96 research outputs found


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    It is known that oxide minerals of useful components are presented by complex oxidized forms and are not practically floatable. The paper gives the opportunity for complex oxide lead-zinc ore to be prepared effectively to flotation beneficiation based on pyrosulphidization of oxide minerals while roasting. The process of roasting is held in the atmosphere of overheated steam using sub-quality pyrite concentrates as sulphidizer. Using such pyrite concentrates make it possible to solve the problem of utilization and treatment of pyrite concentrates

    Extralinguistic Conditions of Language Variability in National Languages

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    The article is aimed at studying the concept of the existence of socially motivated language variants.  They are explained by sociolinguistic differentiation and specific use of language in different situations of communication. The dialectical connection of the objective world, the society and a language gives the latter a special dynamic character. It is manifested in active language processes at all linguistic levels and in language usual innovations. Sociolinguistic variants do not only show different images of the world, but also reflect the changes of the world depending on the culture, which, in turn, is reflected in the specifics of linguistic phenomena. Language norms, in this case, correlate not only with communicative attitudes, but also with the cultural ones. In the context of linguistic variability, the speakers of codified standard language, who can switch from one sociocultural language to another one, in the official or informal communication can choose and use various sociolinguistic language variants in their everyday life. It explains the novelty of the research, which is closely related to the typological study of the paradigm of national language situations, determined by the presence of various social strata and groups in the United States, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Russia and other countries. The authors view the language situation as a socially-motivated model of speech behavior of a native speaker in the social language space

    The amplification technology of value-semantic sphere of the individual student

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    Актуальность заявленной в статье проблемы обусловлена тем, что технологии амплификации ценностно-смысловой сферы личности студента являются одним из существенных компонентов системы обеспечения качества современного образования. Цель статьи заключается в представлении результатов разработки инновационной системы формирования и обогащения ценностного потенциала личности в современных образовательных условиях, а также проектирования инновационной технологии амплификации ценностно-смысловой сферы личности студентаThe relevance of the presented problems due to the fact that technology is the amplification of value-semantic sphere of the individual student are one of the essential components of the quality assurance system of modern education. The goal of the article lies in development of innovative systems for the formation and enrichment of axiological potential of the personality in modern educational environments, as well as in the design of innovative technologies of amplification of value-semantic sphere of the individual studen

    Bone remodeling markers after experimental augmentation of trabecular bone defects with resorbable and non-resorbable osteoplastic materials in rabbits

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    To study the effect of bone defect augmentation on the dynamics of bone remodeling markers. Material and methods The effect of resorbable xenoplastic material (RXM), synthetic beta-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP), porous titanium implant (PTI) and nanostructured carbon implant (NCI) on the markers of bone remodeling (osteocalcin, OC; bone alkaline phosphatase, BALP; C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, CTX-1) and inflammation marker (C-reactive protein, CRP) was investigated using bone defect model in rabbits. 24 animals were divided into 4 groups (n = 6 in each group) according to the type of osteoplastic material. Control group (n = 6) was without augmentation. An impression fracture of the proximal tibia was modeled. Blood samples were taken on days 1, 3, 7, 14, 45, 90, 180 after surgery. Results CTX-1was not detected in the control, b-TCP, PTI, and RXM groups after 90 days, but in the NCI group CTX-1 remained elevated until the end of the study. OC in the control, b-TCP, PTI groups reached a maximum at 14-45 days. No significant increase in OC was found in the NCI group. The BALP in the control group peaked at 90 days. In the b-TCP and PTI groups the concentration of BALP increased more rapidly. The dynamics of CRP in the RXM, b-TCP and PTI groups was similar to the dynamics in the control group, in the NCI group an increased level of CRP remained until the end of the study. Conclusion When a bone defect was augmented with both resorbable b-TCP and nonresorbable PTI, high osteogenesis activity and low osteoresorption activity were detected. The use of xenoplastic material did not reveal any advantages in comparison with surgery performed without augmentation. An increase in osteoresorption and a low level of osteogenesis were found by using NCI. © Yildiz K., Yildiz V., 2020

    Organization of professional mobile practice for students - Future social educators

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the increasing social tension in society and the state, associated with the active manifestation of anti-social phenomena and the need for prompt resolution of these problems through the involvement of professional mobile social educators. The purpose of the article is to develop a new concept in the organization and carrying out practices that promote the professional development of a new generation of social educators with such developed personal and professional qualities as professional mobility. The leading study method of this problem is the system that allows to integrate the scientific, theoretical and practical components of the implementation process of this new concept. The article describes the concept of the organization and conducting professional mobile practice, which is also graphically depicted as the structural-functional model of the development of professional mobility in the future social educators, consisting of interconnected target, informative, technological, control and evaluation components. Article can be useful for organizers of practical training of professional educational institutions. © 2016 Iskhakov et al

