19 research outputs found

    Development Of Integrated-Science Material Using Four Steps Teaching Material Development

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    The aim of this study are to develop, exam the feasibility, describe the characteristic, and test the student understanding integrated science learning material for Junior High School Student. The theme are developed from volcanic eruption phenomena, which integrated earth science, physics, biology, and social science. The Research and development methode was use to develop integrated science learning material, then captioned “Belajar Sains Melalui Fenomena Erupsi Gunung Api” by Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). The steps of 4STMD are consist selection, structuring, characterization, and didactical reduction step. Based on the feasibility test, these learning material is qualified in content presetation, language, and graphic feasbility aspects. The characteristic of these learning materials describe that have easy concepts. Based on the understanding test result, the learning material is qualified on good category. It can be conclued that the learning material qualified to be used as supplement learning material of science learning

    Kelayakan E-Book Interaktif sebagai Bahan Ajar E-Learning pada Materi Elektrokimia yang Dikembangkan Melalui 4S TMD

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    ABSTRAKStudi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan e-book interaktif pada materi elektrokimia  sebaai bahan ajar e-learning yang dikembangkan dengan metode 4S TMD. Pengembangan  e-book dilakukan dengan melalui 4 tahap pada 4S TMD yaitu tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi, dan reduksi didaktik. Ada tiga kompetensi dasar yang dijadikan landasan dalam pengembangan e-book interaktif  pada materi elektrokimia yaitu KD 3.3, 3.4, dan 3.45.  E-book interaktif yang telah dikembangkan diuji kelayakannya pada guru-guru kimia SMA sebanyak 10 orang. Instrument uji kelayakan dikembangkan berdasarkan dari kriteria yang disampaikan oleh BSNP yaitu menilai kelayakan pada aspek isi, kelayakan kebahasaan, kelayakan penyajian, dan kelayakan kegrafikan. Hasil uji kelayakan pada aspek isi masih tergolong kurang layak pada bagian pada pengembangan wawasan kebhinekaan. Bagian ini membahas tentang kaitan bahan ajar terhadap nilai religius. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan secara umum diperoleh informasi bahwa e-book interaktif dikatakan layak digunakan dalam mempelajari mata pelajaran elektrokimia.Kata kunci : Kelayakan, E-book interaktif, E-learning,  4S TMD ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the feasibility of an interactive e-book on electrochemistry as an e-learning teaching material developed using the 4S TMD method. The development of the e-book is carried out through 4 stages in the 4S TMD, namely the selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction stages. Three basic competencies are used as the basis for developing interactive e-books on electrochemistry, namely Basic Competencies 3.3, 3.4, and 3.45. The interactive e-book that has been developed is tested for feasibility on 10 high school chemistry teachers. The feasibility test instrument was developed based on the criteria submitted by the National Education Standards Agency, namely assessing the feasibility of the content aspect, linguistic feasibility, presentation feasibility, and graphic feasibility. The results of the feasibility test on the content aspect are still classified as inadequate in the section on developing insight into diversity. This section discusses the relation of teaching materials to religious values. Based on the results of the feasibility test in general, information is obtained that interactive e-books are said to be suitable for use in studying electrochemistry subjects.Keywords: Validity, Iinteraktif E-Book, E-learning,  4S TM

    A Systematic Literature Review : Content and Pedagogy That Developed in Chemistry Teaching and Learning Materials at Secondary School

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    To improve the efficacy of chemistry teaching and learning in secondary schools, the development of relevant and contextual teacing material is essential. The development of teaching and learning materials is one of the considerable research carried out, especially in the development of chemistry teaching and learning materials for secondary school which is conducted to support an improvement in learning process. This study aims to analyzed contexts of content and pedagogy in the development of chemistry teaching and learning materials. The research method used was a systematic literature review. Employing a systematic literature review method, this study analyzed 51 articles selected from 2015 to 2021 based on keyword “development of chemistry teaching and learning materials in secondary school”. The findings show that  context of content and pedagogy that had been used in developing chemistry teaching and learning  materials is varied. However, there are certain content in chemistry that oft to developed such as acid-base, chemical equilibrium and colloid, meanwhile context of pedagogy that oft to used in developing chemistry teaching and learning materials  are Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Problem based learning (PBL). Under this literature reviev results, The researcher recommend the continuity the development on chemistry teaching and learning materials not only in content acid-base or chemical equilibrium but also in others that integrated the development to pedagody approches supporting 21st century skills (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity)


