758 research outputs found

    Assessment of the use of preliminary concepts test and rubrics in practical learning at university

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    Comunicació presentada al ICERI 2019 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 11-13 November, 2019).The high number of students and teachers in the laboratory practices of the course Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, shared by several engineering degrees at Universitat Jaume I, makes the teaching planning and evaluation challenging. Some issues were observed in past years, such as differences in the student knowledge of basic concepts, underpreparation before practical classes, poor quality of the written reports, absence of common objective assessment criteria among teachers and low success rate. That led us to the implementation of an action for educational improvement during the academic year 2018-2019. The aim was to improve the students' level of training before attending laboratory practices, to standardize the evaluation among teachers and to involve students in the process of assessment in order to improve learning outcomes and the quality of the reports delivered. The improvement action included, on one side, carrying out an initial evaluation with a diagnostic test. The results of this test were used to estimate the basic knowledge of the students and proposing specific tutorial sessions in order to unify their level of knowledge. This method should increase the students involvement and improve the success while performing the laboratory practices. On the other side, rubrics were created in order to standardize the correction criteria. These rubrics were also made public to the students, before the classes, in an attempt to improve the quality of their reports. In addition, for some of the reports the students were asked to self-assess their own reports following the public rubric. The results indicate that teachers found the rubrics useful for objective and fair evaluation. However, the standard deviation across teachers has not been apparently reduced with respect to the previous year by the use of them, although the differences in the student cohort have to be taken into account. The effect on grades of the factors teacher and session, as well as their interaction, was significant (p<.05) according to the ANOVA tests, as already was prior to the application of the action. It was also found that the student grades in the practical classes did not improved significantly. A low implication in the preparation before classes and a low tutorial attendance were observed in the collective of students, possible explaining in part the discrete improvements obtained. The self-assessment improved the grades on average where it was applied. We concluded that the involvement of both students and teachers is necessary to promote learning quality using these techniques

    Attitudes Towards the Development of Good Practices with Augmented Reality in Secondary Education Teachers in Spain

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    The attitude of the teaching staff is positioned as a fundamental aspect for the development of good training practices. These good practices are essential when applied within an innovative techno-pedagogical methodology: augmented reality in education. The objectives of this study are to analyze the development of good teaching practices with augmented reality and to discover the factors that influence their quality. A descriptive and correlational design has been carried out. A total of 1490 Spanish Secondary Education teachers have participated. The instrument used was the adaptation to the Spanish context of the questionnaire of the Attitude Scale of Augmented Reality Applications. The results reveal that teachers show a positive attitude towards the use of augmented reality. As for the aspects that influence the good attitude of teachers are age, the number of devices teachers use, the time they dedicate to technological resources and teaching experience. However, ICT training is what determines a direct influence on the attitude of teachers, as well as satisfaction with reliabilityUniversity of Granada/CBUAI + D + i Project OTRI-University of Granada with financing code number 4995EducaTech XXI Research Group (SEG-666) of the University of Granad

    Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science

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    This study has been funded by the I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society; code: CNT 4315.Since its inception in 1985, the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has been dedicated to the diffusion of studies on the integration of technology in higher education. Its track record in this field has placed it in the first quartile of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank. The objective of the study was to reveal to the scientific community the journey and evolution that this journal has had throughout its existence in Web of Science. A bibliometric methodology was used, supported by a scientific mapping from a unit of analysis of 798 documents. For this reason, a co-word analysis can be a fundamental tool for understanding the characteristics of their production and their impact on the scientific community. There is an evident progressive evolution of the studies published in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, with a first phase focused on the design and implementation of educational technology in learning environments, a second phase focused on the enrichment of technology and its acceptance within the processes of teaching and learning, and finally a stage focused on student and teacher perceptions of the implementation of technology in the educational context.I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society CNT 431

    Predicting Collisions in Mobile Robot Navigation by Kalman Filter

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    The growing trend of the use of robots in many areas of daily life makes it necessary to search for approaches to improve efficiency in tasks performed by robots. For that reason, we show, in this chapter, the application of the Kalman filter applied to the navigation of mobile robots, specifically the Time-to-contact (TTC) problem. We present a summary of approaches that have been taken to address the TTC problem. We use a monocular vision-based approach to detect potential obstacles and follow them over time through their apparent size change. Our approach collects information about obstacle data and models the behavior while the robot is approaching the obstacle, in order to predict collisions. We highlight some characteristics of the Kalman filter applied to our problem. Finally, we show of our results applied to sequences composed of 210 frames in different real scenarios. The results show a fast convergence of the model to the data and good fit even with noisy measures

    A Reanalysis of the Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Recovered from Neandertal Bones

