580 research outputs found


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    Membaca menjadi bagian penting untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Tetapi, ketertarikan masyarakat untuk membaca masih rendah. Berdasarkan Data UNESCO (januari 2020) disebutkan bahwa literasi dan minat baca masyarakat Indonesia hanya mencapai 0,001 persen. Banyak factor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya minimnya minat membaca. Salah satunya adalah fasilitas yang kurang representatif digunakan untuk membaca. Problem tersebut juga terjadi di Dusun Sukoyuwono Desa Palaan Kecamatan Ngajum Kabupaten Malang. Di dusun tersebut terdapat ruang baca yang tidak tertata rapi, desain ruang yang kurang tepat dan terkesan berantakan serta sempit. Oleh karena itu, dalam pengabdian ini mengupayakan redesain ruang baca Desa di Dusun Sukoyuwono agar masyarakat tertarik untuk berkunjung dan mendapatkan kenyamanan ketika membaca buku di ruang baca tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah kualitatif melalui teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah terciptanya rancangan desain interior taman baca dengan empat konsep, yaitu Scandinavian, simple, ekologi dan ergonomis. Desain yang dibuat menyesuaikan dengan bentuk ruang baca dan pemberian kenyamanan pada kegiatan membaca di ruang tersebut


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    We as Muslims are required to learn what is contained in the Qur'an not only that wealso have to be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. However, with thepassage of time, many people today are memorizing the Qur'an, such as the exampleof MA Nurul Ulum who programmed the extracurricular tahfidzul qur'an. So studentswho wish to take extracurricular activities are welcome and not required for studentswho want to study there. The researcher formulates the problem, namely how toimplement tahfidzul qur'an extracurricular and what are the supporting andinhibiting factors for tahfidzul qur'an extracurricular at MA Nurul Ulum. The purposeof this study was to describe how the implementation of tahfidzul qur'anextracurricular and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of tahfidzulqur'an extracurricular at MA Nurul Ulum. In this study, researchers used qualitativeresearch methods. This study uses several data collection techniques, namelyinterviews, observation and documentation. Based on interviews, observations andalso documentation, it has been found that the implementation of the extracurriculartahfidz Al-Qur'an is carried out well

    Empowering poor women through entrepreneurship development towards a creative economy (case study of duck farming, Sumber Rejeki, Lamongan regency)

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    From the economic aspect, women have an unfavorable position. Women are considered powerless because they are considered one eye. Poverty and women are things that are difficult to separate because poverty is often depicted with women's faces. So, it is necessary to optimize the development of entrepreneurship towards a creative economy that starts with efforts to optimize creativity based on women's empowerment so that they can increase economic independence. This research belongs to the type of descriptive qualitative research and field research, namely Sumber Rejeki Duck Farm, Tawangrejo Village, Turi District, Lamongan Regency. Data were collected through observation, interviews and focus group discussions in stages. Determination of sources of information (informants) in this study is purposive sampling with the snowball method. then the data were analyzed using the interactive analysis technique of Milles and Huberman . The results of this study are the empowerment of poor women is carried out through (1) guidance from the Lamongan Regency government in the form of the Lamongan Rural-Based Rural-Based People's Economic Movement Program (Gerlap). (2) the existence of the Sumber Rejeki Women Livestock Cooperative as a new economic institution in Tawangrejo Village and training from the relevant livestock service regarding natural resources supporting the fulfillment of duck feed and marketing networks

    Splenic tuberculosis presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin

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    We report a case of a previously healthy 38-year old lady who presented with prolonged fever and hepatosplenomegaly. Intensive investigations were performed for pyrexia of unknown origin which revealed negative. CT scan of the abdomen showed multiple hypodense lesions which did not respond to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Percutaneous biopsy of the splenic lesion revealed granuloma formation and Langhan's giant cells suggestive of TB. She responded well with anti- TB medication but required extended treatment duration of 24 months due to persistence of the splenic lesion on repeated CT scans. This case illustrates a very rare clinical entity of isolated splenic TB with a therapeutic dilemma following incomplete resolution, despite prolonged treatment

    Radiative and magnetohydrodynamics flow of third grade viscoelastic fluid past an isothermal inverted cone in the presence of heat generation/absorption

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    A mathematical analysis is presented to investigate the nonlinear, isothermal, steady-state, free convection boundary layer flow of an incompressible third grade viscoelastic fluid past an isothermal inverted cone in the presence of magnetohydrodynamic, thermal radiation and heat generation/absorption. The transformed conservation equations for linear momentum, heat and mass are solved numerically subject to the realistic boundary conditions using the second-order accurate implicit finite-difference Keller Box Method. The numerical code is validated with previous studies. Detailed interpretation of the computations is included. The present simulations are of interest in chemical engineering systems and solvent and low-density polymer materials processing

    Antibodies Against Human BLyS and APRIL Attenuate EAE Development in Marmoset Monkeys