    Вариантность фразеологизмов, воплощающих концепт «порицание», в национальных лингвокультурах

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    The study presents a conceptual analysis of the phraseological variation that arose as a result of reflecting the mental activity of people and the world language picture. It is vividly expressed in the phraseology of the language, which determines the state of the language and the conditions for its variability, which depend on the worldview and the cultural values of the speakers of national languages. The cognitive-linguistic study of phraseological corpus allows studying the variability of the French verbal phraseological units which represents the concept of blame as the component of the ethnic worldview. The concept of blame is a certain type of phraseological concept. It consists of verbal phraseological units of the French language. The verbal phraseological units which are the representatives of the given concept are included in the category of concept scenarios, as they objectify the semes of action, motion, and process. The aim of the study is via the example of the French verbal phraseological units-representatives of the concept of blame to demonstrate the ability of lexical and grammatical variation within a single language system, while maintaining the identity of their phraseological variants, and to prove the dynamics of the units at lexical and phraseological levels in synchronous level. This proves the novelty of the research, which results in the possibility of the existence of various phraseological features of the studied concept. They are a unified image, the same source of origin, a general denotative meaning, a partial or a complete coincidence of the structural meanings of the verbal lexical units when their grammatical structure does not coincide and vice versa. The variants of verbal phraseological units representatives of the concept of blame are being revealed. They are structured-grammatical, lexical-stylistic, lexical, and quantitative variants.    El estudio presenta un análisis conceptual de la variación fraseológica que surgió como resultado de reflejar la actividad mental de las personas y la imagen del lenguaje mundial. Se expresa vívidamente en la fraseología del idioma, que determina el estado del idioma y las condiciones para su variabilidad, que dependen de la cosmovisión y los valores culturales de los hablantes de los idiomas nacionales. El estudio cognitivo-lingüístico del corpus fraseológico permite estudiar la variabilidad de las unidades fraseológicas verbales francesas que representan el concepto de culpa como el componente de la cosmovisión étnica. El concepto de culpa es un cierto tipo de concepto fraseológico. Consiste en unidades fraseológicas verbales de la lengua francesa. Las unidades de fraseología verbal que son los representantes del concepto dado se incluyen en la categoría de escenarios conceptuales, ya que objetivan los semes de acción, movimiento y proceso. El objetivo del estudio es a través del ejemplo de las unidades fraseológicas verbales francesas-representantes del concepto de culpa para demostrar la capacidad de variación léxica y gramatical dentro de un sistema de lenguaje único, mientras se mantiene la identidad de sus variantes fraseológicas, y para demostrar la dinámica de las unidades a nivel léxico y fraseológico en nivel sincrónico. Esto demuestra la novedad de la investigación, que da como resultado la posibilidad de la existencia de varias características fraseológicas del concepto estudiado. Son una imagen unificada, la misma fuente de origen, un significado denotativo general, una coincidencia parcial o completa de los significados estructurales de las unidades léxicas verbales cuando su estructura gramatical no coincide y viceversa. Se están revelando las variantes de las unidades de fraseología verbal representativas del concepto de culpa. Son variantes estructuradas-gramaticales, léxico-estilísticas, léxicas y cuantitativas.В статье проводится концептуальный анализ фразеологической вариантности, возникшей как результат отражения ментальной деятельности людей и языковой картины мира. Ярко и экспрессивно она репрезентирована во фразеологическом языковом фонде, который определяет и состояние языка, и условия его варьирования в зависимости от мировосприятия и культурных ценностей носителей национальных языков. Когнитивно-лингвистическое исследование фразеологических корпусов позволяет изучить вариантность французских глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание» как одной из составляющей этнической картины мира. Вербализуемый глагольными фразеологизмами французского языка концепт «порицание» рассматривается как особый тип фразеологических концептов. Глагольные фразеологизмы-репрезентанты рассматриваемого концепта вписываются в разряд концептов-сценариев, так как предполагают объективирование сем действия, движения, процесса. Цель предпринятого аналитического изучения заключается в том, чтобы на примере французских глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание» показать их способность к лексико-грамматическому варьированию в пределах одной системы при сохранении тождества фразеологических вариантов, подтвердить проявление динамики единиц лексического и фразеологического уровней в синхронии. Сказанное определяет новизну исследования, которая вытекает из возможности существования разных вариантных фразеологических признаков изучаемого концепта: единый образ, один и тот же источник происхождения, общее денотативное значение, частичное или полное совпадение категориальных значений глагольных лексических единиц при несовпадении их грамматической структуры и наоборот. Выявлены типы вариантов глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание»: структурно-грамматические, лексико-стилистические, лексические и квантитативные варианты. Предназначается для широкого круга исследователей, интересующихся проблемами фразеологии, когнитивной семантики, лингвокультурологии

