283 research outputs found

    ACL--Eliminating Parameter Aliasing with Dynamic Dispatch

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    In this article we present a method for eliminating reference parameter aliases. The goal is to allow procedure calls with parameters being aliases, and at the same time guarantees that procedure bodies are alias-free. The method is to automatically dispatch to the correct procedure body based on the particular alias combination among actual parameters. Automating finding the alias combination makes writing verifiable programs verification simpler since code to find the combination is not explicitly present in client programs. The number of necessary procedure bodies is usually small which makes th eapproach practical. Efficiency of the dispatch is estimated to be no worse than in other languages

    Implementation of Hyperconcept Structures «Spirituality» in Journalistic Discourse: Various Tactics of Valuable Identification

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    Modern polyphonic, multimodal media discourse today offers many different models of value identification. In the framework of the author’s tripartite typological model of the Russian print media on the level of content (elitist, high-quality, mass) we propose to consider the implementation of basic concepts of volumetric mental area of «spirituality» which recognizes researchers based searches of identity. Highlighting three areas in hyperconcave «spirituality» (nuclear, colagero and peripheral), the author will consider the nuclear objectification of the concept «spiritual» in the discourse of each type of media.Современный полифоничный, полимодальный, поляризованный дискурс СМИ сегодня предлагает множество различных моделей ценностной идентификации. В рамках авторской трехчастной типологической модели российских печатных СМИ по уровню контента (элитарные, качественные, массовые) мы предлагаем рассмотреть реализацию базовых концептов объемной ментальной области «духовность», признаваемой исследователями основой поисков идентичности. Выделяя три зоны в гиперконцепте «духовность» – ядерную, околоядерную и периферийную, – автор рассмотрит объективацию ядерного концепта «духовное» в дискурсе каждого типа СМИ.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта РНФ (проект № 16-18-02032)

    Study the awareness of students about the causes of loss of visual acuity

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    This article discusses issues related to the reasons for the decrease in visual acuity. A study of students' awareness on this issue.Measures of preventionВ статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с причинами снижения остроты зрения. Проведено исследование уровня информированности студентов по этой проблеме. Предложены меры профилактик

