371 research outputs found

    Diversified Usages of Big Data : Scope and Challenges

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    During the last few decades, novel trends in terms of advancement in computational power, increase in storage capacity, growing usage of Web and mass availability of smart devices are leading towards the collection and storage of enormous amount of Data. Big Data Analytics are applied to derive gainful insights and knowledge from this data. The present paper aims to characterize Big Data and then delves in various application domains where Big Data techniques can potentially be applied. The researchers in computer science and allied areas have several research challenges. To address these challenges, new tools and techniques need to be developed and leveraged to solve problems for people, industry and the world at large. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150517

    Consumer Adoption Challenges To The Smart Grid

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    The smart grid represents the next significant evolution of the power infrastructure with many enhancements and challenges. This paper provides a qualitative review of the key consumer adoption challenges of the smart grid. This literature review takes disparate pieces of work and identifies strategic research focal areas. Through existing research and media documents, it identifies the primary consumer adoption challenges as privacy, Radio Frequency (RF) safety, and power rate increases. It also provides a review of each adoption challenge. The review is applied to the Canadian perspective drawing from smart grid experiences across North America. The review demonstrates that each of the challenge areas has a negative impact on the adoption and support of the smart grid.This paper recommends further in-depth research be conducted in the following areas: testing each of the consumer adoption challengesprivacy, RF Safety, and rate increasesseparately with quantitative measures; testing the willingness to accept a power infrastructure with the security and stability level of a bank; and testing the impact that proactively educating the public would have on the smart grid adoption

    Successful management of ruptured ovarian ectopic pregnancy: a case report

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    Ovarian pregnancy is one of the rarest sites of non-tubal ectopic pregnancy. It has a prevalence of 0.5-3.5% in all ectopic pregnancies. It usually presents with rupture in the first trimester, a potential life-threatening condition. A preoperative diagnosis is difficult to make. Majority of the cases are diagnosed intraoperatively followed by confirmation on histopathology. We presented a case of 32-year-old woman with previous two normal deliveries at 7 weeks gestation who presented with abdominal pain and spotting. She was diagnosed with ruptured ovarian ectopic pregnancy on laparotomy and salpingo-oophorectomy was done. Later, ovarian pregnancy was confirmed on histopathology. The incidence of ovarian ectopic pregnancy is increasing and it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in women of childbearing age coming to emergency department with abdominal pain. It is important to keep a high index of suspicion for its diagnosis. High resolution transvaginal ultrasonography can help in earlier detection and preventing some of its complications like rupture, shock and maternal mortality

    Destinação de verba para publicidade on-line considerando múltiplos atributos sob incerteza de preferências