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    Recent reports analyzing mitochondrial DNA sequences from Neandertal bones have claimed that Neandertals and modern humans are different species. The phylogenetic analyses carried out in these articles did not take into account the high substitution rate variation among sites observed in the human mitochondrial D-loop region and also lack an estimation of the parameters of the nucleotide substitution model. The separate phylogenetic position of Neandertals is not supported when these factors are considered. Our analysis shows that Neandertal-Human and Human-Human pairwise distance distributions overlap more than what previous studies suggested. We also show that the most ancient Neandertal HVI region is the most divergent when compared with modern human sequences. However, the opposite would be expected if the sequence had not been modified since the death of the specimen. Such incongruence is discussed in the light of diagenetic modifications in ancient Neandertal DNA sequences.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica de España (DGICYT). BIO-1999- 065-C02-0

    Diseño de sistema de termografía para aplicaciones médicas

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    La temperatura es una de las magnitudes más importantes, ya que influye en muchos procesos relevantes que se llevan a cabo diariamente a lo largo del mundo. El estado de la atmósfera, el rendimiendo de procesos industriales, el diagnóstico de una enfermedad son algunos de los ejemplos para los cuales la temperatura juega un papel clave en esta era digital. Existen muchos dispositivos en el mercado que dan solución a la medición de la temperatura y es por ello que es importante tenerla siempre en cuenta. Este proyecto ha sido concebido para comprender y explorar por completo los procedimientos de cálculo de esta, desde su detención hasta la presentación de los datos. Se ha diseñado un instrumento de medición de temperatura aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del grado. Para dicho propósito, se ha planteado la construcción de un sensor de temperatura encargado de la toma de muestras, las cuales serán acondicionadas mediante una etapa amplificadora. A partir de ahí, una placa de desarrollo es la responsable de la adquisición de la señal, procesamiento y su posterior trasmisión inalámbrica. La visualización del valor final es llevada a cabo por una aplicación monitor alojada en un smartphone Android. Usando una resolución de 10bits, el termómetro que ha sido desarrollado obtiene valores de temperatura, los procesa y los transmite a través de un enlace inlámbrico de hasta 10 metros.Temperature is one of the most important measurands as it influences many relevant daily events that undergo around the world. The state of the atmosphere, the performance of an industrial process or a successfully diagnosed disease are some of the examples for which temperature plays a key role in this digital age. Many devices on the market already provide solutions to measure temperature whenever it is an essential value to keep under control. And yet, this project was conceived to understand and explore the whole calculation process, from the heat detection to the final data presentation. A temperature measurement device has been designed by applying the knowledge acquired throughout the degree. For this purpose, the design of a thermal sensor in charge of taking samples has been considered, which will be treated by an amplifier stage. Thereafter, a microcontroller development board is responsible for the signal acquisition and further processing and wireless transmission. The display of the final values is performed through a monitor application hosted on an Android smartphone. Using 10 bits of resolution, this thermometer has been developed to capture temperature signals, process and transmit them through a wireless link from up to 10 meters.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    La relación entre la estrategia empresarial y la estrategia retributiva y su efecto en los resultados de la empresa

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    Este trabajo analiza, sobre la base del marco teórico que proporciona el modelo contingente, si los resultados de la empresa están afectados por la existencia de adecuación o coherencia entre la orientación estratégica de la organización y el diseño de sus estrategias retributivas. Para ello, en primer lugar, se profundiza en el análisis de la estrategia retributiva, identificando las diferentes dimensiones o prácticas de retribución que tienen efecto en la competitividad de la empresa. La combinación de las diferentes prácticas retributivas da lugar a la identificación de diferentes modelos globales de compensación que responden a una línea de actuación coherente a la hora de recompensar a sus empleados. En segundo lugar, se revisa la literatura empírica que relaciona la retribución con los resultados organizacionales, haciendo especial hincapié en los trabajos que estudian los vínculos entre estrategia empresarial y estrategia retributiva y las implicaciones que tienen esas relaciones en los resultados de la organización. Se puede concluir que, de acuerdo con la teoría, se han encontrado claras evidencias de que los resultados de la empresa son una función positiva del grado de adecuación o coherencia entre estrategia empresarial y retributiva. Si bien, considerando, por una parte, que los hallazgos de estos estudios están sujetos a ciertas limitaciones metodológicas y, por otra, que los escasos trabajos que se han realizado en el ámbito español no han hallado una relación consistente entre estrategias retributivas y estrategias empresariales, en tercer lugar, se hace necesario plantear un modelo teórico a partir del cual se establecen varias hipótesis de investigación para su contrastación empírica en las empresas españolas

    "...Así que pasen (OTROS) cien años", vigencia y actualidad de la UVA de Hortaleza según acciones de Anne Lacaton

