84 research outputs found

    Special Considerations in Estate Planning for Same-Sex and Unmarried Couples

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    Sub-Nyquist sampling makes use of sparsities in analog signals to sample them at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate. The reduction in sampling rate, however, comes at the cost of additional digital signal processing (DSP) which is required to reconstruct the uniformly sampled sequence at the output of the sub-Nyquist sampling analog-to-digital converter. At present, this additional processing is computationally intensive and time consuming and offsets the gains obtained from the reduced sampling rate. This paper focuses on sparse multi-band signals where the user band locations can change from time to time and the reconstructor requires real-time redesign. We propose a technique that can reduce the computational complexity of the reconstructor. At the same time, the proposed scheme simplifies the online reconfigurability of the reconstructor

    Mechanikal Applications of the Harmless Error Rule in Cases of Prosecutorial Grand Jury Misconduct

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    Even though time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) help to achieve higher bandwidth with simpler individual ADCs, gain, offset, and time-skew mismatch between the channels degrade the achievable resolution. Of particular interest is the time-skew error between channels which results in nonuniform samples and thereby introducing distortion tones at the output of the time-interleaved ADC. Time-varying digital reconstructors can be used to correct the time-skew errors between the channels in a time-interleaved ADC. However, the complexity of such reconstructors increases as their bandwidth approaches the Nyquist band. In addition to this, the reconstructor needs to be redesigned online every time the time-skew error varies. Design methods that result in minimum reconstructor order require expensive online redesign while those methods that simplify online redesign result in higher reconstructor complexity. This paper proposes a technique that can be used to simplify the online redesign and achieve a low complexity reconstructor at the same time

    Exploring the Biochemical Foundations of a Successful GLUT1-Targeting Strategy to BNCT: Chemical Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of the Entire Positional Isomer Library of ortho-Carboranylmethyl-Bearing Glucoconjugates

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    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a noninvasive binary therapeutic modality applicable to the treatment of cancers. While BNCT offers a tumor-targeting selectivity that is difficult to match by other means, the last obstacles preventing the full harness of this potential come in the form of the suboptimal boron delivery strategies presently used in the clinics. To address these challenges, we have developed delivery agents that target the glucose transporter GLUT1. Here, we present the chemical synthesis of a number of ortho-carboranylmethyl-substituted glucoconjugates and the biological assessment of all positional isomers. Altogether, the study provides protocols for the synthesis and structural characterization of such glucoconjugates and insights into their essential properties, for example, cytotoxicity, GLUT1-affinity, metabolism, and boron delivery capacity. In addition to solidifying the biochemical foundations of a successful GLUT1-targeting approach to BNCT, we identify the most promising modification sites in d-glucose, which are critical in order to further develop this strategy toward clinical use.Peer reviewe

    Neuronavigated Versus Non-navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Chronic Tinnitus: A Randomized Study

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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has shown variable effect on tinnitus. A prospective, randomized 6-month follow-up study on parallel groups was conducted to compare the effects of neuronavigated rTMS to non-navigated rTMS in chronic tinnitus. Forty patients (20 men, 20 women), mean age of 52.9 years (standard deviation [SD] = 11.7), with a mean tinnitus duration of 5.8 years (SD = 3.2) and a mean tinnitus intensity of 62.2/100 (SD = 12.8) on Visual Analog Scale (VAS 0–100) participated. Patients received 10 sessions of 1-Hz rTMS to the left temporal area overlying auditory cortex with or without neuronavigation. The main outcome measures were VAS scores for tinnitus intensity, annoyance, and distress, and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) immediately and at 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment. The mean tinnitus intensity (hierarchical linear mixed model: F3 = 7.34, p = .0006), annoyance (F3 = 4.45, p = .0093), distress (F3 = 5.04, p = .0051), and THI scores (F4 = 17.30, p F3 = 2.96, p = .0451) favoring the non-navigated rTMS. Reduction in THI scores persisted for up to 6 months in both groups. Cohen’s d for tinnitus intensity ranged between 0.33 and 0.47 in navigated rTMS and between 0.55 and 1.07 in non-navigated rTMS. The responder rates for VAS or THI ranged between 35% and 85% with no differences between groups (p = .054–1.0). In conclusion, rTMS was effective for chronic tinnitus, but the method of coil localization was not a critical factor for the treatment outcome.</p
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