaan Keliling Kabupaten Cianjur Propinsi Jawa Barat).  Kesimpulan penelitian Perpustakaan Daerah sangat peduli terhadap semua aktivitas untuk mengembangkan perpustakaan keliling. Kepedulian tersebut berkaitan dengan masalah kebijakan yang diberikan Perpustakaan Daerah untuk pengembangan perpustakaan keliling. Adapun bentuk dari kebijakan yang dilaksanakan selama ini adalah memberikan anggaran tiap tahun untuk penyelenggaraan perpustakaan keliling, kebijakan dalam sarana dan prasarana perpustakaan keliling, fasilitas perpustakaan keliling, koleksi yang digunakan.

    The Development Potential for Local Communities of Religious Tourists Visiting Sacred Graves

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    This study aims to analyse the impact of religious tourists’ visits to tombs of saints. It illustrates the effect of these visits on the economic development of the surrounding community. This is qualitative research with a sociological approach used to determine the public acceptance of religious tourism to sacred places such as the Tomb of the Islamic Saints in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The results show that the community has made economic use of tourists that perform pilgrimages to fulfil their psychological needs, such as peace, tranquillity, and a sense of security. Furthermore, local governments’ development of religious tourism makes it easier for visitors to access community facilities and services

    Access of Village Housewife to Information Technology in Utilizing Family Medicinal Plants - A Case Study of Leuwigoong, Garut Regency, West Java)

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    This article examines howhousewives in a rural village of West Java use information technology to get information on medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are one of the resources that have existed since ancient times, used by our ancestors to overcome health problems by using various kinds of plants. Infamily life, the housewives have a position to be responsible with health problems of the family, preventively and curatively. One way is by utilizing family medicinal plants. Today, however, information about medicinal herbs is very rare.  This paper argues that the knowledge should be developed and disseminated in the community, especially for the housewives. By using a descriptive research and a quantitative survey this study found out that the housewives have mainly accessed radio and television channels to get information on medicinal herbal plants, and not from the internet, because the latter is considered as expensive


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi promosi perpustakaan Pustakalana dalam menarik minat kunjung pemustaka. Fokus penelitian adalah bagaimana perencanaan promosi, pelaksanaan promosi, dan pengendalian promosi di perpustakaan Pustakalana. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawanacara, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi sumber yang dilakukan dengan mewawancarai narasumber ahli dalam bidang promosi perpustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa perpustakaan Pustaka-lana dalam perencanaan promosi melakukan analisis target pemustaka, analisis SWOT perpustakaan, dan menentukan tujuan promosi perpustakaan. Dari ketiga hal tersebut perpustakaan menentukan media promosi yang akan digunakan dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Pada pelaksanannya, promosi perpustakaan Pustakalana menggunakan media promosi brosur, penjualan perorangan, pemberian potongan harga, penggunaan media sosial (instagram, facebook, dan blog), kegiatan FHBA (Festival Hari Buku Anak), informasi dari mulut ke mulut, dan penjualan langsung (whatsapp dan email). Perpustakaan Pustakalana melakukan monitoring dan penilaian terhadap media promosi yang digunakan, dan hasilnya media promosi yang paling efektif adalah instagram. Kendala yang dihadapi perpustakaan Pustakalana dalam melakukan promosi adalah kekurangan sumber daya manusia, sehingga pelaksanaan beberapa kegiatan terhambat

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Mahasiswa Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Pemenuhan Pengetahuan Tentang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan

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    Research Purpose. This study aims to determine the behavior of students seeking information through social media as a fulfillment of knowledge about academics and student affairs based on the theoretical model of Carol Kuhlthau, namely the information search process. In this model the information search process is divided into 6 stages, namely the initiation stage, the selection stage, the exploration stage, the preparation stage, the collection stage and the presentation stage. Methods. The method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The population of this researcher is followers of the Instagram account @liscarehimaka as many as 525 and the sampling technique uses simple random sampling which produces a sample of 84 respondents. Data Analysis. The data analysis method used is in the form of table analysis and category calculations with interval limit formulas. Result and Discussion. The results showed that the stages in searching for student information through social media Instagram as the fulfillment of knowledge about academics and student affairs were in the high category.Keywords: Information seeking behavior, knowledge, social medi

    LITERASI INFORMASI MEDIA: Studi Kasus Manfaat Media Massa Terhadap Difusi Inovasi Pertanian di Kecamatan Singaparna Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    AbstractConseling is an advanced  activity of information dispersion aims to change the society’s attitude and behavior so as to accept and apply new ideas that have been presented. Changes in attitudes and behaviors of farmers in adopting innovation delivered is expected to improve the farmers’ ability so that the quality and quantity of production increase, which in turn help to improve their living standards. In addition, an innovation can be accepted by the society through several stages: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.Keywords: mass media, innovation diffusion, counselingAbstrakPenyuluhan merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari penyebaran informasi bertujuan untuk mengubah sikap dan perilaku masyarakat agar menerima dan menerapkan ide-ide baru yang telah disajikan. Perubahan sikap dan perilaku petani dalam mengadopsi inovasi yang disampaikan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan petani sehingga kualitas dan kuantitas peningkatan produksi, yang pada gilirannya membantu untuk meningkatkan standar hidup mereka. Selain itu, inovasi dapat diterima oleh masyarakat melalui beberapa tahap: kesadaran, minat, evaluasi, percobaan, dan adopsi.Kata kunci: media massa, difusi inovasi, konselin


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    This study aimed to gain an overview of farmers' community in rural areas about a social communication model among them who have cultivated farmland from generation to generation. The qualitative and descriptive study in a village in Garut found that there were patterns of traditional communication maintained by the majority of farmers as well as open communication patterns with absorbs the modernization of development. With social communication pattern, it is clear that there are efforts to strengthen the resilience of rural communities which are sufficient dynamic to reduce the imbalance between rural and urban areas, reduce the level of dependence of the city, increase the income of farmers, and empowerment of farmers and poor communities in rural areas
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