256 research outputs found

    Variability of speech behavior of a teacher as an indicator of its professional mobility

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    The statement that variability of speech behavior of the teacher is an indicator of its professional mobility is being justified. Attention is paid to the lack of necessary training of future experts in the field of modern education in the development of ability to operate the speech behavior and to trace flexibility of communicative behavior. The question of the evelopment of pedagogical maintenance of students during training in variable speech behavior in future professional activity is raisedОбосновывается утверждение о том, что вариативность речевого поведения педагога является показателем его профессиональной мобильности. Обращается внимание на отсутствие необходимой подготовки будущих специалистов в области современного образования в развитии умения управлять своим речевым поведением и отслеживать гибкость коммуникативного поведения. Ставится вопрос о разработке педагогического сопровожденияпроцесса обучения студентов вариативному речевому поведению в будущей профессиональной деятельност

    Parts of Speech at Lessons of Russian as Foreign Language

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    Attention is drawn to the need to develop a set of exercises on Russian as a foreign language for foreign students studying at Russian universities in the absence of the preparatory faculty. It is proposed to organize the workon the development of the idea of word as a morphological unit in several stages: the formation of ideas about facts in the basis of dividing words into certain classes; the formation of ideas about the division of words into content and auxiliary; the formation of ideas about the morphological features of parts of speech; the formation of ideas about the lexical-grammatical word classes; the formation of ideas about the paradigm.Обращается внимание на необходимость разработки комплекса упражнений по русскому языку как неродному для студентов-инофонов, обучающихся в российских вузах в условиях отсутствия подготовительного факультета. Предлагается организовать работу по развитию представления о слове как единице морфологического класса в несколько этапов: формирование представления о том, что лежит в основе деления слов на определенные классы; формирование представления о делении слов на знаменательные и служебные; формирование представления о морфологических признаках частей речи; формирование представления о лексико-грамматических разрядах слов; формирование представления о парадигме

    The Reproductive Cycle of Holothuria Cucumaria frondosa of the Barents Sea

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    The study considers the morphological features of the gonad structure and the seasonal changes in the reproductive activity of the gonads of holothuria Cucumaria frondosa of the Barents Sea. The sex of individuals can be identified using morphometric analysis with the average mass of gonads of 1.63 g, with the average mass of the skin-muscle sac of 53.00 g and the length of 80.00-83.00 mm whereas the diameter of the genital tubes is not less than 0.50 mm. The spawning of cucumaria, producing plankton progeny, occurs from March to May, but the spawning period can be shifted, since the beginning of the spawning period is associated with the seasonal increase of the surface water temperature and the intensive phytoplankton blooming. The character of spawning is intermittent. Individual fertility is low, in individuals with the average mass of SMS 150.00-200.00 g ranged from 9 to 32 thousand cells

    Names of Diseases and Painful Conditions in Publication of V. M. Florinsky “Russian Common Folk Herbalists and Healers”: Composition, Word-Formation Models

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    The book “Russian common folk herbalists and healers: a collection of medical manuscripts of the 16th and 17th centuries”, published by Professor V. M. Florinsky (Kazan, 1879) is analyzed. The importance of the study of written monuments of medical content for studying the history of the formation of Russian medical terminology is emphasized. The importance of studying the “Herbalist” and the “Book called cool garden” included in the collection of Florinsky is substantiated. The uniqueness of the language situation in which the named monuments were created is noted - the end of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII centuries. The objectives of the study are listed. They include identifying the names of diseases and disease states. Word-formation models characteristic of these items are described. Nominative phrases are considered, which play the role of preterm in the professional speech of physicians. It is concluded that the processes of term formation in the Russian medical field, as well as descriptions of painful conditions, were carried out at first using the resources of the mother tongue, which coincided with the idea of the national language norm. Attention is drawn to the fact that the combination of Russianisms, Slavisms and borrowed words in the sources studied can serve as confirmation of the hypothesis about the formation of a new book type of language in which the stylistic neutralization of the genetic differences of lexemes begins

    Assessment of quartz materials crystallinity by x-ray diffraction

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    The estimated degree of crystallinity of natural and synthetic grown quartz and quartzite by calculating the x-ray diffraction patterns. It is shown that the index of crystallinity of natural quartzite varies widely, reflecting the different degree of their transformation. The highest values of the index of crystallinity are characterized natural and synthetic single crystals of quartz

    Video compression dataset and benchmark of learning-based video-quality metrics

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    Video-quality measurement is a critical task in video processing. Nowadays, many implementations of new encoding standards - such as AV1, VVC, and LCEVC - use deep-learning-based decoding algorithms with perceptual metrics that serve as optimization objectives. But investigations of the performance of modern video- and image-quality metrics commonly employ videos compressed using older standards, such as AVC. In this paper, we present a new benchmark for video-quality metrics that evaluates video compression. It is based on a new dataset consisting of about 2,500 streams encoded using different standards, including AVC, HEVC, AV1, VP9, and VVC. Subjective scores were collected using crowdsourced pairwise comparisons. The list of evaluated metrics includes recent ones based on machine learning and neural networks. The results demonstrate that new no-reference metrics exhibit a high correlation with subjective quality and approach the capability of top full-reference metrics.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, 1 supplementary materia

    Perspectivas para o desenvolvimento da lei nas condições da economia digital

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    The authors consider the problems of forming the digital economy from the position of law in the article. They analyze the main trends in the development of individual branches of law. They identify the problems arising in the process of legal regulation of digital policy and the economy of modern states.Los autores consideran los problemas de formar la economía digital desde la posición de la ley en el artículo. Analizan las principales tendencias en el desarrollo de ramas individuales de la ley. Identifican los problemas que surgen en el proceso de regulación legal de la política digital y la economía de los estados modernos.Os autores consideram os problemas de formar a economia digital a partir da posição de lei no artigo. Eles analisam as principais tendências no desenvolvimento de ramos individuais da lei. Eles identificam os problemas que surgem no processo de regulação legal da política digital e da economia dos estados modernos