    Twenty-four-hour profile of peripheral and central blood pressure in young patients with high-normal blood pressure and hypertension

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    Aim. To evaluate indicators of daily monitoring of peripheral and central blood pressure in young patients with high-normal blood pressure (HNBP) and essential hypertension (HTN).Material and methods. One hundred twelve patients with HNBP or untreated hypertension aged 25-44 years were included. General clinical investigations were performed. An office blood pressure (BP) were assessed using an automatic BP monitor OMRON M2 Basic. Twenty-four-hour ambulotary BP monitoring (ABPM) on the brachial artery and aorta was carried out for 24 hours using the BpLAB system (OOO Petr Telegin) with an integrated Vasotens system. Depending on BP, patients were divided into groups: with HNBP and hypertension. Statistical processing and comparative analysis of the obtained data were carried out.Results. HNBP group consisted of 47 patients, while the HTN group consisted of 65 patients. The mean age of patients was 34,7±3,2 years. The parameters of daytime and nighttime peripheral BP had significant differences between the HNBP and HTN groups. Aortic BP monitoring revealed following differences: in patients with HTN, central BP values during the day and at night reflected higher values compared to patients from the HNBP group. The number of dippers for peripheral systolic blood pressure (SBP) was more by a quarter (p=0,038) in the HNBP group than in the HTN group. There were no differences in the reduction of diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The reduction in aortic SBP between the groups of HNBP and HTN were comparable. Among hypertensive patients, DBP dippers on the aorta were 20% higher (p=0,04) than in the HNBP group. According to the augmentation and the amplification index reduced to heart rate, there were no significant differences between the groups.Conclusion. Intergroup and intragroup differences were revealed depending on the types of 24-hour profile depending on peripheral and central BP. Reference values and predictive value of central BP require further research


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    Aim. To evaluate prevalence of electrical instability of the heart in persons with stressogenic professions by a complex evaluation of the parameters of clinical and functional methods of investigation.Material and methods. Totally 154 men included with AH of I-II stages; first group consisted of 78 motormen and their assistants having stressogenic profession, second grup consisted of 76 persons with minimal psychoemotional tension. A clinical and functional investigation was performed.Results. In 1st group "possible existence" of delayed atrial and ventricular potentials was twice and three times (resp.) more prevalent comparing to the 2nd (with p=0,0001 and p=0,0002, resp.). A rigid circadian index in the 1st group was 1,7 times more prevalent (Х2=10,5; p<0,001). In those having AH with concomitant chronic gastritis and gastric or duodenal ulcer disease the circadian rigidity was 1,6 times more prevalent (x2 =5,9; p<0,05) in the 1st group. In first stage AH the shift of vagosympathetic balance to sympathic type is more common for the 1st group than for the 2nd.Conclusion. In young men with AH and occupational stress comparing to men with low — stress profession the signs of electrical instabilty are more common

    Recurrent left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma: a case report

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    Cardiac tumors are rare, and their diagnosis is a clinical problem associated with significant heterogeneity of pathology. The purpose of this publication is to report a rare known disease and analyze the problem for the purpose of medical education. In a case report, the following characteristic signs of a heart tumor were demonstrated: rapid progression of heart failure symptoms, systemic manifestations (anemia, severe weakness). The results of transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography made it possible to interpret the intracardiac mass as a tumor recurrence. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma. A specific of this case is the tumor recurrence 2 years after surgery


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    Aim. To compare effects of 12-month monotherapy with nebivolol, enalapril and indapamide on blood pressure (BP), left ventricular hypertrophy and quality of life in the locomotive engineers and their assistants with stress-associated hypertension at the work place (HTwp).Material and methods. 96 locomotive engineers (20- 53 y.o) and their assistants with HTwp were observed. The patients were randomized to receive nebivolol (1 group), enalapril (2 group) or indapamide (3 group). 24-hour BP monitoring, echocardiography and quality of life interview with SF–36 questionnaire were performed at the start and after 12 months of the treatment.Results. Long-term therapy lead to achievement of target BP level, improved quality of life and reduced in left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with HTwp. Nebivolol reduced systolic “BP load” more significantly than indapamide did, exerted favorable influence on circadian BP rhythm and reduced heart rate. Monotherapy with nebivolol showed benefits in effect on quality of life.Conclusion. Nebivolol has some advantages in comparison with indapamide and enalapril in antihypertensive therapy of patients with stress-associated HT