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    Introduction: The present research was conducted at the University of Delhi in 2017. Method: Websites were ranked on the basis of feedback from unbiased experts. Later, we proposed an integrated approach by combining ordered weighted averaging (owa) operator with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fahp) for budget allocation. Results: A numerical example related to a company, which deals with consumer goods and wants to advertise on few e-commerce websites is discussed at the end of the paper. Budget distribution is decided by solving multi-objective maximum-dispersion-minimum-variance (mdmv) owa and fahp method. Conclusions: The proposed methodology aids managerial decisions made by handling multiple attributes simultaneously through industry experts’ opinion, and using a simple proportional rule for allocating budget. Originality:  The conventional methods based on reach maximization, exposure or profit cannot meet the budget allocation needs of the modern advertising planning. Firstly, they do not take into consideration multiple attributes of media. Secondly, they do not incorporate the expert opinion and their preferences. To address these problems, we propose a multi-attribute method based on the advertising budget allocation method to divide the budget into individual websites. The attributes under consideration are: system quality, content quality, usage, trust, customer support, online customer feedback, and personalization. Limitations: In this study, we used a mdmv-owa operator in fuzzy environment but in future occasions, it may be extended to intuitionistic fuzzy domain. Introducción: la presente investigación se realizó en la Universidad de Delhi, India, en 2017. Método: se clasifican los sitios web según la retroalimentación de expertos imparciales. Más adelante, proponemos un enfoque integrado que combina el operador de promediado ponderado ordenado (owa) con el proceso de jerarquía analítica difusa (fahp) para la asignación presupuestaria. Resultados: al final se analiza un ejemplo numérico relacionado con una empresa que se dedica a bienes de consumo y quiere publicitar en sitios web de comercio electrónico. Se decide cómo distribuir el presupuesto utilizando el método combinado de máxima dispersión y mínima varianza (mdmv), owa y fahp. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta ayuda a tomar decisiones gerenciales al manejar múltiples atributos simultáneamente a partir de la opinión de expertos de la industria, y emplear una regla proporcional simple para asignar el presupuesto. Originalidad: los métodos convencionales basados en la maximización del alcance, la exposición o los beneficios no cumplen con las necesidades de asignación de presupuesto de la planificación publicitaria moderna. En primer lugar, no toman xen consideración los múltiples atributos de los medios. En segundo lugar, no incorporan la opinión de los expertos y sus preferencias. Para abordar estos problemas, proponemos un método de múltiple atributo basado en el método de asignación de presupuesto publicitario para dividir el presupuesto en sitios web individuales. Los atributos que se tienen en cuenta son: calidad del sistema, calidad del contenido, uso, confianza, atención al cliente, comentarios de los clientes en línea y personalización. Limitaciones: en este estudio utilizamos un operador mdmv-owa en un entorno difuso, pero en ocasiones futuras se puede extender al dominio difuso intuicionista.Introdução: a presente pesquisa foi realizada na Universidade de Deli, na Índia, em 2017.Método: as páginas web são classificadas conforme o feedback de especialistas imparciais. Depois, propomos um enfoque integrado, que combina o operador de média ponderada ordenada (owa) com o processo analítico hierárquico difuso (fahp) para a destinação de verba.Resultados: finalmente, um exemplo numérico relacionado com uma empresa que se dedica a bens de consumo e quer fazer publicidade em páginas web de comércio eletrônico é analisado. Utiliza-se o método combinado mdmv (maximum-dispersion-minimum-variance, na sigla em inglês), owa e fahp para decidir como distribuir a verba.Conclusões: a metodologia proposta ajuda a tomar decisões gerenciais ao manejar múltiplos atributos, simultaneamente, a partir da opinião de especialistas da indústria, e empregar uma regra proporcional simples para destinação de verba.Originalidade: os métodos convencionais, baseados na maximização do alcance, na exposição ou nos benefícios, não cumprem com as necessidades de destinação de verba do planejamento publicitário moderno. Em primeiro lugar, não consideram os múltiplos atributos dos meios. Em segundo lugar, não incorporam a opinião dos especialistas e as suas preferências. Para abordar esses problemas, propomos um método de múltiplos atributos, baseado no método de destinação de verba publicitário, para dividir as verbas em páginas web individuais. Os atributos que são levados em conta são: qualidade do sistema, qualidade do conteúdo, uso, confiança, atenção ao cliente, comentários dos clientes na rede e personalização.Limitações: neste estudo, foi utilizado um operador mdmv-owa em um entorno difuso, mas em ocasiões futuras é possível expandir ao domínio difuso intuicionista


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    Mughal India and Ming China, two of the greatest empires in medieval Asia, were successful in influencing the cultures of their respective territories and beyond. Although the two empires differed on many grounds like art, society, environment etc., there are nonetheless striking similarities between the two. These similarities are often overshadowed and neglected because of the differences. One such similarity is the clearly defined social hierarchy in the society, articulated explicitly in the functioning of the court, of both these empires. An individual’s attire in Ming China clearly reflected his/her position in the courtly hierarchy. Building on this, we tried to look at the role played by attire in establishing social rank in an equally powerful and hierarchical empire of the Mughals in India. Utilizing both primary as well as secondary sources for the purpose of this study, we have tried to bring out parallels in both the empires on practices related to attire or material possessions that led to the nurturing or establishment of social hierarchy. We could observe that, although attire facilitated the establishment of hierarchy in both the empires, the degree to which it affected the court varied. Our primary sources include contemporary political texts of the period such as “Ain-i-Akbari” and “Da Ming Hui Dian” along with the study of Mughal miniature paintings and classical portraits belonging to the Ming era.  During the course of research, we also realized, little work has been done on the relation between attire and social hierarchy, especially in the context of these two empires. Existing scholarship on the subject is mostly by historians of art or fashion specifically. Thus, we believe our work will add to the emerging research on the topic, and takes into view a new perspective to clothing, which is not limited to certain streams of history