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    Abstrak: Penerapan pembelajaran kontekstual telah menjadi tren dominan dalam pendidikan di berbagai negara. Metode pembelajaran ini telah berkembang dengan beragam pendekatan yang menekankan kerjasama lintas disiplin, domain, dan wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi peneliti dan pendidik dalam Pendidikan Sains dengan melakukan analisis bibliometrik global tentang pembelajaran kontekstual, menggunakan karakteristik publikasi sebagai dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis bibliometrik dengan mengambil database Scopus dan berhasil mengumpulkan 782 artikel yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2010 hingga 2022. Analisis bibliometrik yang dilakukan menggunakan alat seperti VOSviewer dan Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bialocerkowski, A. dan Olson R., adalah penulis yang paling banyak dikutip dalam penelitian tentang pembelajaran kontekstual dalam Pendidikan Sains. Artikel yang paling banyak dikutip adalah "Interprofessional Education in Allied Health: A Systematic Review". Berdasarkan peta kolaborasi antar negara, Amerika Serikat tampaknya menjadi pusat kolaborasi paling signifikan dalam penelitian tentang pembelajaran kontekstual dalam Pendidikan Sains. Selain itu, jurnal "Journal of Research in Science Teaching" terlihat menonjol dalam publikasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual dalam Pendidikan Sains, berdasarkan jumlah kutipan dan kuartil (Q1). Studi bibliometrik ini juga menemukan korelasi antara kata kunci yang digunakan oleh penulis, antara lain "Pendidikan Profesional", "Pendidikan Sains", "Pendidikan", "Konteks", dan "Pembelajaran Kontekstual". Temuan-temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya penelitian multidisiplin dan interdisiplin dalam memahami pembelajaran kontekstual dalam konteks pendidikan dan mengadvokasi untuk memasukkan konteks geografis yang lebih luas dalam penelitian tentang pembelajaran kontekstual.Abstract:  Implementing contextual learning has become a dominant trend in education across various countries. This learning method has evolved with diverse approaches emphasizing collaboration across disciplines, domains, and regions. This research aims to contribute significantly to researchers and educators in Science Education by conducting a global bibliometric analysis of contextual learning, using publication characteristics as the basis. This research uses bibliometric analysis method by taking the Scopus database and successfully collecting 782 articles published from 2010 to 2022. Bibliometric analysis is conducted using tools such as VOSviewer and Microsoft Excel. The analysis results show that Bialocerkowski, A. and Olson, R., is the most cited author in research on contextual learning in Science Education. The most cited article is "Interprofessional Education in Allied Health: A Systematic Review". Based on the map of collaboration between countries, the United States appears to be the most significant center for collaboration in research on contextual learning in Science Education. Furthermore, the journal "Journal of Research in Science Teaching" stands out in the publication of Contextual Learning in Science Education, based on the number of citations and quartile (Q1). This bibliometric study also found a correlation between the keywords used by authors, including "Professional Education," "Science Education," "Education," "Context," and "Contextual Learning". These findings highlight the importance of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in understanding contextual learning in the educational context and advocating for including broader geographic contexts in research on contextual learning

    Feasibility Analysis of Thermochemistry Senior High School Chemistry Textbook Based on Criteria of Four Steps Teaching Material Development Method

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    This study was conducted to analysis properness of thermochemistry teaching material in chemistry school textbook which is used in most SMA/MA in Kota Bandung based on criteria of selection stage of Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD) method. The type of research is evaluative research by content analysis method. There are three criteria in the selection process of 4STMD method. First is conformity with the curriculum, it is known that object of research is not yet fully in accordance with the demands of the Curriculum. In terms of material broadness, there are four concepts required by the curriculum that are not included in the teaching material, so that the teaching material is less broad. In addition, there are six concepts that are not required by the curriculum, but included in the material, so that the material is too broad. Thus, in general, the material broadness is not in accordance with the demands of the Curriculum. Meanwhile, in terms of concepts depth, from 31 concepts demanded by the curriculum, 18 concepts are less deep and three concepts are too deep. Based on second criteria, that is scientific correctness of the concepts, it is known that there are two concepts that are not scientifically correct according to references from international general chemistry textbooks and books published by IUPAC. Based on the third criterion, namely the cultivation of pedagogical context, it is known that the values and skill embedded in the material are religious values, creativity, curiosity, respect for achievement, responsibility, reading-interested, discipline, and environmental car

    Efforts to Develop Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Chemistry Learning: Systematic Literature Review

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    This article examines the efforts that can be made to develop students' critical thinking (CT) skills through chemistry learning. The method used in this study is the systematic literature review method, which consists of three stages: planning, conducting, and reporting. The planning stage is the stage of determining the topic, formulating the problem, and determining the criteria for the article to be used as a reference source. The conducting stage is the implementation stage of the systematic literature review and the reporting stage is the stage of writing systematic literature review articles. Based on the results of studies that have been conducted on 24 articles, it can be concluded that the learning model most widely used to develop students' CT skills in chemistry learning is project-based learning (PjBL). Other efforts made include implementing problem-based learning (PBL) models, guided inquiry, inquiry, predict observe explain (POE), REACT, the local culture-based 7E learning cycle, the ethnoscience-based chemistry learning model (MPKBE), and creative problem solving (CPS). The study's results also found that the characteristics of learning to develop students' CT skills in chemistry learning were using problems in everyday life (contextual) as motivation or stimulus and applying local wisdom-oriented learning