    Semântica da imagem artística da lua na poesia de K. Balmont

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    The article dwells upon the analysis of the image of the moon in K. Balmont’s works in poetic and functioning aspects. The work aims to reveal the features of the poetic embodiment and the symbolic content of the image of the moon in K. Balmont’s works. It considers the artistic and semantic realization of the image under study, describes the features of the objectification of its symbolic and associative attributes. Identification of the leading motives associated with the image of the moon, helps to establish its individual semantic scope K. Balmont’s individual style.In course of the study, the significance of the image of the moon in the poet’s artistic view of the world is being proved. The moon is found as one of the central system-forming elements of Balmont’s lyric poetry, filled with rich philosophical and symbolic content (the basic element of the cosmogonic worldbuilding, which expresses the involvement of the world in the supernal reality and correlates with the most important attributes of metaphysics (eternity, infinity, silence, universal beauty, etc.). K. Balmont’s texts are imbued with pantheistic motives of worshiping this astral image associated with the earthly and noumenal worlds. The image of heavenly body in K. Balmont's lyrics have an intrinsic duality, emphasizing the duality of the picture of the world he creates. With its deep mythopoetic meaning, the image of the moon in Balmont’s works is the result of artistic synthesis of various archaic representations refracted through the prism of the author's worldview, and plays a critical part in the philosophical and pantheistic concept of the world created by the poet. Research methods: contextual analysis of literary text, literary interpretation, continuou s sampling, descriptive analysis.El artículo se detiene en el análisis de la imagen de la luna en las obras de K. Balmont en aspectos poéticos y funcionales. El trabajo pretende revelar las características de la encarnación poética y el contenido simbólico de la imagen de la luna en las obras de K. Balmont. Considera la realización artística y semántica de la imagen en estudio, describe las características de la objetivación de sus atributos simbólicos y asociativos. La identificación de los principales motivos asociados con la imagen de la luna ayuda a establecer su alcance semántico individual, el estilo individual de K. Balmont.En el transcurso del estudio, se demuestra la importancia de la imagen de la luna en la visión artística del mundo del poeta. La luna se encuentra como uno de los elementos centrales que forman el sistema de la poesía lírica de Balmont, llena de rico contenido filosófico y simbólico (el elemento básico de la construcción cosmogónica del mundo, que expresa la participación del mundo en la realidad excelsa y se correlaciona con la mayoría atributos importantes de la metafísica (eternidad, infinito, silencio, belleza universal, etc.) Los textos de K. Balmont están imbuidos de motivos panteístas para adorar a esta imagen astral asociada con los mundos terrenal y nouménico. La imagen del cuerpo celestial en las letras de K. Balmont tienen una dualidad intrínseca, enfatizando la dualidad de la imagen del mundo que él crea. Con su profundo significado mitopoético, la imagen de la luna en las obras de Balmont es el resultado de la síntesis artística de varias representaciones arcaicas refractadas a través del prisma de la cosmovisión del autor. y juega un papel crítico en el concepto filosófico y panteísta del mundo creado por el poeta. Métodos de investigación: contextu al análisis del texto literario, interpretación literaria, muestreo continuo, análisis descriptivo.O artigo para na análise da imagem da lua nos trabalhos de K. Balmont em aspectos poéticos e funcionais. O trabalho tem como objetivo revelar as características da encarnação poética e do conteúdo simbólico da imagem da lua nas obras de K. Balmont. Considera a realização artística e semântica da imagem em estudo, descreve as características da objetivação de seus atributos simbólicos e associativos. A identificação dos principais motivos associados à imagem da Lua ajuda a estabelecer seu escopo semântico individual, o estilo individual de K. Balmont.Durante o curso do estudo, a importância da imagem da lua na visão artística do mundo do poeta é demonstrada. Lua é um dos elementos principais que formam o sistema da poesia lírica de Balmont, cheio de rica (o elemento básico filosófica e simbólica da construção cosmogonia do mundo, expressando a participação do mundo no conteúdo realidade sublime e correlaciona-se com os atributos mais importantes da metafísica (a eternidade, o infinito, silêncio, beleza universal, etc.) os textos de K. Balmont estão imbuídos de motivos panteístas a adoração está associada com a imagem astral terreno e mundos numênicas. a imagem o corpo celeste nas letras de K. Balmont ter uma dualidade intrínseca, enfatizando a dualidade da imagem do mundo que ele criou. com a sua profunda mythopoetical significado, a imagem da lua nas obras de Balmont é o resultado da síntese artística de várias representações arcaicas refratadas através do prisma da cosmovisão do autor e desempenha um papel crítico no conceito filosófico e panteísta do mundo criado pelo poeta. Métodos de pesquisa: contextu para a análise do texto literário, interpretação literária, amostragem contínua, análise descritiva


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    It is known that oxide minerals of useful components are presented by complex oxidized forms and are not practically floatable. The paper gives the opportunity for complex oxide lead-zinc ore to be prepared effectively to flotation beneficiation based on pyrosulphidization of oxide minerals while roasting. The process of roasting is held in the atmosphere of overheated steam using sub-quality pyrite concentrates as sulphidizer. Using such pyrite concentrates make it possible to solve the problem of utilization and treatment of pyrite concentrates

    Safety enhancement of oil trunk pipeline crossing active faults on Sakhalin Island

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    The article explores the issues concerning safety enhancement of pipeline active fault crossing on Sakhalin Island. Based on the complexity and analysis results, all the faults crossed by pipeline system are classified into five categories - from very simple faults to extremely complex ones. The pipeline fault crossing design is developed in accordance with the fault category. To enhance pipeline safety at fault crossing, a set of methods should be applied: use of pipes of different safety classes and special trench design in accordance with soil permeability characteristics

    Õpetaja roll keelekeskkonna kujundajana

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    The aim of the study is to identify methods of application of additive technologies based on powder metallurgy. The technologies of 3D printing based on metal powders with AM-machines (additive manufacturing) with nickel are discussed. The theoretical substantiation of the main perspective directions of using of artificial intelligence technologies in metallurgy has been maked. It is proposed to develop methods for standardization of raw materials for additive technologies in metals. The modern tendencies of the world economy development which indicate the transformation of the world nickel market under the influence of innovative technologies has been analyzed