    Unseen, unheard, unnamed: The matchless and unsung heroes of the textile art and craft of Rajasthan

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    Rajasthan is known for its exquisite handicrafts, especially the textiles. In spite of having the most vibrant and glorious traditions, this sector has been grossly unorganized due to the poor socio-economic status of the artisans. The educational background of the artisans also is not satisfactory; hence, they lack public relations skills. They are totally dependent on big traders and middlemen for marketing purposes. Moreover, in this era of labels and designers, the artisans, however skilled or endowed they may be, have to work under some renowned brand or name to have a regular livelihood. However, not all artisans are lucky to be in the right place at the right time. These artisans work according to the design directions given to them including the decision of fabric, the formation/placement of motifs, color palette, the overall design or look of the fabric or the garment in accordance with the latest trends, styling, and forecast. They lack experience with the latest technology, and its advancement, too, due to the lack of economic and financial stability. As a result, in spite of their hard work, they find themselves in a difficult position in the present competitive environment. These artisans, therefore, remain largely unheard and unseen. They work in the background, and most of the time the limelight is on the professional “designers.” The present paper discusses some popular and exquisite traditional handicraft and textile art of Rajasthan such as gotta patti, lehriya, block printing, blue pottery, etc

    Various Challenges and Security Threats in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is an assimilation and on demand delivery of various information technology resources and services. The process is built to initiate real-time actions and responses for the enormous multi-dimensional data generated by websites, devices, applications and other sources. The cloud computing provides cost saving, flexibility, mobility to the clients along with disaster recovery and loss prevention providing sustainability and competitive edge without letting them to shell out for the requisite infrastructure, installation and manpower to achieve and maintain such hi-tech infrastructure. Maximizing the quality and quantity of service and resources besides limiting the infrastructural cost are important necessities for this technology. Cloud computing has transformed the way many organizations use and share data and applications over Internet by efficient distribution and utilization of their resources and services. With so much data going into the cloud, particularly into public cloud services, these resources have become susceptible to various security threats and challenges. In this paper we have discussed some of the critical security concerns that prevent the adoptability of cloud computing

    Estimating Prevalence of Sexual Abuse by an Acquaintance with an Optional Unrelated Question RRT Model

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    The main focus of this paper is on validating an Optional Unrelated Question RRT Model using real survey data. The model to be used in this study is designed to simultaneously estimate the mean of a sensitive variable and the sensitivity level of the underlying sensitive question without using the traditional split sample approach. The data were collected via a survey conducted by the authors on a sample of undergraduate female students in the age group of 17-21 years at a college of University of Delhi, India, in January 2015. The binary research question of interest was "Have you ever been a victim of sexual abuse by friend or family member?" and the quantitative research question was "How many days in a typical month do you watch pornographic clips/videos/movies on movie channels, WhatsApp, YouTube, Internet etc.?

    Association of mood disorder and modifiable life-style risk factors in medical students: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Bipolar disorder is one of the common chronic serious mental illness affecting 7 billion people in the world associated with significant morbidity which goes unrecognized. After extensive literature search, it was found that there is paucity of studies from the Indian setting that have addressed the issue of bipolar disorder.Methods: The present study was carried out to screen for bipolar disorder among medical undergraduate students and its correlates.  Due to non-availability of many studies from India, the proportion of 50% was taken as prevalence to calculate the sample size. With 95% confidence interval and 8% absolute error, a sample size of 126 was calculated using Epi Info. Study tools used were a semi structured questionnaire on socio-demographic profile of participants, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) and Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ). MDQ is a self-reporting screening instrument for bipolar disorder having a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.83. Data was analyzed using chi-square test with p value <0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: The study included 87.3% males and 12.7% females with mean age 21.26±1.23 years. Out of 126 participants, 17 (13.5%) were screened positive for bipolar disorder. Factors found to have statistically significant association with bipolar disorder were number of siblings, type of family, migration status of family, living in hostel, body mass index and physical activity of the participant.  Conclusions: The results suggest that medical students constitute a vulnerable group and there are certain risk factors other than academic stressors which predispose a medical student to mental illness