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    En el año 2001 el crítico de arte Nicolas Bourriaud irrumpe en el panorama de la crítica de arte con su libro "Postproducción", refiriéndose con este término al fenómeno que desde los años noventa ha ido generando el trabajo de diversos artistas. En una época en la que la oferta cultural se ha multiplicado inundando cada rincón del planeta, la pregunta que el artista se plantea no es tanto ¿qué puedo hacer de nuevo? como ¿qué puedo hacer con esto?, volcándose en realizar una obra siempre a partir de materiales preexistentes. Es decir, como si de una nueva versión del "Ready-Made" de Duchamp se tratara, seleccionan, combinan e incluso descontextualizan elementos heterogéneos ya dados creando un nuevo objeto con significado distinto al anterior. Esta estrategia contemporánea de "sampleo" está personificada por los DJ's, y lejos de sentirse abrumados por la cantidad de creaciones, el artista encuentra en esos materiales infinitas posibilidades de apropiación, combinación y remezcla. Esta misma actitud es la que persigue el estudio de arquitectura francés dirigido por Anne Lacaton y Jean Philip Vassal. Frente al panorama que proponen las autoridades francesas (una apuesta por la demolición de los edificios de la periferia construidos en los años 60 para levantar otros nuevos de dudosa calidad), abogan por la reutilización de lo que ellos consideran una buena materia prima. En edificios cuyas características no son aparentemente aceptables en la actualidad son capaces de encontrar ciertos valores como la red social existente entre sus usuarios y transformar el edificio con ciertas operaciones para potenciar su crecimiento. No se trata de transformar sino de ver con otros ojos. No es casualidad que sea el proyecto de F. Higueras, A. Miró, L. Espinosa, F. Cabrera, L. Crespi y A. Weber para la UVA de Hortaleza el edificio que Anne Lacaton escoge como objeto de trabajo durante su participación en el "workshop" del "Master in Collective Housing" realizado en Madrid en el año 2011. Este islote urbanístico situado en el Noreste de Madrid ha acogido desde 1963 a un total de 1104 familias, la mayoría procedentes de Jaén y Extremadura, que durante más de 50 años han ido tejiendo unas relaciones sociales ignoradas por la gestión madrileña. Este desdén desde la administración ha dado como resultado la actual propuesta de su demolición parcial. En este edificio, los corredores en altura llenos de flores recreaban las calles del sur peninsular y fueron el sustrato para el crecimiento de la red social existente. Esta actuación es reinterpretada por el grupo dirigido por la arquitecta francesa, potenciando el espacio interbloque como centro neurálgico del conjunto en el que continúan las relaciones entre sus habitantes. Tal vez en este momento en el que la construcción sin criterio ni mesura ha provocado la parálisis de la profesión, sea el momento de recuperar los valores que los pioneros de nuestra arquitectura nos brindaron y, mediante sencillas operaciones de apropiación y combinación, ser capaces de recrear de un modo contemporáneo esos interesantes ejemplos en los que se humaniza la arquitectura

    Análisis De La Satisfacción Del Profesorado De La Escuela Rural En La Provincia De Granada (España) RespectoASu Relación PersonalYProfesional Con La Comunidad Educativa

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    The importance recently acquired by satisfaction studies in educational institutions has caused scientific interest in the welfare of members of the educational community to increase significantly, given the relationship of this variable, not only to labor productivity, but to the quality of interpersonal relationships within our schools, which is especially necessary in those of rural type. In this regard, we present the following study, funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain with the reference AP2007 – 00294, and whose interest focused on knowing those aspects of social interactions with the rest of the members of the educational community of rural schools in the province of Granada more pleasing and displeasing to their teachers respectively. For this purpose, a descriptive and non-experimental research, focused on the implementation of the survey technique on a sample of 221 teachers in Grenadian rural public schools was designed. Thanks to this methodology, it has been found that rural teachers in Granada value far more the daily support and the friendship of the rest of their coworkers than the involvement of the families in the education of their children or the cooperation of the public administration with the problems of rural educational centers, a result already supported by other scientific research carried out on the subject in the same context

    The influence of the organizational capabilities on the export behavior of the firm

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    Este trabajo, con base en la teoría de los recursos y capacidades, analiza el comportamiento exportador de la empresa española. Con este fin, se estudian las capacidades de 1197 empresas exportadoras del sector manufacturero. Los resultados muestran que el control directivo de las operaciones de exportación, la actividad de I+D, la calidad del producto y la tecnología de fabricación son capacidades que influyen positivamente en la actividad exportadora de la empresa. El alto poder explicativo del modelo planteado nos lleva a concluir la gran importancia de las capacidades en el desempeño exportador de la empresa.This paper, based on the resources and capabilities theory, analyzes the export behavior of the Spanish firm. To this end, the capabilities of 1197 manufacturing exporters are studied. The results show that several capabilities -export operations management control, R+D activity, product quality and manufacturing technology- positively influence the export behavior of the firm. The high explanatory power of the raised model takes to us to conclude the great importance of the capabilities when determining the export performance of the firm