24 research outputs found

    Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Perbedaan Sudut Kemiringan Terhadap Temperatur Onset Termoakustik Generator Gelombang Berdiri

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    Thermoacoustic generator ia one of energy conversion device that change thermal energy to acoustic form energy. This device can get many beneficial of thermal energy which banned and not be used again from industry, devices of the hospitals, geothermal, and solar energy. The device consist or two type, standing wave and traveling wave. In the research used a standing wave thermoacoustic generator because of the cost is relatively cheaper and the construction is easy to set than traveling wave type. Onset temperature is one of the most important parameter in thermoacoustic generator to be researched. In that aplication, onset temperature can representated how many the performance of this device, if seen by input energy used the system of the thermoacustic generator. Decreasing onset temperature could make  decrease of thermal energy used to generator. Beside stack and resonator length, the other parameter that more important to research is tilted angles. In this researched would be done researched with variation of tilted angles -90º, 0º, dan 90º. It would be found the effective tilted angle used, the performance was presented by the least onset temperature. The result was the tilted angle decreased when the onset temperature decreased too. If seen by the input energy, the best performance of thermoacoustic generator is on 90o tilted angle

    Analysis of Maneuvering Speed of a Passenger Ship Scalability Prototype with a Remote-Control System

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    They are using a passenger ship prototype as an experiment in control systems. Ship prototype control system with remote control. For this reason, research was carried out on the workings of ship prototypes, maneuver speed, long distance to the ship, and battery capacity expiration time. For this reason, research was carried out on how the prototype ship worked, the maneuvering speed, the remote reach distance to the boat, and the time the battery capacity would run out. The research was conducted using a rope, stopwatch, arc ruler, and test object. Using this tool, the results of the ship's speed when maneuvering at a predetermined angle, the maximum range of remote distance to the boat, and the length of time the battery capacity will run out. The research results tested on the remote control (RC) prototype ship showed the highest maneuvering speed at an angle of 90 degrees, which is 0.407 m/s, and the lowest rate at an angle of 180 degrees, 0.376 m/s. With this, it can be concluded that the smaller the angle of maneuver, the faster the speed of the ship to maneuver, and the greater the grade of the scheme, the slower the rate. Furthermore, the farther the remote control operating distance is from the battery speed, the faster the battery capacity will run out, and the closer the ship's rotational variation distance, the more the battery capacity will run out


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    KONTRIBUSI PRESTASI BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA, FISIKA, DAN KIMIA TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN KEJURUAN TEKNIK KENDARAAN RINGAN DI SMK PIRI SLEMAN OLEH : RINASA AGISTYA ANUGRAH NIM. 09504241012 ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Matematika, Fisika, dan Kimia terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan pada program studi Teknik Kendaraan Ringan di SMK Piri Sleman. Penelitian ini berusaha menyelidiki kontribusi antara beberapa variabel, yakni; prestasi belajar Matematika, Fisika, dan Kimia sebagai variabel independen/bebas; dengan variabel prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan sebagai variabel dependen/terikat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif asosiatif, karena menyelidiki kontribusi antara variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat. Selain itu penelitian ini bersifat ex post facto yaitu penelitian yang mana peneliti tidak mengendalikan variabel bebas dan terikat secara langsung karena perwujudan variabel tersebut telah terjadi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Piri Sleman pada bulan Maret 2014 sampai dengan April 2014. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas Xl tahun ajaran 2012-2013 Program Studi Teknik Kendaraan Ringan di SMK Piri Sleman dengan jumlah 34 siswa. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi dalam penelitian ini disebabkan karena populasi hanya berjumlah 34 siswa. Sampling yang digunakan untuk mengambil seluruh populasi sebagai sampel adalah teknik nonprobability sampling yang termasuk kategori purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah korelasi Kendall’s Tau. Hasil uji hipotesis ditunjukan oleh hasil koefisien korelasi


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    The purpose of the KKN PPM Community Service program is to help increase the economic value of the community from the sale of Batik eco print. From mapping outcomes, it expects that newcomers will know the layout of the Jelapan, and to improve the quality of education and education in the community, especially children from the KKN teaching program. The problem with Mitra is that residents are not familiar with eco print batik, do not yet have a picture of its packaging and marketing mechanisms. Residents of Jelapan also have not received education about mapping the hamlet, which is very useful.  The solutions offered to solve these problems are 1) the socialization of natural resource utilization programs held in the Jelapan; the outcome of this socialization activity is the understanding and awareness of residents about the use of natural resources into artistic-valued and selling products, so that citizens, especially mothers and young women in the Jelapan can fill time with useful activities that increase income; 2) organized training and assistance in making eco print batik, the outputs of this activity are residents, especially women and young women able to make batik using eco print techniques, 3) training and marketing assistance provided for eco print batik, the outcome is citizens can market and sell batik products eco print, 4) hamlet mapping formed, the result of this activity was a hamlet mapping that would be useful for various activities; 5) learning assistance held for PAUD, TK, and TPA children. It consists of 10 students from different study programs; for 1.5 months, there are activities

    Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Kemiringan terhadap Temperatur Onset Termoakustik Generator Gelombang Berdiri dengan Panjang Resonator 780 mm

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    Onset temperature is one of the most important parameters in thermoacoustic generator to be researched. In that application, onset temperature can representated how many the performance of this device, if seen by input energy, used the system of the thermoacoustic generator. Decreasing onset temperature so decreases the energy that used to generate acoustic energy in thermoacoustic generator. In this researched would be done research of variation of tilted angles -90º, 0º, dan 90º with constant 780 mm of resonator length. The method used two thermocouples installed between the stack side to measure temperature of HHX and CHX, and the ΔT called onset temperature. It would be found the effective tilted angle that used, so the performance is on the best value represented by the least onset temperature. The result is when the tilted angle decrease so the onset temperature became decreased too. In this research, if seen by the input energy, the best performance of thermoacoustic generator is on -90º of tilted angle

