39 research outputs found

    Coupled symplectic maps as models for subdiffusive processes in disordered Hamiltonian lattices

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    © 2015 IMACS We investigate dynamically and statistically diffusive motion in a chain of linearly coupled 2-dimensional symplectic McMillan maps and find evidence of subdiffusion in weakly and strongly chaotic regimes when all maps of the chain possess a saddle point at the origin and the central map is initially excited. In the case of weak coupling, there is either absence of diffusion or subdiffusion with q > 1-Gaussian probability distributions, characterizing weak chaos. However, for large enough coupling and already moderate number of maps, the system exhibits strongly chaotic (q≈1) subdiffusive behavior, reminiscent of the subdiffusive energy spreading observed in a disordered Klein–Gordon Hamiltonian. Our results provide evidence that coupled symplectic maps can exhibit physical properties similar to those of disordered Hamiltonian systems, even though the local dynamics in the two cases is significantly different

    Metastable and chimera-like states in the C.elegans brain network

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    We model the neuronal activity of the C.elegans network by coupling Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators through the adjacency matrix obtained from its corresponding brain connectivity. By means of numerical simulations, we produce the parameter spaces for quantities related to synchronization, metastability and chimera-like dynamics, identifying, thus, interesting complex patterns of collective behaviour

    Inference of financial networks using the normalised mutual information rate

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    In this paper we study data from financial markets using an information theory tool that we call the normalised Mutual Information Rate and show how to use it to infer the underlying network structure of interrelations in foreign currency exchange rates and stock indices of 14 countries world-wide and the European Union. We first present the mathematical method and discuss about its computational aspects, and then apply it to artificial data from chaotic dynamics and to correlated random variates. Next, we apply the method to infer the network structure of the financial data. Particularly, we study and reveal the interrelations among the various foreign currency exchange rates and stock indices in two separate networks for which we also perform an analysis to identify their structural properties. Our results show that both are small-world networks sharing similar properties but also having distinct differences in terms of assortativity. Finally, the consistent relationships depicted among the 15 economies are further supported by a discussion from the economics view point

    Maintaining extensivity in evolutionary multiplex networks

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    In this paper, we explore the role of network topology on maintaining the extensive property of entropy. We study analytically and numerically how the topology contributes to maintaining extensivity of entropy in multiplex networks, i.e. networks of subnetworks (layers), by means of the sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents, HKS, a quantity related to entropy. We show that extensivity relies not only on the interplay between the coupling strengths of the dynamics associated to the intra (short-range) and inter (long-range) interactions, but also on the sum of the intra-degrees of the nodes of the layers. For the analytically treated networks of size N, among several other results, we show that if the sum of the intra-degrees (and the sum of inter-degrees) scales as N?+1, ? > 0, extensivity can be maintained if the intra-coupling (and the inter-coupling) strength scales as N??, when evolution is driven by the maximisation of HKS. We then verify our analytical results by performing numerical simulations in multiplex networks formed by electrically and chemically coupled neurons

    Do brain networks evolve by maximizing their information flow capacity?

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    We propose a working hypothesis supported by numerical simulations that brain networks evolve based on the principle of the maximization of their internal information flow capacity. We find that synchronous behavior and capacity of information flow of the evolved networks reproduce well the same behaviors observed in the brain dynamical networks of Caenorhabditis elegans and humans, networks of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons with graphs given by these brain networks. We make a strong case to verify our hypothesis by showing that the neural networks with the closest graph distance to the brain networks of Caenorhabditis elegans and humans are the Hindmarsh-Rose neural networks evolved with coupling strengths that maximize information flow capacity. Surprisingly, we find that global neural synchronization levels decrease during brain evolution, reflecting on an underlying global no Hebbian-like evolution process, which is driven by no Hebbian-like learning behaviors for some of the clusters during evolution, and Hebbian-like learning rules for clusters where neurons increase their synchronization

    Chimera-like states in modular neural networks

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    Chimera states, namely the coexistence of coherent and incoherent behavior, were previously analyzed in complex networks. However, they have not been extensively studied in modular networks. Here, we consider a neural network inspired by the connectome of the C. elegans soil worm, organized into six interconnected communities, where neurons obey chaotic bursting dynamics. Neurons are assumed to be connected with electrical synapses within their communities and with chemical synapses across them. As our numerical simulations reveal, the coaction of these two types of coupling can shape the dynamics in such a way that chimera-like states can happen. They consist of a fraction of synchronized neurons which belong to the larger communities, and a fraction of desynchronized neurons which are part of smaller communities. In addition to the Kuramoto order parameter ?, we also employ other measures of coherence, such as the chimera-like ? and metastability ? indices, which quantify the degree of synchronization among communities and along time, respectively. We perform the same analysis for networks that share common features with the C. elegans neural network. Similar results suggest that under certain assumptions, chimera-like states are prominent phenomena in modular networks, and might provide insight for the behavior of more complex modular networks

    Noise induces continuous and noncontinuous transitions in neuronal interspike intervals range

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    Noise appears in the brain due to various sources, such as ionic channel fluctuations and synaptic events. They affect the activities of the brain and influence neuron action potentials. Stochastic differential equations have been used to model firing patterns of neurons subject to noise. In this work, we consider perturbing noise in the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (AEIF) neuron. The AEIF is a two- dimensional model that describes different neuronal firing patterns by varying its parameters. Noise is added in the equation related to the membrane potential. We show that a noise current can induce continuous and noncontinuous transitions in neuronal interspike intervals. Moreover, we show that the noncontinuous transition occurs mainly for parameters close to the border between tonic spiking and burst activities of the neuron without nois