    Integrasi Bahan Ajar IPA Menggunakan Model Robin Fogarty Untuk Proses Pembelajaran IPA di SMP

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    Penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan literatur tentang integrasi dari bahan ajar IPA menggunakan model Robin Fogarty yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA di SMP. Bahan ajar adalah segala bentuk bahan berupa seperangkat materi yang disusun secara sistematis yang digunakan untuk membantu guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran dan kemungkinan siswa untuk belajar. Menurut Robin Fogarty terdapat 10 model pembelajaran terpadu yaitu model terpisah (fragmented), keterkaitan/keterhubungan (connected), berbentuk sarang (nested), dalam satu rangkaian (sequenced), terbagi (shared), bentuk jaring laba- laba (webbed), dalam satu alur (threaded), terpadu (integrated), tenggelam (immersed), membentuk jejaring (networked). Model pembelajaran terpadu dari Robin Fogarty ini diterapkan dalam pengembangan bahan ajar IPA. Penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar IPA menyertakan tipe keterpaduan yang digunakan. Ada banyak tema, metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan bahan ajar IPA. Ada juga yang mengembangkan bahan ajar IPA dalam satu topik saja.  Dengan demikian dihasilkan bahan ajar IPA dengan berbagai macam model keterpaduan sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran IPA terpadu di SMP/ MTs.

    Design of a Microcontroller-based Hydrostatic Pressure Experiment Tool in Science Education

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    This study aims to create a microcontroller-based hydrostatic pressure experiment tool in science education. The digital system makes the tools used more effective and time-efficient. The digital system used in this tool consists of a microcontroller, digital display (LCD), and the MS5637 Barometer sensor. This series of tools processes digital data into hydrostatic pressure, displayed on the LCD. The method used in this study is following Archimedes' principle. The independent variable in this study is the depth of the funnel thrust into the measuring cup, while the dependent variable is the hydrostatic pressure displayed on the LCD. The results showed that the hydrostatic pressure valuesobtained were close to theoretical calculations. Then, the r-squared result between Δh of water and hydrostatic pressure through experiments with a microcontroller (Arduino) is 0.9981. This value is good enough to show the proportion or percentage of hydrostatic pressure affected by Δh of water. Thus, experiments using this tool are quite effective in science learning

    Penerapan Nilai-nilai Berkelanjutan dalam Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim: Sebuah Kajian Epistemologi dan Aksiologi

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    This research aims to examine the integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) values in climate change education (CCE) (CCESD) from an epistemological perspective, namely focusing on history and the development of those knowledges; and an axiological perspective, namely the values that build it. The research was carried out qualitatively using a literature study method, where all documents used as data sources were reading material that discussed "education for sustainable development", "climate change education", "epistemology", and "axiology". The results of the study show that ESD and CCE grow together from human anxiety about an uncertain future due to various problems with long-term impacts, such as climate change. Therefore, both aim to form a prosperous society and intergenerational justice. The two main characteristics of ESD values integrated in CCE are interdisciplinary integration and temporal connection between the past, present and future. In teaching ESD in CCE or CCESD, it is recommended to emphasize some key competencies of ESD: systems thinking competency, critical thinking competency, collaborative competency, integrative problem-solving competency, and anticipatory competency. &nbsp


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    Analisis Kelayakan Buku Teks Kimia SMA/Ma Kelas X Materi Reaksi Redoks Berdasarkan Kriteria Tahap Seleksi 4S TMD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan materi reaksi redoks dalam buku teks yang digunakan di sebagian besar SMA/MA di Kota Bandung berdasarkan kriteria tahap seleksi dari 4S TMD. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian evaluatif dengan metode analisis konten. Terdapat tiga kriteria tahap seleksi dari 4S TMD. Kriteria pertama adalah kesesuaian dengan tuntutan kurikulum, hasilnya memperlihatkan bahwa materi redoks pada objek penelitian belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum 2013. Ditinjau dari keluasan materi, terdapat satu konsep yang tidak dituntut oleh kurikulum, tetapi dimuat pada materi di buku tersebut sehingga materi terlalu luas. Dengan demikian, secara umum keluasan materi belum sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum 2013. Ditinjau dari kedalaman konsep, dari 11 konsep tuntutan kurikulum, tiga konsep dinyatakan kurang dalam dalam menjelaskan konsepnya dan satu konsep dinyatakan terlalu dalam. Berdasarkan kriteria kedua, yaitu kebenaran konsep, diketahui bahwa secara keseluruhan semua konsep dinyatakan benar secara keilmuan menurut teks (konsep) standar kimia. Berdasarkan kriteria ketiga, yaitu penanaman nilai, diperoleh bahwa nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan pada materi redoks pada buku tersebut yaitu rasa ingin tahu, religius, kreatif, dan jujur