    Pengaruh Variasi Suhu pada Aerator 10 Watt dengan Panel Surya 80 WP Terhadap Kandungan Oksigen Terlarut

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    The fulfillment of energy for humans and animals is increasing day by day. This is evidenced by the fulfillment of electricity needs. This need is ab basic need, where humans and animals need electricity consumption 24 hours a day. So that renewable energy is needed with solar power generation for 12 hours of electricity. This research is focused on fulfilling electricity consumption in nile tilapia fish with 80 WP slar panels and 10 watt aerator power. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, the temperature in the water and the temperature in the surrounding environment. This research method uses a direct observation of dissolved oxygen with a predetermined data collection time using a dissolved oxygen measuring instrument that can be used in water. The result of this study indicate that the dissolved oxygen content produced is 14.61 mg/l with a thermal in water of 26.30C and thermal environment of around 280C

    Pengolahan Limbah Jagung untuk Pakan Ternak

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    Corn is one of the main agricultural plant commodities in Gunung Kidul regency especially Saptosari village because this area has high result potential and production of corn. That high potential is in line with its high waste produced such as its leaves, stalks, cobs, and husks. To date, the leaves and stalks are corn wastes that have been used as fresh cattle feed, while the cobs are only thrown away or burnt. In fact, all corn wastes can be used as dry cattle feed that can be stored. The potential to process corn waste is important by noting the number of cattle in Saptosari village and Gunung Kidul regency in general to meet the high demand of cattle feed. This type of cattle feed is very needed in dry season due to the shortage of fresh cattle feed. As a result, there is a need to have a society empowerment activity in Saptosari village especially in Tukuk hamlet aimed at developing the society’s skills to process corn waste into cattle feed. The method of empowerment activity was done in stages that include socialization, training, and waste processing practicum. The success of society empowerment activity that was implemented is shown by the increasing knowledge and skills of the society in processing the corn waste into cattle feed. The most significant finding is that the society is very enthusiastic in processing the corn waste into cattle feed shown by self-procurement of corn waste crusher machine

    Rancang Bangun Alat Cetak Briket Berbahan Dasar Kotoran Sapi

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    Kotoran ternak dapat dimanfaatkan untuk sesuatu yang lebih berharga seperti pupuk organik dan energi alternatif. Kotoran ternak termasuk kotoran sapi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pembuatan briket. Pembriketan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam pemanfaatan kotoran ternak. Untuk membuat briket diperlukan alat pencetak manual yang dapat dioperasikan oleh satu orang. Penelitian dimulai dengan perancangan alat menggunakan Software Autodesk Invertor Profesional 2015. Tujuan perancangan ini supaya dihasilkan alat pencetak briket yang praktis dan sederhana namun tetap kuat menopang daya tekan operator. Alat pencetak briket ini memiliki bentuk yang simple dan mudah dipindah dan tidak memakan banyak tempat. Setelah alat cetak briket selesai dirancang kemudian dilanjutkan pada tahap pembuatan alat tersebut.  Dimulai dari memotong bahan, mengelas kemudian merakit semua bagian-bagian. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian fungsional dan dilanjutkan ke proses pembuatan briket. Alat cetak briket manual ini dapat menghasilkan 4 buah briket silinder dengan waktu 25 detik/cetakan dan dapat menghasilkan 28,48 kg briket per jam. Kadar air pada briket-briket tersebut adalah sebesar 25,4%. Selain itu alat pencetak briket ini memiliki dimensi ukuran tinggi 40 cm panjang 25 cm dan lebar 15 cm, dengan begitu alat ini mudah di pindah-pindah

    Delta EC Simulation on Influence of Resonator Length in Close-Open Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Engine

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    Many applications of thermoacoustic engines in engineering. With its pressure of it, the energy can be harvested and can be converted to many other needs of energies like electrical energy. Energy in thermal form is converted to become acoustic energy and subsequently used to activate a bidirectional turbine. The resonator is very influential toward the power of the thermoacoustic engines. Simulation study with Delta EC fit to make predictions acoustic power as representative performance in thermoacoustic engine with close-open type and standing wave of oscillation. In this study, the material of the resonator is made from a stainless-steel duct with a diameter size of 50.8 mm with three variations of the length. The Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Engine (SWTE) generates acoustic energy from a temperature gradient of 315 – 993 K. In this simulation, Acoustic Power decreased when the resonator length was extended. The shortest resonator had an acoustic power of 50.4 W, and the longest resonator had an acoustic power of 35.7 W


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    The government provides full support and facilities for UMKM in Wates Village, Kulon Progo Regency, to develop their business. The use of information technology is considered appropriate to be used as a solution in the marketing of the product. The purpose of this activity is to expand product marketing and create attractive packaging. The method was used is to provide counseling and training on product packaging and digital marketing. Marketing is the spearhead of a business, so it needs to be improved by utilizing existing technology or marketplaces. This activity shows that UMKM people more understand how to apply attractive packaging and used social media to support online marketing. Pemerintah memberikan dukungan dan fasilitas bagi pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Desa Wates Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk terus mengembangkan usahanya. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dinilai tepat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam memperluas produk. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini untuk memperluas pemasaran produk dan membuat kemasan yang menarik. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan tentang pengemasan produk dan pemasaran digital. Pemasaran menjadi ujung tombak dalam suatu usaha, sehingga perlu ditingkatkan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi atau marketplace yang sudah ada. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu para pelaku UMKM lebih memahami bagaimana cara mengaplikasikan kemasan yang menarik dan menggunakan media sosial dalam mendukung pemasaran secara online