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    B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS, also indicated as BAFF (B-cell activating factor) and CD257), and A Proliferation Inducing Ligand (APRIL, CD256) are two members of the TNF superfamily with a central role in B cell survival. Antibodies against these factors have potential therapeutic relevance in autoimmune inflammatory disorders with a proven pathogenic contribution of B cells, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). In the current study we performed a multi-parameter efficacy comparison of monoclonal antibodies against human anti-BLyS and anti-APRIL in a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). A MS-like disease was induced by immunization with recombinant human myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (rhMOG) in complete Freund's adjuvant. The results show that the anti-BLyS and anti-APRIL antibody cause significant depletion of circulating CD20+ B cells, but a small subset of CD20 + CD40highB cells was not depleted. Induction of CD20+ B cell depletion from lymph nodes was only observed in the anti-BLyS treated monkeys. Both antibodies had a significant inhibitory effect on disease development, but all monkeys developed clinically evident EAE. Anti-BLyS treated monkeys were sacrificed with the same clinical signs as saline-treated monkeys, but nevertheless displayed significantly reduced spinal cord demyelination. This effect was not observed in the anti-APRIL treated monkeys. The two antibodies had a different effect on T cell subset activation and the profiles of ex vivo released cytokines. In conclusion, treatment with anti-BLyS and anti-APRIL delays the development of neurological disease in a relevant preclinical model of MS. The two mAbs achieve this effect via different mechanisms

    The GPI Anchor Signal Sequence Dictates the Folding and Functionality of the Als5 Adhesin from Candida albicans

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    Background: Proteins destined to be Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored are translocated into the ER lumen completely before the C-terminal GPI anchor attachment signal sequence (SS) is removed by the GPI-transamidase and replaced by a pre-formed GPI anchor precursor. Does the SS have a role in dictating the conformation and function of the protein as well? Methodology/Principal Findings: We generated two variants of the Als5 protein without and with the SS in order to address the above question. Using a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques, we show that in the case of Als5, an adhesin of C. albicans, the C-terminal deletion of 20 amino acids (SS) results in a significant alteration in conformation and function of the mature protein. Conclusions/Significance: We propose that the locking of the conformation of the precursor protein in an alternate conformation from that of the mature protein is one probable strategy employed by the cell to control the behaviour an

    Modulations of cell cycle checkpoints during HCV associated disease

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    Background Impaired proliferation of hepatocytes has been reported in chronic Hepatitis C virus infection. Considering the fundamental role played by cell cycle proteins in controlling cell proliferation, altered regulation of these proteins could significantly contribute to HCV disease progression and subsequent hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This study aimed to identify the alterations in cell cycle genes expression with respect to early and advanced disease of chronic HCV infection. Methods Using freshly frozen liver biopsies, mRNA levels of 84 cell cycle genes in pooled RNA samples from patients with early or advanced fibrosis of chronic HCV infection were studied. To associate mRNA levels with respective protein levels, four genes (p27, p15, KNTC1 and MAD2L1) with significant changes in mRNA levels (\u3e 2-fold, p-value \u3c 0.05) were selected, and their protein expressions were examined in the liver biopsies of 38 chronic hepatitis C patients. Results In the early fibrosis group, increased mRNA levels of cell proliferation genes as well as cell cycle inhibitor genes were observed. In the advanced fibrosis group, DNA damage response genes were up-regulated while those associated with chromosomal stability were down-regulated. Increased expression of CDK inhibitor protein p27 was consistent with its mRNA level detected in early group while the same was found to be negatively associated with liver fibrosis. CDK inhibitor protein p15 was highly expressed in both early and advanced group, but showed no correlation with fibrosis. Among the mitotic checkpoint regulators, expression of KNTC1 was significantly reduced in advanced group while MAD2L1 showed a non-significant decrease. Conclusion Collectively these results are suggestive of a disrupted cell cycle regulation in HCV-infected liver. The information presented here highlights the potential of identified proteins as predictive factors to identify patients with high risk of cell transformation and HCC development

    Surgical treatment of zygomatic bone fracture using two points fixation versus three point fixation-a randomised prospective clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The zygoma plays an important role in the facial contour for both cosmetic and functional reasons; therefore zygomatic bone injuries should be properly diagnosed and adequately treated. Comparison of various surgical approaches and their complications can only be done objectively using outcome measurements which in turn require protocol management and long-term follow up. The preference for open reduction and internal fixation of zygomatic fractures at three points has continued to grow in response to observations of inadequate results from two point and one point fixation techniques.</p> <p>The objectives of this study were to compare the efficacy of zygomatic bone after treatment with ORIF using 2 point fixation and ORIF using 3 point fixation and compare the outcome of two procedures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>100 patients were randomly divided equally into two groups. In group A, 50 patients were treated by ORIF using two point fixation by miniplates and in group B, 50 patients were treated by ORIF using three point fixation by miniplates. They were evaluated for their complications during and after surgery with their advantages and disadvantages and the difference between the two groups was observed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 100 fractures were sustained. We found that postoperative complication like decreased malar height and vertical dystopia was more common in those patients who were treated by two point fixation than those who were treated with three point fixation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on this study open reduction and internal fixation using three point fixation by miniplates is the best available method for the treatment zygomatic bone fractures.</p
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